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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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for terrorism there is an entry in the characteristics: prone to suicide, that is, from the realization of inevitable eternal imprisonment, these non-humans begin to dream of death, but death for them is probably too humane an ending. stanislav bernwalt from those who are already dead during their lifetime. remnants of some black object, elongated in shape, suspended below were sinkers made of simple plastic bottles and a structure similar to an ammunition release system. russian soldiers caught such a catch at one of the special operation sites, and thus for the first time they recorded the use of a very interesting product by ukrainian militants, according to mash it is nothing more than a terrorist balloon, the known know-how is based on an ordinary weather umbrella, but it is used in the ssu, as is already clear, not at all for harmless purposes, measuring temperature or humidity environment, this is a fake , as conceived by the kiev regime, intended to carry out military tasks for now... with the help
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of a ball you can deliver an explosive device from point to point b, and also, accordingly , drop it on some target, but this is in theory, in practice the design is very weakly applicable on the front line, but it is quite suitable for terrorist attacks against civilians, how everything works, let’s figure it out with evgeniy tishkovets, evgeniy, greetings, well , of course , there is no talk about the accuracy of the strike in this case, alexey, good evening, well, let’s just say that it’s almost impossible to hit a dugout or a combat vehicle, but a populated one...
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the ukrainians probably took its design as a basis. balloons are a consumable of meteorological science, they are launched by everyone day everywhere. warehouses always have a huge number of probes with ready-made communication and control systems, which, by the way, are highly accurate. of course, the balls themselves do not have such shunting motors; they can be changed.
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only the flight altitude, but this is enough: the balloon is capable of rising into the sky 30-40 km, while in different layers of the atmosphere the wind has different directions, so by adjusting the flight level, you can direct the umbrella literally anywhere, as for the payload, then large weather balloons it can reach up to several tons, smaller, massive ones carry kilograms of equipment, or explosives, if this is ukraine, a combat load. they carry everything from some small grenades to serious heavy ammunition, the potential destruction from the use of such balloons is very significant, because, well , imagine, even if an eighty-two-millimeter mine is dropped into a crowd of people, but balloons have a big disadvantage, in fact in fact...neither gps modules nor western
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satellites serving the kiev regime capable of providing truly high accuracy of a strike from a balloon, because the coordinates will always have an error, the ammunition itself, thrown from a great height, will unpredictably deviate from the initial release point, which means that against military targets, very local and dispersed, the use of balloons doesn't make any sense, this ball is launched around the city. that is, over a large response area, then it will definitely damage something somewhere, and if it carries a whole package of these cluster elements exploding or some kind of mines anti-personnel type petal and bang, it all opened up and fell apart, so by launching several of these balls you can create bullets or a strip covered with such explosive elements. in general, the ukrainian armed forces are not betraying themselves;
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they are using weapons that can only be effectively used against civilians. another challenge for russian air defense, and, as experts say. our engineers are already studying the potential threat and preparing countermeasures. evgenia tishkovets crafts of kiev terrorists. now there is a short advertisement about what will happen next on our broadcast. throw into a trench nineteen year olds. kiev is sending yesterday's schoolchildren for military training, why and who has already climbed into the attic from the shopping center? your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion , so he’s a belly, no one will know anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there,
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this is war, kulya, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you no, go crazy and go to moscow, we'll register it as a missing person, no. passenger's call sign. the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. any war is infantry. while the leg the infantryman will not step into the territory. it is as
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if it is not considered conquered. we squeeze out the enemy with artillery. we squeeze out with kamikakas. when there is no accompaniment, you go to... grief blindly, you don’t know what ’s ahead of you, outpost, outpost, yangel, let’s be brief, yes, i observe, the people who are here at the control points, they are making no less efforts than attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, we entered at such a pace, the work was built, the work is on the rails.
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liver cleansing and restoration expert. hurray, did you get it? finally, how you have grown! and now to the point, this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you, take it! where does all this come from? are you retired? and you applied for your pension at vtb, and where are the pensions?
