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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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not meeting safety requirements, the investigation is under the control of the city prosecutor's office, an investigation will be carried out to see if the bus was really faulty, and if so, how did it end up on the line? alena pochnena, raman fedorkov, host kursk.
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we continue the facts of this day. the investigative committee of russia received 143 statements from victims about the disappearance of their relatives during the terrorist attacks in kroko sitholya. as the department's press service reported, experts are studying the issue of ensuring anti-terrorism and fire safety in the building. also the investigation will study the information seized from the terrorists’ technical equipment. so far, 84 bodies have been identified, including five children. this data is today. reported to alexander bastrykin. the head of the investigative committee arrived at the scene of the tragedy and held an operational meeting there. this afternoon it became known that one victim of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, who was in extremely serious condition, died in the hospital. this was announced by minister of health mikhail murashko. 80 remain in hospital treatment people, including six children. the krasnodar region has already announced that regional sanatoriums in sochi, anapa, gelendzhik, and tuabse are ready to receive people. for rehabilitation, and
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psychologists continue to work with the victims and relatives of the victims at the ministry of emergency situations hotline. after the terrorist attack, more than 3,500 requests were received. funeral services are held at the site of the tragedy every 3 hours. flowers continue to be brought to the spontaneous memorial. let me remind you that on march 22 , a terrible terrorist attack was committed at krok city hall in krasnogorsk near moscow. according to the latest data, 140 people were killed, injured, 360. following the burning tracks, 11 perpetrators were detained; they tried to escape towards the border with ukraine. the teenagers who showed courage on that terrible evening and saved hundreds of people during the evacuation were awarded today in the state duma. they were awarded certificates and laptops. deputies of all factions took part in the award ceremony. the parliamentarians expressed special gratitude to the families of the six young heroes, and the boys themselves. recalled
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how they managed to help panicking adults get out of the concert hall, in fact it was very difficult to do, it was just it’s very difficult, nerves, that’s all, i already understood, well, i started to think that i wouldn’t get out, but for some reason inside i still hoped that there would be a right way out, where they were no, they don’t meet us down there, they don’t wait for us behind the terrorists, and what we can do is get out with people, i would be
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a national factor, we understand this perfectly well, looking at the direct execution of the atrocities committed at crocus cityhall. russia’s ill-wishers tried to use internal problems with the migration situation, exacerbating interethnic relations in our country, including with the help of the radical islamist factor. an attempt was made to push two traditional religions together, an attempt was made to divide people according to religious principles and also push them together.
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congo expressed deep condolences and a sense of solidarity with russia in connection with the barbaric terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. denis sasu-ngesso informed vladimir putin about this by calling him by phone. the leaders discussed how the agreements reached following the meeting of the two presidents at the russian africa summit last year, and also confirmed their commitment to further active interaction in political, trade, economic, humanitarian and other areas. and today vladimir putin spoke on the phone with the president of the transition period of mali. the head of the republic also strongly condemned the terrorist attack in crocos city hall and expressed deep condolences to the russians. the leaders discussed further steps to strengthen it.
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6:07 pm
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real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit on touch croque star burger kings vatter on fire we taste it, we are going on vacation and we are going for the third year, so open a vtb savings account with a rate of 16% and save up faster. the russian ministry of defense is starting to issue electronic ids to combat veterans ; this is a plastic card that will be both banking and social, and all payments will be received on it. well, stanislav
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vasilchenko knows how to issue this certificate. the initiative, which sergei shaigu announced last week during a meeting of the board of the ministry of defense, is already being implemented, we are talking about the release and implementation of electronic certificates of a combat veteran. the action looks like an ordinary card, but in fact it is a three-in-one document, it helps the veteran to receive payments from the ministry of defense, federal and regional payments, and special bank privileges, discounts from its partners, without a request. this is an electronic id that allows a veteran to receive a full range of social benefits, combining the capabilities of a combat veteran’s id , a social card and a bank card. the procedure for obtaining an electronic id is simple. submitted to the bank paper versions, passport, application is completed within 7 days, the veteran receives a certificate. if there are no documents in paper format, you must contact the personnel department of the military unit at the place
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of military service. an information system was developed that made it possible to ensure the interaction of the departmental system with the banking system. well, now we have personnel from the tver region; the president visited the all-russian historian and ethnographic museum in torshka. in the exhibition complex there are museum rows, i examined the collection. birch bark documents, samples of ancient weapons, crafts and household items of the 11th-17th centuries. well, now let's get back to our plot. allowed for the interaction of the departmental system with the banking system. this, in turn, made it possible to simplify the process of obtaining an electronic identification card for a combat veteran and make it. it is impossible to fake an id; the card has special protection;
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you can verify its authenticity in four ways. there are several mechanisms for its use, firstly, visual, when it means you can view the entries that are on the map, including the photo. this is a contactless use of a reader with a card chip, it is contact when reading. card code and this is the use of a personal account, a mobile account, where you can also get the relevant information. the electronic document does not expire and is valid throughout the country. the introduction of a plastic card does not cancel the combat veteran’s id on a paper form, but complements it, eliminating unnecessary red tape. stanislav vasilchenko, lead. the government will prepare a decision in the coming days on systemic measures to support residents of border regions of russia, it was reported. chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko at a meeting with the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glodkov.
