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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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you have a difficult job, you have to hold the vehicle, these were combat vehicles, bomber aircraft are working, our new one, 1357, and the most important thing is that the guys are all working.
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according to ours according to ours. according to the data, we spent 3.5% of the country's gdp on defense spending, well, let's take not our data, take the data from the stockboll peace institute, international data, and they have this calculation, the united states spent 3.5% on defense, russia 4%, say, israel, 4.5%. ukraine spent
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33.5% in the twenty-second year. feeling the difference. well, of course. means, but in absolute terms what is the difference? in 2020, the united states spent, god forbid, 811 billion dollars. and the russian federation - 72 billion. 72 and 811. well, the difference is noticeable. than 10 times. the united states spends on defense spending approximately 40% of global defense spending, 39% of global spending is the united states, and russia is 3.5%. and are we, keeping this ratio in mind, going to fight with nato, or what? this is just nonsense.
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what are we talking about in the security sector, what have we been talking about year after year, essentially from decade after decade, just complete ignorance, they came straight to our borders, we were perhaps moving towards the borders of those countries that were part of the nato bloc, we didn’t bother anyone, they were moving towards us, we had perhaps moved across the ocean to the borders of the united states , no, they come up to us and come into the canvas, and what should we do?
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this is obvious, simple - everyone admits this, this is not some kind of propaganda, this is what is happening in reality, they need to justify themselves, so they are scaring their population, perhaps of the russian threat, but they themselves they spread their dictate to the whole world, this is the very nato that i spoke about, it is also the organization of the north atlantic bloc, the north atlantic, but where have they gone now? they get into the asia-pacific
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region, the middle east, other regions of the world, they also get into latin america, everything, well, under various pretexts, under different sauces, it doesn’t matter. the same thing, they are promoting nat there and dragging along their satellites, european ones, they apparently believe that this also corresponds, corresponds in what way, their national interests, they are very afraid of a strong russia, although they are doing it in vain , we do not have any aggressive intentions towards these states, and we would never have done anything in ukraine if they had not carried out a coup d’etat there, and then started military operations in donbass, they started the war in 14. they just used aviation , probably everyone saw these shots when planes hit donetsk, well, of course, air missiles were absolutely rushing around the peaceful city, well, they were completely crazy, that means more, but we, nevertheless, we still agreed
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to these minsk agreements, no, it turns out we were cheated, they delayed us for 8 years, in the end they simply forced us to move on to... western countries are planning to supply their fighters to ukraine, in the media information is being discussed that the f-16 aircraft will be used in a special operation zone against russian troops and facilities, including from the territory of nato countries. will we be allowed to hit these targets on nato cities? well,
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first of all, if they deliver the f-16, about that they say they train pilots, i think you understand this better than anyone else. better than others, this will not change the situation on the stink field, and we will destroy their planes in the same way as we destroy their tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment today, including systems, but of course, if they are used from airfields of third countries, they will us become a legitimate target, no matter where they and the f-16 are also carriers of nuclear weapons, and we will also have to take this into account when organizing combat work. vladimir putin
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visited the torzhok region during his trip center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel of the ministry of defense. i examined the attack helicopters and talked with the pilots. the russian army repelled another 12 attacks in the ssu. in the donetsk, south donetsk and avdeysk directions, our units improved the position along the front line. zelensky’s formation lost about 600 more soldiers and mercenary officers. two tanks and eight other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 16 gunships and self-propelled guns, mostly of american, polish and german origin. air defense systems shot down 210 combat drones and 21 jets projectile american.
