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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital ones, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, it will be, on their original questions. and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what kind of product is it?
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right now, hello, alexander i ordered the preparation of a state charter, it could become the first russian constitution. the emperor had planned liberal reforms even earlier, but the war with napoleo prevented it. and they received completely democratic constitutions for that time.
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alexander retained the autonomy of finland, in russia was supposed to create a national bicameral parliament and could be arrested without charge, and no one could be punished except in court. at the same time, the project was being developed. novnikov or was afraid of the rise of the liberation movement, then the semenovsky regiment rebelled, there were peasant unrest on the don, but their action ended in collapse and russia was waiting for reforms. for the first time
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, its own aluminum was obtained in the laboratory of the leningrad plant krasny vyborgets. the country desperately needed this metal. it's impossible without him it was to build airplanes, produce carriages, cars, and projectiles. the work was led by the prominent scientist pavel fedotiev. the pokhovskaya hydroelectric station managed to produce 8 kg of aluminum, this is annually, then the ural plant was added to them, by 1940 the production of domestic aluminum was increased until march 27, 1958 nikita khrushchov. headed the government
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of the soviet union. from 1953, he was the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, but it was a party post, and in order to conduct international affairs, it was better to also hold a government position. besides he stopped trusting nikolai. opponents of khrushchev. a lot of good things are associated with the name of khrushchev. having come to power, khrushchev began to rule authoritarianly, due to his ill-conceived decisions, the liquidation of the system of ministries, the introduction of the so -called economic councils, the cultivation of corn, even beyond the polar.
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there was grub. i didn’t listen to their opinion, and as a result, a conspiracy matured. in october sixty-four, khrushchev was removed from everyone but again proved that she had no equal. that day at the world championships in vienna, she fought the canadians with incredible difficulty and vladimir vikulov was rudely poked with a stick. showered ours, threw the puck back, almost by accident, went to the boards to change, hit , said that power hockey is not new to us, after a clash with him, karl brever
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returned to the ice with a bandage on. in the third period, the decisive goal was scored, the first shot was made by boris mayor. became world champions for the fifth time vladimir vysotsky lottery game, whoever is lucky plays this is what this day in history was like. save up alfabank for business faster, register your business with alfabank in march and
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receive. in modern individual entrepreneurs and do not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account. guess who started a new job today?
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they will allow increasing labor productivity, the government discussed the prospects. various government support measures are available to private enterprises, including preferential programs of the industrial development fund. the order portfolio is growing and already exceeds 300 sea and
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river vessels. liquefied natural gas storage facility for the first phase of the arctic project fishing crab boats at the factories. in a variety of regions of the country. united shipbuilding corporation bureau, shipbuilding and ship repair plants in 15 regions of russia. since last year, the company
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has been under the control of vtb. in 2023 , the group’s revenue amounted to 400 billion rubles. the corporation provides 95% of state defense orders. as for the civil segment, 230 vessels have already been built, among them, for example, dry cargo ships and passengers. in year-round navigation, we are systematically expanding our icebreaker fleet, and you know, it will be replenished with more in the coming years. will become the lead in a unique project "leader". since 2014, the united
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shipbuilding corporation has increased the number of jobs by a third. currently , the number of employees at various usc enterprises exceeds 100,000 people. considered conquered.
