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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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by decree of the government of the rsvsr in 1942, during the harsh war years, with the formulation of the theater to serve the front, and it did a colossal job for the benefit of victory, for which it has a letter of gratitude from the supreme commander-in-chief joseph vasirionovich stalin and is kept in the museum of our theater. in may the theater will turn 82 years old; all these years the theater has been very loved and in demand. people come to us not only to relax, they come with the desire to fill and enrich their spiritual life, to join our culture. in the theater, this is possible through literature, drama, painting, music, poetry.
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it unites everything in the theater, you know, in the early eighties our theater was closed for reconstruction and for 10 years we worked as a touring theater, unfortunately, playing little in our hometown, but these years showed how the theater is needed and needed by the city and its residents, after the reconstruction we... continued our lives in the renovated building, these were the nineties, they were difficult and complex in many respects, but the theater survived, after 2000 significant improvements began and the theater began to breathe in a new way, now we play our performances to full houses, the audience is looking forward to ours...
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a great opportunity to see how our performances grow, grow, grow, grow, yes generations, entire generations, not generations, but generations at our performances, so it is very important for us to participate in the creation of children's performances, in addition to...
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the performance, we give children a tour of the theater, introduce it to its history, introduce professional with the theater profession, because very often we have to take into theater workshops people from the city who are not prepared, who knows, maybe after taking a tour with us, someone will want to come work in the theater, we have such hopes . the theater's repertoire includes 50 performances, and 40 of them operate under the pushkin card program. in 2023, more than 200 people purchased tickets using the pushkin card, which is of course very cool. our, of course, civic and human duty is...
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remember those who are now in the zone svo, that’s why we play charity performances, the proceeds from which go to help and support our soldiers, we don’t forget about their mothers, children, wives, we always invite them to performances, they come with great pleasure and gratitude, because for them it’s support and moral psychological.
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regions that lie with us, the theater goes on guest tours to small towns in russia, and the audience is dub
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, maybe in the end i listened to you, noted some things, you said that in what year, forty-two, yes in 1942 year, in during the great patriotic war, in the most difficult times for our country , this theater was created, so it is written, yes, for the needs of the front, yes for this wording, to serve the front, so... and, of course, certain associations arise, but i don’t want to call it a theater culture, not a weapon, not a tool, but without any doubt, our theater, today is theater day, i congratulate you all, those who serve in the theater,
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devote their lives to this, but i would like to add that our entire culture is , of course, not a tool, not a weapon, it’s soil on ... this is how you now expressed your attitude towards the country, towards our people, who, as you said, are brought up on the works that you present on stage,
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are brought up from generation to generation, here is our whole country on our soil, ours culture is firmly on its feet. and feels confident confidently looks into the future , thanks to a large extent to your work , thank you very much, thank you very much, vladimirovich, if you don’t allow it, we have a small gift, there is a gift, but according to the protocol it will not be given by me, it truly unique, this is not, not birch bark number 17, no, this is not birch bark, it is also a very interesting fishery. our novotorzhskaya technique novotorzhskaya majolica is the work of our masters of our museum. we have a separate ceramic workshop, which, in general , does such a wonderful job. i hope that you will appreciate, in memory of our meeting, you will also have such a piece
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of our love for our city , boundless respect for you, with respect and with the possibility that this memory will last for a long time. thank you. thank you very much, thank you, thank you, so, vladimir putin met with cultural workers of the tver region, this is a big information evening, that’s what we will talk about in the next hour, who gloated and made disgraceful comments about the tragedy in the crocus, is now paying the price, high-profile arrests.
