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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24. right now the main facts of this day. in the studio georgy podgorny and natalya litovka. so, russians should feel that the prosecutor's office is guarding their interests. vladimir putin said today that people have a request for justice at a meeting of the department’s board. the president spoke about protecting the rights of large families of participants in the special operation. on the fight against corruption, the colossal money allocated for defense and the social sphere should not go into anyone’s pockets. and, of course, there was talk. on march 22, as a result of the bloody the terrorist attack in the moscow region killed dozens of our citizens, including children, teenagers, women, criminals who directly committed this mass murder, as you know, were arrested. investigators are carefully establishing the circumstances of this barbaric crime. they find out its
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details, determine the role and degree of guilt of each participant, and study the conclusions of criminologists and experts. the federal security service bodies work out their questions in other special services under the coordination of the national anti-terrorism committee. i hope that prosecutors, within the framework of their powers, including when bringing state charges during the trial, will do everything.
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on protecting the rights of military personnel. of course, each participant in a special military operation and members of his family are especially protected by law, but among them there is a separate category that requires an individual approach. these are widows raising young children and large families who have lost their breadwinner. it is important to ensure that personal patronage is established over them, which is fully complies with the spirit and letter of presidential decrees and instructions. contained in the message
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to the federal assembly. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account and for purchasing any share you will receive another one as a gift. not just profitable, alpha profitable. and we with gifts, where did this come from? you are already retired, in vtb pension the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% a year, together everything will work out, oh, i’m pleased you’re like 4,900, and well, yes , of course, the panda is for sale, yes it is for sale, psb credit card double cashback, increased cashback on everyday purchases, you ’re from here, i say, of course from here, grandpa, but do you like to get more fishing or crafts? of course, there are benefits there,
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today we are preparing a float, hey, hey, this is not the first day of butter, oh, i need to transport the money home, by the way, i translated . it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, this is who else taught whom vtb, together everything will work out, pain, spasm, bonus and buprofen renival, it reduces pain, take dertaverine renival , helps with abdominal cramps, we trust renival, we choose renival, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we are at sovcombank, we take out loans, and good quickly, we are at sofcom bank, loans who know. the head of the russian fsb, alexander bortnikov, said that there is already evidence of the work of special services that indicate the involvement of
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the united states, great britain and ukraine in the terrorist attack at crocus city hall. there is no way to hide the obvious trace. as bortnikov noted, the terrorist attack was prepared by islamist radicals, contributed? everything, not both the western intelligence services and the ukrainian intelligence services , according to him, confidence in this is also given by the fact that the bandits intended to go abroad to the territory of ukraine, and there , according to the federal security service, they were already expected with open arms and prepared to be greeted as heroes. in general terms, we believe that they are involved in this, and that’s how the further course will depend.
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carry out sabotage and terrorist acts, which, in fact, is aimed at by them and the leadership of the ukrainian intelligence services, the british intelligence services , oddly enough, they spoke about this, the americans spoke about this more than once, yes, remember, nulen’s statement is the same, there is a huge amount
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of information in the public space, which indicates that the west and ukraine are precisely striving for in order to cause more harm in our country, it does not work on the line of combat contact, which means it needs to be done somewhere on the territory. our country, these are drone strikes, these are unmanned boat strikes on the black sea, this entry of sabotage groups and terrorist structures into our territory, these are the facts . in the terrorist attacks of the russian organization , is it not time to recognize them as a terrorist organization, well, this must be done, of course, yes, i believe that this is the basis not only to consider, but also to accept the appropriate ones for recognizing them as a terrorist organization, of course, you named the usa, britain , ukraine, these are the three countries that are behind the terrorist attack, so, well, i think so, in any case, we are now talking about the fact that we have, this is the general one, so to speak, information, but if there are already... certain developments, the president spoke about this, it means that not so long ago, we see, that means, what
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is essentially happening in the investigation of the event that took place, but there is still too much work to be done, the terrorist threat remains, yes , unfortunately, for the most part this is true, but you see what is happening on the territory of the belgorod region, bryansk, kursk, if on the border, yes, you see what happened and is happening on the territory. our other areas, when we uncovered and prevented terrorist acts that were organized by the military intelligence department of the security service of ukraine , this happened last year, is happening, unfortunately, now, everything that is possible, we, of course, do for our part, but we are also not limitless in our capabilities, but nevertheless, both the service itself, and the law enforcement bloc, well, in general , our citizens are aimed at...
