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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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more details in the story by anna efimova. small rooms filled with objects from different eras, shelves filled to the brim with cardboard boxes. there are thousands of artifacts here, from everyday items of kievan rus to elements of uniforms for the army of tsarist russia and much, much more. just curious items related directly to the history of russia and evidence. during the battles for the city in april 2022 in the ssu, retreating, they set the building on fire, the flames destroyed 80% of the funds, the remaining funds were scrupulously taken out from under the rubble every day by museum employees, risking their lives, burned out, completely lost arms, lower face, neck, chest, this is france. century,
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at one time it was worthy of any best museum, but not every museum had such items. in mariupol there were others like this, once the fund consisted of over 70 thousand rare exhibits, everything that survived was sent for temporary storage in donetsk, the damaged artifacts were preserved, now they are awaiting restoration, and at the same time, the publication of the art branch of the museum is being restored. i understand that. revolutions are made in capitals, but the civil war is going on throughout the country, when i was doing excavations at the krovichi museum, i heard people passing by, looking at the buildings, saying, that’s it, there is no more history, history has burned, but as you can see, history cannot completely burn, the most amazing thing is that books, an antique library from the 18th and 19th centuries, and the atlas of semyonov tianshansky miraculously survived that fire. picturesque russia and many
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other buildings, to study them in detail, we go to the russian state library. the phenomenon of odessa attracted special attention tooth's attention to this city, first created by russian hands on the shores of the black sea. the whole history of the novorossiysk region from 1731 to 1823 . the work of apollo skalkovsky is an impartial story, without cuts. here is not only the pro-imperial development of the southern steppes, but also the relations that preceded this at that time with the main political rival of russia.
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many of them have not been preserved in other sources, for example, a map of the ascension governorship, created by catherine at the beginning of 1795 and lasting only a year, this the territorial-administrative unit was abolished by paul i; on these pages the duke himself, duke de rochelle describes in detail how merchant shipbuilding was organized in kherson. apollo skalkovsky became the first scientist to systematically study the history of novorossiysk, for which his contemporaries nicknamed him herodotus of novorossiysk. region so that he could work peacefully, access to all archives was opened to him personally by count varontsov, on the first spread there is gratitude to the governor general: the founding of kherson, odessa, nikolaev and dozens of other cities , the creation of infrastructure, for example, a note with proposals from tauride governor-general baranov on the development of travel links with the southern coast of crimea, historical parallels with the construction of the tavrida highway suggest themselves, and many, many other measures that st. petersburg and. .. which centuries
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later in the so-called ukrainian historiography will be called nothing less than imperial oppression, and the russian empire a prison of peoples, although the very history of novorossiya and its multinational settlement refutes this. we see almost the entire ethnocultural map of eastern europe. skolkovsky even singled out such a nation as the macedonians, was this his invention? no, yes, this is his invention, which we still see in the region.
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the so-called independent historians of our days delved into the ancient ukrov and even proved the greek origin of the ukrainians without, in their opinion, the barbaric moscow admixture. such books are especially active. generation, the result is on the face of which, in particular odessa, where nationalists are destroying printed after 1991, a whole monument to the founder of the city grew up on them, but is now rapidly losing it. donbass did not allow this to happen, however, the huge gap in educational programs still needs to be filled. we helped historians of the lugansk people's republic create a historical and cultural standard for the history of the republic. specialists primarily from lugansk took part in its creation, this made it possible to create such a good document on the program document for studying the history of the native land, which will be used in the future create educational and methodological literature and courses on the history of the lpr. moreover, from
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september 1, 2025 , a lesson on the history of our region will appear in schools throughout russia. in a sense, this is an appeal to the best traditions. history, as you know, begins with the study of one’s family and one’s land, and where this does not happen, it unfortunately ends. anna efimova, valery savelev, anastasia popova, typical new russia.
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considered or called such subhistory, or little history, a small child, there
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even often a teenager, when he begins to study the history of the place in which he lives, he willy-nilly encounters the intersection of the history of this place, with the history of his big homeland, by the way, this is why always, not only our political opponents, but any opponent, he always tries... to strike at this little history, and if they tell you that your ancestor there was not russian, but some kind of cossack, or maybe even a turk, then in this case you begin to look towards ankara there , and you yourself are not you notice, yes, how you begin to consider this small ravine of yours as a piece not of this big one, but of another, from which it is now for some reason torn off, which is why, by the way, ukrainian, so to speak, local history is trying to replace it in the russian consciousness, awareness of your small homeland as a piece of russia with any other mosaic, imagine yourself as anyone
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, imagine yourself as turks, imagine yourself as iranians, imagine yourself as lithuanians, whoever you want, but not russians, then it will be easy for you to explain that you are autochthons, you the ukrainian people were formed here, and you are still the age-old enemies of the russians, who always tried to take novorossiya away from you, to what extent is novorossiya a fertile land for local historians? and if you look carefully at the history of this region, what conclusions can you come to? novorussia, in any case, is a fertile land even for a large capital for local history, especially since the skiv mounds, skiv gold, and zvelyny styles are all from there. navoronse is also a huge piece of our military history, and of any state, military history is part of its national consciousness, because it is the formation of an idea of ​​how the state was created and its exploits. ancestors, therefore new russia in terms of regional history,
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in terms of cultivating an interest in love of history, in terms of cultivating patriotism, is a super-fertile land. thank you very much for the interesting story. and a little more about historical local history. throughout the past year , ukraine has been actively fighting the so-called imperial legacy. monuments and busts of alexander sergeevich pushkin were demolished, even memorial plaques were dismantled. in total , 36 sculptures have already been destroyed or demolished in ukraine. in chernigov, vinnitsa, bila tserkva, nikolaev, poltava, kiev, dnepropetrovsk and other cities. they were demolished in places where the poet visited, which local residents were always proud of, and in places where he had never been. pushkin, for example, was not. in shanghai, but his bronze bust was installed there back in 1937, and in most of
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the more than 600 places in the world where the name of the russian poet is honored, there are his sculptural images; for some reason they are not honored, but they are demolished only in ukraine. pushkin for novorossiya is a symbolic figure, almost legendary, because his southern exile, in which the writer spent 4 years, essentially... became a journey through the southern edge of the russian empire and the lands of novorossiya. the journey began in ekaterinoslav, continued in the caucasus in crimea, passed through chisinau and ended in odessa. during this time, the poet wrote many lyrical poems, completed the poem ruslan and lyudmila, wrote the poem bagchesarai fountain and gypsies, conceived poltava, and completed the first three chapters of evgeniy anegin. in memory of his...
