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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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generally unacceptable, they directly started a war, essentially in the center of europe. these are the same cores from united uranium that were dropped on yugoslavia during the bombing, i saw everything with my own eyes, the city is alive, at this moment, at this living city, the peacekeepers, as they called themselves, are sending missiles. the hegemons tried to perpetuate their dominance. the war in europe did not start in 2014 or in 22. no, for them there was one rule, that everything was allowed to them and that they could do anything, it was clear to everyone that russia was not a gas station country, take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, our machines are more brutal, yes, ours are brutal, there will be more, what exactly does digital help with? you are incomparably original in
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your questions, what is in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product?
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and now a shot from the usa, where a road bridge collapsed in the state of maryland. these images show that after the voz container crashed into one of the supports of the road bridge, the 2.5 km long structure collapsed and went under water in just a few seconds. local media reports that several cars sank, in addition, the container itself, which crashed into the bridge, also caught fire and sank, but nothing more has been reported to the site about the consequences.
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due to the flow of circumstances, the tragedy in the moscow region coincided with the start of the 148th assembly of the inter-parliamentary union, and as soon as the first messages came out, we came into direct contact with the leadership of the union, with the president, with the secretary general, we asked for their reaction to assess what was happening, at that time everything was still there was what is called in movement and honor.
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the largest women's forum here, it began with a minute of silence, in connection with this terrorist act we are sincerely grateful to the female half of our parliamentary community, the very next day, when the plenary assembly itself opened, there was also a minute of silence, but it was, let's say, more of a broad nature regarding all victims of terrorist attacks, our colleagues who passed away between sessions,
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it turned out that for procedural reasons, probably purely bureaucratic, to accept some kind of separate official document of the inter-parliamentary union on this subject was impossible, in this situation we went. what is called the other way, we have prepared, we , i mean, the russian delegation, we have prepared a draft, the so-called written declaration, which can be signed by representatives of national delegations, signatures are now being collected for this declaration, we are glad that under it without any doubt, our partners in the commonwealth of independent states have signed up ; i would like to emphasize that all our partners in the commonwealth of independent states, without exception, brick. including china, including india, brazil, the republic of south africa, new member states, well, besides this , dozens of national delegations are now joining the declaration, not all, it is clear that for many to sign a document where words of condolences are expressed to
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our country, even in this obvious situation it turns out to be impossible for political reasons, well, then we will carefully look at those who were unable to enter through these considerations of political circumstances, he himself withdrew from condemnation of terrorism, when this process of collecting signatures is completed, the document will be transferred to the secretariat of the inter-parliamentary union and one way or another will become an official document of the ipu. konstantin vasipovich, please tell me, in your opinion, whether any new formats of interaction in the fight against terrorism are possible now and how necessary this cooperation is in your opinion now. lining up with the west, well, the need for this cooperation never lost its relevance when our western opponents began to interrupt interaction with russia along all lines, the most
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obvious thing, in my opinion, was that their concession to common sense was that they stopped interaction along the lines of anti-terrorism. readiness to resume this cooperation without any reservations, and there is a feeling that sobering up on both sides is still coming, you know, i would also like to say that when we just started work in the plenary meeting hall, of course
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other national delegations approached the russian delegation and the first representative in the hall approached me from the netherlands, a dutch parliamentarian , an unfriendly country for us, soon after this, one after another... two british parliamentarians approached, with whom, for obvious reasons, we had practically not communicated in recent years, here we found decent people, sensible people who in this situation considered it possible to resume contacts, and if they are now beginning to resume through the dialogue between parliamentary delegations, the day will probably come when contacts will be resumed through the relevant services security and anti-terrorism. tell me, how productive is it in general?