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but unfortunately, our actions that we carried out in relation to specific groups and specific individuals, which means this information is not relevant the moment was not confirmed, they say it was not planned at the picnic concert, but earlier during the elections or on the eve of the elections, is this true? there was such information, this was at the beginning of march, this is what i’m talking about that you ’re asking now, but what happened, unfortunately, to a large extent, is the next stage. the customer is already somehow known , established, there are some, the customer has not yet been identified, which means we understand and see those
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who organized this process, who recruited and set specific tasks, in the future we will do everything necessary for in order to identify the direct organizers and specific customers, and there are instructions for response measures, response measures, of course, will be carried out, such work is being carried out, everyone... who has anything to do with this without taking into account, even regardless of how long ago the incident happened, will be found punished let’s not work for us, but for others, which means we have to solve this problem, we’ve identified some new terrorists who may have been trained and prevented , now these means that the 11 people the president spoke about have been detained, so what? i reported to vladimir vladimirovich, which means that this circle is now actively working with them... it is expanding, so the number of accomplices who took part in the preparation will naturally be greater, so
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we are working on this, if isis is a screen, yes, if it is tool, ukraine has enough contacts with the security service of ukraine to literally contact them and organize joint work, or is this too tough? well, you know, the working methods of the intelligence services, any intelligence service, is to attract to their side those individuals who would solve specific problems, then... the ukrainian side carried out the study and training of militants in the middle east, we know about this, the fact that they went to the locations of terrorists, worked with them and trained them, and well , an example of this, by the way, a large number of different citizens, different nationalities, who are fighting on the side of the kiev regime, with numbers of other states, i mean.
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yes, a terrorist attack was supposed to take place, we had to refine this information on our knees, literally words, thank you, of course, for what they say, but nevertheless i would like more specificity, specificity, thank you, the leadership of the intelligence services of ukraine is our legitimate target, but everyone who commits crimes against russia and russian citizens is a legitimate
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target, that they are alive until so far, everything is ahead, thank you, secretary. there will be information and intelligence services, law enforcement agencies, they have it all, they will say about it in time. today, at a meeting with a colleague from namibia, the head of the russian ministry of foreign affairs sergei lavrov said that our country does not require anyone’s help in investigating the terrorist attacks in crocus, especially the help of the west, with his quote: double
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standards. even the day before, lavrov stated that russia does not trust anyone in the west. according to. islamic state. in addition, the minister doubted the friendliness of statements about assistance from interpol. we have already begun our own investigation, quite effectively, quite quickly, they bring everything every day.
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to prick our society, to sow discord and enmity on an interethnic basis, including. us we must do everything so that you and i become even stronger. when you pick up a profit debit card, you will immediately discover all
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the possibilities of incredibly profitable conditions: a high percentage on the balance, cashback on purchases of up to 3%. profit with the card, it doesn’t matter whether you spend or save, in any case, incredible benefits with you, ural sib bank, meanwhile, at crocus city hall, the dismantling of the burnt structures of the hall continues, at first the rescuers used heavy equipment, now they are working almost manually, in parallel they are studying the scene of the emergency .
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officially published in the public domain, this is as you said, at 5:00 pm, the work must be completed, journalists directly to the crucus building, and the concert hall is not allowed through, you can see the burnt piece behind my back on my right shoulder. for the fourth day, muscovites and guests of our city continue to bring toys, flowers, and candles to the spontaneous memorial that arose the day after the tragedy. lamps, letters, incredible human unity, an incredible desire to support those who suffered and of course, to praise those who showed their heroism, so this... medals for services to the fatherland
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were awarded to crocus city hall employees who were able to save hundreds of human lives. in these difficult times, it is important for all of us to remember that the world has not descended into hatred and evil. “there is still a place in the world for compassion, human warmth, and guys like sofia, artyom, islam, and many others help us not to lose faith in goodness. this is not fake heroism, let me remind you, fifteen-year-old islam khalilov, cloakroom attendant concert hall of the crocus network." he led about 100 people out of the fire from under the fire through the office building, along with him ,
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fourteen-year-old artyom donskov showed the way to salvation to frightened and desperate people. crocus employee sofia mair helped block the doors with lies, and then , literally under the whistle of bullets, she led the audience up the stairs to the street. security guard alexey osanushkov took people to a safe place, and after that he was able to take them out of the hot building.
