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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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boycotting the friendship games in russia expresses concern that these competitions will be comparable to the olympic ones. president wada spoke about all this in a conversation with russian pranksters. wet snow and stormy winds in sochi have fallen on trees, closed tourist sites, and delayed flights. let's ask our correspondent in the region about the situation. one plastic card for both receiving benefits and for accrual. the ministry of defense launched the issuance of electronic certificates to veterans of special operations. already discharged from moscow hospital 34 victims of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. 60 people remain in clinics. moscow mayor sergei sobyanin announced this on his telegram channel. he emphasized that doctors are doing everything to save lives and speedy recovery of those injured. in total
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, according to the mayor, more than 100 employees of the moscow ambulance and the disaster medicine center participated in the rescue after the terrorist attack; over 700 doctors and nurses worked additional shifts. the moscow region health department has updated the list of victims of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, 83 people were hospitalized and 40 were discharged. from the sklefosovsky institute of emergency medicine on... our correspondent, sofia sergieva, comes out of the studio. sofia, greetings, what do the doctors say about the condition of the victims who are now in the hospital? yes, daria, hello, i come to you with good news . this weekend , 11 people have already been discharged from the nizklefasovo ambulance, these are those who were admitted here with poisoning from combustion products, but those who were admitted here with more serious ones are also recovering. wounds, gunshots, in particular , anastasia is recovering, she was injured from... a non-penetrating drop of the abdominal wall
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, one of these days she will be discharged, experts say that nothing threatens her life, since all the help was provided as quickly as possible. the number of patients in serious condition in the moscow metropolitan hospitals has already decreased, decreased by three times, and some victims received all the necessary care in hospitals of a wide variety of profiles, even not always if it corresponded to their injuries, for example, anna in the night of the tragedy with a gunshot wound from a combat weapon... the weapon was operated on at moscow oncology hospital no. 62, the navigator showed it on the map as the nearest one, anna went there and received all the necessary help in a timely manner, the patient was taken from the intensive care unit to the intensive care ward within 4 minutes after admission to the hospital, and as the head says, anna was simply born in a shirt, a gunshot wound from a military weapon, in general, apart from damage to soft... tissues, no damage
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there were no internal organs or bone structures, fortunately for the patient. this has undergone primary surgical treatment of the wound, drainage of the wound, in general, the patient is currently in the surgical department, her condition is closer to satisfactory, she is performing all the necessary therapy. and on the night of the terrorist attack , the city clinical hospital named after inozem was also working around the clock. let me remind you that she is in charge of the largest burn center in russia, margarita and her husband were admitted here and, according to her words of help, she i also received it promptly, they immediately gave me an oxygen mask, all this was calming, well, everything was received well there and from there they quickly sent us here, they brought me and my husband too, so many thanks to the staff for their care, attention, and in general for their professionalism.
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we were received so warmly, starting from the emergency department in the intensive care unit here to the hospital. and at the vishnevsky surgery center on the night of the tragedy , multidisciplinary teams were formed and sent to other hospitals for reinforcement. immediately the moment of the terrorist attack, literally an hour later one and a half, i received instructions. khimki hospital to monitor the condition of wounded patients. vascular surgeons, four people, an abdominal surgeon, a resuscitator and an ultrasound diagnostic team came out to ensure that, because there were many gunshot injuries, naturally the vascular bundles were damaged.
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more than 100 employees of the moscow medical ambulance and the center for disaster medicine took part in the rescue and further treatment of the victims; more than 700 paramedics, nurses, and doctors came out. off shift to help to the victims, today 110 social workers and more than 150 psychologists are in round-the-clock contact with the victims to provide them with all the necessary psychological assistance, we will continue to monitor the development of the dynamics of the patients’ condition here in scarifazovsky and other hospitals and notify you about this in a timely manner, daria, yes , thank you, our correspondent sofya sergeeva spoke about how the victims of the terrorist attack in krokuholi are being treated. winter returned, the city found itself in the grip of a powerful cyclone, a storm hit the coast, the gusts of wind were so powerful that trees felled, and a real blizzard raged in the mountainous areas. and now in direct communication with the sochi studio, my colleague, inga gobeshi, inga, greetings, how
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did the resort survive the storm and what is the weather like now? yes, daria, hello, now, as you can see , there is no more rain on the coast, people went for a walk to the sea, but a strong wind is blowing, and at night in the mountains the snow did not stop, it was raining on the coast, a stormy wind blew down 26 trees, although now they have all been cut down and taken away, the roads are free , the weather did not affect the work of social facilities , now in some places restoration work is still ongoing, residents of the adler village of akhshtyr, this morning they could not go anywhere, a landslide hit the road, but in the next 24 hours they promise to clear the road, the wind in the city it was so strong that the planes left for alternate
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airfields, now they have already returned to sochi and were sent to their destination cities, the airport operates according to the actual weather, in general - up to 24 mm of precipitation fell on the coast of sochi, the water level in the rivers increased, but not to critical levels, well , 60 mm of snow fell in the mountain cluster in krasnaya polyana, for this reason some of the ski slopes were closed, but the weather is improving and in some places skiers are already skiing, and yet, while the operational headquarters the city of sochi will be... thank you , inga gabeshia told about the consequences of the snow storm in sochi. all methods are good when you want to quickly cook barbecue bacon.
