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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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as a political instrument, wada, mock and the eu are calling for a boycott of the friendship games in russia and expressing fears that these competitions will be comparable to the olympic ones. president wada spoke about all this in a conversation with russian pranksters. wet snow and stormy winds in sochi. trees have been knocked down, tourist sites are closed, and flights are delayed. let’s ask our meteorologists about the situation in the south of russia and forecasts for the bolzhye region. one plastic card for both receiving benefits and calculating payments. the ministry of defense launched the issuance electronic certificates for special operation veterans. the moscow region health department has updated the list of victims of the terrorist attack in crocus city hole. in it, 83 people were hospitalized and 40 were discharged. the fact that doctors are doing everything to save.
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moscow mayor sergei sobyanin said today that the victims will recover as soon as possible. according to sobyanin , more than 100 employees of the moscow ambulance service and the center for disaster medicine participated in the rescue after the terrorist attack. over 700 doctors and nurses took extra shifts. also, as the mayor of moscow reported, almost 400 fire rescuers and more than 140 pieces of equipment took part in extinguishing the fire in kroku cityhole after the terrorist attack. the day before, rescuers finished analyzing the area. in crocus, but complete elimination of the consequences of the terrorist attack will take some time. and today, state duma deputies expressed gratitude to the families of six teenagers who showed bravery and courage during the evacuation of people during the terrorist attack in crocus city hole. in the near future we are looking forward to a live broadcast from our correspondent from okhotny ryad. professional holiday national guard troops are celebrating today. vladimir putin addressed congratulations to military personnel and veterans. the president noted
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that the soldiers of the russian guard fearlessly serve, including in the donbass protecting citizens and the state border, eliminating saboteurs. you ensured security during election campaigns at all levels, including the presidential elections in russia, and acted in a coordinated manner during major events and forums, including the future games tournament and the world youth festival. i especially want to mention our comrades who serve in the donbass in novorossiya, in areas located in close proximity to the combat zone . i know that you fight fearlessly , risking yourself, protect the lives of civilians, carry out bold, daring operations, destroy enemy sabotage groups, help cover the state border, reliable operation of army communications and... the danger of the rear
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of our units and subunits, we will always be remember the heroes who died in the righteous struggle for russia, for the future of our people. employees the national guard, to which the president’s special words were addressed, are celebrating the holiday on the front line. a report by our military correspondent nikolai dolgachev about those who are carrying out combat missions in the special operation zone today. special forces, the intelligence of the russian guard are now carrying out work.
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residents of the front-line zone recently became russian citizens, but the russian guard is already actively helping. during a survey of local residents who remained, thanks to them, not indifferent to, say, the population of their locality, they indicated suspicious a place long abandoned, standing on the outskirts. here is footage of the discovery of a large cache of 78 mines , 119 grenades, cartridges, house bombs, the enemy was planning to carry out major sabotage.
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if necessary , special equipment can be used to clear mines on site in order to minimize personnel losses, and if we do not know which explosive object to protect ourselves from, we work with the help of a robot. the main task of the russian guard is to ensure security and peace in the rear, but it happens in unmanned aircraft operators from the russian guard has a large list of destroyed enemy equipment, new items arrive almost every day, everything is updated, everything is new, well, roughly speaking , let’s just say we are not lagging behind. national guard members are at work on any holiday; for such a service,
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weekends are often more active than weekdays. on their professional holiday, units also continue to carry out combat missions. nikolai dlagachev, magomed bashir aliev, maria bulgakova, news. what did you do 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, it can help appeppt, it helps restore memory and attention, on appeppt, so that the head works , let’s do this again, and now skoto, there’s another idea, of course, let’s pay for it, legal, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb online, the camera itself does everything believes. so how did it turn out? of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card. vtb. everything will work out together. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account. and for purchasing any share you get another one as
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and... from deep drilling for oil and gas to light airborne physical methods on a drone there for solid minerals, i would like to separately note the unique project that we completed in the twenty-third year, this is the first time in the last 30 years that we have started, systematically approached studying the shelf, began work on the shelf, drilled four wells, and we are also actively working today in new regions, mainly, as you noted here, we are working on underground water for water supply to populated areas, because today there is a shortage in a number of... populated areas, which we are trying to eliminate today. myanmar will expand
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air connections with russia, with plans to launch even more direct flights from different cities. the prime minister of the country, min aunh lain, spoke about this. he gave an interview to the author, host of the formula of power program, deputy general director of tas mikhail gusman. according to hlaing, myanmar has many tourist destinations that deserve attention, the authorities are doing everything to attract russians. “we are making efforts to create the necessary conditions to attract more tourists from russia, including not only the introduction of a visa-free regime and the organization of direct flights to mandalay, yangon and naypyitaw, but plans to open new direct flights to other cities, the conditions for the implementation of these plans. is the modernization of airports and other infrastructure. myanmar has many tourist
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destinations that deserve attention. our country is famous for the unique beauty of nature and diversity of culture. the international friendship sports games, which will be held in our country in the fall, will be quite comparable to the olympic games. the president expressed this concern. conversation with russian pranksters vavan and lexus. during the conversation, the official called the level of training of domestic athletes very high and called for everything to be done to ensure that competitions in russia are boycotted by as many countries as possible. anton dodykin has all the details. the world anti-doping agency officially states that moscow allegedly has no right to hold international friendship games, since the status of the russian anti-doping agency has not been restored. out officially.