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another brave schoolgirl who saved dozens the person who brought people out from under fire, from under shelling, was fifteen-year-old victoria volchikhina, she also worked as a cloakroom attendant at crocus city hall. many people were in panic, some even on the street. we didn’t understand what was happening, at first i was confused because i couldn’t find any of my friends, what floor were you on, just this way, on the minus first floor, that’s how we went through the service door into the service area, there they saw everyone off, directed them in the right direction , along the corridors to the stairs, then we got up and went out into the street. a book of condolences was opened today in the building of the ministry of foreign affairs on smolenskaya square in connection with the tragic events that occurred in krokositykhol on march 22.
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employees of foreign diplomatic missions leave their condolences and words of sympathy, and the president of abkhazia also left his words of support today. aslan bzhania. also seen in smolenka today was the head of the american diplomatic mission in moscow, lyn tracy. she also. left my words of condolences in the book. work continues here, and about a thousand people are involved, rescuers who are taking part in clearing the rubble, as well as about 174 pieces of equipment. studio. come on, thanks. our correspondent, varvara nevskaya, who continues to work for kroku cityhol, was in direct contact with the facts. at this moment , 92 victims remain in hospitals from the terrorist attack in a circle.
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sofia, hello, what information do you have by this time about the condition of the victims? i’m looking at the information that appeared on the informagent tapes with reference to the ministry of health near moscow, it is reported that almost 500 medical workers were brought in to help. yes, colleagues, hello, doctors are indeed doing everything in their power to ensure the safety of their patients as quickly as possible. let me remind you that we are now in the city clinical children's hospital named after bashlyaeva, and there are two children here now, twelve-year-old dima and yasmina. dima arrived here in extremely serious condition. now he is in intensive care, yasmina, her condition is satisfactory, she is being prepared for transfer to intensive care unit. by the way, there is other good news, according to the mayor of moscow,
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sergei sobyanin.
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the operation on his leg was successful, ilya is already recovering, the worst is behind him. a free ambulance was found, ilya and mother were taken literally a few minutes later to spiranskoye. the operation took no more than an hour and was successful. therefore, we are keeping our fingers crossed that everything will be fine with ilya. no ambulance this weekend. 11 people also left assistance in the name of skrifasovsky, these were those who entered with carbon monoxide poisoning , combustion products, but it is worth noting that those who were admitted with more serious injuries, gunshot wounds are also recovering, we talked with anastasia, who was in a state of shock, did not even understand at first that she had received this field injury the wound first turned into a trampoline when the stage was being raised, so i felt a tightness in the
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abdominal area. well, i realized that i could move on, everyone who ran out from there ran towards the direction and left, no one wanted to stay there, suddenly the building was there it was mined or something else, we called a taxi, there were already people in our taxi, when i got here, i was immediately operated on, it is worth noting that the tragedy in croco city hall certainly became common, doctors went out of duty. shifts in order to help the victims, they themselves donated blood , according to the federal medical and biological agency, in just 3 days, through the efforts of our citizens, more than 10 tons of blood were collected, this has already saved several lives, in the future, experts say, this supply blood, it will last for 4-6 months, it can be used not only in one medical institution, but also, if necessary, can be transported to a variety of constituent entities of the russian federation. we will continue to work
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near the hospital. named after bashlyaev and we will monitor the condition of the children, colleagues, sofia, thank you, about what kind of assistance is now being provided to the hospitals of the victims, during, during the terrorist attack, our colleague sofia sergieva told the clients of the news agency now, with reference to the ministry of emergency situations of russia, the ministry of emergency situations completed the accident and rescue work in crocus city chole. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s alive, no one knows anything. alexander mikhailov. in short, you have to go there, this is war. war. vitaly kishchenko. you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you. get ready to go to moscow, we’ll write your brother down as missing. no, that won’t work, i came for him, i
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have to find him. nadezhda markina, sergei gorobchenko is very similar to him. tell him that he has no brother, he was killed. alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance. there were three of them. anton shakin, that means there is still hope. there is always hope. passenger's call sign. the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views, entire locations are changed. it's easy to make a deep fake and change your voice. we will expose everyone.


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