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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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a criminal group that included high-ranking officials from the ministry of economic development; according to the fsb, they were involved in particularly large-scale gas thefts and a raider takeover of a mineral water production company. what amounts are we talking about and what was found during the searches? cold temperatures and record precipitation are expected in the regions of the bolzhye region. in the samara region and bashkiria , hundreds of settlements may fall into the flood zone. we will tell you what the forecasts are for the regions of the bolzhye, siberia and the urals. a bridge collapsed in a few seconds in baltimore, america. multi-ton the structure went under water after a container ship crashed into it. several cars fell into the river. well, let's start with urgent messages from the fsb. the federal security service prevented a terrorist attack at a humanitarian aid reception point in the samara region. it is known to be a terrorist attack. prepared by a russian,
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an accomplice of a terrorist organization banned in russia, the russian volunteer corps. he acted on instructions from curators from ukraine. it was established that, on the instructions of the curator, the man confiscated from the chronicle a manufactured homemade explosive device and was going to activate it right in the building of the humanitarian aid reception point, but during an attempt to detain him, a self-detonation occurred as a result of which the terrorist was injured. incompatible with life, in addition, the fsb clarifies that none of the security officers or civilians were injured. the eighth defendant in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall was brought to the basmanny court in moscow. the investigative committee asks for the arrest of alisher kasimov. the press service did not specify his role in the crime, however the media previously reported that kasimov was a businessman from krasnogorsk who rented out an apartment to terrorists. previously. the court arrested four
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people accused of directly carrying out the terrorist attack and three alleged accomplices of the attackers. and according to the latest data, after the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, 121 people were injured. at the moment , 91 people remain in hospitals, 30 have been discharged . this is now reported on the website of the debzdrav of the moscow region. at the scene of the tragedy in the moscow region, rescuers continue to dismantle burnt structures. most. works has to be done manually, there may still be dead people under the rubble; according to the latest data, 139 people became victims of terrorists. my colleague, varvara nevskaya, continues to work for crocus cityhol now; she is in direct contact. varvara, what is happening now at the site of the terrorist attack? i welcome you again, daria, here at crocus city hall, dozens of people continue to bring flowers, soft toys, and lamps. to a spontaneous memorial that
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appeared literally the next day after the terrible tragedy that claimed the lives of 139 people, and here it’s always crowded, a few minutes ago the next service ended, people come here even at night, now i’m standing on the air, talking to you, i see people walking from the metro side carrying bouquets of flowers, mostly carnations , returning to the sacred...
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our not just a christian duty, it is our human duty, in a terrible moment, in a moment when we all experience pain about such a loss, about such a terrible event, we must unite, we must think about what we can help relatives in any way we can to help the deceased, before the terrible tragedy that occurred on march 22. here near the mykinina metro station there has always been a huge number of people around the infrastructure of the crocus groups, now , of course, this area cannot boast of this , apparently, fear and pain from what happened speaks in people, however, as of today , the companies belonging to this group have resumed their work and the vegas shopping and entertainment center and exhibition space, crocus expo, which is literally next door. at the moment, 90% of the collapsed
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structures have already been dismantled. rescuers they really work manually, they work around the clock, replacing each other in shifts. the most difficult area that remains is the balcony of the auditorium; more than 1,000 people and 174 pieces of equipment are involved in eliminating the consequences of the collapse. dog handlers are also on site. if we talk about the reaction. which followed from the owners of the crocus city group, they stated that, according to their data, the fire protection of the crocus city hall concert hall worked as much as possible , there were no burned out premises saved from the fire. they also stated that provide all necessary assistance
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to the relatives of the employees killed during the terrorist attack, and speaking about the restoration of the concert hall after the terrorist attack, and the city group management stated that it is premature to declare that it will... moscow region, every square meter of the concert hall will be dismantled from the rubble saved the operation to search for the dead and find the bodies should end today at 5:00 pm. daria, varvara, thank you, i’m in direct contact with crocus. russia has found out whose hands carried out the bloody terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. now the main thing find out who the customer is. vladimir putin announced this at a meeting where they discussed the progress of the investigation, as well as measures taken after the tragedy. anastasia
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efimova will tell you the details. the investigation must be carried out in a highly professional, objective manner, without any political bias. principled approach. voiced by the president as part of a meeting on measures taken after the terrorist attacks on crocus sitiholi. as the head of state emphasized, the criminals hoped to sow panic and discord, but were met unity and determination to resist. general pain, sorrow, compassion, a legitimate desire to punish, as vladimir putin emphasized, are understandable, but it is important to establish all the circumstances not only of the performers, but above all of the customers, as they say. there is allegedly no kiev trace in the moscow terrorist attack, that the bloody terrorist attack was carried out by followers
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of islam, members of the isis organization banned in russia. we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed against russia and its people. we are interested in who the customer is. during the joint work of our intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, you need to get answers to a number of questions. for example, are radical and even terrorist islamic organizations really interested in striking russia, which today stands for a fair solution to the escalating middle east conflict? and how... islamists, who position themselves, by the way, as devout muslims, professing so -called pure islam, commit grave atrocities and crimes during the holy month of ramadan for all muslims. so, whose
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a monstrous crime was committed with his hands, it is known, but as in any crime, it is important to understand who is behind its organization, in other words, to whom exactly now.
