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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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russia has found out whose hands carried out the bloody terrorist attack in krokusekhol, now the main thing is to find out who ordered it, vladimir putin said this at a meeting where the move was discussed.
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no, that the bloody terrorist attack was carried out by followers of islam, members of the isis organization banned in russia. we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed against russia and its people. we are interested in who the customer is. in the course of joint work between our intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to obtain answers to a number of questions. like, really. or radical and even terrorist-type islamic organizations are interested in striking russia, which today stands for a fair solution to the aggravated middle east conflict, and how radical islamists, positioning themselves, by the way, as devout muslims, professing so-called pure islam, are willing to commit grave atrocities. and crimes during
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the holy month of ramadan for all muslims. so, by whose hands the monstrous crime was committed is known, but as in any crime, it is important to understand who is behind it organization, in other words, who exactly now benefited from organizing a bloody massacre in the russian capital by opening fire on unarmed civilians. the question immediately arises: who benefits from this? could this be an atrocity? only a link in a whole series of attempts by those who, since 2014, have been fighting our country with the hands of the neo-nazi kiev regime, the nazis, as is well known, never disdained to use the most dirty and inhumane means to achieve their goals, especially today, when their advertised the counter-offensive completely failed, this is already recognized by everyone and is not disputed.
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“the russian armed forces hold the initiative along the entire line of combat contact, all efforts undertaken by the enemies of the world to stabilize the front do not bring success, hence attempts to gain a foothold in our border territories, shelling, including using volley fire systems of peaceful neighborhoods, civilian objects, including including energy infrastructure, attempted missile attacks on the crimean bridge and..." the peninsula itself. in this series it is quite logical bloody acts of intimidation, such as the terrorist attack committed in moscow, fit into this category. and bloody acts of intimidation, like the terrorist attack committed in moscow, fit perfectly into this series. the goal is to sow panic in society, while at the same time proving that all is not lost for the kiev regime. the goal, as i already said, is to sow panic in our society. at the same time, show your
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own population that all is not lost for the kiev regime, you just need to follow the orders of your western curators. to fight to the last ukrainian, to fulfill team from washington and adopt a new law on mobilization, create something like hitler jugand in his new, of course, edition, knock out for this new weapons and additional money, a significant part of which can be stolen, put, as is usual in ukraine today, in pocket. by the way, among ukrainian nationalists back in the twenties of the last century.
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but there are really a lot of questions. as tatyana golikova noted, assistance will be provided to all victims and families of the victims. the question that the deputy prime minister promised keep under constant control. but besides this, support comes from all over the country, a billion rubles have been collected by the movement, we held unity actions together in the regions, in which 1.5 million russians took part. i would like to express my deep gratitude to our medical workers. for the help they provide to the affected citizens, our caring citizens, for the fact that they showed themselves in this difficult hour, came to the aid of people in trouble, once again proving that our country is united, and
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in the face of the most difficult situation, we are together, of course, also workers of various emergency services, also understandable, everyone must be... ready for any situation, but here is what passers-by and health workers who are not directly related to emergency services and employees of other services - unquestioningly, simply immediately found themselves where they should be, helping people, this of course demonstrates the maturity of our society and the willingness to defend our interests, to fight for ourselves, for our loved ones, simply for... for those people who need help and support, this is a very important characteristic of the current state of our society.
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today, vladimir putin thanked the employees of the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the russian guard and the ministry of defense, whom the president instructed to take all measures to detain the criminals, which was done through joint efforts. the head of state asked for regular reports on the progress of the investigation. search and rescue work at the scene of the tragedy continues. experts say they can be completed on tuesday at 17:00 moscow time. investigative committee announced updated data on those killed as a result of the terrorist attacks in kroku cityhole. the terrorists killed 139 people, 95 of whom were identified. the list of names was published on the website of the russian ministry of emergency situations. among the dead were three children, as well as foreign citizens of armenia, belarus and moldova. in memory actions. over one and a half million russians took part, almost 12,000 donated blood to help the victims, and there are still dozens of patients in hospitals in moscow and the region from among those admitted to the corps after the emergency period. 38 are still in serious and extremely serious condition. on
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a memorial may appear at the site of the tragedy in the future. in any case, a decision on this issue will be made based on the general opinion of the country, as stated by the owners of the facility. as for the investigation, the defrauded court has already sent under. guarding seven of the eleven detainees in connection with the terrorist attack in cropus city hall, according to investigators, four of them were the direct perpetrators, the rest provided the terrorists with an apartment to live in and a car with money. investigators seized weapons at the crime scene, cartridges, bottles with remaining liquid for arson. searches took place at the place of residence of the detainees. now to the belgorod region, where a new shelling was recorded. from the country of ukraine, as the governor reported, as a result of the ukrainian attack, two residents of the village of dubovoe were injured, they are already in the hospital. two dozen private houses and outbuildings were damaged. the fragments cut the facades, roofs, fences, and also knocked out glass. emergency services are already on site. our air defense systems shot down
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13 air targets. and now about the progress of the special military operation, the crews fighters, su-34 bombers. enemy manpower in the southern donetsk direction. for the strike, high-explosive bombs with a universal sub-planning and correction module were used. it allows you to hit a target without going into... the air defense coverage area. having completed the combat mission, the pilots returned safely to the airfield or the equipment was inspected by specialists there. i provide assistance to the technicians there , all the other specialists who are doing their work and so on, and well , naturally we cope, we are a team, we must work as a team, we roll up bombs hanging directly to the bombs more uh.
