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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] which they buy, and were not associated with deforestation, that is, now each batch must be supplied with gps data from the farm from which the cocoa beans are purchased, and the transition period of this law ends in december of this year, importers of cocoa beans want to advance make supplies. the price rush associated with cocoa will affect end consumers, we are sure. analytics, according to various estimates, in retail, dark chocolate may rise in price by up to 70-80%, and milk chocolate by up to twenty. true, this will most likely affect premium-class goods with high content of natural cocoa, manufacturers of affordable sweets will begin to play with the recipe, add less chocolate, but add more additives, puffed rice, caramel, raisins and replace cocoa butter with cheaper analogues. plus
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, inflation is waiting for us... in a box of chocolates, instead of twenty chocolates, there will be 16 chocolates, but the price will be about the same. it is difficult to predict the further dynamics of cocoa prices; much will depend on the harvest at the end of next year, but the reaction on the futures market is considered. analytics after all is very hot, which means that in the near future we can expect a correction and, albeit a small, cooling of demand. maria slobodyanskaya, news. the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24 , 1999 at 19:45 local
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time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century. what the west did was completely unacceptable; they directly started a war, essentially in the center of europe. these are the same cores from united uranium that were dropped on yugoslavia during the bombing. i am mine i saw everything with my eyes, the city was alive, at that moment the peacekeepers, as they called themselves, were sending missiles at this living city. the hegemons tried to perpetuate their... the war in europe did not start in 2014 or in 2022, no, for them there was one rule, that everything was allowed to them and that they could do anything, it was clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions to be taken to new
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heights, there are prospects, even more brutal. ours is more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in i asked my own people, what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what kind of
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product is it? hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department in the studio , maxim movchan. find all the perpetrators, accomplices and organizers of the terrorist attack and prevent the spread of false information. this was the main topic of the extended meeting of the board of the prosecutor general's office. it was attended by vladimir putin, the head of the supervisory agency and heads of law enforcement agencies. the most important statements in alina skachkova’s material. at the extended board prosecutor general's office, in which russian president vladimir putin took part, topic number one was the investigation into the case of a terrorist attack in a roundabout. the criminals who directly committed this massacre, as you know, have been arrested.
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investigators carefully establish the circumstances of this barbaric crime, find out its details, determine the role and degree of guilt of each participant, study the conclusions of criminologists and... i expect that prosecutors, within the framework of their powers, including when presenting a state the prosecution during the trial will do everything necessary to ensure that the criminals receive fair punishment, as required by russian law. the terrorist attack on march 22 became a challenge for the entire law enforcement system of the country. prosecutor general igor krasnov said that the department is monitoring the progress of the investigation of the case, in addition, stopping those who sow panic. slander. in recent days , false and hateful information has been removed from more than 200 internet resources. in addition, security systems are checked in all shopping centers, schools, hospitals. taking into account the obvious increase in the level of terrorist threats throughout the country, it is necessary
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to use supervisory means to oblige executive authorities to update their safety passports. when assessing vulnerability, a formal statement of compliance with the requirements for ensuring the security of such objects is unacceptable. security means, licensing conditions. investigators, meanwhile, are working hard to identify the specific mastermind behind the terrorist attack. journalist pavel zarubin, the author of the moscow program, kremlin putin, asked questions about this to the secretary of the security council, nikolai patrushev. they said that ukraine was definitely behind this terrorist attack, but what indicates this? there are many indications that now the investigative committee will analyze everything and there will be information. and the intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, they have it all. the details of the escape of the four suspects, unknown until today , were voiced by fsb director alexander bortnikov in an interview with our channel. it is necessary to carry out sabotage and terrorist acts in the rear. what does it aim at?
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in fact, they and the leadership of the ukrainian intelligence services, the british intelligence services, strangely enough, spoke about this, the americans spoke about this more than once, yes, the bandits intended to go abroad, specifically to the territory of ukraine. according to our preliminary operational information, they were waiting there, so the president said that the window was even being prepared and a cat was being prepared, but now this information is being finalized, of course, i don’t want to say unfounded or emotional information , based on it, you need to talk about the facts, so we will be guided by the facts of our further work, now a lot is being done in order to, in the process of further ... operational activities, highlight all the participants in this massacre, both here in the country and, of course, abroad, which in fact speaking and done, all our operational units are actively
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engaged in this work, including with partner intelligence services, friendly states, but we can assume that the goal of the customers was and the calculation of the customers was to keep them alive they didn’t fall into our hands, well, you know, this is a very specific question, since they , excuse me, were making their legs, it means that they were still planning to leave, leave, and i’ll tell you a little secret, on the other side they wanted to be greeted as heroes . in addition to the investigation of the terrorist attacks in krokusehol, during the expanded board of the prosecutor general's office they discussed the situation at the front, the problem of allocating housing for orphans, the growth of cybercrime, president vladimir putin instructed prosecutors to pay special attention to juvenile crime and corruption. in the field of migration, it is seriously important to strengthen efforts to protect the rights of minors, and will do everything to protect children and adolescents from criminal attacks and from the risks of being drawn into a criminal and extremist environment.