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the country that is missing here is the united states of america, they stopped paying dues to the inter-parliamentary union 15 or 20 years ago and were expelled, i emphasize, expelled from the organization and do not participate in its work, for me the obvious explanation is that the americans do not have their own majority here, there is no opportunity to manage the parliamentary community, and americans are absolutely not got used to it. and they don’t know how, but we leave that to their conscience, the rest of the westerners are here, they are well organized, they, of course, like everywhere else, are trying to seize this site and manage it, what they achieved in pass, what they have what happened in the osce parliamentary assembly, where the nato countries and
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the european union have their own arithmetic majority, only led to the fact that these structures of the osce, the osce parliamentary assembly, are self-destructing, have lost their effectiveness, their representativeness, as they say, they are breathing fine, right here a similar attempt is being made, but fortunately the prospects for this attempt are clearly much less, because there is no... westerners are in the minority of their own majority, and this is visible from the example of the inter-parliamentary union, which is called with the naked eye, here there is that same world majority that it is becoming more and more consolidated, you know, there is even talk here now about creating an inter-regional geopolitical group that would unite the countries of the east, south, latin america, asia, africa, of course. russia in such a project , if it gains momentum, will take the most active part, because in
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a sense it will be a reproduction on a larger scale of the model of interaction within the brix framework, where russia chairs this year and where we will definitely develop parliamentary measurement. before the start of the broadcast, when you had the opportunity to exchange remarks, you said that you had a trip to cern planned, which took place, perhaps for the first time. i’ll tell you about this, because the news is that called the last hours, the headquarters of the european nuclear energy organization is located here in switzerland, there is a working group on science and technology in the inter-parliamentary union, it is clear that this center is of certain interest for it, here we have a senator working in this working group of the inter-parliamentary union, gumerova liliya solovatina, chairman of the committee on education, science and culture. council of the federation and together with the entire working group it was expected that she would participate in
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a study tour to cern, this european center , where the famous android collider is located, at the invitation of the organizers, this trip was supposed to take place, literally in 20 minutes, it was supposed to begin, but last night the organizers of this excursion, let’s say, a study tour from cern, notified the working group of the interparliamentary union . that, since they no longer support cooperation with russia, they do not consider it possible, do not consider it possible for a representative of the russian parliamentary delegation, i repeat once again, our colleague, to come to zerm lily solavativna gumerova, and the working group met late in the evening for an emergency meeting, and it is led by a representative of ireland, all the countries that are in the ipu are represented there, there are westerners there, and so it was unanimous... the decision, this working group, in protest against such a position
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of the cern management, refused today's study tour, the trip will not take place, our representative, the russian delegation, russia was unanimously, unanimously supported by the international scientific community, at least here at the parliamentary level, and we are sincerely grateful to our colleagues for such a decisive and unanimous position, we hope that this is... a situation that is generally scandalous for cern is a discussion, this situation will be discussed as a whole at the assembly of the interparliamentary union, i think that everyone will have a common opinion, science should be above politics, as well as sport, as well as culture, equal to many other spheres of human activity, but i repeat once again, we are outraged by the way the european nuclear energy organization behaved, and we sincerely grateful colleagues in the interparliamentary union.
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as of today, no, it was not on the agenda
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of the current 148th assembly, and there were no scandalous, let’s say, demarches, provocations on the part of the ukrainian delegation, it works here, but behaves relatively quietly, apparently understanding that sympathies and they will certainly no longer gain support for these demarches; within the framework of the inter-parliamentary union there is a so-called working group on... we informed our colleagues about the facts of violation of the rights of children who are in the conflict zone and which were established, i mean the facts, by our parliamentary investigation on the relevant topic, all this information has now become the property of the inter-parliamentary union, and we sincerely, sincerely hope that it will be studied, but in the future
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the reasons for our actions, well, to provide support so that... ultimately the goals of the special military operation are achieved, perhaps on the sites or on the sidelines the topic of shelling in belgorod was heard, was there any reaction from your colleagues? we're talking about this of course, we talk about this at all bilateral meetings, we talked about this in our speech from the podium, the assembly, yes, it evokes certain emotions, although in many ways the picture of what is happening here is distorted, because for the most part our colleagues... parliamentarians, not even in western countries , alas , they use the information flows that they receive from the western side, and in this sense, our explanations, our position, our approaches are even more in demand, many of our colleagues approach us with a request, really, as they say, to explain on your fingers what happens when you start talking about the bombing
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of russian cities and villages and the death of civilians is a real shock for people, in many ways comparable to the shock that everyone here experienced after the tragedy in the moscow region. konstantin osipovich, i would like to ask a few more questions, i received a message that the russian delegation will not support the resolution on autonomous weapons systems, could you tell me what kind of resolution it is, what was proposed there, why don’t we support it? there is a truly pressing topic for humanity: what to do with, let’s say, unmanageable species. artificial intelligence without human involvement , modern autonomous weapons systems, they appear, it is clear that they can be used in completely different ways and the consequences can be different, that is, the topic must be addressed, and this happens, happens at the expert level, because the topic requires professional knowledge, within the framework of the convention on inhumane