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this is that instead of aviation, replacing the unattainable , throwing 9-year-olds into a trench, kiev is sending yesterday’s schoolchildren. i may also be charged with calls for terrorist attacks, this is today’s news about the video blogger from bashkiria rustam ebsalyamov,
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who revealed outright abomination, commenting on what happened in crocus city holly. of course, i don’t want to quote something like this directly, but in short, the character, using choice obscenities, was indignant at the fact that mourning was declared in russia, he personally doesn’t give a damn about the killed and wounded, and moreover, when this happens in moscow or the moscow region, he they say he’s just glad, and... absalyamov, it seems, was absolutely confident in his impunity, insisted he was not afraid of any consequences, but now what was to be expected, he changed his shoes, literally immediately after being taken into custody he admitted, softly speaking, the incorrectness of his words, and also asked for forgiveness for unacceptable and inhumane attempts to attract attention to himself, but it will be difficult to get away with apologies, regardless of whether they are sincere or not, because a criminal case has already been opened, as in relation to other defendants who allowed themselves similar high-minded... greetings, yes, they will be in prison for a long time,
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but as for the minors, their parents are burning with shame, there is a video, so many apologies have been poured in for the nightmarish statements about the tragedy in crocus, characters who have appeared in the media field only now, foolish bloggers, some streamers, just teenagers who got in front of the camera. but quite famous people were also noticed: the journalist and artist nikolaishenok, the husband of the general director of st. petersburg new holland, because of a wild post, which roxana shtunovskaya wrote a letter of resignation, calling her husband’s words monstrous, was detained at pulkovo airport, wanted to fly away, but it didn’t work out. i bring my deepest changes to everyone, i do not support terrorists. maybe, it was not for nothing that he failed to pronounce the word the first time. an apology, whether he supports terrorism or not will, in fact, be decided by the court.
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konoshenko is now a defendant in a criminal case under the article on justification of terrorism. the derzhinsky district court arrested him until may 25; the husband, the ex-ceo of new holland, did not admit his guilt. as if you can do some nasty, disgusting thing, and then ask for forgiveness, lower your eyes, pretend to be a person who happened by chance. the devil has misled you, and society should forgive you, here i am it seems that such a harmful practice needs to be stopped, all those people who justified terrorism, wrote some posts with ridicule, these people should be punished, they have simply lost their sense of humanity, compassion, the value of another life of another person, they simply do not understand, article 205, paragraph two, public justification. the statements of many of those who are now publicly apologizing fit it perfectly:
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punishment, a fine of up to a million rubles or earnings for 3 years - this is the easiest, but more likely 5 to 7 years in prison and a public stigma, because the media will definitely not ignore such trials, because something like this, like this, it is not forgotten, it was a woman from the lipa region who said on social networks during an online broadcast that they say few of them were killed. this is about the victims of the terrorist attack, she said a lot more, now , of course, she is detained, she confirms her terrible words, and i said, they killed very few, because it was necessary to kill a lot more people, she drank, she drank a lot, and it ’s like you know how the energy is there, i don’t know, aggression has started, yes, of course, i’m talking about i regret this, in no case do i want people to be killed, someone said that it was insincere, someone said that they were in a state of... alcoholic intoxication, someone else said something else, i say again, there is no faith in these
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justifications, because justification is words, and what you did before did earlier, you justified terrorism, you justify a terrorist act, and these are specific actions that fall under criminal offenses, this character from moscow, quietly crumpled, introducing himself, now apologizes for savoring the sounds. i apologize to everyone for what i said in the video message about... i mocked the killing of people, what i said is that i love the sounds of gunshots, i really regret it, well, that's how to believe him or not , he was afraid that he was detained, so he apologizes, or maybe an instant re-education, for
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such words in front of everyone, about everyone who grieved on the day of the tragedy, he apologizes. i want to apologize for my words that i said in relation to crocus, i am very ashamed in front of a huge number of people, these are outcasts, and i, well i can’t call these people anything else, they are not representatives of our society, in general there is a black mark in the family, to believe or not to believe?
