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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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subsidizing maritime air travel, construction of a transport ring, and even the production of game consoles. all these topics are reflected. in the list of the president’s instructions that he gave following his visit to kaliningrad. let's take a closer look; the russian government should provide for the allocation of additional funds to reimburse the costs of sea transportation to the kaliningrad region under the conditions of sanctions. the president also instructed to determine the volume of budget allocations for these purposes for the next 3 years. at the end of january, during visit to kaliningrad, vladimir putin has already stated that the region needs to be provided with additional support to ensure its development in conditions where neighboring... countries
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deliberately complicate logistics. in addition, the president instructed the russian government, by april 15, together with the leadership of the kaliningrad region, to take measures to expand subsidized air travel to the region. also, the cabinet of ministers must ensure an increase in the capacity of the kaliningrad khrabrovo airport and determine the volume of funding sources necessary for this. vladimir putin also instructed the cabinet of ministers to work out a proposal on... as reported on the kremlin website. the deadline for the first report on the execution of the order is december 15. prime minister mikhail mishustin and regional governor anton alikhanov were appointed responsible. the transport ring around kaliningrad has been reconstructed in several stages since 2014. and it is reported that the number of lanes will increase to six. each will be almost 4 m wide.
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it is noted that the implementation of the project will increase the capacity of the district roads and will also relieve kaliningrad from the transit flow and will contribute to the development of the coastal recreational area. in addition, the head of state instructed to complete the construction of the third stage of the main building of the world ocean museum by the end of this year. it is reported that the main nine-story glass building of sharu will be joined by two three-story structures. vladimir putin also instructed to consider the issue of organizing the production of game consoles and consoles. let me remind you that earlier the president drew attention to the fact that in russia the video game market is estimated at approximately 177 billion rubles. according to him , this is a very profitable business, this is an area where there is something for young professionals to do. now informagent clients, where there is urgent news with a link to the investigative committee. at the moment, 84 bodies of those killed in the terrorist attack in
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crocus cityhole have been identified, including, it’s hard to talk about it, the bodies of five children aged from nine to 16 years old, there is also another message with a link to the investigative committee: the investigation is now studying information seized from technical means of terrorists in crocos city lobby, this apparently refers to laptops, which were previously reported as phones and other equipment. in addition, the investigative committee received 143. and within the framework of the criminal case, again this message with reference to the investigative committee of the russian federation, within the framework of the criminal case about the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, the issue of ensuring anti-terrorism and fire safety in the building is being studied. more than 3,500 calls were received to the hotline. psychologists of the ministry of emergency situations
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after the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, the department’s specialists are now continuing their work, about we will find out the latest data, we will learn about the victims from our colleague, sofia sergieva. yes, it comes into direct contact with the facts. and sofia, welcome, sofia works next to the botkin hospital, what is known about the condition of the victims, what data do you have, how many people remain in clinics today, at this hour, how do doctors generally assess their condition? yes, colleagues, greetings, 80 people injured as a result of this terrible terrorist attack in crocus remain in hospitals in moscow and the moscow region city hall. and the number of patients in extremely serious condition has decreased by three times, now there are four people, 76 patients, including one child, have been discharged; now their condition is not in danger. here , on the night of the disaster, 13 people were brought to the botkin hospital in serious condition with stab wounds, gunshot wounds, and burns,
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but all of them underwent urgent diagnostics, received appropriate assistance, were urgently operated on, and as of yesterday evening they are continuing treatment here at the botkin hospital. 11 people, all staff was already here, moreover, we managed to prepare the operating rooms, we had the intensive care unit of the emergency complex freed up, that is, 12 intensive care beds were already completely ready to receive patients, moreover, and all the employees arrived, even those we did not call, this concerns doctors, junior medical staff and nurses, in a unified effort to help patients. throughout that fateful night, muscovites and residents of the moscow region could hear the sounds of helicopters; it was the air ambulance service; the fact is that in disaster medicine it is extremely important it is precisely the first hour, it is believed that it is at this time that the human body struggles as much as possible for recovery, and after that it
