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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and the honest detective; also subscribe to our investigation and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective. and our episode is now complete, maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you on the russia-24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. those who gloated and blasphemed about the tragedy in crocus are now paying the price. loud arrests and public apologies, but should we believe those who mocked death and grief? black dolphin, owl, white swan, snowflake,
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vologda nickel and mordovian zone. there the living envy the dead and pray for a quick death, special purpose zones for non-humans in human form. when the pentagon blocked the arms river, but somehow you need to fight. these are the balls with explosives that the ukrainians are now launching towards our positions. is this, instead of aviation, a replacement for the unattainable f16? throw nineteen-year-olds into a trench kiev sends yesterday's schoolchildren to military service preparation, why and who has already climbed into the attic from the shopping center, from russia with hatred, the british media have found someone to blame for their own rumors. on all channels, in all newspapers, it is being trumpeted that our country hounded kate middleton, but is there evidence? detained. article of the criminal code on
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the public justification of terrorism, but he may well also be charged with calls for terrorist attacks. this is today's news about video blogger from bashkiria rustam absalyamov, who revealed outright abomination when commenting on what happened in crocus city holly. of course, you can’t quote something like this directly. i would like to, but in short, the character, using choice obscenities, was indignant at the fact that mourning was declared in russia, saying that he personally did not care about the killed and wounded. and moreover, when this happens in moscow or under... he insisted that he is not afraid of any consequences, but now, as was to be expected, he is changing his shoes. literally immediately after being taken into custody, he admitted, to put it mildly, the incorrectness of his words, and also asked for forgiveness for unacceptable and inhumane attempts to attract attention to himself. that's just an apology, regardless of whether they are sincere or not, it will be difficult to get away with it, because a criminal case is already looming,
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we find out from anton potkovenko. so many apologies poured in for the terrible statements about the tragedy in crocus. characters who have appeared in the media field only now, home-grown bloggers, some streamers, just teenagers who got in front of the camera, but quite famous people have also been noticed: journalist and artist nikolayshenok. husband of the general director of st. petersburg new holland, because of a wild post, for whom roxana shtunovskaya wrote a letter of resignation, calling my husband’s words monstrous, he was detained at pulkovo airport, he wanted to fly away, but it didn’t work out, i offer my deepest condolences to everyone, i don’t support terror, terrorism, maybe it’s not for nothing that he couldn’t utter a word of apology the first time, but does he support terrorism or not, in fact, the court will decide, he is now a defendant in a criminal case under the article on
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justification of terrorism. the derzhinsky district court arrested him until may 25; the husband of the ex-ceo of new holland did not admit his guilt. as if you can do some nasty, abominable thing, and then ask for forgiveness, lower your eyes, pretend to be a person whom you accidentally misled, and society should forgive you. it seems to me that this harmful practice needs to end. all those people who justified. terrorism, they wrote some posts with ridicule, these people should be punished, they have simply lost their sense of humanity, compassion, the value of another life of another person, they simply do not understand. article 205, paragraph two: public justification of terrorism, the statement of many of those who are now publicly apologizing fits it perfectly suitable, punishment, a fine of up to a million rubles or earnings for 3 years - this is the easiest, but more likely... from 5 to 7 years in prison and
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a public stigma, because the media will definitely not pass by such trials, because this is what such, it is not forgotten. said that in a state of alcoholic drinking, someone else did something, i say again, someone said that it was insincere, someone did not believe these excuses, because excuses are words, and what you did you did this before, you justified
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terrorism, you justify terrorist act, and this, these are specific actions that fall under criminal offenses, this character from moscow, quietly, from... introducing himself, now apologizes for savoring the sounds of shots from the crocus when terrorists were killing people there. i am missevskyslavich, i apologize to everyone for what i said in the video message about the fact that i mocked the murder of people, that i said that i love the sounds of gunshots, i really regret this, so how to believe? whether he was afraid or not, he was afraid that he was detained, so he apologizes, or maybe an instant re-education, for such words, in front of everyone, about everyone who grieved on the day of the tragedy, a girl from moscow apologizes, they write, she has already flunked out of the university, for these statements of mine, i want
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to apologize for my words that i said in relation to the crocus, i’m very ashamed in front of... a huge number of people, these outcasts, and i can’t call these people anything else, they are not representatives of our society, in general there is a black mark in the family, believe or not believe those people who immediately after that , as they spoke, they apologize, this is already everyone’s question, but today the state has enough legal instruments to respond to all this scoundrelry, expulsion from universities, some kind of administrative measures of influence are applied. but it seems to me that the worst thing for them today should be the condemnation of society. and apologies are unlikely to help here, the guy from krasnoznaminsk flaunted his cynical, offensive indifference on social networks, trying to erase this trace, children, in front of everyone, i apologize, who might have been offended by this, who
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it hurt, it won’t happen again in the future, i am fully aware of what i did. some, apparently, were forced by their parents from... the dead, relatives of the dead and those who suffered in this terrorist attack in moscow. i apologize for my daughter. probably, children can be forgiven, and those videos that their parents record, and parents can be trusted, but
