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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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from lugansk university, they showed a very high class in terms of knowledge, and that such a comparison here shows us how heterogeneous it is today. unfortunately, today there is a shortage of teaching staff and training programs, and educational programs, educational materials for universities, especially colleges, so that they can use them in their practice, and separately , this is the youth movement of our suspension.
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institutions, our all units of subordinate institutions are united into youth movements, youth and give them the opportunity to defend there ph.d. dissertations, work, but i am sure that in 5-7 years there she will of course provide support, because. this will actually determine the profile of the employees of the department should be obvious using the most interesting latest technologies that of course are available in your department. good luck. mikhail mishustin met with the head of the federal agency for nedropol.
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the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24 , 1999, an attack could have been carried out at the end of the 20th century, what the west did - these are the very cores from united uranus, which. i saw that the city was alive, at this moment, at this living moment, the hegemons were trying to perpetuate their dominance, the war in europe did not start in 2004.
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alexandra nazarova will tell you. the growth of household funds in russian banks was a record for february. the central bank came to this conclusion. according to the regulator, savings increased by one percent over the month after a moderate outflow in january. as a result, the volume of leftovers. 15%. india also
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had a positive impact. 300 billion, while business lending grew at a restrained pace, the portfolio was above the forecast + 9%, as in january, against the backdrop of growing
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consumer activity, the volume of the loan portfolio of current lending, including car loans and credit cards. grew at a fairly dynamic pace, but this turned out to be a positive surprise, which in general shows that in these segments the sensitivity to high interest rates turned out to be weaker than one might expect. the mortgage portfolio added 7% in february . year with the second half of last year years, when the growth rate was around, a large slowdown, in fact, five times occurred, so here social standards not
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related to the interest rate, this is what concerns. is about 300 billion per month, this is a high figure, it is rather closer to the indicators of last year, the interest margin and interest income of banks remain quite stable, and the cost of risks, the so-called, yes, that is, this is an indicator of the quality of the loan portfolio, how
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easy or it's hard to keep it good in other words, this indicator has still grown, which in general is a common reaction to raising rates, but still remains sufficient... the remaining 23 do not create systemic risks, the central bank emphasizes, since they account for less than 2 in assets % of the market. if the question seems difficult, it may help with memory problems. forgiveness , restoration of memory and attention, the choice must be balanced, hurray, we ’ve finally arrived, how you have grown, and now to the point,
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this is for you, granddaughter, your pension was issued at vtb, and there is a rate for pensioners under the funded fund. here’s a tasty spot for a good salary, for stability, stay for love, get to the spot from work. no through the autoteka according to 25 criteria, it’s safer to buy with the autoteka on ovito auto, home is where the family is, in the bank the house of the russian federation is 16 and 2%, appetite anywhere, only
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dad will tame it, taboo when planting will protect potatoes from colorado, deposit rate everyone can do it at gazprombank. the rate is up to 16.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. condition, comfort, and
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the smell, like new, is different for everyone, there is also the idea, of course, let’s pay the bill, legal, well, how did it work out, of course, we also got 10% cashback. liv 52 is an expert in cleansing your grandfather, but you like fishing or tinkering more, receive your pension from postal banks, of course, because there are benefits there, transfer your pension to postal bank and get 2.0. receive your pension profitably in post-office banks inside a beautiful
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perfect plambier, airy, natural, happy july carries a silver bullet. alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. bank for business, do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay
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proud forum attracted 4,500 participants out of 75%. generation in seversk. he spoke about this in more detail in an interview with our channel.
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hello. first of all, congratulations on your accomplishment. there was no isolation. and the day before, during the plenary session, you specifically emphasized that rusatom and russian technologies in general are no longer associated exclusively with nuclear-dependent technologies. conditioned, in this regard, please tell us about those discussions which were going on, what was presented more at this year’s forum? i’ll be happy to tell you, but this is the difference between the forum and the previous ones, i would like to very strictly at the same time, that... at all events, during the opening, plenary session, at bilateral
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meetings, all our partners, that’s all, with words of condolences , support, unequivocal, all together, together we will cope with this disaster, but... it seems to me that our participants are very interested, well, indeed, you are right, a record has been set for the number. south america, africa, asia, the european continent, 75 countries, the fattest year before this was our nineteenth, pre-pandemic it was 74, now.
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this direction, for example, the direction is very consistent with this formulation, somewhere this direction was entrusted to us by the government several years ago, whether it be additive technologies, whether they are still being formed, and
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they are associated primarily with attempts. we find not just moral and emotional support for our partners, but it is very important to emphasize this, the desire, together with, then you have sovereignty is not becoming less, but on the contrary, it is becoming more, because a market for your equipment, yours...
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but also the russian region and the primorye region is emerging. and in general there were a lot of media stories of communications with the customer grigorievich lukashenko came to the ostrovets npp in november, then, so to speak, he gave us such an order. there are dozens of directions in it, many
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of them are already being implemented, as in the budget of the union state, the budget of the union state, they look at our relations with fraternal belarus and also add to the technological our original one. the number of participants in the agreement on the most important topic, they spurred first us, and then our partners, to form these projects
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of technological sovereignty. after all, in soviet cinema there were many immortal people who actively resisted, including in the european community, the introduction of sanctions against russia, because everyone understands that this is a deadly matter, first of all, for the economy. well, let's talk about the future now, fourth generation technologies are discussed not only in... please tell us what is happening in seversk at the moment, this is technology,
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in any sphere of life, including technology, there are sacred themes, there are more than twenty. years ago, almost all enterprises are involved in it, the equipment is manufactured, of course, everything in the state corporation rosa. and the meaning of how nuclear energy should work on the fourth. generation and younger brothers, the fact that the reactor power is 300 megadays, 1,200, maybe
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a little plus or minus more power, our first facility has started working, tests have begun, uranium-plutonium fuel, which is born from... spent fuel, plus a small addition of 200, in this, we showed for the first time at the opening, well, we showed the technological process, the launch of this line, this is a signal.
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very quickly, but then we exploit it for a century, so we understand the conditionally 20-45 agenda in detail, that’s what’s behind this year, that’s what’s being born on the site today. how to take this into the development of their countries is of interest to all our partners, what is the world talking about, the world is talking, well, firstly, about development small stations, and we are developing them, in general, and rather there will be a market for small capacities, there are a lot of people willing.
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this is not an end in itself, this is the second cycle, to literally reduce to zero, to the natural level, the volume of waste, the quality of the brest reactor, which represents a level of safety, this means that at
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the slightest, the reaction will not develop, will increase, the reaction will, on the contrary, be stifled due to the laws physics and that design. for now it’s in the middle, closer to the beginning.
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the technologies of generations of soviet and russian nuclear scientists have been honed by ours and over the years, so we see how... at least from the family, thank you very much, thank you very much.
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fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky , it was as if he foresaw that at twenty, friday is the birthday of a foreign agent, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we and...
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60 victims of the terrorist attack remain under treatment in moscow, 139 victims. the removal of the rubble at the site of the tragedy has been completed, and now engineering equipment is starting to work. sport as a political tool, wada, mock and the eu call for a boycott of the friendship games in russia, express concern that these competitions will be comparable to the olympic ones. president wada spoke about all this in a conversation with russian pranksters. wet snow and stormy winds in sochi, trees fell, tourist sites are closed,
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flights are delayed. let's ask our correspondent in the region about the situation. one plastic card for both receiving benefits and calculating payments. the ministry of defense has launched the issuance of electronic certificates to special operation veterans. 34 victims of the crocus terrorist attack have already been discharged from moscow hospitals cityhole. 60 people remain in clinics.


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