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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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lack of lighting of streets, safety of crossings of roads and railways, accessibility of public transport, prosecutors will feel this for themselves and take measures to completely eliminate them. at the same time, it is necessary to increase the strictness of supervision over the legality of resolving complaints in other bodies for which this responsibility is prescribed by law. in turn, monitoring the media, social networks, analyzing the state of legality in... in conclusion , i would like to note that, taking into account the complexity of the issues facing prosecutor's office tasks, increasing demand and expanding areas of activity, of course, require powerful personnel potential, this is especially important in our historical territories that have reunited with russia. a branch of the university of the prosecutor's office has been opened in lugansk, where it is necessary to strengthen the scientific base and attract professors.
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teaching staff from other universities in the country, introduce advanced teaching methods, including modern digital competencies. when developing the institution of mentoring, involve the most experienced workers, whose knowledge and authority will ensure rapid mastery of the specialty, achievement of the required level of professional skill, the formation of highly qualified personnel is directly related to increasing the prestige of the prosecutor's service, in these matters... stability in the sectors of the economy and ensuring national security. the corresponding instructions to prosecutors have been detailed and set out in the draft decision. to implement them, we will interact with all government authorities, law enforcement agencies. i assure you,
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, that joint efforts will become a reliable basis for fulfilling all the tasks you set in your message to the federal assembly. concluding the report, allow me personally from the entire team of the russian prosecutor’s office to congratulate you, vladimir vladimirovich, on your re-election to the post of head of state and wish you to implement everything planned in the interests of russia and its citizens. thank you for your attention. dear igor viktorovich, dear colleagues, in conclusion i will literally say two words, they they are certainly of a general nature, but nevertheless i think that this is important; our country, as you know, is fighting to protect its vital interests, for the right to independent, independent, sovereign development. and
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unfortunately, our ill-wishers, our competitors, opponents , forced us to defend these interests by force of arms, to fight those whom they armed, trained to fight russia on the territory of a neighboring state, in today’s conditions, everything we do in all areas our life activity should be... dedicated to russia's success in this area, this means that the prosecutor's office, of course, retains the most important tools for achieving success. we must under no circumstances allow any slackness; we must encourage all government bodies, all citizens of the country to strictly comply with the current norms. laws, we
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must be collected and effective, no laxity in anything, at the same time, the situation is not easy, it requires a creative, flexible approach to all areas of regulation, first of all, of course, we need to address attention to help and support, i said this in the report, in the opening remarks. to support military personnel and members of their families , people must understand that and know that they , while fulfilling their duty to their homeland, risking their lives, are protected by the state, everything that the state has outlined in the field of supporting military personnel must certainly be fulfilled, but it is necessary for the economy. also
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special attention, because this is the key to success in all areas of our lives, there are many tasks here, i will not repeat anything here, i will not list anything again. from that, from what he said himself and from what was said by the prosecutor general, which i would just like to draw attention to, of course, the prosecutor’s office is aimed at simply strictly monitoring the implementation of the laws, but i ask you to address all these problems that arise in the field of economics, be flexible, don’t just act on the principle of enough. not to let them go, but rather to engage in prevention , it is better to prompt conscientious participants in economic activity in time where they can enter a dangerous zone from the point of view violations of the current law, we need to help
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people, and of course we need to strictly punish those who deliberately commit these violations, engage in embezzlement, we only allocate additional funds. over the next few years, 9 trillion trillion rubles, this is a huge amount of money in all areas and in increasing defense capability, in supporting defense industry enterprises, in the social sphere of education, healthcare, science and so on, we must very strictly ensure that no one, no one whose pockets the money did not leave and this money did not stick to anyone, so that they are all effective.
