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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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macron has not said anything, a direct quote, our goal, macron says, is to help ukraine resist, now the most important thing, by any means, is not to allow russia to win, not to allow this conflict to expand, what is this if not macron’s call for the kiev regime to go to the extremist terrorist crimes, after all, he says by any means, march 15 , 2024, and most importantly, he collects money for this, he. collects macron literally walks around everyone collecting this money for what? to ensure that the kiev regime, by any means necessary, as he says, does not allow russia to win. may 30, 2030, ex-head of the uk james cleverley, but he was active at that time. ukraine has a legal right, from a british point of view, to defend itself, of course it has a legal right to do so within its borders, but - says cleverley - it also has a right to project.
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in may of twenty-three, the chairman of the german cabinet, stefan heberstreit, direct quote: the prosperity of germany believes legitimate strikes by the armed forces of ukraine against targets on russian territory using ukrainian- made weapons. and he also gave an assessment not of the ukrainian drone attack on moscow itself, but from the point of view of international law. international law considers such attacks to be legitimate, and the fact that they hit civilian infrastructure means that this is terrorism, as it is strictly speaking, representative.
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the german cabinet didn’t say, well, i think it’s a masterpiece, and one of, in my opinion, fundamentally important quotes that generally characterize the position of the west, and also because it was made, i mean , it was a statement, it was made literally on the eve of the attack on crocus city hall, is a statement by the former...
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ukraine maximum support allowed it to use all kinds of weapons and, attention, all kinds of tactics, including airplanes , long-range guns and so on, that ’s all, all kinds of tactics, and what else they are, just such terrorist ones, and further to the ukrainian crisis, ukrainian neo-nazis do not stop shelling russian cities, 24 in march, as a result of attacks on populated areas of the belgorod region, five people were killed, 33 people were injured, including one child. on march 24, the kiev regime carried out the most massive shelling of sevastopol, two people were killed, 11 people were injured of varying degrees of severity, civilian infrastructure was seriously damaged, including more than 65 apartment and private buildings, several social facilities, gas supply facilities, more than forty cars, all of these villain...
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conducted mortar fire on a residential area on western outskirts of mariupol, which caused the death and injury of several civilians. none of the ukrainian criminals will be able to escape punishment; they will be identified and punished to the fullest extent of the law. the twentieth meeting of the contact group on defense assistance to ukraine, as it is called, in the ramstein format, which took place on march 19, was the weakest in terms of results. most western representatives came to meet us, as noted.
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the kiev regime themselves are empty-handed, that’s all. currently, media is hosting a briefing on the main topics of the foreign policy agenda; official representative of the department, maria zakharova, is making statements. but directly prefabricated and.
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there is always hope. passenger's call sign. a militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. any war is infantry. until the infantryman sets foot on the territory, it is not considered conquered. we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out kamikazas. there is no accompaniment, you are walking, roughly speaking, blindly, you don’t know what’s ahead of you, outpost, outpost, yangel, let's be brief, let me observe, the people who are here at the control points, they are making no less efforts, such a pace has entered, the work has been completed, the work is on the rails.
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the russian military hit the assembly and storage sites of ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, the ministry of defense reported. also, according to the ukrainian armed forces , two howitzers and an
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american-made radar station were lost in the kupinsky direction over the past 24 hours. we will find out the latest data on the progress of the special operation from our correspondent stanislav vasilchenko. stanislav, we see that our troops had german equipment at their disposal, which... did not exist, but how did they manage to get it? yes, colleagues, greetings, indeed, the russian troops had a german infantry fighting vehicle at their disposal, and what’s most interesting is that such a vehicle appeared for the first time in our trophy collection. the ukrainian armed forces are under heavy fire from our multiple launch rocket systems. war machines operate in all directions; only one such unit can disorient the enemy and deprive him of opportunities to move. this is footage of the combat work of the hurricane rszzo. the task of calculation is to control. situation on the right bank of the dnieper, and if reconnaissance discovers enemy equipment, manpower, fortifications or ammunition storage, the hurricane should instantly destroy these targets. this vehicle carries 16 rockets with a caliber of 220 mm, a firing range of more than 35 km, weighs a hurricane
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of 20 tons, and at the same time the vehicle is very maneuverable. it’s easy, although it’s loaded, full, all 16 shells, no matter how the car... feels a lot of tension, due to the fact that it has the base of all eight wheels is spinning, that is, it calmly overcomes any obstacles. and this is footage of the combat work of russian cities, their first shot, as a rule, is a sighting shot, aerial surveillance records the missile hitting the enemy sector, only after that the remaining 39 shells fall on the ukranazis. yeah! from the kherson to kupinsky directions, the russian army successfully holds the lines and takes up new advantageous positions. thus, according to the ministry of defense, the dnepr group inflicted fire damage in one day with an accumulation of manpower and equipment in armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of rabotina , zaporozhye region and osakorivka, kherson
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region. the suu lost up to 40 military personnel and two armored combat vehicles. in the southern donetsk direction, units of the vostok group of forces improved their tactical position and repelled. three counterattacks of terrestrial defense assault groups in the area of ​​the staromayorsky dpr. enemy losses amounted to up to 60 military personnel, two armored personnel carriers, three pickup trucks, a polish krap self-propelled gun, and a self-propelled one. installing a stud. often, in order to eliminate the enemy, two or three accurate high-explosive fragmentation shots are enough. this is how the combat crew of the 152-mm geocind b cannon operates. on the battlefield, it has long established itself as a sniper rifle among artillery guns. reconnaissance discovered enemy mortar crews entrenched in the forest belt. geocinth is brought into a combat position in a matter of seconds, well, then it’s just a matter of small things. weapon! shot.