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a summer resident from the river and even showed him several demonstrative photographs, supposedly they gave him tea, warmed him with thermal blankets and sent him by ambulance to the hospital, since doctors discovered that he had severe hypothermia and frostbite of his extremities. interestingly, based on this story , the state border service of ukraine released a warning that extreme methods of crossing the border can be dangerous to life and health, sounds mocking, because they run as men, precisely because they understand that serving in the armed forces of ukraine is no option, but at least there is a chance. the fact that the devil is the only way for ukrainians to survive is confirmed by the kiev authorities themselves, the authorities
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who are coming up with new ways to recruit more people into the army, evgenia petrukhin will tell you, schoolchildren are already at risk. yes, alexey, hello, here you go now they are one step away from entering this risk zone. one-time soldiers with zero motivation are exactly those whom ukrainian military commissars are forcibly pushing into a trench today, but even such can... end, and apparently that’s why the verkhovna rada, apparently, is going to add fresh blood to the ukrainian meat grinder, that’s right yesterday's schoolchildren. a new norm is brewing in the increased mobilization bill. here is a certain nord razumkov giving an interview and saying that from the age of 18 young boys will be sent to basic military training. there they will receive a military registration specialty and the doors to the front are open, please, tank driver,
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they really were pumped full of nazi ideology, they were so rinsed with their brains, but not everyone can rinse their brains, the ukrainians are hiding it.
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that mobilization is a one-way ticket, a year in prison, such a term the court very clearly understands that the appearance was ordered to a resident of the volyn region for allegedly evading mobilization, this despite the fact that the tsk forcibly served a summons to a disabled person, men have no collarbone, but in a new way according to the law, he is of limited fitness , well, he can’t raise his hand, and oh well , here are the guys running with... these, for example, tried to slip into moldova in a laundry box in a truck driver’s cab, but in the odessa region, so to speak, they ended up on border guards , now they can wake up already in the trench, those who run away from mobilization can be shot in the back in the legs, judging by these videos, but wait, these atrocities of the ukrainian barrier detachments are already
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spreading to the civilian population of ukraine, we haven’t seen once.
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here is mukachevo, transcarpathia, where local residents even tried to block the roads because they are unhappy with the fact that summonses are being handed to everyone , especially in western ukraine they do not want to fight, by the way, this is a good indicator, because for the majority of residents of western ukraine, eastern ukraine , where the fighting is going on now, this is generally foreign territory, they could live peacefully without all this, there without dnepropetrovsk, kharkov and so on, they don’t understand why they need to fight, this is... a serious problem, i think it will get worse for ukraine, but those who escaped are filming videos on the plane, saying bye bye ukraine, hello portugal, so the tcc is hunting for those who can’t pay, the rada, of course, has taken care of its own, is going to book 70% of law enforcement officers and 30% of local
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government officials in okopa, let nineteen-year-old yesterday’s schoolchildren prepare, but not a deputy.
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here is the cathedral, which was restored this year in the summer, we plan to illuminate it, it was built... in 285 and was demolished in the thirties - kalinin park was made there, now this cathedral has been restored, since january 1 of this year there is a service there, i wrote a sacred letter, he will come in july to illuminate this cathedral, this cathedral was built by mikhail tverskoy , it is in the heart of our region, i am now this bridge over the volba, it is a symbol
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, we even have it on - our nadrat as well as the upper volga, we have it as a logo for many, many polish companies now, which for yes no, no, what is he talking about, we are pleased, so today our national economy is region, within its composition it works very successfully. we would like thank you for the support of industry , of course, the question that everyone has today, and it is very relevant, this is a little expensive money, but for industry, we as a region are trying to subsidize and issue loans, the region has created a lending fund, and we have expensive loans from federal - federal our central bank, and we are trying to compensate there with three - 4% ruble loans, which you give to medium -sized and small companies, do you have more industrial production? is growing faster than the average class, yes, this is thanks to support machine building, the fact that today we are developing a railway, this is a sewing plant, you know, well, in tverzhki there is a branch of it that is developing,
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now we are looking forward to the construction of a high-speed railway, because it will give a new impetus to grp, this includes the construction of the route itself, we have drawn up the transitions of engineering structures, and we hope that our group of enterprises will take part in the development and construction of a new high-speed train, and you know, very well, and you announced this 15 more february of this year, when we held a selector from yekaterinburg, and we manage to get from moscow to tver in 39 minutes, from the center of moscow to the center of tver 39 minutes, now we get there in a little over an hour , if it’s a swallow, it’s an hour or 40 there , therefore , it is clear that we are preparing for this, this is a completely new concept for the development of the economic region, and special thanks to you for the order to create a new economic zone imaus. and we were accommodated there, the government made this decision a month ago, and now for us it’s like a new stage of development, then we presented the main indicators of economic development, this is our
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manufacturing industry, including woodworking production, which are developing, here are the key industries we presented our data, including the production of computers, electrical equipment, food industry, transport engineering , the next slide is... the investment projects that we have, this is the most important thing, these are more than 9,000 jobs, because today the main, i think, problem you know in the regions of the central federal district, especially the north, north- west, north-east - this is when our residents go to work in large cities, so today the creation of new working, high-tech places allows us not only to retain the youth, the working population, but to deal with demography, because if we have you have work, there are ...