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the internal political state of russian society depends on how effectively we ensure this social justice, the preservation of our state and ensuring the achievement of the goals that we set for ourselves in all the most important areas. you have a huge responsibility on your shoulders, i want to thank you for the work you did in... in the previous time, this is the previous year, and i want to wish you success, thank you very much, thank you, is there a break? vladimir putin
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took part in an extended meeting of the board of the prosecutor general's office. in the samara region, a terrorist attack was prevented at a humanitarian aid reception point for one of the volunteer organizations. according to the fsb. he was trained by an accomplice of the terrorist organization russian volunteer corps, banned in our country. to do this, he took a homemade explosive device from a cache, but blew himself up with it during his arrest. no security personnel or civilians were injured. a laboratory was found at the attacker’s place of residence. making explosives in the phone correspondence with the curator. now there is a short advertisement and we will continue, do not switch. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction,
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sportmaster has collected all sports in one application. poster of sporting events - these are lectures, master classes, competitions. register and receive bonuses for participation. sportmaster is a digital sports platform. these are the ivanovs - an average russian family. in a year they throw away 60 daughters, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses , 21 backpacks for son or 11 sneakers for mom. sort your waste and give things a new life. the high court in london has decided not to extradite julian asandge to the united states
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until his appeal is heard. previously, the local press reported that britain could extradite the founders of wikileaks today states. supporters gathered near the courthouse in london, and sanju demanded the immediate release of the journalist. the situation is being monitored by vesti's own correspondent in london, alexander khabarov, who is in direct contact with the studio. alexander, greetings, what does the decision of the judicial authorities mean and what are the statements? good afternoon but in fact , some specific decision was expected from the judges in london, the fact is that juliana asansh is seeking the right to appeal the decision on extradition to the united states of america, in fact, the judges should have said yes or no, whether he has such a right to appeal to the english courts, but instead the third option was chosen, the final decision was postponed until may 20, during which time the united states of america, by decision of the high court of london, must provide them with some guarantees.
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would appeal previous decisions of the english courts. i want to remind you that this legal battle has been going on for 5 years, all this time, asansh is in london belmarsh prison , and apparently will be there for quite some time. the point is that julian asansh, according to his lawyers , insists on his innocence, on the fact that the charges against him were brought by the united states solely for... crimes
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of the us administration, including torture and so -called extrajudicial killings, that’s it for this he is now suffering, i remind you that , in total, for the crimes of which jolia is accused, he faces up to 175 years in prison in the united states of america, the last time... he saw sunlight in 2019, when he was actually pulled out from the ecuadorian embassy in london, where he had taken refuge for seven years, again to escape persecution. on the part of the united states of america, what chances does jilnian asandzh have of obtaining this right to appeal here in england, it is not clear what guarantees and in what form will be provided by lawyers representing the interests of the united states here in the high court in london. this topic is also separately closed. let's wait to see what happens on may 20, when the london court finally makes its final decision.
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yuri. yes, alexander, thank you for the detailed story, well, together with you we will follow the development of events. my colleague alexander khabarov spoke about the decision of the london court in the asandzh case. now there is a short pause and we will continue, do not switch. both in the store and with delivery. favorite promotions magnit cosmetics march 30, 20% discount on everything, even yellow price tags in magnit cosmetics stores and magnet applications.
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barbecue sauces, what are you ready for? alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. now there are urgent messages that come through news agency feeds with reference to the head of the fsb, alexander bortnikov. he declares that he ordered the terrorist attack. not yet established, we see who organized who recruited, we will do everything to identify the organizers. retaliatory measures after the crocus terrorist attacks will be carried out, another statement, when the russian one approaches, well, this is a slightly different topic. alexander bortnikov said that they wanted to greet the terrorists from crocus on the other side as heroes, with eleven people detained for the terrorist attack in
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crocus actively working, the circle of identified accomplices will be larger. we are closely monitoring incoming information. as soon as additional data becomes available, we will return to these messages and present them as as soon as they appear. well, now footage from the government coordination center. dear colleagues, good afternoon. today we will discuss a large complex. issues that are related to the development of the domestic shipbuilding industry, but first of all we will talk about its civilian direction; under the conditions of sanctions, the industry, of course, faced the most serious challenges...
