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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, find typical features and recognizable signs of the past, that’s what we’ll talk about today. for odessa, say thank you to the turks, or how to manipulate history? why in novorossiya... strategic discipline, conversation with a program expert. official at the department of foreign affairs, pushkin in novorossiya. love and know your native land. in soviet times, such posters called for studying the nature, culture, history of their territory, immersing themselves in a discipline that called local history. by collecting
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and preserving local artifacts, sooner or later the history of countries and civilizations arose, large-scale geopolitical processes that left their traces on the area. novorossiya is a fertile land for such research. here are the ruins of greek cities bc, the remains of the skievo kachevias, cossack sich settlements, the rich historical and cultural heritage of powerful empires. byzantine, ottoman, russian. the main thing is to carefully store and study all this, clearing away layer by layer, without political speculation and distortion. however, it is difficult, almost impossible, to resist the latter. for ukrainian local historians, the term novorosiya itself has no meaning, and is just a fancy name for territories that characterizes politics. russian
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expansion into historical ukrainian lands. end of quote. the struggle of current local historians around the founding of odessa looks almost like a joke. in 1794, catherine the great, with her rescript, ordered vice admiral bas to found a city on the site of the turkish fortress hadzhibey. document and the first architect odessa.
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they like to talk about the historical role of the zaporozhye cossacks in the development of new russia, they talk about the original belonging of these lands to the zaporozhye army, and therefore to its heir, ukraine. they say that russia came to novorossiya in the 17th century with almost everything ready, taking away flourishing lands and cities from the freedom-loving cossacks, who developed and colonized them. dig deep into local history, and it turns out that in addition to military settlements on the borders, winter roads for hunting and fishing, or small villages near salt mines on the lands of new russia, the zaporizhian sich did not create anything else. the military cossack republic did not leave behind in novorossiya any large trading cities, no powerful fortresses, much less ports and manufactories, only thoughts and tales, glorious campaigns.
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their analysis acquires special significance today: even the most beautiful myths and fictions are powerless against the contents of archives and the research of local historians. more details in the story by anna efimova. small rooms filled with objects from different eras, shelves filled to the brim with cardboard boxes, here thousands of artifacts from household items of kievan rus to elements of uniforms for the army of tsarist russia and much, much more. just curious objects related directly to the history of russia and proving that mariupol was previously a russian city. andrey latkin, curator of the fondovolsky local history museum, what
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survived the fire, during the battles for the city in april 2022 in the ssu, retreating, they set fire to the building, the flame destroyed 80% of the funds, which remained every day scrupulously... risking their lives they were taken out from under the rubble employees museum, the arms, lower part of the face, neck, chest were burned out and completely lost, this is france, the 14th century, at one time it was worthy of any of the best museums, but not every museum had such items. in mariupol there were others like this, once the fund consisted of over 70,000 rare exhibits, all the survivors were sent for... temporary storage in donetsk, the damaged artifacts were preserved, now they are awaiting restoration, at the same time the publication of the art branch of the museum is being restored. i understand that revolutions are made in capitals, but civil war goes throughout the country. when i was doing excavations at the krovchesky museum, i
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heard people passing by, looking at the buildings, saying, that’s it, there is no more history, the history burned down, but as you can see, history. cannot tan completely. the most amazing thing is that books miraculously survived that fire. antique library of the eighteenth-19th centuries. atlas of semenov, tianshansky, picturesque russia and many other buildings. to study them in detail, we go to the russian state library. the phenomenon of odessa drew special attention zubogo on this city, first created by russian hands on the shores of the black sea. the whole history of the novorossiysk region from 1731 to 1823. work of apollo skalkovsky. this story is impartial, without cuts. here is not only the pro-imperial development of the southern steppes, but also the previous relations at that time with the main political rival of russia, the ottoman empire. more recently , the turkish administration was present in almost all territories. accordingly, he
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accumulated those fermans, those various registers that came across, so to speak, and accordingly, he made a very good, high-quality essay, presence. both the central port, so to speak, of the ottoman, and the crimean khanate. the uniqueness of this book is that it contains dozens of archival documents, exclusively originals, under one binding, many of which have not been preserved in other sources. here, for example, is a map of the ascension governorship, created by catherine at the beginning of 1795 and lasting only a year. this territorial-administrative unit was abolished by paul ii. and on these pages myself the duke, duc de rochelle is described in detail. for which his contemporaries nicknamed him the herodotus of the novorossiysk region, so that he could work calmly; access to all archives was given to him personally by count varontsov. on the first spread,
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thanks to the governor general. founding of kherson, odessa, nikolaev and dozens of other cities, creation of infrastructure. here, for example, is a note with proposals from tauride governor-general baranov. on the development of travel connections with the southern coast of crimea. historical parallels with the construction of the tabrida highway suggest themselves themselves and many, many other measures that st. petersburg took and which centuries later in the so-called ukrainian historiography will be called nothing less than imperial oppression, and the russian empire a prison of peoples, although the very history of novorossiya and its multinational settlement refutes this. we see almost the entire map, the ethnocultural map of the east.