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only begins to conserve energy, goes into energy saving mode, which is why prompt actions in the first hour are extremely important, it was carried out. quick sorting, examination, it was found out that these were living people, they needed help, and as a result we sent three of these patients directly to ambulance teams, and one of the heaviest from our point of view was the one who needed in the shortest possible time for hospitalization, he was sent to a medical helicopter and handed over to the medical helicopter crew. doctors are on duty in hospitals around the clock, providing comprehensive support to patients, supervising, stopping their critical conditions, they remain with them even now, it is very difficult to disengage emotionally, but emotions sometimes take over, but still professionalism is above all, doctors do everything possible
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to staying with patients all the time, of course, is difficult, but the work was intense, but we did everything we could. and we still do all we can is non-stop work , treatment is still a long process, we still have something to work on, and we continue this process, psychologists and specialists who worked in hot spots in the zone of a special military operation, krasnodar region , are working with the victims and relatives of the dead stated that he is ready , the resorts of the krasnodar region are ready... to provide places for the rehabilitation of the victims, those affected by the tragedy, material assistance is also being provided promptly, the victims are being searched for the missing, in short, all services they work in emergency mode , they work together very clearly, 5 days have passed since the terrorist attack, but now we have personnel,
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the flow of people to the spontaneous memorial in crocus city hall still does not stop , flowers, candles, children's toys, citizens are being brought there continue to collect humanitarian aid , financial assistance, donors continue to donate blood, in short, the whole of russia, now it is working together, in solidarity, more than ever, and today, more than ever, this feeling of solidarity, cohesion, unity is felt, we saw it today here in botkin hospital, we will continue to work here and inform you, colleagues. sofia, thank you, sofia sergieva was with us in direct contact with the studio from the bukin hospital. the ukrainian conflict will have to be frozen at this point. year or russia will win, an article with this message was published in the german dewalt. the material admits that the kiev regime has no prospects of returning the lost territories, especially considering that western support is becoming weaker. natalia gonchurova knows the details. ukraine has nothing
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to respond to the russian miracle of weapons. forbes writes that guided bombs of the russian army have become a real nightmare for the ukrainian armed forces. only f-16s could help them. who are in no hurry to supply the kiev regime. to imagine how dangerous the situation was for the ukrainian brigades, you need to consider that only 125 cabs per day were required for several days. in order to destroy the defense of avdievka, however, in the usa, knowing the problem of the ukrainian armed forces with guided bombs, they are delaying it with the help of kiev. joe biden said it would be difficult for washington to provide support without additional funding, and congressman from the state of tenosi, andy georges, completely said that it was time to forget about ukraine until the authorities restore order on the border with mexico. you know, there is enormous pressure to get the ukraine proposal through, but i usually say. let's secure our border before increasing the security of another country, that
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was the promise, let me remind you, everyone said that this is what we must stand for until the end. emmanuel macron publicly proposed sending nato soldiers to ukraine, but this idea was not appreciated by paris's allies. bloomberg writes that olaf scholz did not like the proposal of the leader of the fifth republic and angered the americans. the european union is beginning to understand that the situation for the armed forces of ukraine is becoming more and more dangerous, sanctions are working against their creators. at the beginning of this year, the g7 countries agreed to limit the import of diamonds and rough diamonds from russia. now for unprocessed raw materials it will be necessary to confirm the country of origin in antwerp. without a certificate of no ties with russia, the stones will not be able to reach store shelves. the restriction has partially begun has been in effect since march, but the ban has already hit the european diamond market. and, as the times writes. the diamond trade is losing its shine due to sanctions. experts of the publication note that this
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step has already led to an increase in prices. jewelry companies are trying to get around the restrictions and are increasing their interaction with the indian market, where they sell, among other things, russian raw materials. others are thinking about moving offices to dubai, where there are no restrictions and free trade. what is happening now is only preparation for larger shocks at the end of the year, which could lead to a significant increase in prices. diamond industry. often, european authorities try to harm russia even by circumventing their own laws. entrepreneurs lesher usmanov began to fight against the law enforcement system of germany. he filed a complaint against two prosecutors from frankfurt against maida. bilt writes: the businessman accused them of obstruction of justice and persecution of innocent people. the essence of the claim is illegal searches that were carried out on the russian’s real estate. the decision of the district court, on the basis of which. searches were carried out, contained in serious legal errors, the regional court wrote, adding that vague
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suspicions and unfounded assumptions are not enough, so the decision should be overturned. usmanov considers himself an innocent person who is being unfairly persecuted and has initiated a criminal case against two investigators. during illegal searches, operatives seized the entrepreneur’s personal belongings, and still have not returned them to usmanov, although they should have.