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sculpture of pushkin on the street named after him and eliminate the memorial sign “pushkin’s shadow” at the intersection of debasovskaya and reshalyevskaya. about what pushkin meant. for novorossiya and what trace she left in his work in the story of olga mokhova. 1817 a graduate of the tsarsko-selo lyceum, alexander pushkin, was assigned to serve in the collegium of foreign affairs. in the same year he wrote the ode "liberty". it spreads throughout russia and
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confuses the authorities with its freethinking. then follows a village with a verdict on serfdom and many caustic epigrams. emperor. angry, the fate of the young poet seemed predetermined, but vasily zhukovsky, nikolai karamzin and his immediate superior ivan kapadistria stand up for him, he understands that the man is a very talented, young man, yes, a young man who just wrote ruslan lyudmila, that’s why kapadistria offered alexander i in no case siberia, not solovki, but to transfer him to the service, the fact that formally this was not an exile at all is evidenced by a unique document, a road document of 1820, by decree of the sovereign, kolezhsky secretary pushkin was sent due to service needs to the main trustee of the colonists of the southern region of russia, lieutenant general inzov, who instructs the poet to translate laws for bessarabia from french into russian. pushkin stayed in yekaterinoslav for 18 days, the result was the poem “the robber brothers,” based, according to the poet himself, on real
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events, but after shopping one day in the dnieper, the poet fell ill and the doctors recommended treatment for him. first in the caucasus, and then in the crimea, so in the fall bushkin ended up in the former capital of the crimean khanate. at that time bakhchasaray retained the outline of a real eastern city, where the houses were built on two floors, and the balconies were decorated with carved wooden bars, making it impossible to see the inhabitants of the house. bahcesarai at that time was a trade and craft center, where there was a main street. all trading life is imprisoned. the same street led the poet and his companions to the khan’s palace, but pushkin was disappointed with what he saw. he told about this in a letter to his friend delvig. the palace itself is decaying and clumsily remodeled, the fountain of tears is spoiled. even before arriving here, alexander sergeevich knew the legend about the unhappy love of khan crimea for his concubine, how after her death
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he asked the court master to make the stone cry. according to legend, in one of the courtyards of the palace, pushkin picked two. roses have been placed at the fountain ever since, but every morning the staff of the reserve museum bring here a red rose, a symbol of the khan’s love and a white one , a symbol of sadness. in 1824, the poet wrote a poem to the fountain of the bagchesarai palace, and his lines later inspired the composer alexander vlasov to create a romance. another certificate of immortality that appeared in the southern period of pushkin, odessa stanzas from the journey of eugene onegin. the splendor of the south, port trade, discord on the streets and evenings at the opera. in odessa, the dusty poet lived first on italian street, then on debasovskaya. he served in the office
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of the governor-general of novorussia, count vorontsov. and i wasn’t particularly bothered. until may 1824, she would remember odessa and ask her friends to send news about her. the so-called southern exile left a mark not only on pushkin’s poetic heritage. the poet brought from bendery the story of dead souls convinced nikolai goggol to write a big book about russia. there he was told a story about how people practically never die in bendery. and only
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military men die; there was a military settlement there. the trick was that there were a lot of them in bessarabia. people resettled from other areas, when they arrived, they took the names of deceased peasants, so there were dead souls, there was no pestilence there, and pushkin seemed to remember this story. on his journey from ekaterinoslav to the south, pushkin saw and prizovye and the don steppes, but he has never been to lugansk, although here there is a special connection with the sun of russian poetry. a native of the city, the author of the dictionary of the living great russian language, vladimir dal, three times...
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a printer made of polymer materials , caring local residents participated in the fundraising, thereby continuing the tradition established once upon a time by the residents of ekaterinoslav and odessa residents. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery sovelev, typical novorossiya! that's all we wanted to talk about today. kirill vyshinsky was with you. see you soon. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account and for
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russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come.
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fyodor mikhailov dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear who were called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel
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smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreign agent, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry, they seem to preserve all their shares are in the west, and many of them have property, funds are invested, if you have any property in germany, yes, i have an apartment here. now we are returning to the tver region, good evening, almost all the participants in various hostilities, everyone fought, how much preparation and preparation there is here.
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comrade verkhovchi, decide to ask a question: how do you assess the actions of our military aviation during a special military operation? great, everyone is doing great, making a huge contribution to the overall achievement, a huge storm of reaction, i think that i have a very hard job, publicly for the second time in the summer, very generally the overload is even greater,
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your work is difficult. then a huge, simply huge contribution to the achievement of overall success, you know, you are always on earth, and the preservation of personnel depends on the effectiveness of your work, obviously, obviously, so thank you very much, you and everyone are welcome.


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