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a southern group of troops, armed, including with drones, is working against enemy positions in the donetsk direction. in just one day, the fighters defeated the manpower and equipment of the assault, motorized infantry, and two mechanized airmobile brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of zaleznyansky, bogdanovka, chasovyar, kleyshcheevka and andreevka of the dpr. according to the ministry of defense, the ukrainian nazis lost up to 220 military personnel, two tanks, and two infantry fighting vehicles. three cars. our artillerymen deprived the enemy of three self-propelled artillery mounts, including american and german production, two howitzers, two electronic warfare stations, and also destroyed an enemy artillery warehouse ammunition. the ministry of defense reports on the situation in the kupinsky direction. motorized rifle units, in cooperation with artillery, repelled an attack by assault groups of the 32nd mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the lake liman area. enemy losses on... destroying
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enemy equipment is the primary task of the russian troops, but if there is an opportunity to save it and capture it, they will definitely take advantage of it. this is footage of the evacuation from the line of combat contact of a captured german-made marder infantry fighting vehicle, a valuable object, because in russian military collections of such combat vehicles have not yet existed , so they prepared for the operation carefully, with the help of engineers they laid out a new... assurance for combat veterans, let me remind you that this is a new initiative, which sergei shaigu spoke about last week during
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a meeting of the board of the ministry . the ministry of defense said that work on the project has been going on for several months, and a lot has already been done to at least test launch the process. what kind of electronic id is this? looks like normal plastic card, but it has huge functionality, the card helps the veteran to receive payments without application through the ministry of defense, federal and... a system that made it possible to ensure the interaction of the departmental system with
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the banking system, this in turn made it possible to simplify the process of obtaining an electronic id of a combat veteran , make it fast, transparent, the period for issuing a certificate is no more than 7 days. a section recently appeared on the website of the russian ministry of defense containing detailed information about the electronic id of a combat veteran actions. users of the site can familiarize themselves with the procedure for obtaining a certificate, learn about payments from the russian ministry of defense and other news: you can apply for a new type of certificate on the website of a partner bank or through your personal account in the application, but issuance is carried out within up to 7 days, the card will be valid indefinitely throughout our country and of course has special protection against counterfeiting, let me remind you that the introduction of a new electronic id card for a combat veteran is... picking up a profit debit card,
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you will immediately discover all the possibilities of incredibly profitable conditions, a high percentage of cashback on purchases up to 3%. the card makes a profit, no matter whether you spend or save, in any case, the bank has incredible benefits with you. ural sib. russia's enemies are trying to clash two traditions.
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allow such interaction with the islamic community in russia, i’m not talking about extremists, i’m talking on a religious principle and also pit one against the other, of course, we can’t do anything radical islamist factor, it was in our country, including with the help an attempt was made to pit two traditional religions against each other, an attempt was made to divide people about the trustworthy citizens of russia and the patriots, of whom the majority are.
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medical centers, as well as in hospitals in moscow and the moscow region, there are currently 80 victims, including six children, four patients are in critical condition, 34 victims are in
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moderate condition, another 23 victims are completing hospitalization. with the city hall, people continue to come here every minute, they literally bring flowers, children's toys, candles are lit, famous artists and athletes come here. we feel a feeling of terrible bitterness , injustice, in connection with this situation
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that arose with this tragedy, and this decision... for which it is difficult to find any words here, the whole of russia is mourning, the murmansk region is mourning, i am also mourning, everyone is mourning , it’s a pity, many young people died, children, why are they being punished like this, they have to live and live, their whole life is ahead of them, for the worshipers, let them
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be in heaven... i ask. it has just become known that a member of the russian paralympic team table tennis, ekaterina popova, died as a result of the terrorist attack in crocus. according to the investigative committee, 40 people were shot dead during the attack. 45 died in a fire caused by combustion products. the circle of identified accomplices of the terrorist attack in kroku city hall is expanding. this was previously stated by alexander bortnikov, and he also noted that the testimony of the detainees confirms the ukrainian trail, the developments of the special services allow us to speak.