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managed to become an indispensable tool in combat, working in tandem with artillery crews made it possible to finally and irrevocably win the initiative on the front line. every day , with the help of drones, our fighters hit dozens of enemy strongholds, moving the front line forward. today, the situation is developing in our favor; in fact, we have a lot of drones appearing, and for any application, be it reconnaissance drones, be it combat drones, yes. shock there loitering ammunition and so on, that is this is already beginning to allow us to break through the defenses of, well, the enemy in rap conditions, and accordingly work on targets much more accurately. achieving such results is possible only with professional
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management skills. uav operators are trained in special centers; in one of these centers, soldiers of the 132nd brigade of the first army corps are trained. first training on... this is how pilots master the basics of the art of flight, then practice on the training ground, on average the training process takes... a good operator must also understand the technical structure of the drone, the principle and features of its operation, and be able to repair
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drones. this is what fighters are taught at a local workshop. here, specialists don’t just repair drones, but demonstrate real miracles of trench engineering. the entry here includes spare parts from a variety of models, but the main thing is that the donors are often enemy uavs shot down by our soldiers. this, for example, is one of the largest, the so-called baba-ega. at the moment, it is already... completely repaired and ready to serve for the benefit of the russian army. in charge the repair process is a fighter with the call sign johnny. it is thanks to his efforts that it is possible to use enemy drones against the ukrainian armed forces themselves. in the case of baba yaga , there were no particular difficulties in repairing it. the control system for this drone has been redesigned. the settings and the transmission system were changed. here. there are plans to use this. through enemy dugouts, identifying manpower, that is, it
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will work in tandem with another reconnaissance drone, in general, this often falls, thank you, for the gifts, welcome, the first flight tests of the captured drones were successful, another combat unit is now in service, each such downed drone is not just a local success, but a valuable resource that... taking this opportunity, close, to everyone who is waiting for me, victory will be ours, wait, i will be back soon , mom, dad, i would like to say hello to my family, brother, nephews, hello to you, see you soon, the war will end soon, we will win. vitaly starushchenko, nikita smirnov, vesti donetsk. following precision strikes by the russian army on decision-making centers in ukraine, reports of sudden deaths emerged. before nato military. among them is a polish brigadier general, the head of one of the headquarters of the european forces command. warsaw immediately
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announced that he died of natural causes. can a missile strike be called such a reason? - evgeny nipot found out. brigadier general from poland adam marczyk died suddenly of natural causes, republican authorities said. exactly after the report of a russian attack on the command post of the ukrainian armed forces in the chasov yar area in the artyomovsky direction. in a strange way. it's no secret that there are polish, and the military of other european countries
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, and they are not present under their own flag, this is not an official mission, accordingly, the losses suffered by the polish armed forces there must be somehow conveniently covered, probably mainly, mainly those losses that are now being talked about the announcements actually concern the territory of ukraine. in the polish press they write about this event as if it were a carbon copy, emphasizing that the chief died unexpectedly, always from natural causes, not related to any combat actions, especially in ukraine, however, some polish-speaking journalists point to a direct connection between the officer and the kiev regime. as commander of the twenty-fifth air cavalry brigade, adam marczyk regularly flew to ukraine for joint exercises with the ukrainian army, eagerly preparing it for war. i don’t know whether he continued to visit ukraine after leaving the twenty-fifth brigade. the illustration shows footage of the exercise.
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approach positions at extremely low altitudes. the armed forces of ukraine tried to carry out similar landings several times, who trained them? do? adam marczyk, judging by his biography, was a very experienced polish military leader, a special forces soldier who visited afghanistan and bosnia as part of contingents, headed the intelligence and electronic warfare department of the main command of the armed forces, held a number of high positions in the
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eu military structures, including the head european military mission in bosnia and herzegovina. andrzej. duda, the president of poland personally named marczyk a general. and now almost synchronously with reports of russian strikes information appears about the death of the general and other polish soldiers. and such news about avalanches and disastrous exercises are becoming the norm for the republic. even maneuvers using military weapons were ordered to be suspended. true, this does not apply to ukrainians and those who, i quote, are preparing to be sent outside the country. at the same time, warsaw does not officially recognize the participation of its military in hostilities against russia. the main, key role as advisers is still played by the usa and britain, but in terms of the number of these advisers, perhaps the poles really more than anyone else, every attack like this, massive, it captures several targets at once, and we reap a good harvest from these scoundrels who are essentially fighting against the russian armed forces. this means
