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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] large-scale celebrations are planned for the summer. dmitry grigorenko heads and here the main monuments of the city they are in a hurry, since they have already talked so much about it today, this is the travel palace and its outbuildings, the building of access places, a residential building and the house of the mayor and the treasurer, this project was financed from us brixa, right now you are looking at the boris gleb monastery, which is in a state of restoration, this dates back to 1036 - 1050. the sixth year, when all this was - so ska, when it all began here, and of course, today for us this is, of course, a very large, serious object, it is of federal significance, it is federal property, but at the same time we ourselves are actively working to help development, the next one is rayok, this is what the director told you about today, remember, the director about this unique work of the architect lvov, here is a photograph of this estate,
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a private investor. did a lot, we are very grateful to him, he spent a lot of his money, but it is a very large-scale work and of course, state support is required, this is a unique building where people come from all over architects of the world study, look at this , here is a description of it, and here is the view from above, if you look, and in general how this architecture develops, how it is this big building, this is the whole amphilad that is around, unique architecture,
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everything. vladimirovich flow through the historical center of freight vehicles, including large loads that carry timber, which, unfortunately, break up the roads, these are trucks, this is the shipment of products from the tanzhikovsky water-building plant, so we had a request to consider the issues, we prepared a letter about the construction of a bypass road, because today the historical center is, of course, no longer suitable for
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large traffic... we are told the story of the kazan monastery being restored, it was actually built in pitersk, and it was built in pitersk, this is a monastery in the highest milk, well, a monument to the orzhiv soldier in the city to our soviet soldier, a monument in the city of rzhev, then the city of torzhov, architectural monuments, today you also looked, got acquainted with them,
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the road is good, yes. highways between moscow and st. petersburg will be implemented in the best possible way, and will open up additional opportunities for residents not only of the two capitals, but also of other regions. vladimir putin announced this today while visiting torzhok in the tver region, where he had a meeting with regional cultural workers. i see how people return with pleasure to our small towns with their families, they see
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the stability of their existence, you know. this unhurriedness, this calmness, then everything is close to us, the kindergarten is nearby, that is, many people perceive it as positive moment, fresh air, we have the cleanest thing. region, the tver region , so look, if we build an expressway, and i think we will, then your life will also change a little, it won’t be so uh, so measured, but the dynamics will increase, but if it will be about an hour to moscow, and to st. petersburg, uh-huh, from here, about 15 hours, well, this is a different life, have you lived in moscow? for a long time, so you understand what it’s like in moscow to move from one end to the other, an hour or three, sometimes three hours will pass, that’s why it’s will significantly change the lifestyle,
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but a little earlier, even before this meeting, the head of state visited the central square of torshka, there, as one would expect, a huge crowd gathered there who wanted to talk with the president and congratulate him on his victory in the recent elections, here are the shots that, perhaps, need
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some additional comments. thank you, take care of your voice, take care, you work for it, we worry, we congratulate you, but meanwhile, peskov told the auto host of the moscow, kremlin putin program, pavel zarobin, what the president’s schedule was after the terrorist attack in crocus cityhall, as it became known, the head of state did not sleep all night, that is, he worked around the clock non-stop, receiving reports on the development of the situation. the heads of these departments reported
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to the president, regardless of the time, this all happened until the morning, in fact, when everyone was placed in the hospital, when the first operations took place, and so on, of course, golikov reported in the morning, of course. at such moments, work simply goes on around the clock, that night she passed without any sleep, of course, yes, well, at such moments, in fact, it’s not enough for anyone, especially the head of state. in other news, he died suddenly of natural causes while off duty. this is how the operational command of the polish armed forces explains the death of brigadier general adam marczyk. there are no details in the obituary, only general phrases, condolences, however. this high-ranking military man was closely connected with ukraine, and for some reason the reports of the general’s death coincided with the defeat of one of the command posts of the ukrainian armed forces, an amazing coincidence, evgeniy nipot. brigadier general from poland, adam marchik, suddenly died of
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natural causes, the republican authorities said, exactly after a report of a russian attack on the command post of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​the yara clock in the artyomovsky direction. by a strange coincidence , several more military personnel died during the exercises at the same time. for example, a special forces soldier was covered by an avalanche, as reported by the country’s deputy prime minister. with regret, he described another incident in which, according to the official, two sappers of the chemical defense troops were killed. i also mentioned the troublemaker crushed by an armored vehicle, and, of course, returned to the most painful of losses, the brigadier general. poland is trying in this way to cover the losses suffered by the polish military in the operation in ukraine. it's no secret that there are
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polish and - in ukraine, however, some polish-speaking journalists directly indicate the officer's connection with any military operations, especially the kiev regime. as commander of the twenty- fifth air cavalry. brigade adam marczyk regularly flew to ukraine joint training with the ukrainian army, with zeal, preparing it for war. i don’t know whether he continued to visit ukraine after leaving the twenty-fifth brigade. the illustration shows footage of the 2018 rapid tradent exercises, which took place in nezalezhnaya, under the auspices of iyufor, the rapid reaction forces in europe. and it was adam marchik who controlled the polish contingent there, being the commander of the twenty-fifth air cavalry brigade. there is no mistake, it really is considered cavalry. true, instead of a pegasus or a horse on a parachute, on chevrons the military wears the likeness of an eagle,