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with russian pranksters vavan and lexus. from a political point of view, i'm not sure whether we will stop the russians or force them not to host these games? this is more of a political issue, so to speak, so we have to voice our concerns, and of course, i think africa can lead the opposition, then we can, or you can talk to other regions and then think about how
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together we can stop this initiative, we need to coordinate the positions together with between. and they oversee completely different areas, so they are trying to get into this, in principle, somehow even in such private conversations they are not shy about it, only the main thing they heard was that supposedly our african politician was on their side, so they immediately showed their cards and told about this political conspiracy, where both mok and the european union are already present. another point is
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competition. president wada admitted that the level of training of russian athletes is very high, and moscow is paying attention. a lot of attention promotion of sports, so banka fears that the friendship games will be quite comparable to the olympics. we know very well that sport is very strong in russia and i think that is why they know that they need to promote sport, for them sport is very important, that is why we need to make sure that this event does not have any impact on the olympic games, although the friendship games do not overlap in time with either the olympics in paris or other major competitions. will be held in moscow and yekaterinburg from september 15 to 29, and russia has never considered it as an alternative to other international competitions. moreover, rusada has already fully complied with all the requirements of the world agency, but wada officials are hiding behind the fact that they did not conduct an in-person audit, for this they need to come to moscow, which they do not
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want to do, this is not the case, they say, due to the geopolitical situation.
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major officials, so i think that they are now in some kind of panic, they remember that they said such things and how it can be used against them, and panic is not accidental, the agency that must fight with frauds, in fact, it itself is engaged in them, trying to manipulate public opinion for the sake of anti-russian policies, in order, together with the international olympic committee and the bureaucrats of the european union , to disrupt the friendship games in russia. anton dadykin, olga albukhina, news! alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. pentalgin - remedies against different
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tatyana, greetings, is there a threat to other settlements and other regions? yes, the volga region will remain at the epicenter of the bad storm, there are reasons for that. the rain in tolyat gave way to snowfall. this has not yet radically changed the situation on the streets. they are still flooded. hundreds cars with hydraulic shock after. improvement in the weather will have to be sent to the service, according to the talyasinsk specialized hydromed observatory , 50 mm of precipitation fell in the city from yesterday noon to 7:00 am on wednesday, this is 165% of the monthly norm, not surprising, but the trip to work today turned into extreme quest, but i'm lying. i’ll go there, what should i do, in that direction my work is like a carbon copy, the situation in ulyanovsk with the only
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difference is that the bad weather got here later, but even here in the morning they were more likely to swim than to drive cars, storm sewer wells gushed out, flooding appeared on the streets of kazan, city authorities warned that 10 traffic lights were out of order due to the flood , which led to traffic jams, in orenburg 15 apartment buildings... and 50 private houses were flooded overnight, it was even necessary evacuate seven people, the streets are also in water, there was less precipitation here than in the vulga cities, but this was compensated by more intense snow melting. the cyclone responsible for the flood in the volga region and the urals arose on monday, in the south-eastern part of the caspian sea sea, and rushed north at the speed of a car, covering 40 km/h. within a day it was approaching the border of the orenburg region, the slopes of the southern urals forced the whirlwind to drop. speed up to 24 km/h, so the bully spent the next day in the samara and ulyanovsk regions. today it also moves slowly through chuvashia, moriel,
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tatarstan and bashkiria. just tomorrow. the cyclone will cross the ural ridge and fly into western siberia, again rushing at a speed of 40 km/h. the cyclone will leave most of the precipitation on western slopes of the urals. today in tatarstan, bashkortostan, udmurtia in the south of the perm territory , over 20% of moisture will fall in places, which usually only accumulates in 3 weeks of march. to the south of the line of ulyanovsk and zhevsk it rains, to the north the precipitation turns into sleet. in kazan, the peak intensity of precipitation will occur today. up to 8 mm fell here, another 6 mm in the form of snow and rain will be added during the day, another four in the evening in the form of snow. on thursday night the precipitation will stop and a total of 16-18 mm will fall in kazan per day. cyclone in siberia will fall in, having lost the main reserves of moisture, but it will be able to add a good portion of heat. tonight in novosibirsk the temperature was -7, during the day when it clears the air will warm up to
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+4°. by the evening, cyclone clouds and warm air will reach here, tomorrow night in novosibirsk will be +1, and the daytime temperature will rise to +6°, despite the continuous cloudiness and moderate rain. nenasti bypasses the western half of the russian plain, in moscow partly cloudy, precipitation is unlikely, during the day the air will warm up to +7 -9. on friday it will be under the influence of another cyclone advancing from europe, and the temperature will rise to +10°. +12, the peak of warming will occur on sunday, the temperature will rise to +15°, well, these are the forecasts. yes, thank you, tatyana, tatyana belovna belova spoke about warming in the european part of russia and the situation with floods in the cities of the volga region. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion.
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“alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were yours, and then, then i don’t know, anton shakin, that means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, a militia passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion, any war
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is..." infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out with kamikazas, when there is no escort, you go, rudely speaking , blindly, you don’t know what’s ahead of you, outpost, outpost, angel, let’s be brief, yes , i’m observing, the people who are here at the control points, they make no less effort than the attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, switch immediately. picture, such a pace entered, the work is built, the work is on the rails.
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the state duma awarded teenagers who showed heroism by helping during the evacuation of people from the city hall building, now my colleague dmitry moroku is working on the willing row, in direct communication, dmitry, how was the ceremony, yes, greetings, the ceremony ended just recently, they accepted participation.
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actually it would.


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