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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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the nine injured as a result of the terrorist attacks in the moscow region remain extremely seriously ill. 96 people are being treated in hospitals. our correspondent works at the sklifosovsky institute, we are waiting for the live broadcast. an organized crime group that included high-ranking officials from the ministry of development. according to the fsb, they were involved in particularly large gas thefts and a raider takeover of a mineral water production company. what amounts are we talking about? the experience of the akuyu npp can be used in the construction of another nuclear power plant in turkey in sinope. negotiations with ankara are already underway. what else is being discussed within the framework of our correspondent’s atomexposim. collapsed in a few seconds. a bridge fell in baltimore, america. the multi-ton structure sank under water after a container ship crashed into it. a court in
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moscow arrested the head of the security service of ukraine vasily malyuk in absentia in connection with the terrorist attack. the day before, in an interview, he confirmed ukraine’s involvement in the bombing of the crimean bridge, the assassination attempt on zakhar prilepin, the murder of vaenkor vladlen tatarsky, as well as brutal reprisals against the top officials of the new regions of russia. malyuk said that the sbu is not going to officially take responsibility for these crimes, but he is ready to tell.
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in moscow and the region alone , more than 4,000 liters of blood and almost 300 liters of plasma were collected in 3 days. there are currently 96 victims in hospitals. the best specialized specialists fight for the life and health of everyone. our correspondent sofia sergieva works at the sklefasovsky institute of emergency medicine. she gets in direct contact. sofia, hello. how many victims are in the clinic at this point and how are they being treated? yes, daria, hello, after this cynical bloody terrorist attack, 32 people with gunshot wounds, carbon monoxide, various injuries to soft tissues, bone structures were brought here to the flagship center of the mesovsky institute of emergency medicine, but it is worth noting that they were not only brought here ambulances, but also medical aviation, thanks to which the assistance was very successful...
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prepared for medical evacuation for us a male victim who suffered from carbon monoxide from the smoke, but received burns, and this we placed the patient in our helicopter, and the patient asked and begged to find his wife, he said that he had evacuated with her, she was somewhere nearby. asked to find
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her, and said that he could not fly and could not live if we did not evacuate them together, and the situation allowed, and his wife was indeed very nearby, we managed to find her, we managed to place her with him in the helicopter, believe me, what i saw was an improvement in my condition, a spiritual unity arose, according to specialist staff of the center, precisely... this couple is already on the mend , and the proximity, the fact that they are both in this center, also helps them. it is worth noting that saving the lives of the majority of victims always admitted on the day of a terrorist attack is, of course, possible thanks to the modern provision of centers in moscow, the moscow region, and flagship institutes, which can literally provide assistance to victims right from the doorstep. upon admission, the wounded are met by team teams, teams of specialists, which include surgeons and doctors, resuscitators and, in general, all those who can provide. it took us about 10 minutes
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to arrive at the place, by the way, the driver. who met on the way, quite willingly quickly gave way, apparently realizing that trouble had really happened. by the time of arrival at the scene, there were emergency medical services units, the majority of these units were in the moscow region, since the territory is actually located on the territory of the moscow region, it was established operational interaction with medical forces. it is worth noting that that fateful day of march 22, that very night, became an example of the exceptional mobilization of the internal strength of employees of medical institutions, they went outside on their shifts, sought to provide assistance to medical centers, despite the decrees of the management, how to say, to create
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teams groups, they came there outside of their shift to help those who now needed it, regardless of whether they were on duty on that shift or not, at first, of course, the situation. it was scary, there was a little panic, we didn’t understand what to do, well, everything was resolved quite quickly, it was already clearly clear what to do. there were quite a lot of people , well, well, the special services also seemed to help, they pushed the people away a little, gave us work so that we could calmly go about our business, and not only us, of course, and the ambulance service, there was good medical security.