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cypriot shareholders approved the company's move to russia. this decision was given almost 90% of the votes. for re-registration, the company chose a special administrative region in the kaliningrad region. the new parent company head hunter has already been registered here. further plans include a new listing on the moscow exchange, which is expected by the third quarter. gas production is growing in russia. in february, the country produced more than 64 billion cubic meters. the increase compared to last year is almost 14%, the merchant reports, citing data from the ministry of energy. faster than others,
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gazprom increased production by 20% at once. on average , novotek, rosneft and lukoil added 3% each. like this the dynamics are explained by growing demand within the country and the effect of last year’s low base. and russia supplied a record $2,900 million worth of fish to china in a year, the ministry of agriculture reports. in weight, the volumes exceeded. most of the cargo was frozen fish 55% and crustaceans - 42. mentai is the basis of russian exports; seltz, sardines, crabs and... other products also go to foreign markets. it was economic news. short. graduate students and young scientists from belarus visited the russian exhibition in within the framework of the first stage of the thirteenth forum of universities of engineering and technological profile of the union state. the participants toured the exposition of the regions and also visited the pavilions of the ministry of education and science, rosatom and the ministry of industry and trade. let me note that the forum in moscow is taking place on the eve of the day
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of unity of the peoples of russia and belarus, which is celebrated next week. the second stage event for...
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solutions to any, even the most complex issues. well, now about how the donetsk republic trains drone operators. training is carried out at the training grounds, in the rear areas. the program includes training on simulators, plus mine-explosive operations to defeat conventional targets. vitaly starushchenko spoke with the fighters. the connection has been established, the conditional enemy has been discovered, it’s time to launch the bird. during a special military operation, unmanned aerial vehicles managed to become an indispensable combat tool. working in tandem with artillery crews allowed us to finally and irrevocably gain the initiative on the front line. every day, with the help of drones, our fighters hit dozens of enemy strongholds, moving the front line forward. today the situation
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is developing in our favor, in fact, we have a lot of drones appearing, and for... any application, be it reconnaissance drones, be it combat drones, or loitering strike munitions and so on, that is, this is for us is already beginning to allow one to break through the defenses of, well, the enemy in rap conditions, and accordingly work on targets much more accurately. achieving such results is possible only with professional management skills. operator training uavs take place in special centers, in one of these the soldiers of the 130th second brigade of the first army corps are trained, first training on simulators, so the pilots master the art of flight, then practice at the training ground. on average , the preparation process takes 3 weeks, but each case is individual, a fighter with the call sign cricket, for example, learned to control a drone
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quite quickly, it’s very interesting to fly, of course, especially. anyway they train, as if it’s very easy to forget. a good operator should every single day, even if you have experience, you still have to understand the technical structure of a drone, the principle and features of its operation, and be able to repair drones; fighters are taught this in a local workshop. the experts here don't just fix drones. and they show real miracles of trench engineering, the input here includes spare parts from a variety of models, but the main thing is that enemy uavs shot down by our soldiers often become donors, for example, this is one of the largest, the so-called baba yaga, at the moment it is already completely repaired and ready to serve for the benefit of the russian army, a fighter with the call sign johnny is in charge of the repair process, it is thanks to his
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efforts that it is possible to use enemy drones against the ukrainian armed forces themselves, in the case of baba yaga. the settings, transmission and detection system have been changed, so it is planned to use this drone against enemy dugouts, identifying manpower, that is, it will work in tandem with another reconnaissance drone, just like that... it often crashes, thanks for the gifts, welcome. the first flight tests of the captured drones were successful, another combat unit is now in service. everyone is so confused. the drone is not just a local success, but a valuable resource that brings the long-awaited victory closer. taking this opportunity , i would like to say hello to my family, friends
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, everyone who is waiting for me, victory will be ours, wait, i will be back soon, mom, dad, brother, nephews, hello to you, see you soon, the war will end soon, we will win. vitaly starushchenko, nikita smirnov, vesti donetsk. in the city of zolote, lugansk republic, they started. at the school, which, despite regular shelling of the ukrainian armed forces, did not stop its work. as part of the federal program , the foundation, roof, and facades of the sports hall will be renewed. the work is planned to be completed by the new academic year. stanislav shilla will continue. this is a consequence of one of the artillery attacks by ukrainian militants on a school in zolote. there were four of them in total. one of the shells destroyed this classroom, the second hit the gym, the third near the entrance, and the fourth on the school grounds. i'll prepare the builders.
