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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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raw materials exported, what is our product? the russian construction industry is setting records even against the backdrop of sanctions. last year , 110 million housing was built,
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state support played a huge role, how companies related to the industry are developing, about this in the new episode of anton borisov’s program, a large construction project was completed in russia. in recent years, builders have done really well, despite any restrictions and sanctions, they have been setting records. according to rosstat, in 2022 , more than 102 million km of housing were built, last year there were already 110. of course. played a huge role state support. so, we will now tell you how construction companies and manufacturers of building materials feel. and our first story from the tyumen region.
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these are new residential complexes in tyumen, about 8,000 apartments , several lines, construction is still underway here, by the way, there will be the tallest buildings in the city, 33 floors, but people already live here, an interesting feature, these are the pedestrian crossings, that is, literally in slippers or sneakers from the apartment. in tyumen we implemented such a unique project, yes, it is so multifunctional city, where we have about 12 multifunctional objects combined at once, there are six residential buildings and... it’s convenient that through
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this entire crossing you can get straight to the boulevard where the school and kindergartens are located, it turns out that children don’t need to cross the roads , there is no need to stand at traffic lights, they move calmly along warm passages. scale, now the trend: to build a single house, to immediately transform a serious territory on which kindergartens, schools, shops, and fitness centers appear, here, for example, is another project: also social facilities, a kindergarten for 560 places, schools, the necessary infrastructure, in fact, a new microdistrict in tyumen. how is it possible to build it with the help of one developer? infrastructure bonds, a tool that generally helps developers launch huge neighborhoods in various parts of the city that previously stood. yes
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, there were no roads to them, there were no networks, now all this is possible due to preferential subsidies for infrastructure bonds, that is, preferential loans with state support allow communications, build boiler houses, build roads, which, as you know, are roads, infrastructure bond loans, they essentially helped us release such a huge number of new microdistricts throughout the russian federation, and make these microdistricts more accessible for residents, practically the construction period is reduced. another mechanism that operates, so to speak, on a grand scale in the integrated development of territories, the crt. we are probably such a leader in russia in crt, what is its essence, that you launch an auction, the developer wins it, replenishes due to this, the budget itself, at its own expense, begins to resettle residents, moves them to newer, modern, comfortable housing, and the city incurs virtually no expenses for this. what
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is the integrated development of the territory can be seen from this window. old house, look how dilapidated the buildings are, all this will be demolished, new communications, houses will appear, and instead of apartments like these, people will get modern housing. here is anna’s story, until she was 86 years old , a pensioner lived in an old house, there is a staircase there, and the toilet is on the street, there was a toilet on the street, yes, yes, there was no toilet, that's it. we managed to cope with the housewarming after the emergency housing was included in the crt program, and they helped with the move to a new apartment and paperwork. i didn’t leave my house, i didn’t go anywhere, they brought me a passport, me and the mfc, they also
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came with a device, what documents, all social needs, everything was decided. and when the first resettlement began there, word of mouth began to spread, and... residents believed it , now many territories even want their territory to be included in the crt, because well today it is almost impossible to sell your own apartment, which is located in an old dilapidated building, without support now you can’t get anywhere, developers help residents, the state and both. the most powerful tool is, of course, a preferential mortgage , yes, it encourages us to successfully and smoothly sell everything we build, 90 percent of what we sell, yes, it goes to the mortgage, to the issue of made in russia , the accelerated transition to domestic against the backdrop of aggressive sanctions, was also not without help. and here we are very grateful to the ministry of construction, they quickly introduced the standard, quickly introduced amendments,
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and allowed us builders to re-harmonize materials in a shorter time without deteriorating the quality of housing, so that development is underway, for example, the company has projects on the crt. there are still many in the moscow region, yekaterinburg, where there is emergency housing, no one has lowered the bar for the construction of new ones, that is , we should expect further development, further record indicators, do you think, but we are very ready for this, yes, we heard the task, we know it, there are 130 million km, we are preparing for it, especially since new housing and social facilities are needed to solve one of the most pressing problems now, personnel. to train specialists, they need square meters. in the tyumen region, in 2025, for example, they will begin to build an interuniversity campus. for specialists to live and work in the regions, they also need square meters. tyumin region, if we count housing commissioning
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per capita, as we believe, we are third in the country after leningrad and moscow regions, while our dynamics in recent years have been quite impressive, we... here is a story from samara, large-scale construction projects, an oil refinery, a high-speed
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railway, a nuclear power plant, urban facilities, all of this requires electrical equipment, for example, such that produces in samara. now we will show everything in more detail. the plant, with a rich history in 1943, was originally a repair base for the builders of the volzhskaya gs; in 2010, by this time it was already a large manufacturer of electrical equipment equipment ended up in the hands of a french corporation. the twenty-second year put everything in its place. a second wind, in general a breath in principle, the akronholding group, when it acquired the electrical panel plant, it took on a colossal investment commitment, managed to retain staff, raise wages, last year investments amounted to over 10 billion rubles, including in updating
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equipment, therefore what we are going to produce, purchase there, build this year is 1.5 billion, these are entire machine lines, a year ago the revenue was 17 billion rub. now there are already 25, with plans to double it, the number of orders has increased by almost 30%, but until recently, under foreign leadership, there was a risk of losing the competence to produce products. this is an order for the needs of the amur gas chemical complex, which we are building in the free city, we are exhibiting equipment for power supply to the pyrolysis process unit, the modules can work autonomously even in the desert, even in the far north, this is essentially a ready-made solution, yes, this is a ready-made solution, and starting from engineering, yes finishing before installation on site.
