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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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directly perpetrators of the terrorist attack, they tried to escape towards the border with ukraine. the organizers of the terrorist attack tried not only to intimidate the people of russia, but to aggravate interethnic relations and push two traditional religions into conflict. patriarch kirill began his speech by condemning the extremist attack, opening the world russian people's congress. scenarios using religious are played out. national factor, we understand this perfectly well, looking at the immediate executive atrocities committed at crocus cityhall. russia's ill-wishers tried to take advantage of internal problems with the migration situation, aggravating interethnic relations in our country, including with the help of the radical islamist factor. an attempt was made to pit two traditional religions against one another. an attempt was made to divide people along religious lines as well. pit one
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against the other, of course, we cannot allow anything like this in russia interaction with the islamic community, i’m not talking about extremists, i’m talking about trustworthy citizens of russia, about patriots whom the majority is also a priority for participation in the interreligious dialogue of the russian orthodox church. and our task, of course, is to preserve the unity of the russian world with all our might. group. nick performed in st. petersburg, after the concert in moscow was disrupted by terrorists, at first they wanted to cancel the performance, but now it is clear that for russians this concert means much more than just the arrival of their favorite artists. our correspondent, dmitry akimov, was convinced of this. this performance of the group picnic began announced as an evening in memory of those killed in this terrible and inhumane terrorist attack, it began today at exactly 19:00 and... it began, naturally
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, with a minute of silence, for all the victims of the terrorist attack in moscow, we announce a minute of silence. thank you. the picnic group is performing today as part of a symphony orchestra, it is clear that for all the musicians, the very decision that it was worth holding this performance, despite the fact that it was planned and was on the group’s concert schedule, was very difficult, today before the start of the performance we were able talk to the leader of the picnic group edmund shklyarsky, with the director of the symphony orchestra, naturally problems arose of a purely technical nature, since most of the... equipment,
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most of the equipment, musical instruments, simply burned down in the crocus cityhall hall, and of course, this decision was very difficult from a moral point of view point of view, the concert begins with the feeling that this part of what was planned, what was planned did not happen, so we have to play, no matter what, and... people then came to the celebration, i know that some people came especially for this concert for today from moscow, who were in the krokos, that is, they reinvented themselves and came specifically to prove that these are the kind of people they are. today's concert, it was planned, we prepared for it for a long time, we prepared to show this program to those viewers who had long planned to come today.
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the team also worked, also planned to perform today, and i think that, uh, this is a collective decision, despite the fact that today some musicians who were in moscow are not on stage, for various reasons, including objective ones, but first of all due to the fact that many of their instruments were on fire and there was simply nothing to perform on today, it is worth saying that the program of this performance was naturally adjusted, all some major keys were removed from the program...
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of the terrorist attack on march 22, dmitry akimov and sergey fodeev, news from st. petersburg! alfabank for
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profitable, alpha profitable! during a trip to torzhok, tvr region, vladimir putin visited the center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel of the ministry of defense. the president inspected the attack helicopters and talked to the pilots about their weapons. i also talked to the widows of russian heroes. anastasia efimova will summarize the results. anastasia, good evening, we are waiting for details from you. hello anton, i promise not to leave you without details. new defense complex and functions that did not exist before, capabilities attack helicopters, which the president was informed about during the visit, the center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel of the ministry of defense. its pilots perform important government tasks. inside the country outside its borders, and the special military operation was no exception,
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training department 344 lieutenant colonel, i wish you good health, decide, i’ll tell you the special military operation carried out the tasks of rescuing crews, also the assignment department, which is our military. to be honest, exactly. a little, uh, evacuation injured, enough was, it now has a new defense complex installed on it, which allows you to protect the helicopter, and it has new functions, also communications, which through a coded channel helps - to communicate between crews, up to 6,000, so, that is, it now has. new preshki, more polished. during the special
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military operation, a large number of missiles are used, the head of state was shown samples: guided needle, range up to 6 km, anti-tank attack, supersonic, whirlwind. finally, chrysanthemum with with an increased warhead, judging by video evidence, when it hits a tank, it simply tears off the turret. that same combat unit is so powerful. and the president also went up to the training cabin.
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video, when you look at aviation equipment, you can see somewhere, 500-800 m. we select a site, speed is 200 km/h, and here you can also practice combat applications now at the moment. combat aviation in the northern military district zone is working perfectly, an assessment that the president gave during a conversation with military pilots, because, as the head of state recalled, every on the front line today he is fighting fearlessly, making a huge contribution to achieving the overall result; vladimir putin literally called the rhetoric according to which russia could attack poland, the czech republic and the baltic states literally nonsense and a nonsense attempt. western elites to deceive their own citizens, in the twenty -second year the united states spent, god bless us,
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811 billion dollars, and the russian federation 72 billion. 72, 81, well, the difference is noticeable, the difference is noticeable, more than 10 times. the us spends on defense at approximately 40% from global spending. 39% of global spending is in the united states, and russia is 3.5%. and are we , bearing in mind this ratio, going to fight with nato, or what? this is just nonsense. in addition to what we are doing now during a special military operation, we are protecting our people living in our historical territories. and the supply of f-16s promised to kiev will not change the situation on the battlefield, as the president emphasized.
