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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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did this very white house, the biden administration, the american intelligence community, transfer the relevant materials officially to moscow, they could not answer this question, they said that journalists need to contact other departments, how does this happen, this is your area of ​​​​responsibility, this is your competence, this is what is connected with your actions, why are you not ready to answer for your actions? but write out a prescription for something that you absolutely don’t understand, given that you don’t have the facts on hand, at least you they didn’t say that you have them, you are ready instantly, i would like to remind you that on march 7 , the american embassy called on its citizens not to go to shopping centers, the embassies of other nato countries did the same, which indicates that their intelligence services had some information , perhaps... the united states published them, as a rule
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, this was done through social networks, only after obviously receiving the go-ahead from its big brother, of course, the authorities of some nato countries stood out, so to speak, a newcomer to nato, sweden in the first hours .
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politicians and the russian-speaking diaspora, this and the authorities of moldova, whose citizens could be there, citizens not only by passport, but by nationality or by connections, family, the authorities in chisinau could not find words of sympathy. the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania lansberges generally made a message that was prohibitive in its essence, he said: let’s not lose focus, you can’t lose focus, you don’t want to lose sight, yes, but then you have to say that, representatives of ireland, canada, tried to remain silent new zealand, delaying their reaction literally until the last minute, well, as i already said, the zelensky regime is the only one who accused russia of involvement in the terrorist attack in crocus, then they began to say: that they were misunderstood, that’s not what they
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wanted to say, but no, we all so they understood, and we recorded it, we saved all those videos, all those audios, all those screenshots of messages that were posted during these hours, appeared on television on the internet, we saw how officials representing the kiev regime, together with those who calls themselves ukrainian journalists, in fact they are. not even propagandists , now they are simply troubodours of terror, sat for hours live on the internet and ranted about the guilt of russia and the leadership of our country directly in connection with the terrorist attack, under the heading moscow is killing its own citizens, wow , let us remind you that financing terrorist activities kiev organized crime group, american. obama, when the vice president
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of the united states was the same biden, who is now the president of the united states america. over the course of 10 years, ukraine, through the hands of the west, turned into a center for the spread of terrorism. despite the literal dance on bones organized by ukrainian propagandists, people from all continents. as i already said, we express condolences to the relatives of the victims, wish recovery to the victims, and globally condemn this terrible terrorist attack against infidel citizens. i repeat once again, we are grateful to all those in the world who did not remain indifferent in the face of the cityhall terrorist attacks. we are grateful to the heads of state and government, heads of authorities of various countries, international organizations, non-profit structures, religious associations and
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concerned citizens for their sympathy in connection with this terrible tragedy; in such moments , the true nature of a person is revealed, although the monstrous, hateful remarks... the western media mainstream does not tell its viewers, they do not become objects of caricatures, they are not called on the carpet of international human rights organizations, they, by the way, are not subject to
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cancel culture for these terrible statements of theirs. netsha, they are promised even more money for what, in order to, as george said. bush jr., they killed even more russians, because , as representatives of the white house and the current biden administration developed this idea, this is a good deal, and of course, i can’t help but say what happened in vilnius on march 24, there armed with a knife, an unknown person ran up to our embassy and smashed several. lamps at the spontaneous memorial to the victims of the terrorist attack at crocus cityhall, and at the same time he shouted out this very nazi ukrainian in lithuanian a chant with the words glory and so on, only instead of ukraine it was isis, but he hears what
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they are saying in the white house, a terrorist organization banned in russia, i would like to remind you once again that the attacker was able to escape after the head of the police appeared at the scene of the crime. what does all this indicate? this indicates that the fight against global terrorism should remain the focus of all healthy forces in the international community, and not under the gun of nato members. russia supports all efforts to on countering terrorism, condemns it in all forms and manifestations, wherever terrorist acts are committed. intentional killing of civilians. unacceptable for achieving any goals. the russian ministry of foreign affairs deeply mourns together with the relatives and friends of the victims, and also wishes a speedy recovery to all those injured. i am confident that everyone involved in the terrorist act will be identified and will receive the punishment they deserve. don’t be lazy, go to the accounts
