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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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then, of course, this is a special educational institution with a special history, how many sisters were there, five sisters, and three of them devoted themselves to teaching music, and or worked for how many years 70 in my opinion, but she lived there inside just a school, there was an apartment, it was simply museumized dedicated their whole life, this is a unique educational institution, but...
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new institutions, colleges, music schools, and of course, we need to take the next step, we need to pay attention to higher educational institutions, to the music school, let the fight with the ministry of finance begin, i i’ll try to support her, this is absolutely correct, we need to pay attention to the hostel there. on the material condition, on the material and technical base , on the same musical instruments, also of such a good, high class, that is, everything is good, but higher educational institutions require a special approach, and of course we will do this, there is another important question, which is also so sensitive, this is the level, the level of wages, income.
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teachers of these schools and higher educational institutions of music, this is a separate story, we need to talk about this separately, we have already talked about this, they, teachers, should have the opportunity to receive such income that they can live on, and live not only on private income.
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huge, because the average income, even within the territory of a federal subject, varies greatly, but the work is the same, just like for doctors, yes, but, but in the whole country it’s simple, it’s a very big job, this all needs to be calculated properly, but now the government is doing this, so in general we will do this as a whole, of course, can i make a small remark, yes, please. victoria kuangovna
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drew attention to an extremely important thing, which concerns not so much even material support, but rather the preservation of the most unique system of music education, which gives us
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bed linen, a mattress, everything in general, in this way we support the industry and update everything inside, because it is very there are a lot of children who come from rural areas to regional centers to study, that’s where we wanted one to create a more modern environment, that’s how
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they would begin to create such a program, this specifically concerns secondary vocational education, this is in all areas, not only yes, i mean, we have re-equipped all the dormitories.
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in general, it is also understandable, despite the fact that it would seem complex at first glance, but the media are changing. we need to understand how to distribute the necessary content in the broadest sense of the word, and the content of classical literature is also in a certain sense contact, moral, moral, historical, but this is also speech, after all, this is speech, speech, this is the russian language, it’s all clear, well, modern opportunities, they simplify the possibility of obtaining information via the internet, so... we, because we are all lazy , we all get there on this internet,
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it’s quite difficult to force yourself to sit down and study something, this is a matter of family, schools, such museums, educational centers, and libraries, of course, you said that we have about 15% of the population now. well, we finally caught up with them in this too plan, of course, not in a very good sense, but
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we’ve caught up, this is a global trend, this is understandable, there is a lot of good in european culture, there are many problems in today’s life, we have a unique opportunity to see what is happening, how it is happening in a post-industrial society and world, and respond accordingly to this, and in a timely manner. but there are many achievements of those countries, even those that today we even call unfriendly, although we do not have unfriendly countries, we have unfriendly elites - in these countries, and as for the culture of these countries, we have never done anything, as the leaders of these states are trying to do with russian culture, we have never even tried to abolish them, on the contrary, we believe that russian culture is part of world culture, and we are proud of that , that it is this... part, therefore, in the context of world culture , we look at our own, well, without excluding anything from
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this context, as for reading, yes, this is a problem, because it’s one thing to use something in squeezes, which do not reflect the quality and content of the russian language, do not reflect the thoughts of the author. all psychologism does not reflect the works of russian classics and other peoples of the russian federation, then this is of course a question that requires very careful study by specialists, and the fact that we still have 15% of the population, now there are 15, yes, but it was 35, that we went from 35% to 15, that ’s all. some kind of result, yes, but of course, this is not enough, in this regard, i think
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that i have already said a lot about this, we we are doing this program, firstly, libraries must also meet today's demands of today's people, especially young people, it should not be just a book depository, yes, it should be such a cultural educational center. we don’t have that many, unfortunately, we have about 40. 40,000 libraries throughout the country, right? 42. it is believed that every tenth library on planet earth is russian, so we have the largest network in the world, 40 thousand, yes 42-43. we converted a thousand, this is a drop in the ocean, of course, out of 42,000, but a completely different cultural life begins there, i don’t know about you. there are such modern ones, yes, of course, we have already converted libraries with electronic reading rooms,
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interactive ones, you can go from one library to another, we have a large amount of digital literature, you can even go from, for example, at home from some public space go to the website and look at the book, there is such a thing and we are definitely a federal project, he will say thank you very much, they will do it, and we will do it with them we develop it, we allocate money. from the federal budget, 1.0 such libraries were made, which become cultural and educational centers , where people are happy to go, including young people, everything is there, the internet works there, and - the opportunity to get acquainted with russian classics is so well, deeply superficial , it’s necessary of course, we will do this together with the school, we will definitely continue this, but our successes are still at least modest, but we don’t even have very little success, we have very good successes, that’s not enough very much these, no, i’m just talking about my
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work, what you talk to the school, to the family, we do everything, and really this work. and i know, and so do i, well , look, the market is between st. petersburg and moscow, here is novgorod, there are big cities nearby, and so on, but there are places where there are no such centers of civilization nearby, so here for these remote places, this generally has a colossal significance that does not come in the full sense of the word, but when i said that it still gives us something manages to do, i don’t mean this thousand, but this is very little. what i meant is that , after all, the modern russian public , russian citizens are beginning to read more, but according to research by international organizations, of course, they do this without prejudice, today russia
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ranks second in the amount of time that citizens of the country spend on reading in the world, china is in first place, spain is in third. therefore, we have progress, but it is very modest, it is very modest and we certainly need to move at a faster pace forward, we will definitely do this, definitely, i completely agree with you, and for our such a huge country with such colossal territories, this activity is in high demand, well, in high demand, if we want to preserve, that’s what your the mission is colossal.