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the perpetrators of the sitiho terrorist attacks are already known; now it is necessary to identify the masterminds of this terrible crime. this was stated by vladimir putin at a meeting with the government and intelligence services. we discussed the progress of the investigation, as well as measures taken after the tragedy. the head of state emphasized that the investigation must be objective and professional, the president spoke about the goals of this act of intimidation. already said, to sow panic in our society, at the same time to show our own population that all is not lost for the kiev regime, you just need to follow the orders of your western curators, fight to the last ukrainian, carry out the command from
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washington and adopt a new law on mobilization, create something like hitler yugand in his new edition, of course. to use this new weapon to knock out additional money, a significant part of which can be stolen and put into one’s pocket, as is usual in ukraine today. by the way, ukrainian nationalists back in the twenties of the last century had such an association as the union of ukrainian nationalist youth, which then became part of the organization of ukrainian nationalists. of course, we need to answer the question why terrorists after commission. tried to go to ukraine, who was waiting for them there? it is clear that those who support the kiev regime do not want to be accomplices in terror and sponsors of terrorism, but there are indeed a lot of questions. in
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crocus cityhall near moscow, rescuers continue to dismantle burnt structures. most of the work has to be done manually; there may still be debris under the rubble. killed; according to the latest data, 139 people became victims of terrorists. my colleague, varvara nevska, now works for crocus, she is at direct communication with the studio. varvara, hello, what is happening now at the site of the terrorist attack? daria, i welcome you again, well, as you can see, it’s really very crowded here, it’s the fourth day, people come here to honor the memory of the victims, bring flowers, notes, there are a lot of poems here at the memorial, which... and people wrote, impressed by this terrible, terrible, inhumane terrorist attack that occurred on march 22, and at night services began here, they continue at this minute, every 2 hours clergy from the temple, which is located
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relatively close to new riga, this is the alexander nevsky church, on their own initiative they hold a memorial service for the victims, we were able to talk with the priest. at a moment when we all feel pain about such a loss and such a terrible event, we must unite, we must think about how we can help our relatives, how we can help the deceased? every hour the number of colors of candles and lamps here at the memorial is increasing, only... over the past 24 hours, as the authorities of the moscow region said, this place is a memorial
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visited by over 30,000 people, as for the situation in the crocus, we remember that several days after the terrorist attack, the intact buildings, including several shopping centers, the expo exhibition space were closed, and so today they resumed their work, and the shopping center was also opened for visitors vegas. what has been improved? the area of ​​structural collapse in kroku siticholi is 7.0 m2. participants in the liquidation informed the meeting about this. debris clearance continues. at the moment it is 90% complete. lifeguards work around the clock. indeed, as you said, daria clears out many of the rubble by hand, and is afraid to use heavy equipment, but here it is nevertheless used. according to the latest data in this. the operation involved 1.0 people and 174 pieces of equipment
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, yesterday statements from the owners of the crocus group appeared on the internet on a number of news agencies, they said that, according to their estimates, the fire protection during the terrorist attack worked to the maximum and even premises undamaged by the fire were preserved, also according to the owners of the crocus group it turns out assistance to victims. and company took upon itself to pay for the visit of relatives of the dead crocus employees, and they also stated that it would be too early to talk about restoring the concert hall after the terrorist attack in the form in which it existed before, of course, if the restoration was still carried out at a memorial will also appear here in memory of the victims, as the authorities of the moscow region say, every square meter... of the crocus sitiho concert hall will be cleared of the rubble as early as today at 5:00 pm the search
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operation will be completed. daria. varvara, thank you, at the crocus our correspondent, varvara nevskaya, works at cityhola. and right at these moments an urgent message arrives with a link to the investigative committee. the investigation is asking the court to arrest the eighth defendant in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. the documents have already been received by the bassmanny court of moscow. i remember. previously , seven were arrested, four of the direct perpetrators and three people believed to be involved in organizing the terrorist attack. alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business.
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suspected of a raider takeover of a mineral water production company, as well as the theft of natural gas. on a particularly large scale. it was previously established that one of the detainees, in collusion with entrepreneurs in violation of the law , contributed to the early termination of the license of one of the enterprises in the city of mineral waters. also, the attackers have repeatedly expressed demands for the transfer of 50% of the shares of this enterprise worth 70 million rubles to them. under threat of violence against... the deputy director of the company. in addition, facts of theft of natural gas by suspects on a particularly large scale from one of the oil and gas companies in the region have been documented. 17 searches were carried out. the ffb publishes a video showing luxury items found in the possession of the defendants. the footage also shows luxury homes detained,
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including a four-story mansion with a garden and a fountain. and also luxury bentley and mercedes. also discovered. communication equipment and money were seized, criminal cases were initiated under three articles, the defendants have already been charged and taken into custody. in in the american city of baltimore, a road bridge collapsed, a container ship crashed into one of the supports, after which the entire structure, 2.5 km long, collapsed and went under water in just a few seconds. the ship itself sank. several cars that were passing on the bridge at the time of the collapse fell into the water. local police report that at least seven people may be in the water; there is no exact information on the number of deaths yet. city officials called the incident an emergency. emergency services and divers are currently on the scene. new space for exhibitions and expositions, scientific photo archive, restoration workshops. all this will be housed in the new building of the tretyakov gallery in the capital. its