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of the ministry of foreign affairs on social media networks, there you can evaluate the scale of solidarity shown throughout the world, both simple human and official condolences. heads of state, foreign policy departments of other countries , photographs of spontaneous memorials, improvised places of memory, videos, summary videos, all this can be found, including in the telegram channel of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, thanks to everyone who did not remain indifferent, who caused this tragedy part of his own destiny, having shown his humanity, he did not stand aside, the world is mourning, we see it, this tragedy affected and directly... employees of the ministry of foreign affairs, to our great regret, among those killed in the crocus was tatyana alekseevna repina, she worked as a first-class specialist in the linguistic support department, we deeply mourn together with her family and friends, and of course one more statement , which stands
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apart, we are talking about the statement of the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of estonia, we are talking about this russopopian... again, i will emphasize these are the words of the estonian foreign ministry, to conquer neighboring countries and organize hybrid operations instead of caring for the well-being and safety of their own people. then the estonian mit began to dig
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even deeper and noted that this is not the first time in history when the russian leadership uses, as it was said, terrorist attacks in moscow with casualties among them. and look, again, a manual was sent out to, relatively speaking, those lagging behind, generally lagging behind in their development, who in principle could have voiced this, who among them, the estonian mit zelensky himself, is from one category of people who were capable this verbalize or subscribe to it, but they literally described the tragedy in moscow with these words. even before this, we had no special illusions
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about the lack of common sense and conscience on the part of the head of the estonian ministry of foreign affairs, however, his latest statements generally raise questions about how adequate he is, is everything okay in his head, that zelensky is not all right? his health is in order, we talk regularly and say why, because he is deeply dependent on... otropic drugs and prohibited drugs, the estonian ministry of foreign affairs should have i would also check my manager, ask him to get tested after he made such a statement. i want to say that in estonia itself, people expressed real sympathy and empathy for our people, they bring flowers to the russian embassy, ​​by the way, in the baltic countries they do this regardless of the fact that they are intimidated or are forbidden to do this, we deeply
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appreciate it , thank you and another amazing thing, we drew attention to the statement of the secretary general of the international criminal police organizations, that is , interpol, yurgin shtok. this message stated its readiness to support the investigation into the cityhall terrorist attacks. what does this mean? this means that the secretary general. interpol, as the head of this structure, on behalf of the entire global police community, confirmed the inviolability of the fundamental principles of the organization, which, in fact, are formulated in its charter. it is article 2 of the interpol charter that calls for ensuring and developing the widest possible police cooperation. and in this sense , coordinating information exchange to solve a crime investigation is a key task of interpol, so it would be strange not to receive such a statement from the organization. but i would like to pay special attention to this, i would like to understand
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how the words of eurgin shtok correlate with the contradictory decision of the executive committee of organizations dated 2022, which is obviously detrimental to international police cooperation, that is, exactly 2 years ago interpol decided to introduce restrictive measures on data exchange in relation to the russian federation. a statement corresponding to the interpol charter, well then interpol needs to do something with
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its statement from the year twenty-two. these measures once again confirm that interpol is persistently being drawn into a political game with the west, the main goal of which is to disconnect the russian federation from interpol’s information resources and further exclude it from the organization. i would like to remind you that article three of the charter prohibits the organization from any interference in activities of a political nature, which allows it... except for one country, only one country on
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our planet went in the opposite direction. i’m not sure that we can talk about the country, about the state, after all, let’s talk about the kiev regime. moreover, cynical, inhumane, malicious comments appeared on ukrainian social networks. by the way, a question for the american internet platform giants, they still haven’t decided to remove people who hate them. posts that call for killing russians, up to you still consider this normal, but it turns out that you are in solidarity with those terrorists who kill.