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that high-ranking officers of nato countries will continue to die from natural causes, immediately after russian attacks. the ukrainian conflict needs to be frozen this year, otherwise russia will win, the german news agency writes about this. experts in germany are confident that the kiev regime has no prospects for victory. how is western support falling against this background? natalya goncharova found out. ukraine has nothing to respond to the russian miracle weapon. forbes writes that guided bombs by the russian army have become a real nightmare. for the armed forces of ukraine. they could only be helped by f-16s, which they are in no hurry to supply to the kiev regime. to imagine how dangerous the situation was for the ukrainian brigades, you need to consider that it took only 125 cabs a day for several days to destroy the defense of avdievka. however, in the usa, knowing the problem of the ukrainian armed forces with guided bombs, they are delaying the issue with the help of kiev. joe
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biden said it would be difficult for washington to provide support without additional funding. to ukraine, but this idea was not appreciated by paris’s allies. bloomberg writes that the leader of the fifth republic did not like the proposal and angered the americans. the european union is beginning to understand that the situation for the armed forces of ukraine is becoming more and more dangerous, and anti-russian sanctions are working against their creators. at the beginning of this year , the g7 countries agreed to limit the import
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of diamonds and rough diamonds from russia. now for raw materials you will need be sure to confirm. the country of origin in antwerp, without a certificate of no ties with russia, the stones will not be able to reach store shelves. the restrictions partially began to apply in march, but the ban has already hit the european diamond market, and as the times writes, the diamond trade is losing its luster due to the sanctions. experts of the publication note that this step has already led to an increase in prices; jewelry companies are trying to get around restrictions and are increasing interaction with the indian market, where... russian raw materials are also being destroyed. others think about relocating offices to dubai, where there are no restrictions and free trade. what is happening now is only preparation for larger shocks at the end of the year, which could lead to a significant increase in prices in the diamond industry. often, european authorities try to annoy russia, even bypassing their own laws. entrepreneurs lishirusmanov began
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to fight against the law enforcement system of germany. he filed a complaint against two prosecutors. from frankfurt am main. bilt writes that the businessman accused them of obstruction of justice and persecution of innocent people. the essence of the claim in illegal searches that were carried out on the russian’s real estate. the decision of the local court, on the basis of which the searches were carried out, contained serious legal errors, the land court wrote, adding that vague suspicions and unfounded assumptions are not enough, so the decision should be overturned. usmanov thinks. himself as an innocent person who was unfairly persecuted and initiated criminal proceedings against two investigators. during illegal searches, operatives seized personal things of an entrepreneur. and have still not returned them to usmanov, although they should have done so, since the investigative orders were cancelled. bild's sources said that employees of the frankfurt am
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main prosecutor general's office considered that the court's decision did not matter because they had a different opinion. representatives of the judicial system criticized the prosecutors' actions. former federal judge thomas fisher issued his own legal opinion. in his opinion, employees of the prosecutor general's office. work on the outskirts of a populated area, where abandoned houses and enemy accomplices may be hiding. read after read, this kind of work happens regularly. such special events
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are carried out in rear and front-line areas. is the back corner clean? the russian guard groups are accompanied by aerial reconnaissance. we observe the territory of the plant. look carefully, looking for signs of vital activity. one of the goals of the russian guards is to identify caches from chronicles and... unfortunately, quite a lot, ammunition, american grenades, tnt, of the russian standard, have been found, it is now underway, checking the area continues, a suitcase, the so-called one, which contained foreign-made ammunition, in particular an american grenade, a hand grenade, a german grenade, residents of the front-line zone recently became russian citizens, but...
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come on, it’s really not difficult, the main thing is to do it correctly and just pay a lot of attention to this is given, so the tor smelled the smell of the wasted village, this means a find, then sappers work , another cache was found on the roof of the house, more than a dozen grenades, 18 grenades, one erdeshka, efki, on all roads adjacent to the special operation zone mobile posts have been set up. good morning, document check, let's go.
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system that ensures the safety of civilians, military personnel, we constantly find something, ammunition, weapons, drugs, on the side of the road, as local residents reported, there is a large shell, this is...
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weekdays, on their professional holiday the units also continue to carry out combat missions. nikolai dlagachev, magomed , weekends at such a service are often more active bashir aliyev, maria bulgakova, lead. dpr, the commander of the russian guard group presented employees who distinguished themselves during combat missions, departmental awards and insignia. he thanked the fighters for their high professionalism and courage. every day, special forces carry out anti-sabotage measures, identify subordinates of the armed forces of ukraine, discover and eliminate caches of weapons. alfa bank. for business, register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth.
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