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at bigfest you definitely choose. for 115 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. and it’s even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank. and period. vladimir putin congratulated military personnel, civilian personnel and veterans. national guard troops day is being celebrated, dear comrades, today in russia i am glad to congratulate all military personnel, employees, civilian personnel of the russian guard and, of course, veterans on their professional holiday, i want to sincerely thank you for your courage and loyalty to the homeland. glorious military traditions, for your contribution to ensuring law and order, sovereignty and security
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of russia. the russian guard solves significant, responsible tasks, this is the fight against crime, terrorism, extremism, security and protection of the most important strategic, including industrial, transport, infrastructure facilities, effective control in the area of ​​arms trafficking, in close contact with others... close to the combat zone, i know that you fight fearlessly, risking yourself,
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protect the lives of civilians, carry out bold, daring operations, destroy enemy sabotage groups, help provide cover for the state borders, reliable operation of army communications and rear security of our units . we will always remember the heroes who died in the righteous struggle for russia. for the future of our people. dear comrades, the high authority of the russian guard is based on the respect of people, an understanding of how significant your profession is. i am sure that you will continue to do everything to justify strengthening this trust of society. i wish you new successes, all the best to your families and loved ones, happy holiday, happy national troops day. russian guard. the ministry of defense is launching the issuance of electronic
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certificates to special operation veterans. this is a plastic card that will be both a banking and a social card. all payments will go to her. how to apply the certificate can be found on the department’s website, where a special section has appeared. as noted by the ministry of defense, the card is protected against counterfeiting. the ministry of defense has already tested the release. electronic id of a combat veteran on the basis of one of the banks, for this purpose an information system was developed that made it possible to ensure the interaction of the departmental system with the banking system, this in turn made it possible to simplify the process of obtaining an electronic id of a combat veteran, making it fast, transparent, the period for issuing a certificate is no more than 7 days. the international friendship sports games, which will be held in our country in the fall, will be quite comparable
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to the olympic games, president wada expressed this concern in a conversation with russian pranksters vavan and lexus. during the conversation , the official called the level of training of domestic athletes very high and called for everything to be done to ensure that competitions in russia are boycotted by as many countries as possible. anton dodykin has the details of this conversation. world anti-doping agency. claims that moscow allegedly does not have the right to host international friendship games, since the status of the russian anti-doping agency has not been restored, in an informal conversation, president vada vitald. banko honestly admitted that foreign athletes must not be allowed into the tournament at any cost, just because it will be held in russia. we need to stop this, or at least really make these games extremely insignificant, if they want, they can organize their domestic championships only for russian athletes, but not in
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as a counterweight to the olympic games. in general, this looks very bad from a pr point of view, from a values ​​point of view. so we definitely won't be there. banko confidentially told all this, as he thought, to a high-ranking african politician. in fact, president wada was talking to russian pranksters, vavan and lexus. from a political point of view, i'm not sure, will we stop the russians, will we force them not to hold these games? this is more of a political issue, so to speak, so we must express our concerns. and of course i i think africa can lead the opposition. we need to coordinate our positions together with the international olympic committee and other commissions, perhaps with the european union, and we can make a joint statement that russia should be prevented from participating in international sports by all means, and even more
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so, to ensure that... and the european union. another point is competition. president wada admitted that the level of training of russian athletes is very high, and moscow pays a lot of attention to promoting sports. therefore, banka is afraid that the friendship games will be quite comparable to the olympics. we know very well that sports are very strong in russia, and i think that is
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why they know that they need to promote sports, sports are very important to them. that is why it is necessary to ensure that... this event did not have any impact on the olympic games, although the friendship games do not overlap either the paris olympics or other major competitions. the tournament will be held in moscow and yekaterinburg from september 15 to 29, and russia has never considered it as an alternative to other international competitions. moreover, rusada has already fully complied with all the requirements of the world agency, but wada officials are hiding behind the fact that they did not conduct an in-person audit. to do this, they need to come to moscow, which they don’t want to do, it’s not right, they say, because of the geopolitical situation. we can't interview him properly. honestly, i think that rusada has a lot of people who are very interested and i think work very well when it comes to technical issues and anti-doping testing. the slogan of sports non-politics