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when she sits in front of the screen and how ashamed she is with tears in her voice when her mother is nearby? but for me personally, well, they really killed you, they killed you, what are you doing there, why is everyone starting to regret it? once again i apologize to everyone for doing such a terrible thing in my life, i am very sorry for the victims,
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the relatives of the victims and those who suffered in this... terrorist attack in moscow, i apologize for my daughter, probably the children you can forgive and those videos that their parents record, and parents can be trusted, but a question for parents: why do you pay so little attention to your children that you don’t know what’s in their heads, parents whose children made statements of this kind , i think that they have something to think about, well, they will be responsible. administratively, statements, posts and videos, audio, for which now all of them, people of different ages, different social status, are trying to ask for forgiveness, all these words could not leave the tongue, just like that, more into the public space, and media repentance, whatever it may be, is only the beginning, the perpetrators will go to trial, anton
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podkavenko, about those with brains like a guppy fish? the picnic group is performing today at the large oktyabrsky concert hall in st. petersburg. the event is charitable; the musicians will use all the funds raised to help the families of victims of the terrorist attack at crocus city hall. after the picnic concert in moscow was banned by terrorists, the group initially wanted to cancel the performance in petersburg, but now it’s clear that this concert means much more than just the arrival of your favorite artists. our correspondent dmitry akimov was convinced of this, and he is in direct contact with the studio. dmitry, greetings. what is the atmosphere of the concert hall, with whom? with emotions the audience came to the concert today, yes alexey, hello, but this performance of the picnic group began announced as an evening of memory of those killed in this terrible and inhumane terrorist attack, it began today at exactly 19:00 it began, naturally, with a minute of silence, now i
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i propose to look at how it was, for all the victims of the terrorist attack in moscow. we declare a minute of silence. thank you. the picnic group is performing today as part of a symphony orchestra; it is clear that all musicians themselves decide what is worth holding. this performance, despite the fact that it was planned and was on the group’s concert schedule, was very difficult. today, before the start of the performance, we were able to talk with
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the leader of the picnic group, edmund shklyarsky, and with the director of the symphony orchestra, and naturally problems arose purely of a technical nature, since most of the equipment, most of the equipment of musical instruments simply burned down in the crocus cityhall hall, and of course, this decision was very difficult from... from a moral point of view, that’s what the musicians themselves told us today, let’s listen, the concert begins with the feeling that this, that part of what was planned, what was planned, did not happen, so we must play, no matter what, people then came to the holiday, i know that some... people came especially for this concert for today from moscow , who were in the crocos, that is, they brought themselves up and came specifically to prove that these
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are the people, today’s concert, it was planned, we prepared for it for a long time, we prepared this program to show those viewers who have been here for a long time planned to come, the team also worked, also planned to perform today and... and i think that this is a collective decision, despite the fact that today some musicians who were in moscow are not on stage for various reasons, including objective ones, but firstly due to the fact that many of their instruments have sunburned and simply have nothing to perform with today. it is worth saying that the program of this performance was naturally adjusted; all some major, cheerful songs were removed from the program. now, as for the spectators, indeed , there are a lot of spectators at the concert today, there is no sell-out, however, the hall of the large concert hall,
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which seats 3,700 people, is almost completely filled today, and indeed people, today we talked with people who came here from moscow , from moscow region, from various regions of our country, including the audience who were present here on that... ill-fated evening in crocus city hall, now let's listen to what the people who came to the concert today told us before it started. i decided that i needed to support the group, be with friends, with like-minded people, and when i arrived in st. petersburg, to be honest, i felt better. it’s very good that the group has finally found the strength to give this charity concert to help the victims and relatives of the victims who will never come again. we need to go there for the concert to take place, we are not afraid, we will not be intimidated, we will also continue to love, listen, live, and it is worth saying that