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territories, shelling, including using volley fire systems of peaceful neighborhoods, civilian facilities, including energy infrastructure, in attempts at missile strikes,
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who was waiting for them there? it is clear that those who
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support the kiev regime do not want to be accomplices in terror and sponsors of terrorism, but there are indeed a lot of questions. as tatyana golikova noted, to all victims and the families of the victims will be provided with assistance, an issue that the deputy prime minister promised to keep under constant control, but besides this, support comes from all over the country. a billion rubles were collected by the movement , we held unity actions together in the regions, in which 15 million russians took part, i want to express my deep gratitude to our medical workers for the help they provide to the affected citizens, our concerned citizens, for the fact that they showed themselves in this way this difficult hour, come to the rescue to people in trouble, once again... saying that our country is united, and in the face of the most difficult situation, we are together. it is clear, also
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workers of various emergency services , it is also clear, everyone must be prepared for any situation, but passers-by and medical workers who are not directly related to emergency services and employees of other services, unquestioningly, simply immediately.
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on provocations related to calls for terrorist attacks on russian territory and immediately inform law enforcement authorities about telephone calls that contain calls for terrorist attacks. in addition, the fsb asks parents to explain to their children the importance of not entering into conversations or correspondence with provocateurs who call for terrorist attacks with the authors of provocations coming from ukraine with similar calls. turkey handed over to russia information about terrorists from crocus city hall, writes the huryet publication, which cites
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its sources. according to their information, two of the criminals visited the turkish republic, but they have registrations in the country did not have. it is emphasized that the facts of the presence of these persons in turkey are now being studied with the utmost care, and they will continue to be reported to the russian authorities. in many countries around the world, mourning events are now being held in memory of those killed as a result of the terrorist attack in the moscow region. emel mersaev will tell you the details. the fourth day of common pain and sorrow with russia and its people in these difficult days, the entire civilized world, in which... there is a place for sympathy and compassion. north korean authorities visited our embassy in pyongyang, to personally express condolences in connection with the terrorist attack at crocus city hall. the ambassadors of china, mongolia and cuba also came to the diplomatic mission building with words of sympathy. earlier, in the church of the holy life-giving trinity in the capital of the dprk, a memorial service was held for the victims of the attack.
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more than 40 argentines expressed their condolences.
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the possibility of an operation under a false flag, it also seems self-incriminating that the americans too quickly distanced themselves from participation in the terrorist attack, perhaps due to fears that people were involved in this terrorist action ukrainians. it is noteworthy that the slovak security services detained a terrorism suspect. according to preliminary data from the head of the local ministry of internal affairs, he is indirectly connected with the terrorist attack in crocus, and what is absolutely known is
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that he has ukrainian permanent residence. he arrived in the european union 2 years ago along with refugees, precisely across the border with nezalezhnaya. the fact that there is a foreign trace in the terrorist attack, which is behind the abbreviation isis, is obvious to leading middle eastern analysts. militants associated with the extremist group isis were helped by foreign intelligence services, otherwise could terrorists sneak into russia unnoticed and prepare for such a large-scale and sustained armed attack? from the very beginning, the commando wing had external financiers who used it to carry out armed operations around the world. in fact, isis has now turned into a cartel for the provision of terrorist services. however, american officials deny any ties to the terrorist attack by both the united states and ukraine. there were no such people, the head of the us state department press service told reporters. and his white house colleague john kirby at the same time, he stated that there would be no quotation for us security assistance to russia.