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cable cars, which means that two companies are world -class, the second is italian, they are under a ban and cannot supply elements for cable cars here, this is a resort for us, sochi, and the far east, so decisions have been made, technologies were obtained, now the production of cable cars and their components will be launched on the territory of this new economic zone on the island, great, i include the labor market. is also indicated here, which means we - the average wage is growing, because the economy is becoming competitive , and whether we want it or not, uh, anyway, so to speak, our key megacities dictate
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the level of wages both in the budgetary and non-budgetary spheres, therefore now the entire population is in great demand, it is very important that a lot of work has been done to introduce from gray zones of manufacturing industries, today we see that for us, techies, these are payments for vehicles, and exemption from part of utility bills, of course, our most important project is school uniforms, from the first to the eleventh grade, large families receive free
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school uniforms, and we... we make them , these uniforms, we make these sets of school uniforms at enterprises in our region, the tver region, this is financed from the regional budget, including thanks to installment loans, which, budget the loans that we have left at our disposal from the constituent entities of the russian federation are the loading of industry and new competencies, and these are new jobs, and of course the form is also quite interesting, well, there are several options for both high school and very right. medical institutions, today we are closed by the fact that our district hospitals send doctors and hold appointments there one week, where there is no permanent employee, we have now signed agreements with targeted training with the institute our secondary a professional healthcare institution,
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at the start of a special military operation we... allocated separate places for the children of our military personnel who are on a special military operation, this is super water, there is a super competition separately, and we finance, and this helped us make a new enrollment, this targeted recruitment into regional health care institutions, including faps, and children who young people sign a contract and uh the head of the district, the head of the municipality, the heads of the central district hospital, the place of work is determined, they come to study, they have an increased scholarship, increased payments. and the obligation, after graduating from a secondary specialized educational institution, to work for 3 years, from 3 to 5 years, already in this region, as it were, from where they were sent to this medical institution, the program started on september 1, twenty-three, i hope that already in twenty in the fifth year we will be able to get the first such large-scale results, this competition that was discussed, the distribution there is sort of like the format of the soviet era, of course there are many
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industry about this... asks that we still guarantee free education, higher secondary specialized education, but the person who receives it must still give the state his, well, how can i say, moral duty to work in the system for at least 3 years , at least 3 years, then please, you can go to the market, you already have good capitalization, you already have your own status in the market, so to speak, you can offer your working time for any money, but for public education you have to join the system to work at least the first 3 years is very important and... the economy today will lead us to this anyway, i think it will lead us to this and it will be supported by all sectors, not only medically, well , we are moving on about culture today we met with cultural workers, here three of our main historical cities will remain, not counting, of course, the city of tver we also have rzhev and a number of historical cities, as you know , i would like to
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say special words of gratitude, now we are in the city of torzh , remember.
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building of public places, residential building and the house of the mayor and the treasurer, we have this project was financed from brix, right now you are looking at the borisleb monastery, which is in a state of restoration, this dates back to 1036 - 1056, when all this was, so to speak, when it all began here, and of course, today for us it is of course a very large serious object, it is of federal significance, it is federal property, but we... at the same time , we are actively working with you to help development, the next one is a district, that’s what the director told you about today, remember the director about this unique work of the architect lvov, here is a photo of this uh this estate, a private investor...


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