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airplanes will be destroyed in the same way as tanks or armored vehicles. however, airfields of third countries, if fighters become taking off from there will become a legitimate target for russia. if they deliver the f-16 , they will talk about it, as if they are training pilots. i think you understand this. like no one else, better than others, this situation on the field will not change howl, and we will destroy their planes the same way we destroy them. today their tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment, including the basic organ system, ae, but - of course, if they are used from airfields of third countries, they become a legitimate target for us, no matter where they are located, and the f-16 also are
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carriers of nuclear weapons, and we will also have to take this into account. back in february, the head of state handed over to the command of the aerospace forces a list of icons saved by those not made by hands. it has special significance for the homeland. actually, dmitry donskoy knelt in front of this image on the eve of the battle of kulikovo. and the pilots thanked the president today and promised not to let him down. at the same time, vladimir putin called on never to forget that russia is a multinational and multi-religious country.
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and as soon as we start implementing these destructive thoughts about the fact that everyone else here is strangers, we will ruin the country, and the main victims will be the russian people, so you need to treat this component very adultly, seriously, not waving... your arms and wagging your tongue, but think when you pronounce each, every word, every phrase, think that we have one big united homeland. as the head of state recalled, today the fatherland is defended by russians of various nationalities, together they carry out combat missions, together they accept battle, and sometimes his comrades protect themselves
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from death, certainly not thinking at that moment who is in front of him: russian, ovar, tatar or buryat, talk to the president of the widows of russian heroes, participants in a special military operation, those who gave their lives for the country , and he absolutely knew that patriotism does not and cannot have a nationality, but the homeland can be common to everyone, yes anastasia, thank you, anastasia efimova, about vladimir putin’s trip to the tver region. alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. rolfultra oil, created using innovative gtl and pao technologies, ensures maximum
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engine performance. rolf ultra - a new era of motor oils. home is where the family is. in domr bank 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family. hello, i am a bank employee, do you confirm the transfer? do you usually call? eh, i can’t reach you now. of course, you have the safest operator, we will warn you about unwanted calls or blocked. enable call protection in the moya service.
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we have the power to help , soups are at stake and we accept the challenge, jetur t2, a hero by nature, alpha investments are for money, we give shares every day, open an investment account for the purchase of any share you get another one as a gift, it’s not just profitable , alpha is profitable. became a family with many children, new worries appeared , there was not enough space in a small two-room apartment, the state in this case is nearby, the family is entitled to land, utility,
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tax benefits and a budget-friendly mortgage. our third child was born, and we lived in a small apartment, we began to think that it was time to expand so that everyone would be comfortable. we began to explore the possibilities and realized that a family mortgage would be the solution. everything was submitted online, quickly, literally within a day everything had already been reviewed and approved for us, by the evening we received information that the mortgage had been approved. there is a move ahead to a large three-room apartment; the money saved thanks to government support is just enough for repairs. if we take the regular mortgage rate, this was an overpayment would be a whole apartment in fact, but on a family mortgage, the rate is 6%.
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meeting, market support and safety of purchasing housing in new buildings are provided by counting scrolls. they reduced the risks, people stopped being afraid of unfinished projects. at the same time,
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project financing from banks makes life easier for developers and helps them develop territories comprehensively. our loan portfolio is very close in terms of the amount of concluded loan transactions to 6 trillion rubles. this will allow the construction of more than 73 million km of housing in our country. we are actively developing lending to developers. regions, last year we finished at around 75 regions, these are the regions where we acted as a financing agent or provided project financing for the implementation of housing construction projects. developers ultimately benefited from the large-scale introduction of project financing. we are now sailing in the same boat with the banks; now , regardless of external sources of finance, we work with banks and we have clear, understandable supply cycles. our contractors receive money on time, this is also very important pay. services to everyone so that the construction process does not stop, and the delivery of materials occurs on time, due to this, of course, the speed of construction in general in the industry has increased significantly.
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as a result, already in 2023, housing commissioning became a record high, almost 110.5 million km, of which more than 58 and a half were private country houses, the rest were multi-apartment buildings. developers note that demand is changing today, buyers are looking for housing in newly built microdistricts. the principle of integrated development of territories, that is, from all infrastructure, schools, kindergartens, sports grounds, parks. another trend is that two- three-room apartments are becoming more and more in demand. today, my colleagues and i, including our development institute domrf, are working on mechanisms to further stimulate the construction of larger housing. if we are talking about... supporting large families, then of course we need a larger number of three- to four-room apartments for sale, and the footage of these apartments should start from 80
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km. we are now forming with our colleagues parameters, but we will definitely additionally support those families who will improve their living conditions by buying larger apartments . making housing more affordable is another task: the six-year period of rising prices is probably over... , economists predict, the market will gradually come to equilibrium, even if at the end of the year there will be a decline in sales, developers will be able to avoid problems, unsold housing will be sold for another 2-2 and a half year. this year we expect a significant slowdown in the market, here we are, well, it’s difficult to hide, there will be approximately 1.3 million mortgage loans were issued for 4-5.53 rubles, but in general we consider this level to be more or less acceptable, taking into account.
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accounts, we see that the potential for the development of this market is precisely the extension of spark accounts to those contracts when the customer is a citizen and builds a house on his own land using funds from citizens, which are reliably protected by the spark contracting organization. the main conclusion of industry experts is that the support measures already taken have allowed the entire industry to accumulate a margin of safety. demand in the izh segment is growing, the housing market is protecting. tools such as spark and project financing , preferential mortgages have become both targeted assistance to people and an incentive for developers, the program for involving land in the circulation for construction is successfully operating, which is important for the regions, and digitalization of the industry makes it more transparent and reduces costs and risks .
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fyodor mikhailov dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century a layer of people would appear who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreign agent, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry.
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