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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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and the rose farm had to close the ski trails, there is a direct connection with the consequences of the storm, you say, yes. a powerful disaster struck the city, due to strong winds 26 trees were felled, although they had already been cut down, there were no casualties as a result of the bad weather, all social facilities are working, well, in adler, the village of akshtyr was cut off from the city, local residents write about this in social...
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at night they went to alternate airfields, now they are destinations, up to 24 mm of precipitation fell on the coast. the water level in the rivers has increased, well, weather forecasters are still predicting precipitation, gain.
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this was stated by the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin. according to him, complete elimination of the consequences of the terrorist attack will take some time. now the engineering equipment gets to work. and now our correspondent, maria valeeva, joins the broadcast. she works for kroku. this was stated by the governor of the moscow region andrey. each area is examined by dogs,
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reconnaissance, rescuers, we are always ready for help here, our main task now.
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talking about involvement with alexander bortnikov, western intelligence services and ukraine is it was beneficial to shake up the situation.
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pain for the situation that happened, of course , grief, unfortunately, just a misfortune that is indescribable, foreign citizens come here from russia, the whole world is mourning, yes, thank you, connections with... let’s do this, and now brutishly, there is more ideas,
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of course, let's count the payment, legal, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb online the camera itself counts everything on the debit card. vtb, vtb, together everything will work out. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we’re at sofcom bank, we take out loans, but is it good quickly? we are at sovcombank. appetite anywhere. open an investment account for the purchase of any share and receive another one as a gift, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable, one of my friends didn’t
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have enough gigabytes, the internet ran out, you ’re not on the migrafone yet, look, i also have no limit for us. connect the megapowers there will be jaga only in the megaphone, you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not, this means that uzbek pilaf, italian, pride, but yours personally, national. this is ours, catching the feather of a firebird is not easy, so
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i came to a tasty point for a convenient schedule. come for suitable schedules , stay for love, hit the mark, and we are going, third year, so you open a vtb savings account, then credit card debts hang, interest drips, you need a handyman, take it. getting rid of credit card debts is easy. mukaltin renival, we trust renival, and
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you will receive 100,000 rubles. we pay. business magnit - the price is what you need, chocolate deer with a discount of up to 50%. and there is the rate for pensioners on the savings account.
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thanks to heroism, the chroniclers of the raid suffered over the polovtsians in the battle of the village. spartak beat metal and equalized the series score blamed for the tragedy in crocus. at the beginning of the match, makhalin will tell you the details. initially the spartak match. but for obvious reasons, like all public events in moscow, after the tragedy in crocus, it
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was postponed in this case for 3 days and with enhanced security measures, both outside and inside. what can i say, i think that the guys still have some kind of internal state, and of course, that is, the reaction of the players to all this and in general of all of us ordinary people, so of course we were worried, but i say again, well done guys, they coped with this excitement.
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the support that we had now , the spectators, i’ll tell you, well, we are grateful, we feel it, we come in after periods and there are, you know, the first words, minutes the puck bounced to ansel galimov, who in such a situation was obliged to score
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, the assist was credited to daniila ivanov, but i just gave up all the work , antsel did it, thanks to him, he was in the right place at the right time, thanks to this victory, moscow spartak evened the series score 2:2, and spartak. we play differently, yes, we play about the same actively in the middle zone, and well i believe that a lot is decided by how quickly someone counterattacks, that’s how the game in magnitogorsk will turn out, i don’t know, the two semi-finalists in the gagarin cup have already been determined, they were the chelyabinsk truck. and the ekaterinburg motorist, who sensationally beat dynamo moscow and sky from st. petersburg.