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our direction of export supplies is not one of the largest orders, but of course, it is limited to the cis countries, we are actively involved in nuclear energy projects around the world, we have very good connections with friendly countries in latin america, including the cup, where we also have supply volumes. of course, when it comes to business development, including supplies abroad, support is important.
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samara region, and the samara export center has shown its effectiveness in the tens of billions of rubles that enterprises were able to receive on preferential terms from the federal fund. the russian export center has many support measures, financial, non-financial, and business.
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success stories will be discussed further, here is an example from the tomsk region. tomsk pressure gauges, instruments that managed to replace foreign analogues, and there are also those that have no analogues, more than 200 items are produced here, where they all work, now we’ll tell you. if we talk about where tomsk pressure gauges are used,
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then firstly, on our construction topic, this is the housing and communal services sector, these are all boiler houses, i don’t know there, some distribution nodes and so on, where it is necessary to take information everywhere, this is the first measuring level of the system, and transmit it further to the dispatch level and so on, and this is how the devices work. measures the depth of a submarine's dive. there are applications in the nuclear field. and the first industrial tests of this device took place right at the site of the siberian chemical plant, there is a big project going on there, it is called breakthrough or also brest. this is a new high-tech production, which has no analogues in the world
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will not be. to expand production volumes , the company needs to satisfy the staff shortage. there are approximately 500 vacant positions that are needed today directly in order for us to ensure production according to our production program, which we approved for 24, of course, this is standard training when we hire specialists without experience. after college, after technical school, plus students undergo training and work in parallel, plus educational institutions are increasing enrollment in specialties that the market needs, it is important to create. conditions so that people do not sat on their suitcases , on the contrary, they came to live and work, and we keep this at our fingertips, understanding this, we try to carry out all national projects and - of course, our own regional products that allow us to increase the quality of life of our people,
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budget houses in municipal areas, where specialists can come and get an apartment or a house, depending on the territory, they come to work, here this is paramount. and here again about help. companies are increasingly bolder in carving out a niche in their market they go to new ones, abroad. last year, the russian export center supported 24 thousand companies, an increase of 23%. 33% added foreign trade transactions worth $17 billion. for example, when last year in the fall we held a forum made in russia, at the... uniform forums we conducted a survey of russian exporters about how they see their export future, and the survey results are very optimistic, more than 70% of those asked believe exports will last for the next few years the main point of profit for their companies, and 54% of
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requested, it is the new unfamiliar markets that they see as... an even focus for their export activities, including a company from mordovia, and then its history. 700,000 km, this is almost the distance from the earth to the moon and back, so much optical cable was made at this... enterprises in saransk in 20 years, moreover, they processed 8 million km of fiber, well, numbers are numbers, who consumes all this products, so to say, for the entire length, now you’ll find out.
