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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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shares in the west, and many of them have property, are funds invested, if you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law, and it turned out to be me. rescuers from the russian ministry of emergency situations completed rescue work in the burned-out hall. collapsed structures, and as
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the ministry’s press service reported, further work will be carried out mechanized using engineering equipment. ours is working on site colleague, varvara nevskaya, she is again in direct contact with us. yes, varvar, hello, once again, i literally just received an urgent message with a link again to the russian ministry of emergency situations for the moscow region, it is reported that the ministry of emergency situations specialists have completed the search. what is happening now at the site of the tragedy, what do you know? colleagues, i welcome you again, officially, the russian ministry of emergency situations has announced the completion of emergency rescue operations, i remind you that earlier the moscow region authorities set a deadline of 5:00 pm, in fact already at 4:20 moscow time.
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dear laureates, yesterday was the day of the cultural worker, one of its traditions is the ceremony of presenting a prize for a work for children and a prize for young cultural workers. i would like to especially emphasize that in difficult, tragic periods, the importance of culture and its spiritual, moral, moral values ​​increases even more. values, it is extremely important for us now how...
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creativity directly affects people’s mood and strengthens their patriotic feelings. you save and add knowledge traditions of national culture, its continuity, contribute to the highest standard of education and formation of the younger generations. in essence, you are shaping the future of russia. it is especially valuable when great, sought-after masters become mentors for children and youth. among them is the world
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famous brilliant vocalist nikolai alekseevich dedenko. the white steamboat foundation, which he created, has been opening new horizons for gifted children with disabilities for almost 20 years. reveals the talents of children who find themselves in difficult life situations circumstances. thank you very much, nikolai alekseevich, for this important project and i wish your foundation and its wards great success. marina konstantinovna leonova, the keeper of the traditions of the great russian ballet school, also dedicated herself to the new generation of creators. she educates not just future stars of dance art, but sympathetic, caring, responsible people. the moscow academy of choreography, which you head, is famous for its unique education and socially significant initiatives for charity.
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under his leadership, the theater has become one of the world leaders in this type of performing art, a platform where they respect traditions and are always open to innovation and creative experimentation. it is here that the oldest and largest international festival of puppet theaters takes place , and a laboratory school for young artists successfully operates. it is important that our illustrious ones.
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to people in the most remote corners of our country, another mission that is significant for our multinational country and our entire society is preserving the heritage peoples of russia. mengi vasilievna andar has proven herself in this field; she is a teacher,
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a scientist, she collects, studies and actively popularizes the original folklore of her small homeland. makes a great contribution to the preservation and development of the ethnocultural diversity of our united fatherland. dear friends, your art and educational activities fill the cultural space of russia with the energy of true creativity, inspiration and humanism. you give a new, expressive sound to our most important traditional values, spiritual and moral ideals historical. memory of love for the fatherland and responsibility for its fate. thank you for your dedicated service to your cause and the great culture of russia and, of course, congratulations on being awarded the prizes. i wish you new creative success, heights and achievements. congratulations.
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by decree of the president of the russian federation, prizes for young people were awarded. cultural figures for 2023 and was awarded the honorary title of laureate of the presidential prize of the russian federation for his contribution to the preservation and development of the traditions of the russian realistic art school, alexey kryukov alexandrovich, artist. dear friends, i cordially welcome everyone in the hall, you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, and vladimir vladimirovich, i want to congratulate you on your victory in the presidential elections, wish you the best health on such a difficult path,
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faithful people nearby, faithful helpers of fortitude, i want to congratulate all cultural figures happy cultural worker holiday, we... history, so it’s gratifying to understand that what i do, my ideas, and my creativity, the state needs it, society needs it, that’s it it’s very significant for me, and i also want to sincerely thank the slavic art forum
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zolotoy vityaz, with which we have been cooperating for many years, holding exhibitions in different cities of russia on donbass themes, which we held in sevastopol. in vladimir, in bryansk, in cheboksary, now the exhibition is taking place in the pskov region, so we will continue to cooperate, continue to work, and my personal gratitude to nikolai petrovich.