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security measures today, of course, around the bkz were increased, police officers and employees worked here russian guard, however , the performance takes place without any incidents, and separately, of course, it is worth noting that this concert is of a charitable nature, all the money that people spent on tickets will go to... helping people who suffered during carrying out the terrorist attack on march 22. colleagues, alexey, i give you the floor. yes, thank you, dmitry akimov from st. petersburg about the concert of the picnic group in memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks in croc city holly. now about the retribution for the terrorist attack, which undoubtedly awaits the perpetrators of the brutal crime. today, the author of one of the popular telegram channels decided to remind us under what conditions these nonhumans will most likely have to serve time. punishment, we are, of course, talking about life imprisonment, and such a strict regime that the convicts will are maximally deprived of their rights even after death, because the bodies of terrorists, when they sooner
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or later die behind bars, are guaranteed not to be handed over to relatives or anyone else, they are buried under numbers without registered graves, so that literally nothing remains of them, including memories , although in a certain sense , life in such colonies can be compared to a grave, since the prisoners there are obviously... recognized as being unsuitable for re-education and correction, and they create for them the appropriate, extremely severe a routine, the details of which stanislav bernvat is ready to reveal, stanislav, hello, but it’s true they say that the living in these penal colonies simply begin to beg for death, from my experience, i filmed a report in one of the colonies and talked with prisoners who have been in prison for a long time, they say that death is better, in russia there are special regime villages, they are also fawns,
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extraordinary creatures, savvy, resourceful and very dangerous, therefore high demands are placed on the conditions of their detention, eternal imprisonment is their destiny. in russia life sentence - this means lifelong, that is, until death from natural causes. 25 years, a person sentenced to pj must serve in a particularly strict regime, after which he has a nominal right to try to write a petition for parole or pardon. but so far there has not been a precedent , there is no such practice, theoretically it exists , but it does not exist and cannot exist, because there is not a single normal person who would sign the documents, and somehow the pardon of these creatures is people that hit there, and there they will be buried, this is all you need to understand, they no longer exist in history,
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the special regime colony is located in the most... far beyond the arctic circle in the yamal village of kharp there is a special regime penal colony, known as the polar owl. this romantic name causes trembling and goosebumps, because here the most cruel, soulless criminals and terrorists, cannibals, serial killers are kept... these non-humans in human form are serving their sentences in cells of two people, cannibals are sitting in solitary confinement and how since they are terrorists, the light is always on in the cell , it is always watched by a colony employee, conversations between prisoners are prohibited, at most you can exchange a couple of phrases, for violating this rule , the punishment cell transports four or five sin employees outside the cell of one prisoner, the prisoner is zipped up behind his back , he needs to sit
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down... they have the right to a daily walk lasting up to an hour and a half ; although there are walks, they take place in a closed courtyard and deprived of sunlight, you can’t stop, constant movement in a circle, after 10 years the convicted person is allowed a tv, which they must buy from freedom ; you can watch it 15 minutes a day every other day.
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after 6 years of good behavior, a prisoner can apply for a permit to work in a colony workshop. and here is an important point: not everything, even these minimal benefits, are available to those convicted of terrorism. there is a completely understandable, special approach to terrorists in special colonies. terrorists are also subject to putting bags over their heads in order to disorientate. if in relation to others it depends. from their behavior, so to speak, then in relation to a terrorist, this is always the case, but the schedule is much stricter, with them there is no ceremony as much as possible, the demand for them is much different, on the doors of the cells where lifers are kept, there is a sign with a photograph of the convicted person and basic information about the acts committed, not for idle curiosity to remind the colony staff with whom or what they are dealing with.
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the majority of those convicted of terrorism have an entry in their characteristics that they are inclined to suicide, that is, from the awareness of inevitable, eternal imprisonment, these non-humans begin to dream of death, but death for them is probably too humane an ending. stanislav bernwalt, from those who are already dead during their lifetime. scraps of some kind of black object, elongated in shape, suspended below were sinkers made of simple plastic bottles and a structure similar to a system. after dropping ammunition , russian soldiers caught such a catch at one of the sites of the special operation and thus for the first time recorded the use of a very interesting product by ukrainian militants. by according to mash, this is nothing more than a terrorist balloon. the known know-how is based on an ordinary weather umbrella, but the apu, as is already clear, does not use it for the harmless purposes of measuring the temperature or humidity of the environment. this fake, as
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planned by the kiev regime, is intended for...


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