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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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the population very clearly understands that mobilization is a one-way ticket. a year in prison, the court imposed such a term on a resident of the volyn region for allegedly evading mobilization, this despite the fact that the tsk forcibly handed a summons to a disabled person, the man does not have a collarbone, but according to the new legislation he is supposedly of limited fitness, but cannot raise his hand, and okay, so the guys are all fleeing from ukraine...
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well, those who escaped are filming a video on the plane, saying bye bye ukraine, hello portugal, so the tcc is hunting for those who can’t pay, the rada, of course , has taken care of its own, is going to reserve 70% of law enforcement officers and 30% of local government officials, let yesterday’s nineteen-year-old schoolchildren prepare for the trenches, but it’s not the deputies who are welcome with a machine gun to carry them knee-deep in mud. military exercises have been stopped in poland. after a series of fatalities
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during maneuvers, the country’s ministry of defense admitted that since the beginning of the month, five servicemen had already died, someone was run over by a tank, and someone was hit by an avalanche. stands out against this background an obituary about a brigadier general who allegedly died of natural causes outside working hours, but coincidentally, the polish command announced the death of the general immediately after the russian attack on the command post of the ukrainian armed forces. alexander khristenko will explain what this means. a series of sudden mysterious deaths. general of the polish army adam marczak passed away. it is with deep regret that we announce the death on tuesday 26 march 2020 of brigadier general adam marczak, chief of staff of the eu operations command, althea in monse. the general's unexpected death occurred due to natural causes, during his free time from duty. what these reasons are and where it all happened is not specified. polish editions.
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pay attention to the unexpectedness of what happened, the headline reads brazenly, that is, in polish, the sudden death of a polish general. as a commander, he took part in missions of polish military contingents in bosnia and afghanistan. in 2017 , adam marcek was appointed commander of the 25th air cavalry brigade. until the middle of the twenty-first year he headed the intelligence and electronic warfare department of the main command of the armed forces. the general's death coincided with the message. on social networks that the chasov yar area in ukraine was attacked by russian armed forces using glide bombs and iskander ballistic missiles. the resource wrote about the defeat of a powerful underground bunker, where, according to preliminary information , a meeting of high-ranking officers of the armed forces of ukraine and the military of nato countries was held. and here are new reports about the death of polish soldiers. according to the official version, everything happened during exercises at the test site. two people who took part in military exercises were killed. on the territory
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of the former division in the seleste voivodeship. the circumstances are being clarified by the military police and the prosecutor's office. the cause of the emergency will become known in the coming days. a direct connection between the events has been established. it’s difficult, meanwhile, chancellor scholz, and then polish foreign minister sekorski, directly stated that nato military personnel were already in ukraine. polish president duda, during a meeting with military personnel, especially emphasized how this profession is fraught with risk, i remembered the losses, including those that happened during the poles’ service abroad. we saw what happened twice literally in the last few weeks, first two of our soldiers died at the training ground,
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a polish special forces soldier, they claim that there was an avalanche. an accident occurred involving a special forces soldier. as a result of an avalanche, one of the soldiers died. a series of emergencies began in early march, during the polish exercise drakon 2024, which was part of the largest maneuvers since the cold war. nato. a staunch defender, we practiced transferring troops to eastern poland, crossed the vistula, and fired from tanks of different types and countries. one day, reportedly during an exercise, a tracked vehicle ran over two soldiers, the first of a tank brigade, and they died. in total , about 20,000 military personnel and 3,500 pieces of equipment from 10
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alliance countries took part in the maneuvers. we are participating in the polish national exercise drakon-24, to which some nato members have been invited. the death of not the military, but the so-called french volunteers, in fact mercenaries in ukraine was confirmed after russian forces in january of this year carried out a high-precision strike on their temporary deployment point in kharkov, the russian foreign ministry then summoned the french ambassador, where they indicated that the death of his compatriots lay on the conscience of the official parisian government.