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in the west is openly ignored, in order to achieve their goal of putting together an anti-russian... the government issued an extremely cautious statement that it became the object of a fake call about the russian friendship games, they framed some other major officials, so i think that they they are now in a kind of panic, they remember that they said such a thing and how it can be used against them, and panic is not accidental, the agency that is supposed to fight fraud
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is actually engaged in it itself, trying manipulate public opinion for the sake of anti-russian policies. in order to, together with the international olympic committee , eu bureaucrats, disrupt the friendship games in russia. anton dadykin, olga alebukhina, lead. the opera lady with camellias was presented by the mikhailovsky theater on the stage of the gorky moscow art theater. artists from st. petersburg came to the capital on tour. a new look at the world classics, his own interpretation of the famous novel by alexandre dumas , was presented by the artistic friend of the mikhailovsky theater vladimir kekhman. performance to music by verdi talks about history. the life of a russian ballerina, who has to choose between the stage and feelings, i actually just came up with a new story for this performance, and this is due to the fact that... i really wanted to just dedicate at least something to ballerinas, but in opera there is practically nothing and i came up with the idea just after watching a lot of different tervats and
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to dedicate it, firstly, to call it damoskamels, and not traviata after all, and to dedicate it to a ballerina for one simple reason, because this is probably the most beautiful profession on the one hand, on the other the sides are the hardest. work that exists at all for an artist. at bigfest you definitely choose bikhit for 115 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alphabank, it’s delicious, period. one of my friends became very popular on social networks. try! the internet is over, you’re not on the megaphone yet, look
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anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit at gazprom bank. the rate is up to 16.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit on i came to a tasty spot for a convenient schedule. did you find friends here? i generally have many reasons to stay, come for a suitable schedule, stay for love, get to the point with the job, chicken, we’ve finally arrived, how you’ve grown, and now to the point, this is for you, granddaughter, and keep this for you!
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the country produced more than 64 billion cubic meters, an increase of almost 14% compared to last year, the businessman reports, citing data from the ministry of energy. gazprom increased production faster than others by 20%. on average , navatek rosneft and lukoil added 3% each. this dynamics is explained by growing demand within the country and the effect of last year’s low base. russian airline revenues are at a historical high, their total revenue for the year grew by a third and reached.
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russians are losing interest in foreign real estate; demand for it fell by half in the first quarter, a businessman writes about this. among the reasons for the weakening of the ruble are difficulties with withdrawing money abroad. the overall decline in sales was largely influenced by the threefold collapse in demand for housing in turkey. on the uae market, the second most popular among russians , applications decreased by a quarter. at the same time , the demand is for europeans. directions remains stable. and vtb reduced its net profit by a third. in 2 months the bank earned 61 billion rub. this is stated in the ifrs report. according to vtb first deputy chairman dmitry pyanov, the result fully corresponds to expectations. the bank still expects to make record profits this year. as for other indicators, vtb increased its loan portfolio by 4% by a percentage - the volume of customer funds.
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it was economic news. short.
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we were under heavy fire, it was scary , i can tell you right away, the engine jumped out, this is a dog that survived the war, she is a combat veteran . we had nowhere to run, we were from the city they didn’t want to run away from theirs, the arrival was just in time and our car burned down, they are giving out compensation, we have already received 180 thousand, of course there are more people, many are returning, at the moment we are engaged in the private sector, apartment buildings, roofing, glazing, a home is a home, you have to work, because everything here is native.
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website. hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you, and this is the “typical new russia” program. our the name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots, near novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the originality of its
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present day, to find. typical features, recognizable signs of the past, that’s what we’ll talk about today. say thanks to the turks for odessa, or how to manipulate history? why is local history a strategic discipline in novorossiya? conversation with a program expert. official at the department of foreign affairs. pushkin in novorossiya. love and know your native land. in soviet times, such posters called for studying the nature, culture and history of their territory, immersing themselves in...


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