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the whole country is with you, we are not only super excited, but we are also ready to provide any support, assistance , and we, as the chamber of regions, this was manifested in the implementation of your idea, to transfer children for a while, this difficult thing, to other regions, and you see, how all your colleagues responded, governors, thank you. teachers , parents for organizing this work, we are calm that children from the closest areas who are exposed to risks, shelling, they are now in safe places, attention will be paid to them, the governor of the belgorod region, in turn, spoke about the problems faced by the border region, including due to the incessant shelling from ukraine, i have not had a single refusal. we are currently preparing a proposal to provide assistance in various sectors, because there are problems
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with acreage, of course, we are now taking special precautionary measures in the legislation; they are not spelled out; we proceed from the operational situation, we look at how we can protect people in the first place, because everything can be restored except human life. professional holiday. today , the national guard troops are celebrating with congratulations to military personnel and veterans. vladimir putin addressed them. the president noted that the soldiers of the russian guard fearlessly serve, including in the donbass, they protect citizens and state border, eliminate saboteurs. you ensured security during election campaigns at all levels, including the russian presidential elections, and acted in a coordinated manner during major events and forums.
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help ensure the cover of the state border, the reliable operation of army communications and the security of the rear of our units and units, we will always remember the heroes who died in... the righteous struggle for russia, for the future of our people. combat missions in the special operation zone, units the national guard still performs this today on its professional holiday. they clear the territory, provide a barrier on the roads, and conduct reconnaissance in the front-line areas. more details nikolay dolgachev. special forces and the intelligence of the russian guard are now working in an extremely
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populated area, where abandoned houses are where enemy collaborators may be hiding. the russian guard group is accompanied by aerial reconnaissance, we are observing the territory of the plant, look carefully, looking for signs of vital activity, one of the goals of the russian guard is to identify hiding places from the caches, unfortunately there are a lot of them, ammunition, american grenades, tnt, and a domestic mine were discovered. the area is being checked now. during the inspection, the place was discovered in an abandoned house, in the basement, a suitcase, so -called, containing foreign-made ammunition, in particular an american grenade, a hand grenade, a german grenade. residents of the front-line zone recently
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became russian citizens, but the national guard is already actively helping.
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good morning, document check, passports, let 's take a look from the back door and trunk, the mayor of the guard provides it with a reliable barrier on the roads , controls all passing cars in the front-line zone, all the best, easy way, the mobile checkpoint is the basis of the control and barrier system that ensures the safety of the civilian population , military personnel, we constantly find something, ammunition, weapons, drugs on the side of the road, as local residents reported, there is a large shell, this is also a job for the national guard, there is no fuse, yes safe during transportation, if necessary , special equipment can be used to clear mines on site to minimize personnel losses, and if
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we do not know which explosive object to protect ourselves from, we work with help. the main task of the russian guard is to ensure security and peace in the rear, but sometimes you have to engage in battle with the enemy regularly. operators of unmanned aircraft from the russian guard have a large list of destroyed enemy equipment. new items arrive almost every day, everything is something it’s being updated, everything is new, well, roughly speaking, let’s just say we’re not falling behind. national guard members are at work on any holiday; for such a service, weekends are often more active than weekdays. the unit also continues to perform on its professional holiday.
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at the same time, several more military personnel were killed , for example, a special forces soldier was covered by an avalanche , which, by a strange coincidence, during the exercises , the country’s deputy prime minister reported with regret about another incident in which, according to the official, two sappers of the chemical defense troops were killed. i also mentioned the troublemaker crushed by an armored vehicle, and of course, returned to the most painful of losses, the brigadier general. in this way, he is trying to cover up the losses suffered by the polish military in the operation in ukraine. it's no secret that polish and military personnel from other european countries are present there. and they are not present under their flag, this is not an official mission, therefore, the losses suffered by the polish armed forces need to be somehow conveniently covered, probably mainly,
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mainly those losses that are now being discussed announced, concerns precisely the territory of ukraine. in the polish press they write about this event as a carbon copy, emphasizing that the military leader died unexpectedly, necessarily from natural causes not related to any military operations, in... especially in ukraine, however, some polish-speaking journalists directly indicate the connection officer with the kiev regime. as the commander of the twenty-fifth air cavalry brigade, adam marchik regularly flew to ukraine for joint exercises with the ukrainian army with zeal to prepare it for war. i don’t know whether he continued to visit ukraine after leaving the twenty-fifth brigade. the illustration shows footage of the 2018 rapident exercises , which took place in nezalezhnaya under the auspices of iyufor, forces quickly.
