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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

3:30 am
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she, the prosecutor, needs to understand what this is, what kind of attacks, everything else, so that, at the level of the vice president, such a statement, this is a very important point, that is , it is necessary to excuse it, in any case, to excuse it ukraine, by any means. the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24, 1999 at 19:45 local time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century. what the west did was completely unacceptable; they directly started a war, essentially in the center of europe. these are the ones the very cores from united uranium that were dropped on yugoslavia during the bombing. yes, i saw everything with my own eyes. the city lives, at this moment, for this living city is a peacemaker.
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to bring russian digital solutions to a new height, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you have the incomparable originality of your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product.
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as for the americans themselves, you know, that's when you remembered mark milley, that's who i have ever been in units directly with the americans, i have seen how training is conducted with the personnel of the armed forces, this is how they are trained.
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this sits in every american soldier, we must remember this in the sense that now for them we are no longer even people, this is an enemy, an enemy that is necessary. not a moratorium, but a ban we have now, a moratorium is such a soft word, because according to the interpretation of the constitutional court, article 22 of the constitution, we , strictly speaking, cannot refuse this moratorium, as i understand it, because we have the corresponding article there presupposes
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the existence of jury trials, they should be throughout russia, this is a practice and the like, well , in other words, that we cannot return to the death penalty without completely changing the constitution. this surprises me a little, because it turns out that this is what they were talking about, and the advantages of international law, listen, we signed this, this is the sixth protocol of the european convention after ninety-seven, protocol number 6, the convention on human rights and the protection of freedoms , after joining the european council, we are for the european council has already left, we are no longer participating there, but we should participate. and by the way, we have not ratified the protocol , so if we are now in this discussion with this kind of scum, to put it mildly, they will save lives, well then they have quality of life, quality, i mean , we can change the regulations for keeping prisoners so
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that they lived like in a grave, we can’t, we can’t, by the way, the lawyer is talking about releasing them under house arrest, the lawyer, they already have a good lawyer and he asked to be released under... house arrest, i think this is a fake, homely, i don’t even want to say, we will definitely find everyone, not only performers, but customers, and no one will escape responsibility, no one, now advertising, after which we will continue with a new composition.
3:38 am
i’ll tell you what, dear friends, you still need to stop being kind, today is the day. this terrorist organization sbu , well, they were rightly congratulated, they were beaten so much that it didn’t seem like enough, i don’t understand this kindness of ours at all, today a wild number of children received a message that for a million rubles or 5000, go carry out a terrorist attack there, let all the foreigners think that isis is behind the terrorist attack in rukucity, i can see how...
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it’s probably very difficult to perceive, but when you are in belgorod, it’s easy to perceive them, very easy to perceive, there are a lot of questions, a lot of questions, i’ll ask the question again, why there is still a banking system, why kiev even stands, why
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this nazi city still stands, the mother of russian cities has long been captured by enemies, they are nazis. they captured the lavra, they desecrated all the shrines, the people of kiev easily accepted this and betrayed, first, the memory of the great patriotic war. then orthodoxy, what else should they betray? budanov hihi, why is he alive? why are all these scumbags alive who happily send terrorists to kill russian public politicians and ordinary citizens? why? and we will all say, no, what are you talking about? attacks on crimea?
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the real threat from russia will be a threat to all of europe. if europe is attacked,
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it will mean an attack on france. i think the russians will never agree to this, in particular because of their doctrine, which provides for the use of such weapons if the very existence of the state is threatened. i don’t understand our kindness at all, i really don’t understand, the british joyfully declare that they supply various types of drones to the ukrainian nazis, the balts - why don’t we strike factories or warehouses and i don’t care where they are, in britain, in poland , on the territory of germany, on the territory of france, they hit our territory, they kill our people, what are we afraid of?
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destroy to hell, really drive ukraine into the stone age, just drive it, and if you want to tell me that you feel sorry for ordinary ukrainians, well, ordinary ukrainians try sometimes...