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colonel richard kemp has furiously called for these two to be arrested, they are an absolute disgrace and
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traitors who upon their return to the former commander of the british army in the uk should be arrested and imprisoned, the two of them are facing jail time conclusion, if they return to the uk, fate awaits them. similar to the fate of british jihadists who joined isis. those who joined the ukrainian armed forces in ukraine, on the contrary , are encouraged in every possible way, although, judging by the statements of politicians in public surveys, the idea of ​​​​sending regular troops to ukraine is not supported either in the uk or in the eu. and yet, against the backdrop of macron’s conversations about this, the active militarization of the eu countries, and especially poland, and the strengthening of nato’s presence there, poles from among wealthy citizens seem to have decided get a spare one. can i find them an apartment in spain for 15,000 euros. with such a budget it is not easy, but it is possible, says a spanish real estate agent. geographically, this looks like a way out, but from
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a geopolitical and military point of view, spain is also a member of nato. alexander khristenko, vlada tsurkan and andrey prikhodko, lead. ashmetki of some kind. a black object of an elongated shape, weights made of simple plastic bottles and a structure similar to an ammunition dumping system are suspended below. this is the catch russian soldiers caught at one of the sites special operations. and thus for the first time recorded the use of a very interesting product by ukrainian militants. according to mash, this is nothing more than a terrorist balloon, based on known know-how, an ordinary weather umbrella, but they use it in slu, as is already clear, not at all for the harmless purposes of measuring the temperature or humidity of the environment. this craft, as conceived by the kiev regime, is intended to perform a military task, but at least with the help of a ball you can deliver an explosive device from point a to point b. same, accordingly, drop it on some target, but this is in theory; in practice, the design is very poorly applicable on
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the front line, but it is quite suitable for terrorist attacks against civilians. let’s figure out how everything works together with evgeniy teshkovets. what would ukraine be like if it directed at least part of its creativity to development, and not to war? now we have developed the concept of combat balloons; our soldiers on the front line report the destruction of the first such aircraft. one look. enough to understand: a handicraft product, assembled for pennies from scrap materials, everything as terrorists love, a well-forgotten old one, this is handicraft production, so-called in quotes, in quotes, local craftsmen, they produce them in some isolated premises, a lot of intelligence for and you don’t need a lot of material for this, literally three or four people can make it, this indicates that the enemy is actually in a catastrophic situation. in general with weapons, he is trying to at least somehow correct the situation, he is forced out of despair
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resort - even to such outdated technology, we will wait for the enemy to start using bows and arrows, the product was obviously disguised as a weather balloon and the ukrainians probably took its design as a basis. balloons are a consumable of meteorological science and are launched everywhere every day. warehouses always have a huge number of probes with ready-made communication and control systems, which, by the way, are highly accurate. of course, the balloons themselves do not have such shunting engines, you can only decrease the flight altitude, but this enough. the balloon is capable of rising into the sky 30-40 km, while in different layers of the atmosphere the wind has different directions, so by adjusting the flight level, you can direct the umbrella literally anywhere. as for the payload, for large weather balloons it can reach several tons, more... massive ones carry kilograms of equipment, or explosives, if this is ukraine?
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they carry a combat load ranging from some small grenades to serious heavy ammunition; the potential destruction from the use of such balloons is quite are significant because, well, imagine, even if an eighty-two-millimeter mine is dropped. into a crowd of people, but balloons have a big disadvantage: in fact, neither gps modules nor western satellites serving the kiev regime are capable of providing truly high accuracy of a strike from a balloon, because the coordinates will always have an error, the ammunition itself is dropped from a great height, deviate unpredictably from the initial release point, which means that against military targets, very local and dispersed, the use of balloons has no effect.