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a question for parents: why do you pay so little attention to your children that you don’t know what’s in their heads, parents who children of this kind, and... the statements were carried out, i think that they there is something to think about, well, they will bear administrative responsibility. statements, posts, videos, audio , for which now all of them, people of different ages, different social status, are trying to ask for forgiveness, all these words could not just roll off the tongue, especially into the public space, and media repentance, no matter what it is it was, this is just the beginning, the perpetrators will go to trial, within 24 hours fighters of the russian group of troops... destroyed over 250 militants of the ukrainian armed forces at the avdeevsky site of the special operation, in donetsk on the front, up to 220 enemy personnel were eliminated, two enemy tanks were disabled, and the position of our military personnel along the front line was improved. report by mikhail andronik about active actions in the artyomovskaya area. the rocket artillery
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of the southern group of troops was raised in the middle of the night, the scouts managed to detect a salvo of an enemy howitzer in the artyomovsk direction. the forest planting in which the enemy has dug in is literally burned out by rockets using a rather rare modification of the hail multiple launch rocket system of this vehicle. she was designed for work in the mountains, it has very good stealth, it is a low vehicle, in these conditions it can be hidden everywhere perfectly, it works in principle the same way as the boom-21, only the corpse is a little smaller, but it does not matter for this combat vehicle a special military operation is not the first armed conflict in which it is involved, for several years the reactive system smashed militants in syria, now it is successfully working near artyomovsky, we work for everything, just infantry, here is equipment, dugouts, trenches, any fortified areas, this was the last resort
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a destroyed column, kamaz vehicles, equipment, that is, about seven or eight units of equipment there, under the cover of darkness we move closer to the front line, where there are guns with a shorter firing range, we carefully monitor the sky and listen to extraneous sounds, the comikat thrones even work for the enemy at night, we approach the artillery firing positions, despite the dark time of day not...
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the enemy mortar is hit, this is confirmed by objective control footage, the crew camouflages the guns and goes to cover. next the goal can come at any moment. mikhail andronik, alexander malyshev and anton musyakyan. news donetsk people's republic. well, now about the retribution for the terrorist attack in krukuholi, which undoubtedly awaits the perpetrators of the brutal crime. today, the author of one of the popular telegram channels decided to remind us under what conditions these nonhumans will most likely have to serve their sentences... we are, of course, talking about life imprisonment, and such a strict regime
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that the convicts will be maximally deprived of their rights even after death , because bodies terrorists, when they sooner or later die behind bars, are guaranteed not to be extradited to their relatives or anyone else, they are buried under numbers without registered graves, so that literally nothing remains of them, including memories, although in a certain sense it can be compared with a grave life in such colonies, since the prisoners there are obviously recognized as creatures unsuitable for re-education or correction, create for them a corresponding extremely harsh routine, the details of which stanislav is ready to reveal bernwald. there are seven special regime colonies in russia, where the most brutal criminals who have taken the lives of many innocent people are serving their sentences. it would be a stretch to call the existence of these nonhumans life. those sentenced to the highest degree of punishment, they are fawns with... extraordinary creatures, savvy, resourceful and very dangerous, therefore high demands are placed on
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the conditions of their detention, eternal imprisonment, their destiny. in russia, a life sentence means life, that is, until death from natural causes. 25 years sentenced to pzh must serve in a particularly strict regime, after which he has a nominal right to try to write a petition for parole or pardon, but still before... zones where in winter the temperature sometimes drops below 45°, and in summer the air warms up to
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30-35°, far beyond the arctic circle in the yamal village of kharp there is a special regime penal colony known as the polar owl, this romantic name causes shivers and goosebumps, because the most cruel, soulless criminals and terrorists are kept here, cannibals, serial killers, these are not people who are serving their sentences. in human form, there are two people in the cells , cannibals and terrorists sit in solitary confinement, the light is always on in the cell, it is always watched by a colony employee, conversations between prisoners with... are prohibited, at most, you can exchange a few phrases, for violating this rules, the punishment cell transports one prisoner outside the cell, four or five xing employees, the prisoner is fastened with violators behind his back, he needs to sit down and lift hands above the head, the so-called dolphin position, face to the floor in such a half-bent state, and arms extended in handcuffs
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above the head, and moves only this way, in the cell itself there are two beds, a table, one chair, screwed to the floor. during, so to speak, their wakefulness, after waking up, they have no right to sit on the bed, otherwise there will be a punishment cell, a punishment cell always means more stringent conditions of detention. convicts have the right to a daily walk lasting up to one and a half hours. although there are walks, they take place in closed courtyard and deprived. sun rays, you can’t stop, constant movement in a circle. after 10 years, the convicted person is allowed a tv, which they must buy from freedom ; he can watch it for 15 minutes a day. after 6 years, with good behavior, a prisoner can apply for permission to work in a colony workshop. and here is an important point: not
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everything, even these minimal benefits, are available to those convicted of terrorism. with a photograph of the convicted person and basic information about the acts committed, not for idle curiosity, but to remind the colony staff with whom or what they are dealing with. most of those convicted of terrorism have a note in their characteristics: suicidal, that is, from the awareness of inevitable eternal imprisonment, these non-humans begin to dream of death, but death for them
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is probably too humane an ending. now a short advertisement. will be further on our broadcast, throwing nineteen-year-olds into a trench kiev is sending yesterday’s schoolchildren to military training, why and who has already climbed from the shopping center to attic? when it seems like things can't get any better, pinoplex slabs provide double the benefits, providing protection from heat and cold, and helping you save on air conditioning and heating costs. penoplex is effective thermal insulation. at bigfest you definitely choose
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when the national guard celebrates their professional holiday, of course, is no exception, because many celebrate it directly at the front line. report by nikolai dolgachev. special forces and the intelligence of the russian guard are now working in an extremely populated area, where abandoned houses are where enemy collaborators may be hiding.
