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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

7:30 am
may warmth will arrive in moscow by the end of the week, so say weather forecasters, they promise up to +15, and somewhere even up to +200. when will the storms stop in the east of the russian plain? olga mikhailova will talk about this in detail. first spring. will circle
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over the european part of our country for at least another day, which regions will be at the epicenter of the disaster today, and is it true that after the storm may warmth will come to the russian plain, this is the weather, a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel and the fubus center, i am olga mikhailova, invasion , as a rule, without the consequences do not go away, the southern region was the first to bear the blow of the elements. it damaged one of the embankments of sevastopol, a mountainous region, and suffered heavy downpours; in samara, 22 fell in a few hours
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. floods were observed in neighboring regions, and even those cities where the intensity of the downpours was relatively modest were drowned in puddles, because the falling moisture accelerated the melting of the snow by streets, and this was only the first day of the storm, a cyclone. in the south of the perm region, in some places over 20 mm of moisture will fall; usually this much accumulates in 3 weeks of march, and snow began to mix in with the northern line, according to model estimates , until today. in the evening
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, 6-8 mm of precipitation will fall in the city, each will calm down only with the onset of thursday, by which time 2/3 of the monthly volume of moisture will have fallen at the reference weather station. as for the western half of the russian plain, nastya will not bypass it again . in moscow. there are clouds of another cyclone coming from europe, but the temperature is generally warmer, up to +15, as if in early may. during this period, eastern europe will be in a flux very well, the entire west of european russia is warmed up, and for our neighbors in belarus it will generally be over +20 in june. that's all i have.
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vtb savings account, rate 16%, accumulate faster, wake up and mine, i see someone
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needs energy, fly in, where does it come from in cheese from bashkiria, where nature itself fills milk with energy, this is where they make bellybeevsky, where so much energy from cheese comes from .
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i help with liver problems, forten essentials are tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on the yandex market. at
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bigfest bikhit for 115 rubles and others offers at a very competitive price. check. then open a business account on , airy, natural, happy mic in the heat of july, where is the family, at domrf bank 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months. the most important contribution is the territory in the vdeevsky direction with the help of modern mine searches.
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during their work, the sappers found a new charge like a mine, they spent half a kilo there, the magazines are often simply put on a minus surprise, you lift the magazine, accordingly the mine goes off, and the radio stations are already there... command and staff missions began in the irkutsk region exercises of the yars missile system regiment, combat
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crews are deployed after the march. three hundred units of military equipment and 3.00 military personnel. the training will last until march 29. the irkutsk missile formation is the easternmost formation of the strategic missile force group. during the control and comprehensive inspections under the leadership of the commander of the strategic missile forces. during the period of conducting and grouping of personnel up to more than three. person, home is where the family is, in the bank the house of the russian federation
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is 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most the main contribution to the family, together we will conquer the mountains of changes in legislation. bold design, functional interior and technology. comfort: choose your jetur. special conditions for purchases in march. the legend
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is back. the same one that was cooked from. register your business soon, i won't be late now. enough, well , what a hat, 10 minutes until a new job , many vacancies every day, this has never
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happened before, russian cold, 150 g of an unprecedented, rich taste, cold, great, incredible taste. ru,
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owners of the apartment. general meeting decided to register the property as a property, but you discovered that it is not yet clear what it looks like and what it includes. what to do in such a situation, we are in 5 minutes. in the application you must indicate your desire to allocate the site. of
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course, this must be a person with a license, on the rosreestr website there is a list of cadastral engineers in the public domain, when you look for a contractor, check if he has a license, and see if he was accepted or sent for... work, if the specialist is not attractive here. for what things pay attention? first of all, the scope of work is the experience of the cadastral engineer, that is , how many documents he has completed , technical plans, survey reports, you need to look at... because