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i was amazed, inspired, and i decided to paint this picture, where a girl draws the world on the asphalt of her parents, who may already be no, unfortunately, we visited orphanages, that is, this girl here draws as a symbol of hope, as a symbol of light, including this work as the antithesis of that, that is, the opposition to what is happening now, what is happening at the front, that is our guys defend the borders of our homeland, our military personnel, that is, real men , that is, you look at them and see, as if you had read the works of tolstoy or
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derzhavin, a pro-militiaman, this is them, they came through the centuries, these are the people heroic people surround us, they showed themselves with 14, and i consider it my duty to display all this, so returning to this picture, where the girl draws with crayons, vladimir vladimirovich, i want to give it to you as a sign of respect, and i want it to be given to you. that is, such a symbolic work is in many ways for me, and this is the fact that our heroes are undoubtedly writing a chronicle today, the military chronicle of russia, and this thread has been stretching there since the fourteenth year, yes, for me this is very significant, and i find in this, that is, i am convinced that we must now have real patriotic quality to educate our youth - to preach values, as you said, traditional ones that elevate a person, moral values, and i will
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strive to achieve this with my art, on my cultural front, thank you all again, thank you and vladimirovich, thank you then, that you unite the russian world, yes, the patriots of donbass, in our multinational country, thank you very much, i serve the fatherland. contribution to the preservation, development and popularization of the cultural heritage of the tuvan people, andar mingi vasilievna, deputy director of the center for the development of tuvan traditional culture and crafts named after andar. good afternoon, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, to be awarded such
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a high award is a great honor. for me, this award is a sign of attention to the traditional cultures of the peoples of our multinational country. i stand here thanks to the study and actualization of my native tuvan language and folklore, where the enduring wisdom of tuvan lies. i'm happy that i work among professionals who
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are devoted with all their hearts and souls to their chosen business, aimed at preserving and developing objects of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the tuvan people. i express my deep gratitude to you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, and to the members of the council for culture and the arts, and to those who supported my candidacy, and, of course, to my family. i thank my parents, spouse, children and sister for their understanding and support in all my endeavors. for contribution to the development of national musical art, educational activities, ramm alexander alexandrovich, cellist.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honor for me to stand in front of you today. you, receiving a prestigious presidential award. this moment fills me with great gratitude for my country and its unwavering commitment to preserving its great cultural heritage and promoting education. from the bottom of my heart i express to you, vladimir vladimirovich, vladimir teodorovich spivakov and the respected members of the council for culture my most sincere gratitude for this high recognition. this is a testament to the dedication of so many people. and their work, who have supported me throughout my journey, especially within our unique music education system. i am deeply grateful to my great teachers, whose wisdom and guidance played a vital role in shaping me as a musician and as a person. i also
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want to thank from the bottom of my heart the moscow state academic philharmonic and personally alexey alekseevich shalashov, and the st. petersburg house of music and...
