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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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stickers 2 are impossible not to delay only when purchasing with a magnet card for every 500 rubles in the receipt. siot can be accelerated. with yoto you can do everything to the maximum. 50 gigs in 2.0 minutes for 399 rubles. can. yota. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account due to the purchase. any promotion, get another one as a gift, not just profitable, alpha profitable! the russian army repelled another 12 attacks in the ssu. in the donetsk, south donetsk and avdeevsky directions, our units improved the position along the front line. zelensky’s formation lost about 600 more soldiers, mercenary officers, and were destroyed.
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tank and eight other armored vehicles, as well as 16 howitzers and self-propelled guns, mostly of american, polish and german origin. the air defense system was shot down by 210 combat drones and 21 missiles from the american and czech hymers and vampire systems. about the situation on the front line, mikhail andronik. the rocket artillery of the southern group of troops was raised in the middle of the night, and the scouts managed to detect a salvo from the enemy gunfire. in the artyomovsk direction. the forest planting in which the enemy had dug in, literally burned out by rockets using a rather rare modification of the flash fire system, hail. this machine is a 938. it was designed for mountain work. she has very good stealth and is a short car. under these conditions, it can be hidden everywhere perfectly. it works in principle the same way as the bm-21, only the corpse is a little smaller, but...
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it doesn’t matter, for this combat vehicle , a special military operation is not the first armed conflict in which it participates, for several years the rocket system smashed militants in syria, now successful working near artyomovsky, we work for everything, just infantry, equipment, dugouts, trenches, any fortified areas, the last one was a destroyed column, kamaz vehicles, equipment, that is, about seven or eight units of equipment there. under the cover of darkness, we move closer to the front line, where guns with a shorter firing range are located, carefully monitor the sky and listen to extraneous sounds: the enemy’s kamika drones operate even at night. we are approaching artillery firing positions, despite the dark time of day, do not forget about safety, engineers from the lynx volunteer detachment supplied us with this portable jammer. the fungus, called the antenna, really looks like a fungus, is now on our roof, this should increase our chances. get to your
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destination. the d-30 dove crew is hunting for a mortar. the artillery says this is one of the most difficult targets. they work very quickly, that is, at the same time there can be up to four to five mines in the air after the first departure of a mine, and that is, when the first arrival occurs, most likely, that the enemy mortar crew is already winding down its work at this point. what helps to successfully destroy such targets is that each number of the crew understands their comrade at a glance and work very quickly. people, shot, crew, six people, constantly together, we've all been living together for the last year and a half, we're tired of each other, of course, but there's nowhere to go, we're working, the enemy mortar is hit, this is confirmed by objective control footage, the crew camouflages the guns and goes to cover, the next goal can come at any moment. mikhail andronik, alexander malyshev and anton musyakyan. news donetsk people's republic. after
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high-precision strikes by the russian army on decision-making centers in ukraine , a message appeared about the sudden death of a number of nato military personnel. well, among them was a polish brigadier general, the chief of one of the headquarters of the european forces command, and warsaw immediately announced that he had died of natural causes. i found out whether a missile strike could be considered such a reason. general from poland adam marchik died suddenly of natural causes, the republican authorities said, exactly after a report of a russian attack on the command post of the ukrainian armed forces in the chasov yar area in the artyomovsky direction. by a strange coincidence , several more military personnel died during the exercise at the same time; for example, an avalanche covered a special forces soldier, as reported by the country’s deputy prime minister. he described with regret another incident in which, according to the official , two chemical defense sappers were killed. he also mentioned the troubled ones of the oppressed.