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you will never be able to win, russia will win, and if the world is civilized, wants to side with the ukranazis, which means there will be no civilized world, just to make this clear, if you try to strike a tricky blow, then one of those boats i was on is precisely designed for a doomsday scenario, even if your blow misses, you will be wiped off the face of... the earth, this is a given, that's how
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professor nier shammer argues. i believe that the russians are winning this war. and ultimately the russians will win. russians control about 20% of ukraine. the balance of power has decisively shifted in favor of russia, both in terms of weapons and in terms of manpower, which is of great importance. i think what will happen is that the russians will eventually conquer about 40% of the territory of ukraine. i think they have four regions, plus crimea. my guess is
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i mean, that's exactly my guess. that they will annex four more regions, eventually they will have 40% of the territory of ukraine, and what will remain is a failed stump state. in other words, for the sake of the failed state of ukraine, the russians will go to great lengths over time to make sure that it is politically and economically weakened so that... i think that this will not happen, ukraine will not become part of nato. i believe that the best for ukraine is now, and i want to emphasize this, the best for ukraine is now
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- this means ending the war and coming to an agreement with the russians. two things: first, ukraine should sever all its security relations with the west, and not just refuse to join nato. ukraine must become truly neutral by severing its military or defense ties with the west because russia's main concern is. this is the possibility of ukraine joining nato. this, according to the russians, is an existential threat they cannot accept. and the second thing i think is very important is for the us to stop all its assistance to ukraine.
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and so that the europeans collectively provide assistance, economic and not military. until she gets back on her feet. well , this is unlikely to happen in the near future. how are we doing, what's going on with us? i like the word here, but here we have what is happening that should happen on the earth, which the creator created a long, long, long time ago and provided it for people to live, and this territory is ours, southern russia, which exists.
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there will be zelensky, there will be another if he is the same as zelensky, appointed by the same anglo-american regime, he will still do the same thing, so our goal, of course.
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you need to prove only one thing, only by force , by force, which will be respected, so what they started doing in europe now, what they did in ukraine, this should
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be a signal for us, that’s it, nowhere in europe will you see a single russian channel on the open air, in europe it is difficult to enter telegram channels, those that are free, in europe it absolutely works overwhelming network, this is a social network. russia as such, it occupies an unfairly large part of the landmass, it has more than 40% of various natural resources that need to be divided and that need to be crushed, it should be trashed into...
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we’ll just leave poland, no, well, you’ve already given lviv to the poles, that’s right, well, inside the territory , russian poland, let 's take alaska, the rest is gone, and alaska too, everything, not just a minute, serbia only, everything is ours, and the serbs themselves will come, from lisbon to lugansk, the serbs will come themselves, yes, that's what concerns, ukrainian topics in coverage, this terrible terrorist attack, yes, that is, we really see that the western media are discussing it with might and main. the main task of the western media, so i see , just like in the film, don’t look up, yes, under no circumstances listen to anyone who points to ukraine, under no circumstances, it’s in
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the headlines, moscow is unfairly turning the arrows on ukraine, and , you understand, well, someone mentions that the terrorists were traveling towards ukraine, so casually, yes, but at the same time, he says, well, it’s ridiculous to even assume that they would have gone to the most fortified... border and so on, but they were actually traveling towards ukraine, and indeed some here also cast doubts, for example, timothy snyder, remember the one who was the founding father of tales about the ukrainian holodomor, a falsifier of history, he said, and timofey milovanov , a geographer known to us, yes, the former minister of economy of ukraine, picked it up and said, well, look, the road goes to belarus, and not to ukraine. to belarus and exactly where there is no death penalty what i mean is that the strange russians called the road to belarus the kiev highway , but by a strange coincidence
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they didn’t look at the map. they are not allowed , i say again, because you can’t mention ukraine, now all the media are really focused exclusively on this, turn the arrows away from ukraine, under no circumstances even put forward this version, and the french newspaper liberation, speaking on the issue of the french, yes, in general a blasphemous caricature, by the way, quite a lot of caricatures are dedicated to the terrorist attack this terrible thing, no matter how disgusting it is, but libération published a cartoon where... it means there are two terrorists there - a banned organization of isis, yes, they point at their hieroglyphs and say: don’t you see, it says zelensky, ha- haha, this should be funny, you understand, that is, i don’t remember that we wrote cartoons about the terrorist attacks in paris, but about, well, well, that’s how europe works, vile creatures who manage to have fun above this, and at the same time everything, you see how fast everything is
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they investigated, but in the west, right away. they cannot investigate the explosions of the northern streams, everything has come at once, everything has already been determined within an hour, two, instantly , and other versions are not even considered.
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it’s scary, i say right away, the engine jumped out, this is a dog that survived the war, she is a combat veteran, we had nowhere to run, we didn’t want to run away from the city, we didn’t want to run away from our place, the arrival was just here, and our car burned down, they give out compensation, we have already received 18,000 people, of course,
3:59 am
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4:00 am
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