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covered with such explosive elements. in general, the ukrainian armed forces are not betraying themselves; they are using weapons that can only be effectively used against civilians. another challenge for russian air defense, and, as experts say, our engineers are already studying the potential threat and preparing countermeasures. opposition media from the united states today understood the mockery of joe biden, who decided to comment on the high-profile disaster on the baltimore bridge, but again got confused in his own memories. meanwhile, the investigation is trying to establish the causes of the emergency. according to the main version, some
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technical malfunction occurred on board the culprit's vessel, although there are also suggestions that the containers lost control after being filled with dirty fuel. our correspondent in the usa , dmitry melnikov, has the details. six people are officially listed as dead in this disaster in balta mora. the search operation at the site of the collapse has been stopped; there is no chance of finding anyone alive. today we are forced to announce that given the times. which has passed since accident and water temperature, we do not believe that we have a chance of finding any of the missing people alive. joe biden addressed the nation. he confirmed white's original statement. at home, in an accident with a container cart there is no reason to look for malicious intent. everything so far points to it being a terrible accident. biden immediately delved into the memory of how he himself had traveled across this road bridge more than once, although for some reason by train. i
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have crossed this bridge many, many times from delaware by train or by car. car. the president promised to personally visit the crash site, without specifying when exactly. meanwhile, in the water area itself, ship traffic has been completely stopped; special services continue to study the singaporean ship under the wreckage of the bridge. it is not entirely clear what happened to the container ship. according to one version, at some point the ship lost all electricity and it became uncontrollable. according to another version, the electronic systems of the container carrier were subjected to a cyber attack and it aimed to ram it. the published journal shows that upon leaving the terminal, the container carrier headed towards the exit of the bay, but two minutes before the collision with the bridge, when a loss of power was recorded, it changed course and headed towards the support. the crew managed to report a possible collision to the shore; according to this recording of the conversations, transport authorities began to block traffic on the bridge on both sides. the scale of the consequences of this
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emergency is difficult to fully determine. the port of baltimore is ninth in the united states in terms of cargo volume shipped. 52 million tons pass through it every year. in including baltimore, the nation's second-largest coal exporter. it accounts for almost a quarter of fuel shipped and handles 850,000 trucks each year. all this is now hastily redirected to... other ports on the coast. the damage from the closure of the most important transport hub of the port of baltimur has already been estimated at $80 billion, how long it takes to clear the water area under the bridge and resume shipping is difficult to say now, we can talk about several months, which means that the port will not be open all this time receive and send cargo. more than a dozen large vessels have already lined up at the entrance to baltimore harbor, and the port is
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home to warehouses and terminals for leading multinational companies, from mercedes and bmw to... ikea, the american trucking associations has warned that firms will have to prepare for rising logistics costs due to the redistribution cargo, calculates inevitable losses and the state of murrayland. it's destructive. we depend on the port of baltimore, the potapskaya river is our valuable asset. crash will change everything. the wreckage of the francis scott key bridge, named after the author of the words of the american anthem, as a symbol of a bygone era. greatness. another symbol of the era and one of the culprits of the accident is the secretary of transportation of the biden administration, pete buttigieg. the path to normal life will not be easy, but we will restore everything together. it is minister buttigieg who is blamed for the increasing number of transport emergencies in the united states, including the devastating vist palistan train accident, which caused an environmental
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disaster, the consequences of which managed to cope so far. but despite the criticism, biden refuses.
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center, lieutenant colonel ramashkom, i wish you good health, decide, then i’ll tell you, in a special military operation he performed tasks for useful rescue of crews, also with escort of a special purpose, which the battle group passed us. it now has a new defense complex installed on it, which allows you to protect the helicopter, and it will have new functions, also a communications complex, which, via a coded channel, helps to communicate between crews and military personnel.
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the task is leaving, i ask you, we need the number mi-26
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, and this will be a moving complex, here the stage can already feel not just like a picture that works, but also dynamic, that is, it will feel the rise, takeoff, landing, execution of the cream, then there is really, yes, really, completely work. during a military operation, we use a large number of missiles, examples are presented here, this is the igla guided missile, which now the guys showed a launch to destroy air targets, its range is up to 6 km, self-capture and then the missile does its job, this is an anti-tank missile attack for hitting armored targets, its flight range is 6 km.
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this is a rocket, here we have a block from the s13 rocket , we use exactly the same rockets, hail and s8 rockets, which are of various modifications,
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they are illuminating, with a high -explosive warhead, that is, a large number of missiles, we have the same missiles installed on the mi8 helicopter , is executed at start-up, and the main task now of the aviation team , and this is... performing tasks at night, and in order to perform flights at night you need to be very trained when flying with night vision goggles, this aerobatic complex allows us to perform tasks, to say that one very respected person he said that it’s much more difficult to control a helicopter than anything else, i tried and tried, it’s called the successor, it’s just, well , yes, it’s difficult to control.
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the range of the video, when you look at aviation equipment, you can see somewhere 500-800 m. we select a site, the speed is 200 km/h, you can also practice combat applications here now, at the moment, we reduce the speed, that’s it. and we with gifts, where did all this come from, you ’re retired, vtb pensioner the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 8% a year , together everything will work out, all the ways are good, when you wanted to be the first to try the new bic special barbecue bacon with a large steak,
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donetsk, yuzhno-donetsk and avdeevsk in... directions, our units improved position along the leading edge. zelensky’s formation lost about 600 more soldiers, mercenary officers, and were destroyed.


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