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including preferential programs through the industrial development fund. last year , more than 100 units of various purposes were built, including two tankers of the type
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afromax at the zvezda complex in the primorsky territory, car railway ferry alexander deev for the route between sakhalin and the mainland at the shipyard in komsomolsk-on-amur. offshore platform with liquefied natural gas storage for the first stage of the arctic project. lng2 at a site in the murmansk region, as well as fishing and crab fishing vessels at factories in various regions of the country. now the manufacturers' order portfolio is growing, which, naturally, currently exceeds 300 sea and river vessels. long-term plan until 2037 the construction of over 1,700 units in the civil segment is envisaged. well, in the area of ​​special attention of the government to the development of the northern sea route, to ensure year-round navigation, we are systematically expanding the icebreaker fleet, and you know, in the coming
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years it will be replenished with five more nuclear-powered ships, one of them is russia, which will become the lead leader within the unique project. the largest integrated industry structure is usc, the united shipbuilding corporation. it includes up to... dear colleagues, we have gathered here representatives of leading industry enterprises, scientific organizations, large shipowners, and i propose now to discuss in more detail
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the goals of the task, which are considered possible and achievable for the united shipbuilding corporation. it is necessary to form a coordinated view on the development priorities of the shipbuilding corporation, and to work out the instructions of the head of state to prepare a proposal. on sources of long-term financing of civil fleet construction programs. this was footage from the coordination center government. gazprom is buying british shell's share in the shalin 2 lng project . the transaction price is almost 95 billion rubles. my colleague anna lazareva will tell you what consequences a change in the composition of shareholders may have, she is joining the broadcast. anna, greetings, what will this give russia first of all? yura, hello, the russian budget will benefit from the changes. the more gazprom earns, the bigger it is. will pay taxes and dividends. the gazprom structure will buy out the british shel's share in the sakhalin-2 lng project, although novotech initially laid claim to the asset. deal from april
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on the twenty-third, it was under consideration by the government, but no decision was made on it. instead, the cabinet of ministers approved a new buyer. 27.5% in the sakhalin energy project operator will go to the sakhalin project company. the latter are located in the structure of gazprom. transaction amount. 94 billion 800 million rubles. the project is still profitable, including for russia, it is beneficial, because the more money gazprom receives as dividends, the more it will then transfer to the budget, that is, it all goes to his net profit, accordingly he will pay income tax, then dividends to his shareholders, and his main shareholder is the state, so for the budget, this option, which has now been chosen with an increase in the share of gazprom, is also the most... profitable after the deal is closed the shareholder structure will look like this: 77.5% operator controls gazprom, 12.5%
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​​japanese. respectively. there is a production sharing agreement between the shareholders. the lng plant of the project was put into operation in february 2009. in the tenth year it reached the full design capacity is 9.6 million tons of lng per year, but optimization has made it possible to increase it to 11.5 million. as part of sakhalin 2 , the peltu nastokhskoye and lunskoye fields on the sea shelf are being developed and not only gas is being produced. in the fourteenth year. sakhalin blend light oil was introduced to the world market. in the twenty-second, deliveries reached 3.7 million tons. the project is so important for the japanese economy that the united states has allowed financial transactions related to the maritime transportation of oil to this country. the price ceiling does not apply to them. if we go back to gas, it is important here that the plant is located closest to northern asia, where the world's largest buyers are located. up to 90% of shipments
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are now being sold under... fixed-term contracts . this project was initially aimed at buyers for importers in the asia-pacific region, that is, those countries for which a short logistics shoulder is of great importance, allowing to minimize costs when transporting goods directly to their countries. 2.6 million to china, 1.7 to south korea, almost 6 exported more than 10 million tons of lng, of which million tons went to japan. the enterprise provided almost 10% of the country's needs. russia continues to supply lng both to the european union and to asia; no sanctions have been imposed on russian liquefied gas.
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there is nothing to replace it with, america, despite the fact that it has significantly increased lng supplies to europe, is not ready to further increase volumes, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to easily replace russian volumes, well, perhaps again at the cost of self-restrictions; by 2030, the global lng market may increase by 50% and reach 750-800 billion cubic meters per year. russia sets itself the goal of taking a 20% share in global production by 2030; now our share is 8%.
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now to the last minute statement of the ukrainian special services.


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