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service here until the end of his life, the task of this unit is helicopter landing, of course, without horses, when approaching positions at extremely low altitudes. they tried to carry out similar landings in the ssu several times, who trained them to do this? adam marchik, judging by his biography, was a very experienced polish military leader, a special forces soldier, who, as part of the contingents, visited afghanistan and bosnia, headed the intelligence and electronic warfare department of the main command of the armed forces, and held a number of high positions.
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samples of ancient weapons, as well as craft and household items that date back to the 11th and 17th centuries, the russian leader is carefully examining this exhibition, well , now there are also shots from the tver region from the author of the host of the moscow kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin. the small town of torzhok, population just over 40 thousand man, it’s clear that the president’s arrival here is a huge event, the president’s motorcade
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is now passing through the streets, here it is, it’s clear that everyone here, of course, hopes, you can hear for yourself, that the president will come out to the people, but you and i will now watch together, whether this will happen or not, so the cartesh stops, let's see. look, now the president’s card has even been handed back, a few meters ago, here he is, vladimir putin comes out, of course, he could not help but come out to the people, we are watching with you how this is happening, we are watching right with you every second, we have been waiting for you, i have been waiting for you for 20 years,
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the collapse of a bridge in the american baltic sea provoked chaos with suppliers, losses exceed $80 billion, leading us newspapers write about it. the accident paralyzed the ninth largest goods processing center. analysts' forecasts are scary. the baltimore disaster could lead to a global trade crisis. why does maria skorodilka know? it came together like a house of cards. this is a very important port for the united states from an energy point of view, through it, according to various according to estimates, they could transport up to 43% of energy resources, including those that we sell to europe, germany, and austria. there is a risk that all these countries will now go back to russia for natural gas. this port is the ninth in the united states in terms of the volume of cargo shipped
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, over 50 million foreign goods pass through it every year, cars, sugar, various equipment, gypsum in coal, this is the million dollar question, up to 20% of coal exports from the united states passed through baltimore, the collapse led to the shutdown of two terminals belonging to supplier, the collision of ships with a giant bridge literally blocked the harbor, the port is now closed to bulk carriers and tankers, the collapse of the bridge seriously threatens the economy, the united states, writes politics, american infrastructure. is badly worn out and has not been modernized for decades, and the fact that almost 50 large bridges in the united states are in a critical state of disrepair is known to everyone, newspapers write, while a third of them require repairs right now. you see these gigantic gaps, this rust, this bridge needs to be repaired in a maximum of a year, then a catastrophe cannot be avoided, the support is in such a state. bridges collapse every year, and washington knows about it, but there is no more talk about
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the problem. they don't decide. 15 thousand american dams could collapse at any moment and lead to flooding, engineers say. this is louisiana and the most important port for the united states is located here. hundreds of ships pass through it, but the main problem is this place in the mississippi river delta. she is nice, but the authorities do nothing. the infrastructure is old, they don’t give money for repairs. average age of an electrical site usa under 70 years old. it’s even worse with the railways; every year, thousands go off the rails. trains for the repair of all bridges need about 200 billion dollars, well, for the overall reconstruction of the us infrastructure up to 6 trillion, infrastructure disasters in the united states literally expose the systemic crisis of the american economy, the media write, but the white house does not see any problems within the country, answering questions from journalists , us secretary of transportation pete buttigieg was unable to say anything, the questions are not for me, all the information will be later, well, president biden
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at home regularly uses national tragedies to draw attention to himself, he embellishes personal experiences or simply invents things that never happened, including the death of his own son in iraq, diligently promoting the idea that no one knows such suffering and sacrifice as joe biden himself. in the united states, they began to build theories about a cyber attack that could allegedly lead the ship straight to the bridge. the situation took on new colors when it was announced on the internet that the captain of the ship that collapsed the bridge in maryland
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could... ukrainian, this news, based on sources, was picked up by many american media, but the police’s answers are vague. i have heard conflicting information on this matter, we will get back to you with an answer. heartbreak bridge, british covers are cynical, they didn’t see the tragedy in moscow, but they grieved over the bridge in the usa. money, nothing personal - americans comment in articles. the bridge that collapsed in the baltic sea has already caused a trade crisis in the united states worth $80 billion, and soon threatens to hit the economies and...


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