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something was wrong in them, they should be indicated on the boundary plan the boundaries of the area around your house, accounting, firstly, this cannot be done if your territory claims to begin. it is also prohibited to include in it real estate objects that in no way relate to an apartment building, for example, a garage complex next door. how you see, a lot depends on the specific situation on the ground, for example, on the density of buildings around your house and on other factors, so the qualifications of a cadastral
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engineer are here. houses are different, that is , we can take an ordinary triple for a simple one, here you can get by with 10-15 thousand rubles, there is nothing complicated here. such multi-section, huge residential complexes that are designed as one apartment building, where, of course, the cost of work can be significantly higher, it can cost more than 100,000 rubles to register the site, in a maximum of 10 working days, the owners
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will be issued a cadastral passport of the land plot. the last step remains, submitting documents for registration of ownership. the property and passport of the owner’s representative will require several more documents: minutes of the general meeting of owners, at which they decided to privatize the site, a completed and approved by the registry boundary plan of the territory, a technical passport for the house, which can be obtained by the management company, then documents that confirm the rights of the owners to the premises . need separately will prepare the property, which depends on their shares in the total area, a lot of registration and attach a receipt, if all documents are from the unified state register of real estate, which will give the owners of
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the premises the right to dispose of. but because you own it jointly with the other owners and you can do something on it yourself only with the permission of the other owners, even if you decide to put a garage there, you turn to the general meeting. then you will need to do this, a lot depends on the qualifications of the cadastral engineer who will prepare the boundary plan is the basis of your ownership of the plot, if you want to know more about that, write to us in telegram,
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send us your questions, we will ask you about everything.
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next, we will tell you about the most significant events of this day in history, in history, right now. hello. the first instructed to prepare a state charter. it could become the first russian constitution. the emperor had planned liberal reforms even earlier, but the war with napoleon prevented it. they taught us completely democratic
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constitutions for that time. diets on in some places, the separation of powers and civil rights were prescribed. it is said, quote, that no one could be arrested without being charged, and no one could be punished except by court. at the same time , a project for abolition was being developed, or the rise of the liberation movement was frightened, then semyonovsky rebelled. even more than 40 years,
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vyborg, the country desperately needed this metal, without it, right? soldiers' flasks are an irreplaceable thing. electrolysis bath at 2.0 a. baksites were taken from the tikhlenskoye deposit. and electricity was provided by the volkhovskaya ges. we managed to obtain 8 kg of aluminum. this was the beginning. two aluminum plants, volkhovsky and dneprovsky, were built in a short time, which smelted thousands. metal annually, then the ural plant was added to them; by 1940, the production of domestic aluminum was increased to 66,000
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tons. on march 27, 1958, nikita khrushchev headed the government of the soviet union. from fifty-three he was the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, but this was a party government position. in addition, he stopped trusting nikolai bulganin and khrushchev. a lot of good things are associated with the name of khrushchev, the construction of inexpensive housing for millions of people, the development of democracy, concentrating it in his own hands. the full power of khrushchev began to rule authoritarianly, because of his ill-conceived decisions, the liquidation of the system of ministries, the introduction of the so-called much
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more, the food crisis began, for the first time the sr was not flexible, khrushchev exposed his eccentricity to... khrushchev was removed from all posts and sent to pension. on march 27 she proved that she has no equal. that day at the world championships. the canadians strengthened their team and played extremely rudely. vladimir vikulov was poked with a stick and showered. that power hockey
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is not new to us, after a clash with him, karl brever returned to the ice with a bandage on. in the third period, they became world champions. after this game, vladimir vysotsky wrote his famous song “professionals”. desperate guys play like a bull with a motodor, although it seems to be the other way around. this is what this day in history was like.
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these ukrainian gangs are hitting the city, we were waiting for russia, i say, the engine jumped out, this is it
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a dog that... had nowhere to go, we didn’t want to run away from the city, at the moment we are doing private work for everyone. or on the website.
8:00 am
citizens protect the state border, eliminate saboteurs, and the country's national guard troops celebrate their professional holiday today. the national guard contributes to ensuring the security of russia, we’ll tell you.


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