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, dear friends, my family, i am eternally grateful for the high appreciation of my work and the work of a large number of people
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who work in general every day to create this festival. this year the festival turns 19 years old, next year we have an anniversary, and first of all i want to thank, well, vladimir teodorovich spevakov for asking me for this award, of course, he treats our festival very warmly, i thank him for this eternally grateful, but this is a lot of work people, these are the employees of the white steamship foundation, these are musicians, teachers, artists, volunteers who every year... during their only month of vacation, they go to our children, teach them and give their whole soul, all their heart. this summer the nineteenth white steamship music festival will take place, which will host unusually talented children from all over the country, we will have children from kamchatka, the kuril islands,
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siberia, the whole, the urals, central russia, the caucasus, the kaliningrad region, the donetsk people's republic, lugansk. folk republic of zaporozhye, today i received a message that a boy from zaporozhye, whom we selected for the festival, he - there he is literally collected by the whole village, because he, well, they live in extreme poverty, and the whole village is collecting clothes for him so that he can spend a month - at our festival, and, of course, we try to help such children in the future - and uh, well, in general, we help them with education and, in general , with... further development. also this year we will have children from abkhazia and belarus, so that we already have an international festival. i want to thank the benefactors of our festival, these are people without whom , in general, our festival probably would not have existed, this is, first of all, pyotr ivanovich
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rodionov, who in the twenty-first year literally saved our festival and supported it to such an extent , that in general we continued our work and, in general, are eternally grateful. valery bisalovich gergiev presents us with everything from the marinsky theater. zolotov was at our concert in sevastopol, when on june 22 at 3:15 am the children went out to a huge stage, an open stage and they sang “get up , huge country.” and then a big concert dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the beginning of the great patriotic war
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. festival, but i really hope that everything will work out for us, and vladimir vladimirovich, we invite you to our concerts, if you... suddenly you have some time, we will be happy to see you in july at our concerts, it will be both moscow and st. petersburg, the final. valery besalovich will conduct, and we will also have a concert in kazan. and we also have a huge request to you, if suddenly such an opportunity arises, our children dream of visiting the kremlin, dream of visiting the kremlin chambers of the great kremlin palace, and of course , it would be an incredible happiness for them to meet you and maybe even sing for you. some song, if only it were if perhaps you would make us happy, today my family is with me, these are my older children, two, two younger ones are waiting for us at home, my
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wife, my brother, oleg didenko, an opera singer who recently returned from the front line sang there for our defenders , thank you very much guys and many thanks to the cultural council, thank you to vladimir teodorovich again, thank you for awarding the prize, i serve russia, for your contribution to the development of domestic theatrical art, to konstantin gennadievich kirillov, director of the ryazan state regional puppet theater. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, friends, vladimir vladimirovich,
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allow me to congratulate you on your election to the post of president of the russian federation, these elections consolidated society and citizens of russia, once again showed the whole world our unity and support from... dear vladimir vladimirovich, allow thank you for the preservation and development of the russian repertory theater,
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primarily the theater that works for children. that colossal amount of construction, major repairs, reconstructions, construction of new buildings, equipping theaters with the most modern equipment. to date, it seems to me that this is your most enormous and unprecedented support. and thank you for your decree on celebrating the 150th anniversary of the oldest public creative organization in russia, the union of theater workers of the russian federation. i serve russia. for her contribution to the preservation and development of the tradition of domestic choreographic education to marina konstantinovna leonova, acting rector of the moscow
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state university. dear vladimir vladimirovich, allow me first of all to congratulate you on your election to the post of president of the russian federation.
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dedication to raising our children, and we are ready to do this further, thank you again, god bless you, dear friends, dear laureates, once again i congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on today’s awards, this is a very good nomination, when we thank for their work, we congratulate and reward people, who... work for young people, work for children, we immediately reward those who have recently turned into outstanding workers of our art, and have already achieved results themselves, and at the same time, as one of the awardees said, they themselves, already as young artists, are ready to go further and pass on their knowledge to children. it
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fills the soul of the peoples of the russian federation, the soul of the peoples of russia, makes our people invincible, confidently standing on their feet and looking into the future, precisely thanks to you, because art reflects the state of the soul and supports. you have inside, thank you very much, congratulations, these were footage from the kremlin, where the president presented state awards, artillery arrives, these ukrainian gangs are hitting the city, we were waiting for russia, they fired at us heavily, it’s scary,
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i’ll say right away, the engine is jumping out. this is a dog that survived the war, she is a combat veteran , we had nowhere to run, we didn’t want to run away from our city, we arrived, just like that our car burned down, they are giving out compensation, we have already received 180,000, of course there are more people more, many are returning, at the moment we are engaged in the private sector, apartment buildings, roofing, glazing. the house, the whole house, needs to be worked on, because everything here is original.
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this is russia 24, we continue with the main facts of this day.


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