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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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so accurately targets those objects that are planned, so accurately that i’m practically asking such a terrible question from an expert, and the fact that since the fourteenth year they robbed, killed, saw what was happening in the donbass, got rich as the trains went from the stolen to donbass, how joyfully they mocked people when they said that this... when the people of kiev rejoiced, laughed, when they were amused by death, givi and motorolas, and zakharchenko, everything was fine, i’ll just tell you what, vladimirovich, a tragedy, gorlovka madonnali, there were bitches when there were tragedies of this kind, less, more, not this, i myself personally saw, and took part in and saw many kievites, hundreds, thousands of kievites who brought...
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is in such a state of boiling? but you say, let's bomb, from the third day i called for razing the face of the earth, that's not enough, the number of losses, both on the one hand and on the other, would be less if during the first week we simply destroyed the damn mother of kiev and they put the collapsed ones , please tell me, here is the rocket that ended up in the sbu, which today the generals, let’s say, were walking around, well, they could do it? found, definitely, definitely hit, what do i mean, there’s not enough, volodya, well, listen, and we’re just talking about different places, the war has been going on for several years, it’s terrible for our people, do you even understand that the ukrainian people no longer exist, i understand one thing, that the demography is terribly disrupted, i understand, but even those people who remained, a huge part of them, are one people with the russians, they are one people that should feel sorry for the vlasovites, they were also one with us people. what should i jelly them, what should i jelly them?
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here are the residents of zaporozhye, yes, the residents of the kherson region, yes, the residents of crimea, yes, the residents of donbass, yes, those heroes who crossed the border entered our ranks, yes, those who made an effort and came, an extra million, how many more there are, came to the territory of russia, yes, those who left ukraine because they did not want to fight, yes. here is my heart with my people. that's all, see you tomorrow.
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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s a belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there , this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you, get ready, i’ll write my brother down, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i must find him, hope.
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the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views, they change entire locations, it’s easy to make a deepfake, change your voice.
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hello, the correspondents of the program will tell you about the main legal events of the day the duty officer and i, maxim movchan. in the capital's basmanov court, three more defendants in the case of the inhumane attack on kroku city hall were arrested. according to the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, the accused provided the perpetrators of the terrorist attack with a car, an apartment where they prepared for the attack, and provided them with money. a preventive measure was chosen for terrorist accomplices, galina hungureeva. there are dozens of cameras behind me, all the attention of journalists is focused on the main topic of recent days, the arrest of possible accomplices and the direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack in the kroku city hall building. a paddy wagon with three more suspects had just left the court grounds.
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all members of the same family, sixty-two-year-old israil islomov and his two sons, amenchon and dilovar. here the head of the family looks around almost fearfully in something unusual for him. islomov, staring at one point, ignoring the journalists, listened to every word of the judge. select a preventive measure for the accused islomov israilovich in the form of detention, establishing the duration of detention. by this criminal case for one month of 29 days, that is, until may 22, 2024. according to the latest information, it was dilovar who owned the white renault in which the terrorists fled. after shooting people, they shot down an eight-year-old boy, and then headed towards another region and
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probably headed for the border to try to leave the country. the man is also credited with meeting fariduniish sidin, the same one who, during interrogation, stated that he shot people for half a million rubles. according to investigators, shomsudi. bus, in total he has seven children from two marriages, but he will not see them in the near future, at least until may, all three were given a preventive measure of imprisonment in a pre-trial detention center for 2
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months. galina khungureeva, nikolai lomakin, lead the duty department. investigators continue to establish details of the terrorist attacks in kroku sitiholi. the day before, the alleged perpetrators were arrested in the basmanny court. the preventive measure was carried out with unprecedented security measures, everyone was sent to pretrial detention, and now they continue to interrogate andrei romanov’s mother. early morning near the building investigative committee, a group of security officials in field uniforms sits in a departmental van. this car, like many others that periodically drive away from a high-rise building in a technical lane of the capital, may be heading in the direction of the crocus city hall in the concert hall. clearing out the rubble. at the same time, investigative actions are underway here; the alleged participants in the terrorist attack on crocus cityhall are all in custody in pre-trial detention cells. four bandits were taken into custody yesterday in the basmanny court capital cities. the security of this high-profile