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this is how, in good tradition , the shaft boring complex for the construction of the metro was named after a woman. not into the horizon, but rather into the depths, i understand correctly, yes, this, this technology is a vertical tunnel-boring complex. our penetrations will be 46 m, and this is the height
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in areas of dense urban development and with complex geology, that is, we have water-saturated soils, unstable rock, it is necessary to use special methods for sinking vertical shafts, on average the speed... reaches three rings per day, that is , a ready-made shaft, transportation of soil is also safe, the forty-kilometer troitsk line will allow one, this is through the southern, southwestern novomoskovsk districts of the capital, a total of 17 stations, two transfers to the mcc and four to other metro lines, a manager who is responsible for five stations of the future line, a large removal of engineering is required
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communications, relocation of roads, preparatory work, installation mats, and so -called vibrating mats to reduce the impact. noise station transfers to the surrounding buildings and structures, because it ends, from which country to look at the zil station, a unique 1 km and along its entire length it borders on moscow to walk
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a kilometer, we have a vestibule, and which will be behind the station there are turnaround dead ends for turning of the suspended train. you can see what the station will look like. who should be in this room, so that the object corresponds to the design. we are fulfilling the plan, and we are combining the resulting point cloud and
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a digital information model, more than a trillion rubles in the federal budget in non-budgetary funds, the large ring line has been carrying passengers for a year now , the largest domestic project, more and
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more people are using the large ring line. the city of moscow will build three new metro lines in just 6 years until 2030. troitskaya, where we are now, is the future station of the peoples' friendship university, rublevo-arkhangelskaya and beryulevskaya, a total of 39 new ones will be built. new arteries
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are twisting into powerful transport hubs. the attraction of the belorussian station is now united in the metro, but it’s noticeable and visible, well, look. it was inconvenient, inconvenient to cross the bridge, go down, trolleys, bags , including passengers with limited mobility, three new platforms, three pavilions were built.
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standard of the moscow city station, so an ordinary railway station has turned into a comfortable city station leonosis was carried to a new location closer to the open metro station, where they decided to build a new moscow station, today the second stage is somewhere in a large construction site. which is the future hub of the third diameter, now specialists are installing utilities and working on the ground part of the lobby,
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the passenger flows have already been calculated - by 2030 this is about 10 million passengers per year, a little more than 9,000 per day, and even this underground vestibule is connected to the above-ground part, well, it’s literally one and a half nearby kilometers is located on the moscow central diameters in the moscow central ring there are more than eighty city stations, it is important to understand that they must be connected so that it is convenient. three platforms, northern platform.
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we are talking about a high-speed highway; it will be possible to travel from moscow to st. petersburg in 2 hours and 15 minutes. it will pass through the territory of six federal subjects in which the entire population of russia lives. at intervals of 15-20 minutes, from 2030 at 10:15, the maximum speed will be 400 km/h. today, in fact
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a new history of russian railways begins, already at a modern high-tech level. road builders are also keeping up with the pace; the mnevnikovskaya floodplain has become more dense in recent years. the bridge under construction across the mnemnikovskaya floodplain should help relieve traffic, the length of the bridge is 232 m, three spans, four supports, supports, two channel ones, passages from left to right, there will also be... butovo-varshavskoe highway, it will connect four
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highways and provide direct communication between the regions , will become a full-fledged backup for mkat and detours between borovsky, kievsky, kaluga highway, it is necessary to move along... construct a backup, the main course of four lanes, the line, it will be the end, and it was necessary to lay, lay asphalt-concrete pavement along the main course, along the backups, only this year in moscow’s plans. it can be noted that this is the completion of the construction of the southern arcade, we
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will launch the movement this year, the logical conclusion of the southern arcade is another significant object, this is the interchange. eight artificial structures and two pedestrian crossings. the capital is constantly growing, so by 2030, in the agglomeration together with the region - this is 23 million. and such growth creates the need for constant expansion of transport routes. and moscow’s task is to stay ahead of the curve, offering comfort and quality. and the speed of work of transport services,
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entire locations are changed due to views, all fakes. it was as if he foresaw that a layer would appear in the 20th century.
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a certain agenda, finding victims in our country, so that.
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they were hitting the city, we were waiting for russia, i said, the engine jumped out, it was a dog that had nowhere to go, we didn’t want to run away from the city, we didn’t want to run away from our place, there was an arrival, just like that the car was we were burned down, well, of course there are
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more people, many are returning. there is a house, there is a house, you have to work, because everything here is native.
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they call the candles by their proper names, no politeness.


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