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indifferent, they pointed out a suspicious place, long abandoned, standing on the outskirts. here is footage of the discovery of a large cache of 78 min 119 grenades, cartridges, house bombs, the enemy was planning to carry out major sabotage, these plans were thwarted by the soldiers of the russian guard and their assistants, such as the brave thor, this is the call sign of the combat snowstorm schnauzer, which finds chronicles almost every day. give me the ball, it’s really not difficult, the main thing is to do it correctly and just pay a lot of attention to it. here the tor, sensing the smell of waste, sat down , this is how it indicates a find, then sappers are working, another cache was found on the roof of the house, more than a dozen grenades, 18 grenades, one
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ergdeshka, efki, on all roads adjacent to the special operation zone, mobile posts. good morning, checking documents, let's take a look from the back door, trunk. the soldiers of the russian guard provide her with a reliable barrier on the roads, controls. all passing cars in the front-line zone, good luck, easy journey, the mobile checkpoint is the basis of a control and barrier system that ensures the safety of the civilian population, military personnel we constantly find something, ammunition, weapons, drugs, on the side of the road, as reported local residents, there is a large shell lying around, this is also a job for the national guard, there is no fuse, but it is safe for transportation, if necessary. special equipment can be used to clear mines on site, to minimize personnel losses,
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and if... we don’t know which explosive object to protect ourselves from, we work with the help of a robot. the main task of the russian guard is to ensure security and peace in the rear, but sometimes you have to engage in battle with the enemy regularly. operators of unmanned aircraft from the russian guard have a large list of destroyed enemy equipment. new items arrive almost every day, everything is updated, let's just say we are not lagging behind. rosguards are at work on any holiday, for such a service, weekends are often more active than weekdays.
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from odessa, he barely speaks and , apparently, is holding on in the icy water with all his strength, border patrols reported that they pulled the unsuccessful fugitive out of the river and even showed several indicative photographs, they say they gave him tea, warmed him with thermal blankets and quickly sent him to the hospital , since doctors discovered that he had... severe cooling and frostbite on his extremities. it is interesting that based on this story, the state border service of ukraine issued a warning, they say, extreme methods of crossing the border can be dangerous to life and health. it sounds mocking, because men flee precisely because they understand that serving in the armed forces of ukraine does not leave them any options, but at least there is a chance. the fact that flight is the only way for ukrainians to survive is confirmed by the kiev authorities themselves, who
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are coming up with new ways to take away. an army larger than the population, what we are talking about, evgenia petrukhina will tell you, disposable soldiers with zero motivation, these are exactly those whom the ukrainian military commissars are forcibly they’re pushing into a trench, but even these can end, and apparently that’s why the verkhovna rada, apparently, is going to add fresh blood to the ukrainian meat grinder, just like yesterday’s schoolchildren, a new norm is brewing in the bill on strengthening mobilization, here’s a certain people’s deb, razumkov. .. gives an interview and says that from the age of 18, young boys will be sent to basic military training, there they will receive a military specialty and the doors to the front are open, please, an artilleryman, a tankman, he will receive a military specialty, will stand on military registration, and this will lead to the fact that the tcc will be able to mobilize him at the age of 19, which is why the deputies are so eager to drag eighteen-nineteen-year-olds to the front
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, they are afraid that it will be their turn... it will come, these guys have already been in the army for 10 years nazi ukraine, in 2014 they were 8 years old, they were actually pumped up with nazi ideology , they rinsed their brains like that, but not everyone can rinse their brains, ukrainians hide from the school students, military registration and enlistment office employees in the attics, and even those who are taken to the front by military means use this life hack the idea shouldn't but...
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they may wake up already in the trench, those who run away from mobilization may actually be shot in the back in the legs, judging by these videos, but wait, these atrocities of the ukrainian barrier detachments are already spreading to the civilian population of ukraine, we have not seen once, when the armed formation of ukraine shoots its fighters who surrender.


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