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process was ensured by more than a hundred armed security forces. such unprecedented security measures have not been taken in the basmanny court area for many years. all approaches to the building are covered with metal fences. and here only media representatives are allowed into the courtyard only after a thorough check of documents, but it is no longer possible to get closer to the building, all approaches are blocked off by armed security forces . launched into court when it was already dark outside, another hour later at several all four terrorists were brought in vans; dolerjon merzoev was the first to be brought into the hall in a half-bent state. the bandit is 32 years old, he has a wife and four children, but this is in a past life, mirzoev’s relatives have already abandoned mirzoev, during the terrorist attack he finished off the wounded victims with a knife, it is also reported that it was merzoev who, when the criminals were running away from the scene of the terrorist attack, got behind the wheel of a white renoy... from a parking lot he deliberately hit an eight-year-old boy when the terrorists were trying to hide from the security forces in the forests
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of the bryansk region, mirzoev was so strong i was scared that i had climbed a thick pine tree; the russian guard had to take down the bandit. why didn’t he get away, but we moved exactly along the trail that the suspect left, using all the thermal imaging devices we had in our arsenal. our sniper discovered a thermal target on a tree and gave him a command. the attack, to which the suspect did not react, but a decision was made to cut down the tree, they took out an ax, cut down the tree, and detained the suspect. the judge spent a couple of minutes in the deliberation room, the decision was expected, then john merdzoev was taken into custody, followed by rajab alizada. the alleged terrorist sat in the dock wearing a blindfold. alezada is married and has a child, but this did not stop him from breaking into the crocus network hall with a machine gun and opening fire on... defenseless people, however, later, escaping through the forest towards the ukrainian border, the ruthless terrorist was driven with horror when his
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employees overtook him special services, set the period of his detention for 1 month 28 days, and this is in the dock of shamsuddin fariduni, it is he who is called in the media the leader of the group, in the creepy footage taken by the terrorists themselves, you can see how he coordinates the militants, the faces of the killers are hidden, but they can be identified by their clothes, and also, judging by the content on... there is information that exactly fariduni distributed roles between the bandits, was responsible for the final plan of the terrorist attack, immediately after his arrest the terrorist was shaking with fear and said that he agreed to the bloody crime for half a million rubles. what were you doing in the crocus? did he shoot what? on march 7 he was seen in crocus city hall, the terrorist studied the situation in the concert hall
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during the performance of the singer shaman. the attacker was captured on camera by a local photographer, and one of the crocus employees also remembered him. he just walked around the foyer and looked around. i thought his behavior was strange, because all the people who came all immediately went to the cloakroom to hand over their things, and even in my opinion, he didn’t go down to the minus first floor, he just walked around the front and he looked a bit. suspiciously, later two more taxi drivers remembered fariduni, one said that 7 march took him from crocus to the village of putilkovo, by the way, it was there that eyewitnesses saw the car in which the terrorists arrived at the crime scene a few days before the tragedy. the second driver said that he gave fariduni a lift to vdnkh, and he was not alone. there is evidence that the terrorist campaign was carried out by another criminal, muhammad sabir fayzov, during his arrest, the latter put up desperate resistance and was wounded. the bandit was brought to court in a medical chair. terrorist fayzov is only 19 years old, a month ago
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he worked as a hairdresser in the ivanovo region, and then moved to moscow and settled in a hostel on the dmitrovsky shosse. fayzov was also taken into custody by court decision. everyone who took part in the special operation to detain the terrorists has already been awarded. governor of the bryansk region alexander bagamas noted the courageous actions of employees of the regional department of internal affairs. state traffic inspectors from the bryansk region are the first. overtook the criminals' car on the highway; they repeatedly violated traffic rules, creating a threat for the life and health of other road users, it was decided to use a fire weapon on the rear wheels of the car being followed, after all the wheels of this car were damaged, the driver, as i understand it, lost control and had to stop on the roadway, they immediately got out of the car and began to run away into the forest belt, employees of the national guard received awards and...