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some kind of simply cannibalistic satisfaction , this applies not only to the kiev regime, but to all those who consider it possible to justify the murder of russian citizens, russians, russian-speaking people, this is very dangerous, especially if we remember the numerous bloody crimes that modern bandera committed against civilians donbass and other russian regions, we will also talk about this in more detail today. literally the reaction of the zelensky regime was lightning fast , at first... he rushed to disown this crime, clumsily tried to shift the blame for it onto russia, its leadership, he directly began to disseminate some kind of accusatory speeches against russia and its leadership in the context of the terrorist attack, it was done so clumsily that the idea of ​​a ukrainian trace literally began to strengthen in the mass
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world consciousness. remember, this was not said by the russian leadership or the ministry. "washington and london literally in the first hours after the terrorist attack, they began to assert, like a mantra , that ukraine was not involved, and categorically rant about the responsibility of terrorists of the banned islamic state, that’s all they call it, the thief’s cap burns. previously, the ukrainian special services of the sbu and the gurmenodorona of ukraine have repeatedly
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publicly admitted to preparing and committing high-profile terrorist attacks against russia and its citizens, but now i have a question. why then did washington and london not consider it necessary to disavow these terrorist attacks? why then did they say that the kiev regime goes to the border, why then didn’t they stop assistance, military, material, political, informational, moral to the kiev regime, but no, they never did this even once, and today we will give specific quotes: on march 25 , the head of the sbu spoke with new revelations vasily malyuk, he spoke about the details of high-profile murders and attempts on prominent social and political figures of russia and ukraine, among them blogger, vladlen tatarsky, ex-detacht of the verkhovna rada ilya kiva, writer zakhar prilepin, local administration workers in the dpr, lpr, many others, you know what it’s called, it ’s actually called spovinna’s appearance, because
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in plain text a representative, an official representative of the kiev regime, a security official declared involvement. of its regime to kill people, civilians, as noted on march 26 in an interview with the russia-1 tv channel by the director of the russian fsb alexander bortnikov, a direct quote, kievchi was behind the terrorist attack in croco city hole, the special services were preparing a window for crossing the border of ukraine and planned to greet the terrorists as heroes. we are convinced that everyone related to this tragedies, the individuals will be identified and will receive the most severe punishment for their crime; this is a matter for law enforcement. but our question is, if anyone still has doubts, and we received a huge number of questions on the eve of the briefing, that the kiev regime could do something like this, planned and carried out similar things for many years, and moreover, was imbued with this ideology, let's remember their statements like this, in the form of direct quotes: yes, the list is huge, we selected
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several, february 24, 2022, his former president of ukraine, ex-secretary of the national security and defense council, turchinov, direct quote. once again, turchinov declares that they are ready to destroy rusnya wherever possible. it is necessary to beat rusnya not only in ukraine, as turchinov said, but beyond its borders on russian territory. this was his official statement. may 19, official, i mean, no one refuted it, he himself did not refute it. may 19 , 2022, adviser to the head of the president’s office podalyak, direct quote: “i am in favor of, podalyak said, completely forgetting in the kharkov, lugansk, donetsk regions the word "russians". on august 22 , 22, the ambassador of ukraine to kazakhstan in rublevsk direct quote: “we are trying to kill their russians, says rublevsky, as many as possible, the
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more, says rublevsky, we will kill russians now, the less our children will have to kill, that’s all, end of quote: december 7 , 2022, now former, but at that time current secretary of the national defense security council danilov, mayor"? “let’s remember,” says danilov, what the kiev authorities have been saying all these years western curators, and excuse me, i beg your pardon, danilov’s direct speech, russia must disappear from the world map as a military-political entity. december 13, twenty-two, secretary of the national security council, then, again danilov, direct quote: everything will burn and burn until all of moscow burns." end of quote: may 18, twenty-third, advisor-head of the presidential office podalyak, again well, a direct quote, yes - says podalyaka, ukraine hates you
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russians, we will persecute you, this head of zelensky’s office, ukraine will always and everywhere get each of you, and it doesn’t matter how exactly legally or physically, end of quote. on may 21 , 1923, the head of the main intelligence department of the defense forces, budanov, direct quote: these are people with a modified psyche, well, naturally we are talking about russians, russians, and so on, who must be brought to fair responsibility, fair responsibility, in our understanding, says budanov, that is, the kiev regime, only physical elimination, end of quote: 3 june 23, again danilov, direct quote: the underdogs who believe that they have the right to speak russian on ukrainian air have no place not only on television, but in politics and in ukraine,
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end of quote: june 15, 23, advisor to the head of the office of president podal, again a direct quote: there is one plan: the most brutal advance forward with the maximum killing of russians, end of quote: july 14, twenty-three, commander-in-chief...