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north macedonia, it acted as such, so to speak, an exit zone, malarosia or ukraine was such an exit zone, this concept initially meant border lands. in in search of themselves, the so-called independent historians of our days delved into the ancient ukrainians and even proved the greek origin of the ukrainians without, in their opinion , the barbaric moscow admixture. such books began to be published especially actively after 1991, a whole generation grew up on them, the result is obvious, which in particular. odessa, where nationalists destroy monuments to the founders of the city, is now rapidly losing. donbass did not allow this to happen, however, there is still a huge gap in educational programs needs to be replenished. we helped historians of the luganda people's republic create
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a historical and cultural standard for the history of the republic. specialists primarily from lugansk took part in its creation. it allowed. create such a good document on - a program document on the study of the history of the native land, according to which educational literature and courses on history - lpr will be created in the future. moreover, starting from september 1, 2025 , a lesson on the history of our region will appear in schools throughout russia. in some in a sense, this is an appeal to the best traditions of soviet local history education, in particular, which have stood the test of time and which many still remember with nostalgia. history, as you know, begins with the study of one’s family and one’s land. and where this does not happen, it, unfortunately, ends. anna efimova, valery savelev.
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we will talk about the importance of restoring historical regional studies in novorossiya with our permanent expert, historian and political scientist, rostislav. rastislav, good afternoon, good day. rastislav, i closely follow the ukrainian media space and there has recently appeared a huge number of pseudo-regional programs that say that in the donbass, in novorosiya... why is this being done, any state, yes, especially a state based on
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ideological basis, and the ukrainian nationalist state is based precisely on an ideological basis, yes, it always tries in some way - to justify its right not only to the very fact of existence, but to the mechanisms used to ensure this existence.
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a specific view on global problems , as far as historically, the turks could not live there from time immemorial, just as the cossacks could not live there from time immemorial, because the appearance of the cossacks is generally recorded in the history of these same zaporozhye, ukrainian historians themselves write that the first organizer the battle was baida vishnevetsky, this is, excuse me, the 16th century, until the 15th century in the history of novorossiya there were russian state formations that existed there and there were separate principalities, and... there was common the russian state, which belonged to novorossiya, the territory along the dnieper and the territory
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along the don was also constantly developed by our ancestors; they were given the white vezha fortress, which was taken from the khazars, at one time there was a permanent russian advanced outpost there, this is all novorossiya, but it was not populated on a permanent basis, with the exception of individual fortified settlements, because this is a steppe road, tribes constantly moved along it. steppe peoples moved from mongolia to europe, this happened over the course of centuries, another horde is moving, which means that the slavic settlements are disappearing again, but nevertheless, this is a constant constant attempt to exit and develop this very steppe, and our ancestors have been moving towards the black sea all the time, i repeat, since ancient times. what can be contrasted with this ukrainian pseudo-local history concerning...
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often a teenager, when he begins to study the history of the place in which he lives, he willy- nilly encounters an intersection.