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in the ambur region, the director of a mine was detained, where after the collapse the rescue operation is still ongoing. there
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13 miners were trapped. on march 18 , the underground section of the mine collapsed; according to experts, there is a high probability that the mine may be flooded, but there is still hope, which means that work does not stop. word to olga zhirenkova. footage of the arrest of the managing director of the pioneer mine, alexey beryukov, in the amur region. he is suspected of violating safety requirements during work. you suspect that you violated safety rules in carrying out mining operations, as a result of which the incident occurred on march 18 collapse of an underground mine. search and rescue operations at the mine are carried out around the clock. a georadar will be installed in the near future; it is needed. in order to quickly assess the condition of the mountain masses of ice and water, for a week now 13 miners have been trapped underground as a result of a rock collapse, there is no contact with them, it was previously reported that the mine could be flooded. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov , is personally monitoring the progress of the search and rescue operation. the situation at the mine was discussed at a conference call.
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after drilling one of the wells, rescuers managed to reach the mine workings. during the examination, experts discovered water there and... since its commissioning in 2008 , almost 3 million ounces of gold have been mined here, which is approximately 87 tons. work is carried out in two ways, open on the surface and closed underground. another criminal case under the article
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negligence was filed against employees of the far eastern department of rostechnadzor for two years. for some reason, the regulatory authorities did not notice gross violations on mine, as investigators believe, during scheduled inspections of the activities of the pioneer mine, they did not identify gross violations of the legislation on industrial safety of hazardous production facilities, and the powers to suppress violations were not implemented, including resolving the issue of administrative suspension of the mine’s activities. this circumstance made it possible to carry out maintenance activities at a dangerous production facility with gross violations, which subsequently led to the collapse of the rock. the detained managing director... in all likelihood, this is not the last detention in the region in this high-profile case. relatives of the miners have arrived in the amur region, and psychologists are working with them. olga shurenkov, mikhail shirin, denis novozhilov, dmitry manyshev. news: duty department. mortgage ruins in tatarstan, dozens of cottage buyers found themselves hostage to their own unfinished projects. according to the failed
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new settlers, the businessman promised people to build beautiful houses. but it was his mother’s account that accepted the payment instead of the houses. now in foundations at best, but the family contract continues to make promises. elvira fayzulina, more details. this braid, for example, should be one and a half meters long. they set 70 cm. combat veteran vladimir smirnov and his wife natalia conduct an almost extreme tour of the ruins of an unfinished house. they dreamed of visiting it back in january. this is exactly the period stipulated in the contract with the developer, but for almost a month now the construction has been ongoing, and even what was built by the owner. raises concerns, we made the wall like this, it all fell there, then there is an interior wall like this, god forbid it falls on a child, ideally i would like to return the money and finish the construction on my own, because i have such quality that i would bury my family under the rubble at night, in the same despair, now at least 22 tatarstan families who entered into an agreement with this company,
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by the way, it has changed its legal entity name more than once, the scenario is similar for everyone, he promised us to build houses. some have a pre-hourly finish, some have an hourly finish, but of course, no one has built it, everyone is in a different stage, some at the ground floor level, at the foundation level, some don’t even have a foundation. many of those who suffered from the actions of this company took out a mortgage, under the terms of which it is necessary to provide documents on registration of objects to the bank within a year, otherwise the interest rate may be significantly increased. aidar nizaev found himself in such a situation, the man filed a lawsuit, like other victims. the rate increased from 6.3% to 11%, the payment increased, it turns out to be 16.00 rubles. i immediately informed marat about this, after which he just stopped communicating with me. there is no contact at all; no work has been carried out at the site since the end of december. we are talking about marat vafin, judging by the information on the website
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on social networks, he is the owner of the business and has already changed the name of the company several times. what are your values ​​and values ​​are honesty, decency, do as you want to be treated. journalistic experiment: we come to the office disguised as clients. alfastra - once was ours, but not quite, i can’t tell you now in more detail about this situation, if anything don’t worry, it’s not us, but this is also another company, as our own sources told us, 3 years ago statements were already received to the police in the name of this businessman, the clients themselves conducted an investigation and found out another interesting detail: when when the transaction was completed, the money was transferred, it was physically transferred to her mother’s personal card. to a physical account, not an organization’s account, the manager ban the bank manager was sitting and marat’s assistant was sitting, so she gave the details,