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when it all started in 2008, there was one workshop and small-scale production fiber-optic cable, now there are several workshops, all kinds of products, for example, lightning protection cable, which will protect the transmission of information from a lightning strike, here the steel wire is clad with aluminum, that is , there is steel inside, a small layer of aluminum on top, we... have also mastered this wire ourselves , because there was no production in russia, there were a lot of foreign raw materials, but this is in the past, that is, this is polyethylene, which we imported from europe, now we buy here at two factories, this is sibur and one more the enterprise, well, in general , everything else is slowly, little by little we are starting
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to produce here here, modernization, the purchase of equipment gave the green light to a completely new product. there are also aluminum tubes for heat exchangers. some foreign refrigerator manufacturers, of course, froze their business in russia, but others immediately took their place, and there is good demand for all products, and there is also export. we use it. various programs of the russian export center, we have been cooperating with them for a long time, we hold exhibitions, that is, where participation in exhibitions is compensated there , we received a refund for transport services, and if european markets are now closed, there are promising directions: africa, the middle east, asia, for example, the share
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of asian countries in russia’s foreign trade, according to the federal customs service, in january ... trade turnover with china sets records; in 2 months of this year, it added another 9.3%. to promote russian products in the middle kingdom, the first festival, a fair made in russia, was held, the demand for goods that more than one and a half thousand exceeded the offer. we see great interest among russian exporters to enter the chinese market, but not everyone knows each other directly, so such a festival fair allows us to solve several problems at once. tasks, we export products of russian companies, in one place, at one point, within a week we allow chinese consumers to get acquainted with a large
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assortment of russian products and , having tried them to become fans in the future, we allow our potential large distributors from china, having seen how the demand for specific products is going at live sales, formulate your business plans right there on... on the sidelines of the exhibition we are having b2b negotiations between chinese distributors and russian exporters to formulate long-term plans, but often enterprises do not even exception, in order to successfully grow further and supply to new markets, you need to expand your staff, which is difficult. according to the head of the republic, the current need for blue-collar jobs is about 5,000 people. that's why we're paying close attention now we focus specifically on secondary specialized education. educational institutions that train in different areas, including welders, metal workers, different, different areas, we actively participate in the ministry of education
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and professionalism program, attract funds from businesses, and these are significant federal funds, more than 100 million for one project, which allows for a complete refurbishment open source software, and in fact these are already workshops of enterprises, they are no different now, i don’t remember this, this has not happened for many, many decades, when so... a lot of money was invested in special educational institutions. of course, under all conditions, salaries, there must be a desire to learn, like the heroes of our next story, who built a business in the moscow region. the history of our company dates back to back in 2016, when an online electrical store in retro style was created, and
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after analyzing all the products that we sold in close cooperation with our customers, we developed our own design of electrical installation products, but not everything is so fast; it took 3 years to set up production. yes, so in the nineteenth year we bought the first oven, rented a small workshop, where we began to gain momentum in the production of our own porcelain products, this is handmade, so to speak, a piece product, a lot is made to order, the main part is made of porcelain, mechanism from russian manufacturers. accordingly, in our products we have tried to remove all the flaws that...
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by the way, there was state support like never before, through platform for smes, we received a soft loan with the support of the government, due to which we moved to new buildings, bought additional equipment, and created additional jobs and... now we are moving in this direction, producing custom products, trying to develop in this direction , we are expanding, the dealer network is growing and those who want to do retro wiring are located all over russia, those who built a house and take it there, those who decorate the interior of a restaurant or theater, there were sales, but the truth was that they were isolated in nature... these are belarus, kazakhstan, armenia, there were sales to foreign countries, bulgaria, the czech republic, the baltic countries, there was an interesting experience of selling
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products to japan, and also, so to speak, with a bow, also to the topic of interior decoration during construction, black. diamond, due to its color and hardness, is called bog oak. its extraction and production have been resumed in mordovia. deposits at the bottom of two rivers, moksha and sura. after lying under water for thousands of years, reversina became very durable. there is bog oak in the moscow kremlin; palace furniture and parquet floors in the hermitage are made from it, oak dining room of the yusupov palace. and now a new page of history, the geographical name of mordovian bog oak. rospatent, so the construction theme is about beauty, the revival of tradition and modern technology and record-breaking projects to provide for people.
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these are the stories we managed to tell you, and in conclusion, here’s something else: the country began to produce more building materials, but the federal antimonopoly service revealed that the prices for these same materials were finalized
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that year. didn't always wear objective nature, it turns out that developers are forced to buy more expensive, which ultimately affects apartment prices, which is not entirely beneficial to the development of the market, where more affordable housing, large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future should appear. touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. submerge. in an incredible atmosphere
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of pride for your country, come to exhibition forum russia.
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i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all my senses are heightened to the limit, happiness
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resurrected me. “she loves me, call sign passenger, go, i’ll come back for you, do you hear ? today in the state duma, teenagers who helped people evacuate during the terrorist attack in crocus cityholi were awarded, they received certificates of gratitude and laptops, and the first deputy of the state duma committee on education, yana lantratova gave the children gift sets of a book about russia. read more about
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the awards.


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