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machine, and, of course, returned to the most painful of losses, the brigadier general. poland is trying to cover up those losses suffered by the polish military in the operation in ukraine. and for... he died unexpectedly, certainly from natural causes, not related to any military operations, especially in ukraine, although some polish-language journalists directly indicate the officer’s connection with the kiev regime. as commander of the twenty-fifth air cavalry brigade, adam marczyk regularly flew to ukraine for joint exercises
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with the ukrainian army, eagerly preparing it for war. i don’t know whether he continued to visit ukraine after leaving the twenty-fifth brigade. the illustration shows footage of exercises. 2018, which took place in nezalezhnaya under the auspices of the international rapid reaction force in europe. and it was adam marchik who controlled the polish contingent there, being the commander of the twenty- fifth air cavalry brigade. there is no mistake, it is indeed considered cavalry, however, instead of a pegasus or a horse on a parachute, on chevrons the military wears the likeness of an eagle that unsuccessfully dived onto the stones. but at official ceremonies , horses are always brought to the parade ground. you are a fantastic team. i am very i am grateful to you, the very fact that you are serving in it is a huge chance for all of you, and you will remember serving here for the rest of your life. the task of this unit is helicopter landing, of course, without horses, when approaching positions at extremely low altitudes. the armed forces of ukraine tried to carry out similar landings several times, who trained them
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to do this? adam marchik, judging by his biography, was a very experienced polish military leader, a special forces soldier who visited afghanistan and bosnia as part of contingents, and headed the intelligence and electronic warfare department high command of the armed forces, held a number of high positions in the eu military structures, including heading the european military mission in bosnia and herzegovina. andrzej duda, the president of poland, personally named marczyk a general. and now, almost synchronously with reports of russian strikes , information appears about the death of the general and other polish soldiers. and such news about avalanches, disastrous exercises become the norm for the republic, even maneuvers with the use.
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year, who are essentially fighting against the russians armed forces. this means that high-ranking officers of nato countries will continue to die from natural causes, immediately after russian attacks. evgeny nipot, matvey popov and olga alvukhina, lead. then the commander of the eurocorps, general yaroslav gromadzinsky, was suddenly sent into retirement. among other things, he oversaw the training of the ukrainian military in poland. now military counterintelligence is conducting. to check on the general, but what exactly he did was unclear. vladimir putin visited the center combat use and retraining of flight personnel of the ministry of defense. it is located in torshka , tire region. the president examined samples of military flight equipment, aviation weapons
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and simulators. i spoke with pilots who are undergoing training at this center. head of the training department of the 34th center , lieutenant colonel ramash. protect the helicopter, and it has new functions, also a communication complex, which, by channel coding, helps - to communicate between crews and up to 6,500 so, that is, it now has new pawns, more
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certain, the main task now is to carry out tasks at night, and in order to fly at night... you need to be very trained when flying with night vision goggles, this flight system allows us to carry out tasks, one very respected person said that to control flying a helicopter... more difficult than everything else i tried, it’s just, well , it’s hard not to maintain controllability video when you look at aviation equipment you can see 58’ somewhere. select a site, speed
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20 km 6, you can also practice here military use is now at the moment , we are keeping the speed up, but a little earlier the head of state visited the central square of torshka, and, as one would expect, there came... many people who wanted to talk to vladimir putin, congratulate him on his victory in the elections, here are the shots that don’t need comments , write to me, the mother of a soldier, i’ll write that it was you who arrived here, my autograph, my dear,
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presidential press secretary dmitry peskov told the author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program, pavel zarubin, what the schedule was vladimir putin after the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. as it became known, the head of state did not sleep all night, working around the clock, receiving reports on the development of the situation. the heads of these departments reported to the president, regardless of the time; this all happened until the morning. when it seems that things can’t get better,
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the site of the tragedy in crocus sitikholi, the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, heard reports from specialists. experts carefully inspect the territory, study issues of how to ensure safety in the building. much work is being done to analyze the information seized from extremists’ phones and work out their connections with their curators. the investigative committee of russia received more than 140 statements from victims about the disappearance of their relatives after, according to the latest data, 143 people died during the terrorist attack. 11 suspects were detained, four of them were the direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack; they tried to escape towards the border with ukraine. well, here are the organizers of the terrorist attack they tried not only to intimidate the people of russia, but to aggravate interethnic relations and push two traditional religions into conflict. patriarch kirill
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began his speech by condemning the attack of extremists, opening the congress of the world russian people's council, which is being played out. people on religious principles and also pit one against another, of course, we cannot allow anything like this in russia interaction with the islamic community, i’m not talking about extremists, i’m talking about trustworthy citizens of russia, about patriots, of whom the majority are priority for participation in the interreligious dialogue of the russian orthodox church, our
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task, of course, is to preserve the unity of the russian world with all our might. in the coming days, the government will prepare a decision on systemic measures to support residents of the border regions of russia, chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko announced this at a meeting with the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav. the whole country is with you, we not only empathize, but are also ready to provide any support to help, and we, as the chamber of regions, this is manifested in implementation of your idea.