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last year , there was a slight increase in some types of crimes, but still an increase. i ask you to think over a system of additional, preventive, prophylactic and other anti-crime measures, including surveillance. on compliance with the law in the migration sphere. over the past year , 531 criminal cases were initiated at the initiative of prosecutors. case. the president noted the effective work of the employees of the supervisory agency. meanwhile, the moscow basmanny court arrested another person involved in the inhumane attack in kroku city hall. the eighth person detained in connection with the terrorist attack has gone to the detention center. the story is now being prepared for broadcast, you will see it in a few minutes, but for now on to other news. from a luxurious mansion for interrogation , stavropol researchers uncovered a large-scale financial scam involving officials from the ministry of development and local businessmen. they managed to put together state, acquire fleets of luxury cars
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and move to luxurious estates, which is what the detainees are suspected of, alexandra mostovaya will tell. this luxurious palace with a fountain and a picturesque garden is the residence of once- influential minecon development officials from the stavropol territory, whom security forces detained the day before. inside the house there is a royal interior, rooms in the rakako style , gilded stucco everywhere, a formal dining room with a marble floor, pompous chairs and tables, high columns with vindels. two-story living room made of mahogany with panoramic view and a fireplace, antique candelabra on the walls, the entire large-scale scam was uncovered by fsb officers together with the ministry of internal affairs. and stavropol businessmen, according to investigators. the owners stole natural gas, in addition, they fought for a place at
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a mineral well, hunted for the assets of enterprises that extract mineral water in order to carry out a raider takeover, the company was withdrawn from the company ahead of schedule by those divested of which repeatedly demanded that 50% be transferred to them. blay is under threat of violence against the deputy director of the company. discovered communication equipment and premium cars were seized with evidence. the fleet of one of the defendants in the parking lot , a premium foreign car worth several million
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rubles, deserves special attention. luxury car bent. year old igor khranovsky worked in government agencies, was the deputy head of the ingush government. development of the north caucasus federal district, it is noteworthy that not long ago, a few years ago, he came into conflict with the owner of the stavropol mineral water bottling plant, access roads the plant belongs to his ex-wife nuret kaisheva, in 2017 she closed the passage for trucks with mineral water, considering that they
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were spoiling her road, so that in the end we destroyed not only the store, but also destroyed the passage to the plant, another person involved in the criminal case, evgeny kudelya, who local buildings consider kaishev’s business partner, was arrested the day before in court for a preventive measure, he did not admit his guilt, i would say the honor of my people, i will defend my rights. the defendants in the case are accused of abuse of power, theft and extortion. now they are weaning themselves from heavy luxury. they had to change the royal interior to punish the alleged perpetrators, the day before we gave three more aides. alisher kasimov, who was arrested a few hours ago, according to
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investigators, provided housing to the killers and allegedly knew about their intentions. details from andrey romanov. the convoy lifts a large man up the stairs of the basmanny court. they lead him in a half-bent position, usually this is how they treat people especially dangerous, they take him into the courtroom and he cannot hold back his tears. the detention of alisher kasimov became, according to according to investigators, kasimov settled criminals in his apartment in the village of putilkovo near moscow, who... it is possible that it was in this living space that the bandits developed their ominous plan: the glass chamber in the basmanny courtroom, where kasimov was imprisoned, was surrounded by security forces in a tight ring,
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not close fits. kasimov’s wife is hiding, next to them are their three common children, all of preschool age, the woman is still in shock after the arrest of the head of the family, she said, they found the guy, she put it on the house, that’s all, there was nothing else, and how much did they rented this apartment. but you don’t know the address, i don’t know the address either, judging by the situation, million rubles. another
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three-room apartment in the same area, the criminals were allegedly provided with work
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as a chef. covered with plastic film , here is the entrance to the backyard of the establishment, the door is closed, but here holes have been broken and you can see that there are huge piles of garbage and wood, according to media reports , shamseddin fariduni periodically came to this cafe for lunch, he is called the leader terrorist group, namely farid. rented out an apartment to terrorists, locals are here too residents saw a white renault in the parking lot a few days before the terrorist attack, in which the criminals arrived at crocus cityhall. this is a video from a newly renovated apartment, where the bandit rented it for 60,000 rubles.