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and the greater the price of his aggression, the closer there will be a just end to this war. end of quote. these are several quotes: direct ones, which confirm the intentions of the kiev
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regime and its personalities, to kill russians, russian-speaking people and exterminate russian citizens everywhere, thus causing damage, damage, as they formulate it in our country, but the meaning is the same: physical destruction from the point of view of the kiev regime of russians, russian speakers and citizens of russia, they see this as their main goal of the task, and all this began long before the twenty-second year. but the ukrainian authorities have never limited themselves to words alone; for many years they have actively used and continue to use methods of terror against political, public figures, and journalists, both in their own country and in russia, by the way, not only in russia, under their terrorists. representatives of the journalistic community of other countries were hit hard, too. just a few examples. on april 15, 15 , a former
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verkhovna rada deputy from the party was killed at the door of his kiev apartment. regions kalashnikov next day april 16, fifteenth year in in kiev, journalist buzina was shot dead near his home. the killer has still not been brought to justice. on july 20 , 1917 , the famous russian ukrainian journalist sheremet was blown up in a car in kiev. on august 31, 1818 , the head of the dpr, zakharchenko, was killed in donetsk as a result of the detonation of a pre-planted explosive device. on august 20 , 1922 , journalist and political scientist daria dugina was killed in moscow. the russian fsb established the involvement of the sbu in this murder. march 6 of this year was prevented, sorry, on march 6 of the same year , an attempt to blow up the car of the founder of the tsargrad tv channel malofeev was prevented. on april 2, at the same time, a tatar military correspondent was killed in st. petersburg. according to investigators , the explosion that killed the journalist was organized by ukrainian special services. may 6...
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in the non-city region, as a result of a car explosion, the writer and publicist zakhar prilepin was wounded; actions of a terrorist nature that have no military meaning include two attacks on the crimean bridge, on october 8, 22 and july 7, 17 of the current year, i mean twenty-three. we must not forget about the continuous shelling of towns and villages in the belgorod region, dpr, lpr, zaporozhye, kherson regions, and acts of nuclear terrorism. in relation to the zaporozhye kurdish nuclear power plant, the kiev regime is absolutely proud of this, they report and ask western curators for even more money for this, and for many years the website of that same peacemaker has published data on who is a legitimate target from the point of view of the kiev regime for destruction, and then opposite the names killed, blown up, shot dead...
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the united states does not object to kiev striking those walking through the territories that are part of the russian federation, and since money dropped on zelensky’s phone. on march 19 , 23, european foreign minister kalana, well, i mean the french minister, the former foreign affairs, what did she say: it is necessary to help ukraine remain in positions of strength, which will make russia realize the impasse in which it finds itself in the military and diplomatically, to put russia in a martial law situation, she said colon, the most reliable path to achieving peace, and hop, the money dropped on the phone, again zelensky at the bank, april 23 , 23, president of france, but he
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didn’t say anything else, macron, direct quote, our goal, says macron, to help ukraine resist, now the most important thing, by any means, not to allow russia to win, not to allow this conflict to expand, what is this if not macron’s call for the kiev regime to commit extremist terrorist crimes, among other things, because he speaks in any way funds, march 15 , 2024, and most importantly, he is collecting money for this, he is collecting macron literally with a hat. goes around everyone collecting this money for what? to ensure that the kiev regime, by any means necessary, as he says, does not allow russia to win. on may 30, 2030 , the ex-head of the uk, james cleverly, was acting at that time. ukraine has the legal right, from the british point of view, to defend itself, of course it has the legal right to do so within its borders, but, says cleverly, she also has the right to project.


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