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the senator of the belgorod region, in turn , spoke about the problems in the border region , including due to constant shelling from ukraine, not a single refusal. we are now preparing a proposal to provide assistance in various sectors, because there are problems with sown areas, of course we are now we are taking special precautions; they are not spelled out in legislation; we proceed from the operational situation. pase's political committee recommended accepting unrecognized kosovo into composition of the council of europe. this was decided following a meeting in paris. the issue will be put to a vote in pos in april. no one was embarrassed by the obvious facts of oppression
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of the serbs by the kosovars. lawyers said that kosovo legislation complies with eu standards. serbia absolutely. on the contrary, they consider the territory of kosovo an integral part of the country. president aleksandar vusic had already warned citizens the day before that events that would threaten national interests would soon occur. the serbian foreign ministry called the actions of european bureaucrats shameful. solution pose's political committee to recommend the admission of so-called kosovo to membership in the council of europe is shamefully scandalous and violates all the principles on which the council of europe is founded. first. it was proposed to accept a territorial entity that is not a member of the un and is not recognized by the international community. this decision threatens and violates our territorial integrity and sovereignty. this. another proof of the failure of international law, hurray, we’ve
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hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you, and this is the “typical new russia” program. our the name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots, about novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, to find typical features and recognizable signs of the past. and that's what we'll talk about today. for odessa, say thank you to the turks or how to manipulate history. strategic
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discipline, conversation with a program expert. official at the department of foreign affairs. pushkin in novorossiya. love and know your native land. in soviet times, such posters called study the nature, culture, history of their territory, immersing themselves in a discipline called local history. behind the collection and preservation of local artifacts, sooner or later there arose the history of countries and civilizations, large-scale geopolitical processes that left their traces on the area. novorossiya is a fertile land for such research. here are the ruins of greek cities before our era, the remains of scythian camps, cossack sich settlements, the rich historical and cultural
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heritage of powerful empires. byzantine, ottoman, russian. the main thing is to carefully store and study all this, clearing away layer by layer, without political speculation and distortion. however, it is difficult, almost impossible, to resist the latter. for ukrainian local historians and local historians, the term novorosiya itself has no meaning and is only a fancy name for the territory, characterizing it. the policy of russian expansion into historical ukrainian lands. end of quote. the struggle of current local historians around the founding of odessa looks almost like a joke. catherine the great in 1794 in her by rescript she ordered vice admiral deribas to found a city on the site of the turkish fortress hadzhibey. the document also approved the first architect of odessa, devollan. but...
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ukrainian experts unearth a dusty document from the 15th century about hadzhibey and prove that the russians have nothing to do with odessa, they say the city was back then in the 15th century, then it simply grew and acquired a port. somehow everything worked out on its own and became ukrainian. one thing is not clear: if the fortress was turkish, and odessa was founded by catherine, then where are the ukrainians in this story? today in... in kyiv they love to talk about the historical role of the zaporozhye cossacks in the development of new russia, they talk about the original belonging of these lands to the zaporozhye army, and therefore to its heir, ukraine. they say that russia came to novorossiya in the 15th century with almost everything ready, taking away flourishing lands and cities from the freedom-loving cossacks, who developed and colonized them. but if local historians dig a little
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deeper, it turns out that in addition to military settlements on the borders, winter roads for hunting and fishing, or small villages near salt mines on the lands of new russia, the zaporizhian sich did not create anything else, the military cossack republic did not leave behind in novorossiya any large trading cities, no powerful fortresses, much less ports and manufactories, only thoughts and legends about the glorious campaigns against... the turks and the battles with the lyakhs. therefore, archival research, the blood collection of objects and documents on the history of novorossiya, and their analysis are of particular importance today. myths and fiction, even the most beautiful ones, are powerless against the contents of archives and the research of local historians. more details in the story anna efimova. small rooms filled
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with objects from different eras, shelves filled to the brim with cardboard boxes, there are thousands of artifacts from everyday items of kievan rus to elements of uniforms for the army of tsarist russia and much, much more. just curious objects related directly to the history of russia and proving that mariupol was previously a russian city. andrey latkin, curator of the fondovol local history museum. shows what survived after the fire during the battles for the city in april 2022 in the ssu, retreating, they set the building on fire, the flames destroyed 80% of the funds, the remaining museum employees scrupulously risked their lives every day to get them out of the rubble , their arms, lower part of the face, neck, chest were burned out and completely lost, this is france, the 14th century, that’s when he was worthy...


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