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the fourth match of the series between spartak and metallurg will take place on thursday, march 28 in magnitogorsk. daniil makhalin, mikhail vikulin, mikhail mirzayans, alexander stalmashevsky, lead. investigative committee employees. in the near future obatsiev will be charged charges of armed rebellion, participation in a gang, and an attempt on the life of a serviceman. the investigative committee, in cooperation with units of the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs of russia, detained another gang member involved in the attack. native. islam batsiev, he will be charged with the life
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of a serviceman, due to the special gravity of the crimes committed in the form of detention. now footage from the government house, good afternoon, i want to congratulate you on your holiday. on your professional holiday, i wish you all the best and of course, including their families, who sometimes , due to frequent business trips and such work, do not see their relatives. you head the department that is responsible for natural resources, oil, coal, metals,
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groundwater, all of this. constitutes our national sovereignty, including the mineral and soy base, it is very important that we not only account for and monitor our subsoil, but also develop new deposits, new ones are aimed at this, you talked about the results of the twenty-third year, and how how is work going today? your department. not only on my behalf, but on behalf of the entire team, because today, despite the prevailing opinion that this is a very science-intensive industry, we also have lawyers, a lot of mathematicians now, economists, that is, this is such a very broad concept, and i wanted to reflect the tasks
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that he faces before the federal agency for energy use as a whole. created a truly very powerful potential , a very powerful regulatory and, most importantly, technological framework, which noted, this lies precisely at the basis of technological i'. we carry out, we carry out, this is probably 80 percent of our work, in 190 areas throughout the country, this is from kaliningrad to the far east, and we carry out all types of work, we accompany all types of work from deep drilling for oil and
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gas, to light airborne physical methods on drones there for solid minerals, i would like to specifically note the unique project that we completed in the twenty-third year, this is the first time in the last 30 years that we have started, we have taken a systematic approach there were, well, the most significant geological results, they are probably the only way our geological industry can evaluate them on a large scale, this is the last blank spot on the geological map of russia that we had, and we solved such a fundamental geological problem about the oil and gas potential of these basins . so to speak, in the northern arctic ocean, these are very significant results, we are working in new, new regions, mainly, as you noted here.
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balance of 1.400 million tons of oil and 1.6 billion last year, as well as our colleagues subsoil users will not...
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introduce about 140 tons of gold into mining in the near future. i can say that the sector is developing very steadily, there has been no reduction in funding, primarily from subsoil user companies, even in solid minerals in the twenty-third year. twenty percent growth, and more to fight, more than 70% more drilling compared to the twenty-second year, 102% more of our a... mining and geological work, this suggests that in the next year or two companies will come with a very high-quality resource base to balance with development projects, and in the short term we will see this effect
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in state revenues. i would like to specifically focus on the results of the implementation of the frontal strategy of geology of the legend, and to dwell on the key event - geological survey work in this year. formation of a frontal strategy, we changed the very ideology of the resolution, the economic assessment of the development of this field, including the economy, including what technologies are required to develop this deposit, this will allow us to put up for auction objects of fundamentally different quality for... users, taking into account how demand is changing today and what a huge demand for, first of all, a liquid , scarce group of minerals, we expect that a the effect of these twenty-two
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areas will be quite large-scale . part of the objects that we have installed in yakutia, we can already confirm that new ones are being formed. gas cluster that will work both for the economy of the republic tsakh, so he will not work on the power of siberia pipeline, quite a significant load in recent years on our subordinate institution, but... the global market, the global economy, especially in terms of mineral consumption, the task is not only
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to find a deposit to ensure its production, but just comprehensive development of this deposit, including all components of mineral resources. as a result, we held a fairly large series of large auctions. put into operation, this is literally next year, if not, then a little later.
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because last year we came up with such a legislative initiative and introduced amendments to the law on subsoil, from september 1 of this year these amendments come into effect, this is precisely for the admission of business to the regional stage, because today the regional stage of geological exploration is completely the prerogative of the state financing and working with risk capital. and the companies and i are working, in addition to the budgetary one, and we hope that this
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will be a very significant object, because this bill will begin to take effect, and short-term supply of the industry, the federal agency is responsible for storing all. logical information in the country today, users have such a hybrid format and in order to ensure an operational information system, an automatic licensing system is called. management of the entire neder fund, 2 years ago, in the twenty-second year, we completely switched to an electronic register model. most constituent entities of the russian
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federation in terms of licensing common minerals and underground inputs with production of less than 500 cubic meters. the license is a complete package of all legal documents, these are all legal, statutory documents for the company, development project, reserve calculation, that is.
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there is a problem with staffing, despite the fact that it has been going on for the last 10 years,
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the main thing is, of course, the school movement. these are all subjects of the russian federation, including new regions that were included in the composition, last year we held and finals.
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not only our subordinate institutions, our rosneder employees, came, but also subsoil user companies actually talked about some best practices, and we organize various events so that children can immerse themselves in popularization as much as possible on the basis of the children's camp. we organize a geological shift, where children from all over the country also come, but it is more for the popularization of the profession. subsoil users who talk about their advanced projects, and just children, for 2 months the children have been doing just this. and probably the most important movement is the student movement, the geo-challenge.
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from lugansk university, they showed a very high class in terms of knowledge, and what here such a tool shows us how heterogeneous today is. unfortunately, today there is a shortage of teaching staff and training programs, and educational programs, educational materials for...


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