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details, this is for payment and the bank manager i just asked my wife to confirm with an electronic, well, electronic signature with a card , well, there’s a small terminal there, it’s painful and you can’t see anything, my wife just confirmed it, only then later they found out that it turns out the money... was transferred to account of an individual. five lawsuits have already been filed in court, several more are being prepared, but lawyers still hope for a dialogue with the developer. we really hope that this entrepreneur will come to his senses and find some way to peacefully resolve the dispute, because it is in his interests, we and the partners have worked out all these issues, and... we will initiate bankruptcy in the future. the executive director is not ready to communicate either with clients or with us. why is there a delay and what is it? threw it off. but he is very
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active in communicating with subscribers on social networks, and after he learned about the arrival of the film crew, he went on a trip to the unfinished facility. behind the scenes, all the legal nuances; in the frame, he calls people fake clients. and demonstrates how construction has resumed on the same site where combat veterans visited, but residents don’t believe in such demonstrations and are now preparing materials for the prosecutor’s office. elvira fayzulina, rinad shibgareev, lead: duty department. they caught up with barzykh already in vietnam, the suspect with such a sonorous surname was detained on the ocean shore. our investigators consider him the killer of three people, a wealthy pensioner who was engaged in business and two witnesses. the person involved in the case allegedly dealt with the woman, not wanting to give a large debt. and then grabbed valuables, got into bega, ended up on the international wanted list, so he got caught to the vietnamese authorities. details from ekaterina lekhamanova. he sunbathed, ate seafood
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and enjoyed an extended vacation, although he was being searched all over the world for a triple murder. former police officer, thirty-four-year-old mikhail barzykh, was identified through the interpol channel. vietnamese security forces detained the alleged killer and decided on his... tradition, after which they handed the accused over to their russian colleagues. in february of this year, in a country mansion in the village of svitina near moscow, in the basement there were three bodies were found with gunshot wounds. later it turned out that the victims of the killer were pensioners, twin sisters irina hunt and natalya kozylskaya and the owner of the house svetlana filanovich. the neighbors nicknamed them pochekhov's three sisters. the pensioners had been friends since their student days, and in recent years they lived under the same family. roof. according to investigators, borzokh was hunting primarily for the owner of the house. he dealt with her friends simply as unnecessary witnesses. the woman was a serious entrepreneur, did business on an equal basis with
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men, owned a large manufacturing plant production of polymer products and was listed as a founder in several other companies. it is not surprising that the pensioner had millions in circulation. the beginning of the murder was associated with the status of an entrepreneur, they say the world of big money business is cruel and unpredictable. but then it turned out that filanovich was still easy and lent large sums against receipt. among the papers was found signed by mikhail borzykh. they knew fillanovitch as neighbors. after leaving the service in the authorities, the former state traffic inspector borrowed 2 million from a woman rubles to buy an expensive motorcycle. but he couldn’t repay the debt. the brand new bike remained in filanovich’s garage. he is accused of triple murder, robbery committed on an especially large scale and illegal acquisition. firearms. having committed a triple murder, barzykh not only got rid of his debt, so to speak, but also took with him jewelry and cash that he found in the mansion. he left the crime scene in...
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on his victim's stamp, and then flew abroad to hide from the investigation in the shade of palm trees. on the ocean shore. to date , investigators and criminologists have ordered more than twenty different forensic examinations, and the victim has been questioned. collection of evidence continues. so that investigators could put the greyhound on the international wanted list, the tverskoy court of moscow decided in absentia to arrest him. therefore, the fate of the alleged killer has already been decided for the near future. at home he was waiting for him. watch to know everything about russia, the best
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historical series. we look, we look, in the application or on the website.
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fyodor mikhailov dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear who were called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreigner's birthday. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for . they are enemies, but they are pathetic. we are focused and angry. they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property and invested funds. do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here. they all broadcast a certain one. weight, finding
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victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and that victim turned out to be me. the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24 , 1999 at 19:45 local time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century. what the west did was completely unacceptable. they started the war directly, essentially in the center of europe. these are the same cores from united uranium that were dropped on yugoslavia during the bombing. i saw everything with my own eyes, the city lives in this. moment
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the peacekeepers, as they called themselves, were sending missiles at this living city. the hegemons tried to perpetuate their dominance. the war in europe did not start in 2014 or in 1922. no, there was one rule for them: everything was allowed to them, and that they could do everything. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. march 26, 1828 in vienna.


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