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cultural heritage, but it would certainly be strange for us not to talk about it today, because it is our tver region that leads in the list of regions of the central federal district in terms of the number of monuments culture. today i want to draw attention to three very important, in my opinion, aspects, and today i will talk about the toshka. first of all, of course, i will turn to the words of the previous speaker, as part of my message to the federal assembly. you drew attention to this important problem, and you talked about a pilot project, about the launch of a pilot program for the preservation of cultural heritage sites, which included our tver region. believe me, vladimir vladimirovich, first of all for me, as for a native resident of this city, here for most of my colleagues, including myself,
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as an employee of the federal museum, are very much in favor of this idea. if only torzhok. was one of the first cities of this pilot program, then believe me, we would be happy to get involved in this work, and, of course, if the result is positive, we are ready to share with colleagues from other regions; this is a very important and relevant topic for us. the second question that i would like to voice today, excuse me, please, so we have included the tver region, yes, a pilot project, yes, a pilot project, a? yes, yes, that means it’s just saying that we have innovators, as the residents of toshitora call them, yes, they are one of the smartest among us , very much, we even talked about it here while you were away. we are ready to take on this
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work so that, as it were, a pilot project as a flagship, and so that there is feedback on the example of toshka, then the rest can move in the same direction. well, please, it’s just planned right now, you told me the renovation was planned, but what? then you need to do more, but now i think that this program should to provide several options, it is clear that we care about individual monuments of historical and cultural heritage, but we , for example, in torshka have a huge territory of the historical part of the city, which for one reason or another may not be included in this program, for example, a private house , which is also an oken, but the adjacent territory is either a cultural object or a cultural object.
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this street itself, it’s like one example of how we need to work, first with signs, with the facades of houses, even where we don’t we can influence, to the fullest extent, the surrounding areas, roads, that is , take this integrated approach, at least look in this direction, if possible, so that it works for some individual territories, and not just for some monuments, well, for example, our firemen’s hotels, here we are... we restored it at one time, now we are working on it further, but we have the opportunity for this, the neighboring house, i will now add, it means that in order for the region
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to allocate its money, maybe be there for some reason there was a small amount of federal co-financing, and this was to be solved in a comprehensive manner for the monument and the adjacent territories, then the region allocates money and so that they have several stages and the project is broken into several parts , the monument itself, the adjacent territory, then urban planning is adopted...
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that’s according to several programs at once, go around, prepare the paper, and then we will pool the funds that are intended for tver for the implementation of these pilot projects, and then the local areas, small towns, they put everything in one category, as was said there, there is a small limitation, the fact is that some of the objects are private, not in use, but private in status, that is.
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for example, it must either be bought into regional ownership, or left to private owners, but then we should have the right so that for state money, this includes federal and regional money, we can invest in this object as it does in another. from property, let it be private property, we also have such in kalyazin there is a story, we are now buying these objects to the treasury - to see what kind of object this is, i don’t know, yes, well, i mean, let the ministry of culture have the right so that we make a proposal, we will do protection there , and they will have a commission there to choose whether we can, for example, a private property and repair the facade there, for example, for a state one, because they may not have money, there is a historical house, that’s how we did it, at the expense of the residents, well it’s impossible to do it at a very high cost; it won’t meet the standards, but we would have given it. their money, that means, and, uh, in this way they repaired the facade so that it would all be beautiful, please, here the right of the private owner must be respected, there you will have to agree with him, yes, yes, well, normatively.
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ok, thank you, yeah, with your permission i will continue, the second question, a very important one, which we have already discussed a little today, is the preservation of the archaeological heritage of our city, because the historical center of torshka is an archeological monument of federal significance. today i am talking primarily about the novotorzhesky kremlin, which so we got to know each other a little about the territory
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of the lower settlement. here. and today we see the development of these objects only through the involvement of young people, through the creation of school, student, and training camps that would allow, under the supervision of our professional archaeologists, young people to learn not only this rather fascinating science of archeology, to work in the field, but to think about reconstruction, in particular of our medieval marketplace.
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and we want this to be a lively enough story, firstly, to attract young people to us, so that they learn these basics of the profession, perhaps we also have a shortage of personnel, and we are also waiting and yearning for specialists of the highest level to come to us, perhaps these guys will later choose this profession, and this is a difficult profession, we are all with you in the cultural sphere, we know how to captivate young people so that they come here to work with us. and, of course, now modern technologies make it possible to completely move towards some kind of space, which may be exactly the point of attraction that we are striving for. it seems to us that according to the national project cultures are the keepers of history, such a subprogram, if i’m speaking correctly, we have to do something here, for now we’re looking in this direction, it’s possible to work later in more
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detail, carefully, but... still, i’ll probably be responsible for the innovators, over time, we would like to get this long-term project, a modern open-air archaeological museum on the territory of the novotozhsky kremlin, the idea is good, of course, and we can attract the russian geographical society here, it also has many projects of this kind, to attract specialists.
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we have all the capabilities and mechanisms in many regions, this program works the same way as what you mentioned, when after the completion of archaeological excavations, when you can already museumize the space and invite excursions to show, you can , of course, make a beautiful light projection of what it was in this place, it ’s a wonderful practice, in shuya, for example, in the ivanovo region it’s wonderful, my colleagues did it, and here archaeological work is now being carried out, no, archaeological work stopped in 2000, yeah, that’s it we need to look at this first, yes, we are very happy about this issue now.


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