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weapons, this is a un convention, it is valid, an international group of experts has been created , which... is conducting an appropriate study of the parameters that limit or permit the use of such weapons systems, in this expert group, i repeat once again, it has nothing to do with the inter-parliamentary union, there are different points of view, professionals argue, this is good , truth is born in disputes, but what is happening here, a group of western countries brought here into the inter-parliamentary union that western expert point of view, which has not yet been tested, which has not yet been agreed upon, taking advantage of the fact that here in the interparliamentary union there are clearly fewer specialists on this issue than we would like, they are trying to make this western position, the general position of the interparliamentary union, so that they can then return with it to expert consultations and put pressure on other experts there, who hold a different point of view, this is absolutely not a professional approach, this is a politicized approach, we cannot agree with it, even
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without entering into discussions on the merits, we do not believe that this topic can be discussed. on the parliamentary platform, this is the wrong approach and this is a tactical ploy in order to promote one’s positions where they really should be discussed. konstantin iosipovich, i would like to touch on one more topic, which may not be on the agenda of the inter-parliamentary union, but nevertheless , it sounds quite relevant now, this is a discussion about the shelf, could you comment on it, here russia declares non-recognition of the established us unilaterally the external borders of the continental shelf. what is our country’s position and what does the united states want? there is a un convention on the law of the sea, americans, as you know, do not participate in it, and then they begin, much like on a menu in a restaurant , to choose from this convention what is beneficial to them and not to participate in what is not beneficial to them. according to this convention,
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there is a procedure that allows you to apply to states that have. having access, so to speak, to the oceans, is treated in order to establish, within the framework of international law, the boundaries of this continental, this is done, by the way, and russia, we use this tool, and we quite often find support from the international community in our claims, when it comes to establishing and even expanding the borders of our continental boss, the americans went their own way, they did not inform anyone about this, nor with whom, without coordinating in advance, without contacting any... the mechanisms of the convention on the law of the sea simply announced in person that now the contiguous border of the american shilf will pass in such and such a place, and this is in such and such a place, this millions of kilometers. it is clear that this has completely practical consequences from the point of view of the exploitation of the seabed, the water column in general, the space that
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ends up within the boundaries of one or another continental shelf. this american position is absolutely not legal, it has no legal basis, which is why russia, thank god, in an extremely concrete and meaningful way, has now taken a position of rejection of such a position. excuse me for the totology of this approach, and all states, participants were informed about this international convention on the law of the sea, especially the arctic states, we will definitely not recognize these new american borders. some of our colleagues believe that such a productive dialogue on the platforms of the interparliamentary union is possible largely due to the fact that the americans are not present on this platform, do you agree with this assessment? well, yes and no , in fact, if... the americans were here, something would probably go even worse where things are going badly, but it wouldn’t be critical, because i repeat, there are no americans here
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own majority and there will never be what the americans try to pass off as a certain position of the international community, when they criticize russia, when they expand their continental shelf, when they do something else, in fact, a global geopolitical lie, the americans do not have a majority, they have a good ... an organized group of like-minded people and allies, somewhere ideologically, somewhere, so to speak, for opportunistic reasons, yes, indeed the west is much better organized, but here in the inter-parliamentary union of 180 countries in group 12 plus, if i’m not mistaken, the group that unites western countries includes 46 states, here’s the ratio, 46 ​​out of 180, this is a clear minority, everything else is the world majority, in this world majority ours... the country of the russian federation . konstantin iosifovich, thank you for your comment, thank you for answering the questions live. let me remind you that this was the fifth studio program. see you on the news broadcast. alfabank for business.
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stand, who are they, newbies, this is with me, a passenger, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why is adam and not adam, i am a chechen, an artist, white rose can you, i can, will you sing somehow, friends, she’s alive, we don’t need names, don’t touch her, or what? not a trosh, not yours, well, you are a daisy, a light of god, what to do, commander, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing it to the call sign rebin, no, this is the call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right.
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remains extremely serious, 96 people are being treated in hospitals. our correspondent works at the sklefosovsky institute, we are waiting for the live broadcast. organized crime group, which included high-ranking officials from minecon development. according to the fsb, they were involved in particularly large gas thefts and a raider takeover of a mineral water production company. what amounts are we talking about? the experience of the akuyu npp can be used in the construction of another nuclear power plant in turkey in sinop. negotiations with ankara are already underway. what else is being discussed within the framework of atomexpo to the controversy of our correspondent. a bridge collapsed in a few seconds in baltimore, america. the multi-ton structure went under water after an obos container crashed into it. a court in moscow arrested in absentia
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head of the security service of ukraine vasily.


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