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everything suggests that the states have found a capacious replacement for hailey likely’s favorite epithet. the official noted ironically. representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova. emil mersaev, news. a court in moscow arrested the head of the security service of ukraine vasily malyuk in absentia in connection with the terrorist attack. the day before, in an interview , he confirmed ukraine’s involvement in the bombing of the crimean bridge, the assassination attempt on zakhar prilepin, the murder of military correspondent vladlen tatarsky, as well as the brutal reprisals against the first persons of the new regions of russia. malyuk said that he would officially take the blame for these crimes. is not going to, but is ready to tell the details of some of the attacks, according to malyuk, the figurine with which the tatar military correspondent was killed contained 400 g of thermal bar, and the former deputy of the kiev rada was shot with a 9x19 mm rifled pistol. malyuk announced the involvement of his department in attacks on russian civilian targets, primarily in the terrorist attack on
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the volga region, the south, siberia, at the mercy of bad weather. in ulyanovsk this morning , flights were delayed due to fog in the south of siberia , the routes were closed due to snowstorms, in povozhye and in the south of russia there were showers and sleet. we'll talk about everything in more detail with tatyana belova. tatyana, hello, is it calming down now? atmosphere or peak, isn’t nastya still ahead? in the krasnoyassk region, which was previously hit by the elements, the weather is gradually getting better; snowstorms are only approaching the regions of eastern siberia. the same can be said about the regions of southern russia, the urals and the volga region. the day before the sun was shining in krasnoyarsk, the thermometers showed +6, this morning the temperature dropped to zero. the city was hit by snow and a blizzard, and the wind increased to 20 m/s. visibility was reduced to 100 m. by this time , winter outside had returned to minus temperature in krasnoyarsk. even more changed rapidly, the weather conditions in the region changed, in the kansky region they were forced to temporarily close a section of the siberia federal highway. by the way, at the height of the storm in
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krasnoyarsk, sosnovuborsk, lightning flashed and thunder roared. by this moment, snowfalls and blizzards had reached the west of the irkutsk region, these are shots from tulun, the day before... the air here warmed up to +10, and before the snowfall it was +4, we are not in the urals and in the urals, in orenburg, in the morning after the shower, livnevki are gushing out the first spring season has begun in chelyabinsk rain, rainy in the south of russia, showers began in crimea on the black sea coast of kuban, while in the mountains the precipitation turned to snow, at the angarsk pass - this is the highest point of the route simferopol, alushta had to resort to the help of snow removal equipment. let's look at the atmospheric processes. yesterday the krasnoyarsk territory found itself under the influence of the rear part of the cyclone, which is moving to the east. now the center of the vortex is facing yakutia, the krasnoyarsk territory and the irkutsk region are already behind the cold
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front. real bad weather has come to the south in the european part of the country, it is associated with the influence of large cyclonic eddies. one originated over the black sea, the second, even more active, formed over the caspian sea. the black sea cyclone will bring downpours to the crimea, kuban and the caucasus. there will be heavy wet snow in the mountains, and bad weather will come to the volga region with the caspian whirlwind. up to 30 mm of precipitation will fall in the sochi region. in the volga region , samara and ulyanovsk will be at the epicenter of the bad storm. regions of the republic of tatarstan and udmurdia. during the day, up to 20-30 mm of precipitation in the form of rain and sleet will fall in some places. at in this case, the wind gusts will increase to 15-20 m/s. nenastya will not limit herself to one day. in sochi , after 30 mm today, the rains will not stop tomorrow, on the contrary, they will intensify slightly. in somar, the peak is not nastya. today, high-rise cameras will have to reach 20 mm. tomorrow.
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precipitation will weaken, but not for long, in ulyanovsk it will continue until tomorrow, in the next 24 hours up to 5 mm of rain with sleet is forecast , on thursday it will already be more than thirty. in irkutsk there are partly cloudy days, the thermometers show +8, but soon, as in krasnoyarsk, the weather will change dramatically. already next night it will get colder to minus eight, it will snow, wind gusts can reach 18 m/s or more. in the afternoon on wednesday -3, on thursday short-term snow is possible, before dawn up to -7, in the daytime about -1, only in the second half of the week will thaw return to the city. in moscow today it will be partly cloudy, light precipitation is possible in places, the maximum temperature is +7, tomorrow it will be warmer up to +9. in the future, the air will warm up even better; on sunday, according to preliminary forecasts, the thermometers may
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rise to may levels. it's almost summer already. tatyana belova spoke about bad weather in the south of siberia and warming in the european part of russia. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion. nobody knows anything. alexander mikhailov. in short, you need to go there. war. war. vitaly kishchenko. you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you. get ready to blow into moscow, we need to worry about the missing . no, that will not do. i came for him. i have to find him. nadezhda markina. looks a lot like him. sergey gorobchenko. tell him that he has no brother, he was killed. alexey shevchenkov. that's where they went on
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in the american baltic sea , a road bridge collapsed, a container ship crashed into one of the supports, after which the entire 2.5 km long structure collapsed and went under water in just a few seconds, and the ship itself sank. several cars that were driving along the road at the time of the collapse...


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