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the united states is challenged by israel's decision not to send a delegation to washington, white house coordinator john kirbe said. benjamin netanyahu canceled his trip to the white house after the united states did not block the security council resolution on a ceasefire in gaza during ramadan. tel aviv rebuked the allies. you should be careful, the ex-head of the white house spoke about the need to return to
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normal life for everyone. in addition, trump reproached joe biden for his policies on middle east called her stupid, recalling his past actions to strengthen relations between the united states and the jewish state. and now alexander’s economic news, the gazprom structure will buy 27.5% in the operator of the sakhalin 2 project . tell us how much you made. tatyana, almost 95 billion rubles. for now, on to other topics. the dollar is losing global leadership, but the completion of this process is a long- term issue. this was stated in an interview with the newspaper arguments and facts by the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov and stressed that washington now has problems in almost all areas. they don't hold back regional conflicts, they don't hold back the global economy, they don't hold back. dollar, your goose that lays the golden eggs. the process of transition to national currencies is gaining momentum, and this
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will undermine the power of the united states. yes, this is a long-term issue, but the trend is already visible. at the same time, integration in the eurasian space is developing successfully, and emerging problems can be overcome constructively, noted dmitry peskov. we have there is the most advanced integration with belarus. this is our closest partner and ally. we actually have a common economic space with the eac member states. there are other formats of cooperation related to security policy and so on. all these types of integration are workable, but their potential is far from being fully realized. somewhere, of course, problems arise, when we are talking about such close interaction, it cannot be done without problems , but the partnership nature of the relationship allows us to overcome all this constructively. to maintain the downward trend.
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conditions for a long time. the gazprom structure will buy 27.5% in the operators of the sakhalin-2 project. the share will go to the sakhalin project company. the transaction amount is 94 billion 800 million rubles. this is stated in the government order. let me remind you that previously the operator of the oil and gas project was sakhalin energi, registered in bermuda. it was owned by gazprom, the japanese mitsu and mitsubishi, as well as the dutch-british shell. it was the latter who owned a 27.5% stake. in the summer of twenty-two, vladimir
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putin signed a decree according to which the russian legal entity sakhalin energy became the operator. foreign investors had to confirm participation. the japanese agreed, but shel did not. navatek initially submitted an application for its share, but the deal was never completed. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are: dollar 92.77, euro 100 rubles. 36. that ’s all i have for now, in the store, with delivery, favorite promotions, magnetcosme. march 30, 20% discount on everything, even yellow price tags in magnet cosmetics stores and the magnet app at avita work, just find your place , dad, you'll be home soon, soon, i won't be late now, mom, guess who started a new job today, grandma, what a hat,
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the pace of fishing is not slowing down, they are on guard day and night, the men are sitting in their apartments, trying not to go out into the street, they are recruiting, but they say, we are at the entrance, well, i’m a fool to go out there, i can’t understand what they are even counting on, the military commissar’s ludolov have become so strong to hate that the commander of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces decided to intercede, ogonyka added,
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he even spoke contemptuously about the dead, who, fleeing from mobilization, drowned in rivers and fell from the mountains. there are many news reports about the unfortunate drowned people in tisza or detachments of fighting hutsuls. today, the tcs of their security companies are mostly staffed by military personnel who lost their health in the war and were declared unfit for service in combat units. the commander of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces is disingenuous, a verkhovna rada deputy found out. the people's deputy provides an official response to his request. every second employee of the territorial recruitment centers does not have combat experience, but has a chance not to end up in a trench. is it true. for this he is catching others, it’s strange why ukrainian military commissars are surprised that they are so disliked , because you want people to react to you in uniform, so that at least they don’t run to the other side of the road, you have such cases, yes, all the time, they lower their eyes, even without a pedestrian crossing, there are many cases, fill the trenches with ukrainians
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they really want to mobilize in the west, there are almost no weapons left for supplies, so they are actually giving an order to kiev. catch, that's what the american publication politico writes. a sensitive issue: ukraine needs to bring many more people to the battlefield where bodies are devoured, but authorities cannot decide whether to coax or coerce for fear of political consequences if they choose the latter. the authorities in ukraine, although they are afraid, have prepared a bill on mobilization. the first reading took place on february 7, the mobilization age is expected to be lowered, the grounds for... potatoes are excluded and no one wants to carry it out, the army needs a lot more people, but zelensky does not want to take responsibility for mobilization and says that it depends on government