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unsuccessfully speculated on the stone. but at official ceremonies , horses are always brought to the parade ground. you are a fantastic team, i am very grateful to you. the very fact that you are serving there is a huge chance for all of you, and you will remember serving here for the rest of your life. the task of this unit is helicopter landing, of course, without horses, when approaching positions at extremely low altitudes. you... tried to carry out similar landings several times, who trained them to do this? adam marchik, judging by his biography, was a very experienced polish military leader, a special forces soldier who, as part of contingents , visited afghanistan and bosnia, headed the intelligence and electronic warfare department of the main command of the armed forces, held a number of high positions in the eu military structures, including heading the european military mission in bosnia and herzegovina. andrzej duda, the president of poland, personally named marczyk a general. and now, almost synchronously with
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reports of russian strikes , information appears about the death of the general and other polish soldiers. and such news about avalanches, disastrous exercises are becoming the norm for the republic. even maneuvers using military weapons were ordered to be suspended. true, this does not apply to ukrainians and those who, i quote, are preparing to be sent outside the country. at the same time, officially, warsaw does not recognize the participation of its military in hostilities against russia. the main, key role as advisers is still played by the united states and britain. here, but in terms of the number of these advisers, perhaps the poles are really the most, each such blow is massive, it captures several targets at once, and we are reaping a good harvest from these scoundrels who are essentially fighting against the russian armed forces, which means high-ranking officers of nato countries will continue to die of natural causes immediately after russian attacks. evgeniy nipot, matvey popov and olga alvukhina, news! spreading wild rumors and conspiracy theories, encouraging attacks and even destabilizing
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the uk. all this, according to the british media, is right now being carried out by certain groups from russia, china and iran, whose task is to it follows from a variety of materials is to somehow inflate hysteria about the state of health of the princess of wales. recently, kate middelton announced that she was fighting cancer, and she did this under pressure from western journalists and bloggers who had been pursuing the royal family for quite some time, trying to understand why her husband. individuals are now even asking for forgiveness for their attacks. on the other hand, after everything was explained, the mourning media decided for some reason to transfer all the blame for baiting some insidious forces from among the geopolitical rivals of the anglo-saxons. well, to put it mildly, the conclusions are strange, anastasia ivanova tried to understand what they are based on. anastasia, good evening, what conspiracy theories are we talking about? hello, alexey, i think he’s in the uk. don't quite understand them. british media in the resource
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of the anti-russian agenda. this is rather a permanent state, but the reasons change, what else could russia be accused of? here you go, in misinformation, take children away from social networks, they warn headlines as many as advertising magazines. they add: kate middleton became a victim of bots from moscow and beijing. the fact that the sentences are not related to each other apparently does not matter; the meaning can be screwed on. it turns out that we are talking about some. it is suspected that china, russia and iran are behind this because these conspiracies about the princess of wales had the potential to destabilize the institution of the monarchy and
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the perception of the monarchy in the eyes of society. but that’s all for british journalists. for example, the publication evening standard tells its readers about vile conspiracies against kate middelton from russia. well, they don’t tell their subscribers what these rumors are, specifically. what is russia doing? the authors from the bbc did not write about this, but they used vague
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formulations that a certain russian disinformation group had been identified. further there is a lot of words about the attacks supposedly by our country on the poor royal family. and there are no details, maybe because there are simply none, the royal family itself is perceived automatically without evidence, and if you are into these automatic values ​​and traditions you paste up some rational actions, some, some mysterious people in the form of russian bloggers or chinese bloggers, then you don’t need to explain, the longer you explain, the more they won’t believe you, that’s how the rule works, it’s better just glue it together and give it out as a shock title, eh? but the phrase that it is the russian or chinese media that are spreading slander against the princess is enough, they will guess the rest themselves, after all, these are evil russians, how could it be otherwise for the anglo-saxons? vladimir putin joked that the russian government almighty, this joke can be extended to you and me, russian
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journalists, they say, russia is isolated from the world, no one wants to read, watch, listen to what the russian media reports. on the other hand, it suddenly turns out that they are watching this very closely, it seems that they perceive us as a kind of comerton, reactions to what is happening in that world, what the british media will not write is that they themselves spread versions about kate’s health, because this is not the russian media, they are discussing these versions, a photograph of kate mittleton was published. farm store, when this photo was taken to correspond to the time of year, an attempt
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to put aside claims to herself with this question when she walks with her husband, well , where should british journalists go when the population no longer believes that... food prices and communal bills are growing because of russia, that people’s taxes are being increased due to the influence of our country. apparently, the use of the story with the karoev family is still valid to justify the mistakes of the british authorities, but for how long? anastasia ivanova and the duplicity of the anglo-saxons. in kyiv, verkhovna rada boulevard flooded with sewage, cars had to literally float along a fetid river, while, as recent events show, in the ukrainian capital this is not an accidental