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countries of the world, colleagues, yes, maria, thank you, we were in direct communication with crocus cityhall colleague marya valieva. when it seems that things can’t get any better, they offer a double benefit, provide protection from heat and cold, and help you save on air conditioning and heating. penoplex
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bank for business. and we are with gifts. where does all this come from? are you retired? and in vtb pensions , the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% a year, and everything will work out. american rock band garbage expressed condolences in connection with the terrorist attack in kroku sitikholi called it a tragic nightmare. condolences continue to pour in from all over the world. meanwhile, washington stubbornly defends its version. allegedly, the attack was organized by militants of isis, banned in russia. emil mirsaev will tell you more. deeply shocked by the tragic events in capital of brotherly russia, we express our condolences to the victims and families of those killed as a result. attack on croca city hall, as well as solidarity with the entire russian people who suffer from the aggression of the criminal globalist elites, this is the text of an open letter that artists
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from mexico sent to the russian: the ambassador had 25 signatures on the paper. the world union of muslim scientists sent their condolences from kator to moscow; they noted that islam calls for the promotion of tolerance and peaceful coexistence between people. we condemn in the strongest possible terms the treacherous terrorist attack that took place in moscow. this heinous terrorist attack has nothing to do with islam and we affirm that its perpetrators do not represent islam or its values, but rather an absurd distortion of it using islam. for their own nefarious purposes. the leadership of the union believes that the terrorist attack in the moscow region is a quote, the result of the intervention of conspiracies by international and regional intelligence services. an american military analyst has the same opinion scutaritora. he is sure that the operation to exterminate russian civilians was planned carefully, and from overseas. the terrorists were moving to their safe haven, and if you are a jihadist, your safe haven is heaven. however, these guys headed towards
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their true destination. destinations in ukraine, the russians have recordings of their telephone conversations, the terrorists communicated with people on the other side of the ukrainian border so that passage would be opened for them. this means that they were heading back to those who recruited and trained them, ukrainian military intelligence, which is the same as the cia and mi-6. america is 100% behind this barbarity. however, the american authorities, at least in public, are trying in every possible way to disavow any ties with the terrorist group. from the moment. the terrorist attack, it seems, has not yet passed a day when an official representative of the us establishment did not speak about the white house’s non-involvement in the attack. us guest secretary antony blinken repeated three times the day before that it was isis, which is banned in russia, that was behind the terrorist attack in crocus. despite very good work, what we have done over the years to combat this threat, the horrific attack near moscow just a few days ago, reminded us that egil remains a potentially powerful force that we must continue
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to fight, we are... saddened by the deaths of so many innocent people gathered for the concert. this is a very unpleasant reminder that we must continue to fight isis to ensure that it does not re-emerge. now on the agenda of the states of their western allies is something more legal in the eyes of the world community, after all terror, pumping ukraine up with weapons and inciting its leadership to attack russian territory with heavy weapons. french president emmanuel macron taught a lesson to prepare a new package of military assistance for ukraine. this was stated in the defense department of the fifth republic. the headquarters and the general directorate for armaments are working on this issue, in particular regarding ground equipment. we have wheeled tanks amx 10 rc and armored personnel carriers, the same in the field of air defense with mistral missiles. however, french citizens themselves condemn the policy of escalation; it costs the population too much. anti-russian sanctions cause enormous damage to europe, they threaten many eu citizens, and they pose a threat to industry and the entire economy,
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experts say. and they also warn. they gradually began to think about this in brussels, where recently there were calls to limit agricultural imports from russia, while enraged farmers set fire to everything that was missed, the european commission finally came to their senses and remembered that trade is a bilateral matter, the union exports agricultural products to russia for approximately 7 billion euros, and does not intend to lose this. members of the french also speak about the need to lift restrictions and build a trusting dialogue with moscow. parliament. france is committing a historical, geopolitical stupidity by adding fuel to the fire of the ukrainian conflict for its own benefit. it is necessary to stop the insane anti-russian propaganda, because this is a local conflict that must be resolved peacefully. the real problem is islamism, not russia. what would we do if vladimir putin had not fought against isis in syria? if western politicians do not listen to the opposition and do not prefer an alternative to escalation, playing by double, if not triple, standards
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will ultimately turn into farces, we are sure. political scientists, because russia will continue to fight any manifestations of terrorism around the world, under whose flag the bloody operations invented overseas would not be carried out. emil mirsaev, news, paris, france. subsidize flights.


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