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ministries, and they are afraid of burning their hands and it is said that it is up to parliament, which then passes the buck back. against the backdrop of huge losses of the armed forces of ukraine, the wives of the mobilized are demanding not only to stop the lawlessness of the lads, but also to return their husbands home. in transcarpathia, roads have reached the point of being blocked. they take you to the departments, although the protesters came up with a clever scheme, they walk back and forth along the pedestrian crossing, in fact there are no violations, there are a lot of arrests, will they think of summoning the dissenting ukrainian women. egor grigoriev, alexander porkhunov, news. the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24 , ninety-nine at 19:45 local time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century. what the west did is completely
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unacceptable. they just started a war, in fact in the centre of europe. these are the same cores from united uranium that were dropped on yugoslavia during the bombing. i saw everything with my own eyes. the city is alive. and at this moment on this living city, peacemakers, as they themselves. called, sending missiles, the hegemons tried to perpetuate their dominance, the war in europe did not begin in 2014 or in 2022, no, for them there was one rule, that everything was allowed to them, and that they could do everything. when you pick up a profit debit card, you will immediately open up all the incredible possibilities profitable conditions: high percentage on cashback balance on purchases up to 3%. with the card
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there is profit, no matter whether you spend or save, in any case, incredible benefits are with you, ural sib bank. the west is trying to convince the world that... that kiev is not involved in the terrorist attack in the moscow region of city hall, they are promoting the version that ukraine cannot be the customer, the bloody crime is the work of exclusively isis terrorists. anton potkovenko looked into why the investigation was being misled. the west launched the version about isis immediately after the monstrous terrorist attack in crocus. several people who came to the concert were shot at point-blank range by the militants of this terrorist organization banned in russia.
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and fakes began to fly, here are terrorists allegedly taking an oath to the banned isis, this photo is distributed by the amak news agency, close
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to the terrorist organization. either they were in a hurry, or the hand of the one who photoshopped this picture trembled, but the terrorists, when they swear, raise the finger of their left hand, which is considered dirty in the east, in general, a clumsy lie, lying, i repeat, close to isis media structure. is it because they received an order, whose brainchild these terrorists are known, the connections remain long-standing and complex, this is a product of american intelligence cia, that ’s what we need to proceed from, yes, ukraine knows why, because this is all within the framework of the cia plan, because where there had to be a retreat to the territory of ukraine, a highly prepared military terrorist operation, the ukrainian tsypso too. became involved in the fake news surrounding the terrorist attack at crocus cityhall. we will kill kefirs and mushliks everywhere we can, until everything muslim lands will not gain freedom
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; sharia will be established. to allah. which kefirs are they going to kill? kafirov, then, if you mean infidels, teach them in part. the production was clearly done in a hurry. in this story, the ears of the ukrainian tsypso and the ukrainian special services are very visible, and even the videos, which are posted with very large errors. in these videos, people who present themselves as islamists speak in clearly ukrainian language. accent, you can just hear it. the scheme of terrorist attacks in the moscow region completely repeats the technology of the sbu, when the recruited person is led for a long time and led to commit a crime. they tried so hard to disrupt our elections, they incited people to pour green stuff into the ballot boxes, but one of the detained terrorists admitted during interrogation that he was contacted by a certain assistant to the preacher, whom the militant had been listening to on social networks for a long time. this is in no way similar to isis;
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as a rule, there is targeted communication there.
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there to our hypersonic missiles because retaliation is inevitable, but at the same time they are afraid, terribly afraid, they are hiding behind the isis and their owners are not covering for them fly to kyiv, about 3 minutes? investigative actions are ongoing at the pioneer mine in the omur region; the day before , the managing director was detained; they are suspected of violating safety requirements during work in the mine. another criminal case has been opened under the article of negligence; the prosecutor’s office has questions for the employees of the far eastern directorate of rostechnadzor. during inspections last year and the year before , they did not reveal any violations. meanwhile, work inside the mine has been stopped, there are safety threats for specialists, who are involved in search and rescue operations. your brother is there in the donbass in
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the aurora battalion, so he’s a life, no one will know anything. alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war. vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you, get ready to go to moscow, we need to write down the missing persons, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i owe him.
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the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. chasing views changes wholes locations. it's easy to make a deep fake and change your voice. we will expose all fakes.


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