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construction has been completed, permission for commissioning has been received. the building is completely ready to be transferred to the museum. on the day of the cultural worker, deputy prime minister marad khusnulin visited the new building. firstly, i really love the trennikov gallery, and having visited its halls, i would really like to expand it. and the decision to expand the tryatyakov gallery was made a long time ago, but unfortunately, for different reasons reasons, objective, subjective, it was a long-term construction, but on the instructions of our president vladimir vladimirovich putin , despite all the difficulties, additional money was allocated, which allowed, after the transfer to our single customer... our federal single customer managed to complete this facility, so today we are on such a day, the day is connected with culture, we specially stopped by to see how they did it here and what happened, i want to say that i really like what happened here, i really i hope that in the coming months an exhibition will appear here, and residents and guests of our capital will be able to get acquainted with it, the
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facades of the building are decorated with reproductions of paintings by great russian artists, the halls are equipped with special... partitions that will allow you to quickly change exhibitions, a new building with a historical building connects the pedestrian bridge, light, bright with stained glass glazing. the first key decision was that reproductions of famous artists are generally depicted on our façade; this was one of the decisions that the chief architect of the city moscow sergech kuznetsov fundamentally asked to be depicted, and today, in fact , the museum, both outside and inside, is a place of attraction and a place... of inspection, well , the second important point, as you noticed, we have a lot of glass, a lot of brick, and this is actually also gives a certain charm to this building; we have about 2,800 m of light-transparent structures and... actually going up or down on an excavator, you can look into the kremlin, and the views are amazing. the new building of the tretyakov gallery will open for visitors this year.
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year. new cultural objects are now being built throughout the country, so museum cultural and educational complexes are being built in accordance with the presidential decree in four cities: vladivostok, kemerovo, sevastopol, kaliningrad. all of them are modern and world-class, they will give impetus to the development of the regions. home is where the family is, in the house of the russian federation bank 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family. all methods are good when you want to quickly cook barbecue bacon. with cheese and mental, bacon and smoky bbq sauce. what are you ready for? buddy, hello. today we are preparing flow. hey, hey, the oil is not the first thing. oh, i need to transfer money home. by the way, it’s better to translate svb online. it's faster and more convenient. thank you for teaching me. this is
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pine, calculate and calculate, is this premium, but you can open all the best and most profitable at once in rosbank, this is what i call real premium, prosbank - real opportunities. now economic news, briefly. gazprom, instead of novotek , will receive shel's share in the operator of the sakhalin-2 project. this is stated in the government decree. 27.5% of the sakhalin energy company will be sold for almost 95 billion rubles. now gazprom already controls half of the project operator. also among the shareholders are japanese mitsui - 12.5% ​​and mitsubishi - 10%. usa introduced sanctions against a number of russian it companies, including lighthouse and master chain. they are engaged in the placement of digital financial assets. according to the businessman, the organizations
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are not visible. for their work, since they operate within the country, but difficulties may arise in working with foreign partners. the chinese company iuzhanya, which, according to washington, is related to hacker attacks, was also sanctioned. russians began to use paid medicine more often; at the end of the year, sales in this segment immediately increased by third. this is the research data from the health index check. the most popular services were laboratory tests, consultations with general practitioners and diagnostics. the average bill for them rose above 3,500 rubles. dentistry is the most expensive, with the average price for a service exceeding 8. and exchange prices for cocoa beans in the world again set a record above $9,600 per ton. in a year, these products have already tripled in price. now cocoa is the leader in price growth among agricultural products. the reason is shortage. he has been observed for 2 years now of the year. at the same time, traders expect a weak harvest due to hot and dry weather in west
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africa, it adds.
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arrival of the squad, these ukrainian bans are hitting the city, we were waiting for russia, they fired at us heavily, it’s scary, i say right away, the engine is...
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the house, the whole house, we have to work, because everything here is native, we look to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website. the russian construction industry, even against the backdrop of sanctions, is setting records. last year , 110 million square meters of housing were built. state support played a huge role. what's next and how are companies related to the industry developing? the new issue of the program talks about this: a large construction project has been completed in russia. in recent years, builders have done really well, despite
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any sanctions. restrictions are setting records, according to rosstat , more than 102 million square meters of housing were built in 2022, last year already 110, of course, state support played a huge role, so how are construction companies, manufacturers of building materials feeling? let's tell you our first story from the tyumen region. these are new residential complexes in tyumen, about 800 apartments, several lines, here construction is still underway, by the way, there will be the tallest buildings
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in the city, 33 floors, but people already live here.


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