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breakthrough. local residents with enviable regularity, in january the streets in the svyatoshinsky district were twice flooded with sewage , no one was in a hurry to eliminate the accident, the feces even managed to freeze, and a little earlier in kiev the entrance to the olimpiyskaya metro station was flooded. kharkov , meanwhile, found itself in an energy blockade, as the mayor of the city reported; after the russian strikes, the municipality was essentially was left without hot water and electricity. the heating season had to be completed ahead of schedule, but
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now there is no electricity. quality of life, including ensuring stable, high-quality work of housing and communal services, is simply not included in their plans, they don’t like it, it’s your problem, no indignation, no
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complaints there. during a special military operation, they managed to become an indispensable tool in combat. working in tandem with artillery crews
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made it possible to finally and irrevocably gain the initiative on the front line. daily with the help using drones, our fighters hit dozens of enemy strongholds, moving the front line forward. today, the situation is developing in our favor; in fact, we have a lot of drones appearing, and for any application, be it reconnaissance. achieving such results is only possible with professional management skills; training of uav operators takes place in special centers, in one of which soldiers of the 132nd brigade of the first army corps are trained. first training on simulators, this is how pilots master the basics
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the art of flying, then practice on the range. on average, the preparation process takes 3 weeks, but each case is individual; a fighter with the call sign cricket, for example, learned to control a drone quite quickly. it’s very interesting to fly, of course, especially when you’re already hitting the enemy, there’s already excitement there. i want to get more skills, every day, every day we train constantly, even the guys come there who train us in combat, they say: everyone, every single day, even though they have experience, they still train, as if it’s too easy to forget easily. a good operator must also understand the technical structure of a drone, the principle and features of its operation, and be able to repair drones. this is what fighters are taught at a local workshop. here , specialists do not just repair drones, but perform real miracles, as well. extensive engineering, the input here is spare parts from a variety of models, but the main thing is that the donors are often enemy uavs shot down by our
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soldiers, this is, for example, one of the largest, the so-called baba yaga, at the moment it is already completely repaired and ready serve for the benefit of the russian army, a fighter with the call sign johnny is in charge of the repair process, it is thanks to his efforts that it is possible to use enemy drones against the ukrainian armed forces themselves, in the case of baba yaga there were no particular difficulties in repairing... the control system of this drone was redesigned, the settings were changed, transmission and detection system, it is planned to use this drone against enemy dugouts, identifying manpower, that is, it will work in tandem with another reconnaissance drone, in general this often happens, thank you. for gifts, meet. the first flight tests of the captured drone were successful, and another combat unit
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is now in service. each such downed drone is not just a local success, but a valuable resource that brings the long-awaited victory closer. taking this opportunity, i would like to say hello to my family, friends, and everyone who is waiting for me. victory will be ours, wait, i'll be back soon. mom, dad, brother, nephews, hello to you, see you soon, soon. the war will end, we will win. vitaly starushchenko, nikita smirnov, vesti donetsk. in the city of golden lugansk people's republic the renovation of the secondary school began, which did not stop working, despite constant shelling from ukrainian militants, but at the same time it needed a major renovation long before the north military district, since under the occupation of the kiev regime the buildings were brought to an almost emergency state. but now russian specialists will update the foundation, roof, interior premises, everything has been done. will be very quickly, reporting by stanislav schill. these are the consequences of one of the artillery attacks by ukrainian militants on
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school in zolote. there were four of them in total. one of the shells. in this classroom, the second one fell in the gym, the third one was near the entrance, and the fourth one was on the school grounds. builders are preparing the school building for major repairs, restoring walls and windows destroyed by shelling. this part of the building is currently undergoing renovations. workers are carrying out dismantling work, as builders say, this is the easiest part. little by little they began to eliminate the consequences of the ukrainian attacks, installing 187 new plastic windows. before the start of the special operation, zolote was under control ukrainian authorities, there was no major renovation of the building for almost 40 years; instead of renovating the chips, they decided to simply destroy it. a shell falls side by side on the roof and shrapnel pierces the roof of the gym. this school is the only one within a radius of 35 km, the rest were destroyed by ukrainian militants during
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the retreat, almost 200 children from... all the nearby villages study here, this is not just comfort for children, but also quality education. the school will have modernized chemistry, physics, biology and geography classrooms, a new gym and assembly hall, renovations are being carried out according to the federal program for the development of education. while workers are installing new heating and electrical wiring in one part of the building, the educational process continues in another. schoolgirl eva lipitokha, together with her parents , was under fire from the ukrainian armed forces for about six months, then one could not even dream of simply going to school. i expect to see our classroom updated, so that everything there is beautiful, beautiful, everything becomes more modern. teachers promise to help with all the necessary equipment and supplies for schoolchildren republican authorities, the school
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will participate in modernization programs after repairs. we have. for the supply of educational, sports, and musical equipment, the first part of the equipment was already delivered last year, and this is what still needs to be purchased; this year we will also deliver it to school without any problems. the school has already received sports equipment and the latest textbooks, and for the first time in many years the computer science classroom has been significantly modernized. already next school year, children will be able to return to their updated classes full-time training. major renovation of the school
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