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was almost 40 years old, instead of updating her school they decided to simply destroy it, a shell falls next to us on the roof and shrapnel breaks through the roof of the gym. this school is the only one within a radius of 35 km, the rest were destroyed by ukrainian militants during the retreat, almost 200 children from all nearby villages study here, this is not just comfort for children, but also... the school will have modernized classrooms for chemistry, physics, biology and geography , new gym, assembly hall, renovations are being done according to the federal
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program for the development of education. while workers are installing a new one in one part of the building heating and electrical wiring; in the other, the educational process continues. the schoolgirl evalipetoha, together with her parents, was under fire from the armed forces of ukraine for about six months, then it was impossible to even dream of... just going to school, i expect to see our classroom updated, so that everything there is beautiful, beautiful, everything becomes more modern , the republican authorities promise to help with all the necessary equipment and supplies for schoolchildren and teachers, the school will continue to participate in modernization programs after repairs, we have a subsidy from the ministry of industry and tourism for the supply educational, sports, musical equipment, this year the first part of the equipment was already delivered to me and this is what still needs to be purchased, this year we will also take it to school without any problems. the school has already received sports equipment and the latest textbooks. for the first time in many years
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, the computer science classroom was significantly modernized. already next school year, children will be able to return to their updated classrooms for full-time education. a major renovation of the school building and renovation of all classrooms is planned complete by september 1st. stanislav shila, egor pavlenko, maria bulgakov. lead lugansk, zolote. in the cities of the ulyanovsk region , schoolchildren were sent to distance learning today due to bad weather. in the perm territory, for the same reason, the movement of trucks on eight highways was limited, and flights were delayed in the capital of tatarstan. we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the foba center, vadim zavodchenkov. he's live. vadim, hello. what information do you have? has nastya passed the peak? well, really, you right now? the cyclone, gradually losing its power, moves east into the urals. blizzards returned to chuvashiya today; due to deteriorating visibility,
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cars in the cheboksan region collided and flew off the roads. one of the regular buses did not reach the end of the route. at the height of the storm, on some sections of the roads, drivers preferred to simply stop and wait out the buran. we can't even get through. no one entered, the traffic jam was complete. snowfalls began to fall in the ulyanovsk region, and before this, the cities of the region were drowning in rain water, the roads were flooded and fountains flowed from livnyovak. in dmitrovgrad, schoolchildren were wisely left at home today. in total, 48 mm of rain fell here during the day. the water still hasn't left talati street. despite all the efforts of utility workers, according to the city weather station, from tuesday noon to 7:00 a.m. wednesday, the city received more than 50 mm of precipitation
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, or 165 percent of the monthly norm. flooding appeared on the streets of kazan in the morning. city officials warned that 10 traffic lights were damaged by the floodwaters, causing traffic jams. in orenburg overnight 15 apartment buildings and 50 private houses were flooded. seven people even had to be evacuated. and tomorrow the cyclone, which protected the western russian plain from the elements, will begin to displace the east. cyclone cloud fields. as a result, the main zone of bad weather will move to siberia; on the european territory of russia, light rains turning into snow will be observed only in the urals. the invasion of the vortex will have a dramatic effect on the temperature regime. for example, well-warmed air will continue to flow to the west of the russian plain. masses, as a result, by thursday the temperature here will be almost a
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month ahead of the calendar. during the day. +10-15° in the south to +13-18, but the east of the region will receive air from the northern slopes of the urals, so that at midday the thermometers will not rise above zero +5, but gradually spring warmth will return here too. in ufa tomorrow there will be snow mixed with rain, and the daytime temperature will drop from today's +8 to +1, which is more than 2 degrees. below the norm for the end of march, from the weekend the warmth will blow again in bashkartastan and at the beginning of the new week the thermometers will rise again will reach +8. in central russia , temperatures will continue to rise steadily. on thursday-friday the air in the capital will warm up to + 9:11, on sunday-monday the thermometers will already show quite may levels of +15-17. highest probability. heavy
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rains in megapolis on friday-saturday. footage of the moment of an accident with a bus at the central market in kursk has appeared online. as a result of the accident, 10 people were injured. six of them were hospitalized. our correspondent, alena pushnina, looked into what caused it. on the spot, employees of the regional ministry of transport said that the cause of the accident was a lias minibus produced in 2011. he moved from red square towards the central market. according to the driver, the car's brakes failed while driving. he tried to prevent the accident, but the collision could not be avoided. a collision with seven vehicles on the way , after which he drove into oncoming traffic and moved towards a stop, thanks to railings, well, thanks, apparently, that is, they kept the award, detained the
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bus, slowed it down, and it... the first bus hit the uaz, the car caught fire as a result, according to eyewitnesses, the driver managed to get out, but received serious injuries, is now in in serious condition, among the ten victims there are minors, now the main task is to establish the cause of the traffic accident, an investigation into this incident will be carried out, and appropriate examinations will be carried out, six people were hospitalized, including two children. two people, let’s say, are in serious condition, employees of the ministry of emergency situations, the traffic police, and the ambulance quickly went to the scene of the accident, the fire was quickly eliminated. the investigative committee of russia for the kursk region opened a criminal case regarding the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. the investigation is under the control of the city prosecutor's office; an investigation will be carried out to determine whether the bus was really faulty, and if so, how did it end up on the line? alena pochnena, raman
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fedorkov, news!


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