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there is not much furniture, but there is a crib and a mattress with a dirty blanket on the floor. and a child , apparently, a few days ago the residents took away part of it, boo in crocus cityhole, after the failed terrorist attack, the security forces came with... for alisher kasimov, in this filming with a cctv camera , a minibus drives up to his house, rises to kasimov’s apartment
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special forces, after 2 hours they lead two people to the car, like this because of dubious acquaintances from... the accused, during interrogation and in court, admitted their guilt and gave detailed testimony about the circumstances of the crime, and
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the customer. and coordinate the work of the investigative team, now all efforts are being devoted to the task. the media almost immediately recorded
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messages with the sign “lightning” will be determined after interrogation. a number of media reported that the colonel general was detained immediately after the end of the meeting of the commission on collection and... or a search for iron you can’t just get inside through the gates of the central office of the federal customs service, there is a checkpoint and strict control at the entrance, but as we see, the territory is vast, there are several buildings on it, the official departments do not comment on yagodkin’s detention, perhaps a more specific picture will emerge after interrogation and operational investigative actions. as you know, yagodkino is currently suspected of fraud with customs duties. it is reported that the investigator
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is interested in her work at the federal customs service in the period from 2011 to 20 incomes and tariff regulation, and allegedly helped some carriers save money by changing the commodity nomenclature codes for their cargo. this code is assigned to each product that crosses the border. it looks something like this. they indicate it in customs declarations or in permits, but the fact is that some codes are difficult to classify, according to 15, this is where the corruption component arises when a dispute arises with the customs authorities about what category the goods belong to and what duties are imposed, contact the federal customs service or regional administration and receive a preliminary classification agreement, having received a preliminary classification decision, lower-ranking customs authorities are already...
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no, not smallpox, in ninety-seven , she was appointed to the post of deputy head of the federal customs service in the fall of the siberian customs, in the entire history of russian law enforcement agencies she became. the investigative committee will reveal the details of the case of a major leader. galina hungureev, oleg ivanov, denis novozhilov, lead the duty unit. in st. petersburg, a well-known lawyer was detained on suspicion of participation in the murder of lawyer surna rutyunov is considered involved in the massacre of rubov agent dmitry matveev. the crime itself occurred in the late nineties. at our disposal. you are filming me, please introduce yourself,
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a mathematical investigation into a crime of past years, the murder of matveev, one of the crimes, the issue of his arrest will be resolved in the near future. a disaster in american baltimore, where a huge cargo ship rammed a support and fell 2.5 km into the water along with the machinery. here are the terrible footage of the incident: the drivers have no chance of escape, the design falls apart in a matter of seconds. according to preliminary data
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, at least two dozen people could have become victims of the emergency. now in havana, baltimore. it is being rescued by more than 11 million cars every year, but restoration will obviously take many years. the establishment has still not opened after a recent emergency. on the eve of the night, an unknown man walked confidently up to the entrance with a kitchen knife in his hands, as can be seen from one of the gamers, on this porch the man attacked the visitors, he comes here to take a breath, relax after computer games
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battles, but they don’t expect them. escaped, one of the eyewitnesses, denis kolugin immediately called the police, i was scared, i didn’t know what to do, and just ran out, to get far from the crime scene, the shchelkovskoe department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, as a result of the operation of the ninth year of birth , two men were injured from the blows of the attacker
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this guy starts stabbing. now to resolve the investigation, the investigative preventive measure, regular customers of his temporary computer club, joined the investigation. duty department. queen of marathons, elena blinovskaya, her husband started get acquainted with the materials of the criminal case. you can say they are reading a detective series about. the blinovskys have amassed a billion-dollar fortune from sales of various courses and... sudination with taxes, for which the treasury did not receive
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almost a billion rubles. after the couple gets acquainted with the materials of the case, it will return to the main topic of the issue, the latest data on the investigation into this terrible crime, among which there are four direct ones.
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see you on the russia-24 tv channel at 21:30! on the other side they wanted to be greeted as heroes - words of the head of the fsb about terrorists who killed innocent people. rokushi who tried to flee to ukraine, this is about retaliatory measures, also a statement by the secretary of the security council patrushev and the head. on the protection of the rights of people with many children and the need to immediately respond to the appeal of participants in the svo. vladimir putin


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