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and any state’s military history is part of its national consciousness, because this is the formation of an idea of ​​how the state was created about the exploits of our ancestors, therefore novorossiya in terms of history, in terms of cultivating interest, love of history in terms of cultivating patriotism, is a super-fertile land. thank you very much for the interesting story. and a little more about historical local history: all last year in ukraine they actively fought against the so-called imperial legacy, they demolished monuments and busts of alexander sergeevich pushkin, even dismantled memorial plaques; in total , 36 have already been destroyed or demolished in ukraine
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sculptures in chernigov, vinnitsa, the white church , nikolaev, poltava, kiev, petrovsk and other cities, were demolished in those places where the poet visited, which local residents were always proud of, and where he had never been, pushkin was not, for example , in shanghai, but his bronze bust was installed there back in 1937, and in most of the more than 600 places in the world where the name of the russian poet is honored, there are his sculptural images; for some reason they are not honored, but they are demolished only in ukraine. pushkin is a symbolic figure for novorossiya, almost legendary, because his southern exile, in which the writer spent 4 years, essentially becoming a journey through the southern edge of the russian empire and the lands of new russia. the journey began in ekaterinoslav, continued in the caucasus in crimea, passed through chisinau
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and ended in odessa. during this time, the poet wrote many lyric poems and completed this poem. there is a similar one on primorsky boulevard in odessa. bust in the former yekaterinoslav, hidden and saved during the great patriotic war from the german occupiers.
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1817, graduate of the tsarsko-selo lyceum alexander pushkin was assigned to serve in the college foreign affairs in the same year he wrote the ode "liberty". it spreads throughout russia and confuses the authorities with its freethinking. then follows a village with a verdict on serfdom and many caustic epigrams. the emperor is angry, the fate of the young poet seemed predetermined, but vasily zhukovsky, nikolai karamzin and himself stand up for him.
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18 days, the result was the poem the brothers-robbers, based, according to the poet himself, on real events, but after shopping one day in the dnieper, the poet fell ill, the doctors recommended that he be treated first with the caucasus, and then in the crimea, so in the fall pushkin ended up in the former capital of the crimean khanate. at that time, bakhchosaray retained the outlines of a real eastern city, where the houses were built on two floors, and the balconies were decorated with wooden carvings. bars so that it was impossible to see the inhabitants of the house. bakhcesarai at that time was a trade and craft center, where
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all trading life was concentrated on the main street. the same street led the poet and his companions to the khan’s palace, but pushkin was disappointed with what he saw. he told about this in a letter to his friend delvig. the palace itself is decaying and clumsily remodeled, the fountain of tears is spoiled. even before arriving here, alexander sergeevich knew the legend about the unhappy love of the khan. grumbling to his concubine about how, after her death, he asked the court master to make the stone cry. according to legend, in one of the courtyards of the palace, pushkin picked two roses and laid them at the fountain. since then, but every morning the employees of the reserve museum bring here a red rose - a symbol of the khan’s love and a white one - a symbol of sadness. in 1824, the poet wrote a poem to the fountain of the bahcesarai palace, and his lines would later inspire the composer alexander vlasov.
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on italian street, then on debasovskaya, he served in the office of the governor-general of novorossiya, count vorontsov, and was not particularly bothered until may 1824, when he was sent for statistical data to kherson, which at that time was suffering from the invasion from aranci. after 5 days he returned to odessa, without fulfilling, without accomplishing anything, but he had to write a report, this report is known in poetic form, the soroncha flew in and sat down. sat, ate everything and flew away again. a squabble over letters and resignation letters ensued. pushkin was sent under the supervision of local authorities to the family estate of mikhailovskaya, pskov province. there he
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will remember odessa and ask his friends to send news about her. the so-called southern exile left a mark not only on pushkin’s poetic heritage. from bendry, the poet brought a story about dead souls and convinced nikolai gogol to write a big book about russia. there he was told a story from. such steppes, he has never been to lugansk, although there is a connection with the russian sun poetry is special: a native of the city, the author of a dictionary of the living great russian language, vladimir dal
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, met with pushkin three times, and the last words of the dying poet were addressed to him. already today, at the request of the lugansk residents themselves, a bust of alexander sergeevich was moved to one of the oldest streets of the city, pushkinskaya. this is really very symbolic in our city, because fate brought vladimir ivanovich together. in donetsk there are several monuments to alexander pushkin, not only to him, but also to his characters works, a mold for copies of the famous moscow sculpture of the poet, which was installed in the park opposite the cultural center named after him, was made on a 3d printer from polymer materials, caring local residents participated in the fundraising, thereby continuing... the tradition established once upon a time by the residents of ekaterinoslav and odessa residents. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelyev, typical novorossiya. that's all
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