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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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vladimir putin today went on his first regional agenda after the presidential elections in the tver region. the head of state visited the city of torzhuk. the day before , russia celebrated cultural worker's day, so putin began his visit with the all-russian historical and ethnographic museum. and on the way, the president made a special stop at the central square of torshka to talk with local residents. the small town of torzhok, the population is slightly more. of course, they hope, you hear for yourself that along the streets, here he is, it’s clear that everyone is here, the president will come out to the people, but you and i will now watch together whether this will happen or not. so, the cortege stops, look, look, now the president’s card has even moved back, a few meters away...
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pavel, as always, is in the very center of events. at the pozharskikh hotel museum complex, the president spoke with cultural workers of the tver region. vladimir putin emphasized that culture plays a vital role, especially in difficult and turning points. the fact is that culture, because it creates such.
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the complete framework of the people's identity supports ours, it, of course, plays a very important role in such turning points, difficult moments, even tragic ones, because they give strength to the people, they give strength to each individual person, and i would like - you, and how in such cases they say in your face , thank everyone who works in this field, devotes themselves to this very important work, because here - this work, i repeat once again, these are not empty words, it creates the basis, the basis, the moral and moral basis of existence people when we hear somewhere from the outside, someone talks about the abolition of russian culture or the culture of the peoples of russia in general, in fact, we understand that only stupid people can say this, because to abolish the culture of an entire people or entire peoples, and we have 190 peoples and ethnic groups of russia.
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another important point in the program of vladimir putin’s trip to the region was the state center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel of the russian ministry of defense. with an increased warhead, a warhead, a flight range of 10 km, and there is a large the number of videos confirming that when a missile hits a tank, the tank ’s turret is directly torn off, this is not because the ammunition explodes, it is precisely because of this powerful
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warhead, one very respected person said that controlling a helicopter is much more difficult than everyone else, i tried, i tried, let's get dressed. despite all the antics and threats against russia, the west is aware of its weakness and this makes it snap even stronger, the new nato member sweden is puffing up in the hope of creating more strategic difficulties for our country, while even the nuclear european powers admit that they do not have enough conventional weapons to confront russia, what are you talking about dwarf states. a paradoxical situation arises when the incompetent nato countries hope for the protection of the alliance, which consists of these very countries, and washington watches this from the side once again making it clear that america does not want to directly get involved in a war that it itself started, but the goal is to win
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no one has canceled crushing russia, so the move all means are used, from outright theft of our assets to open justification of terrorism. they carefully hammer into society that killing russians is normal, today maria vladimirovna zakharova very precisely raised the question, here is the leadership of the estonia foreign ministry, are they even normal? the following comment was published on the website of the estonian foreign ministry: yesterday’s attack on the concert hall in moscow, according to an official statement from the estonian ministry of foreign affairs, clearly showed that... the regime in russia is oriented, again i emphasize these words the estonian foreign ministry for the conquest of neighboring countries and the organization of hybrid operations instead of caring for the well-being and safety of its own people. then the estonian mit
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began to dig even deeper and noted that this is not the first time in history when the russian leadership uses, as it was there...
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in itself it sounds strange, from a historical perspective, i mean, let's look at the thousand-year history of europe more than, well, several thousand years and so on, but usually like this, i stand for this, and many in this studio share in general, that in principle there is no in moscow, the embassy of estonia or latvia will not bring any harm to russia, and so to speak, well , it will still create some pleasure for muscovites and guests of the capital for a couple of hours, but this is also an artificial state by
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and large, and they will play out like the ukrainians with the fact that were there for a short time in the history of the 20th century. i discard this as uninteresting, i was surprised by the message today when i heard that putin visited torzhok, why torzhok, as i understand it, over the previous years of putin’s presidency and prime minister, all major cities russia, regional, regional centers and some others, i traveled, now i went to small towns, the road is a wonderful city, i recommend it to everyone. pushkin, on his way from moscow to
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st. petersburg, definitely, by the way, a restaurant - this is a former hotel, there is a green restaurant there, so light green , it shows that he definitely stopped at this restaurant and ate a pozharsky cutlet there, can you check from his very letters and if i’m not mistaken, is there something uneaten?
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that is, mayors of small towns, get ready, get ready, a crowd of people, servicemen and not the servicemen, about what worries us most, but regarding the events on this ukrainian front, they are constantly talking here, in my opinion there is nothing to discuss, well, except that the goal, so to speak, has been determined, and fate is predetermined, so i will stop on those problems
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that are now being talked about in connection with the events that happened, sad, tragic , on the 22nd, that is, first of all, this is the problem of migration, of course, it is big, delicate, everything in some aspects is not appropriate to talk about, not everything can talk, but i want to say two things: regarding this, first, uh, all the last days i have been hearing a call that seems to be correct, there is no need to incite national hatred, and those who say this, pathos, simply feel that this is addressed to the russian people, i haven’t heard them say, this kind of people more than once, this kind of people, it’s like they don’t need to inflame everything. you might think that russian militants broke into some concert hall,
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in some country, what did they do there. i remind you, again historically, there were no pogroms in russia, those pogroms that say in the russian empire, jewish pogroms, they were on the territory of that western ukraine, which, central western ukraine, in bessarabia.
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but they were russian by nationality, so maybe? i will say, that means , yes, there were pogroms in moscow in petrograd, german ones, during the first world war, when, yes, there were, and this is the only fact, i also draw your attention to the fact that in moscow there are armenian
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side streets, there are georgian ones there are tatar streets. streets, this should mean something, what? i want to remind you that that the last thing you need to do is address the russians with this appeal, that now i am listening first from one, then from the other, the patriarch spoke about this today, but we are talking about something else altogether, i want to remind you, but you already know this very well, that according to the population census until the seventeenth year of the first world war, the question was formulated differently regarding religion. therefore , when you say russians or ukrainians, it was not worded like that, it said russians, great russians, little russians and belarusians, orthodox or not, so what does it have to do with it? well, there were orthodox christians and muslims, there were muslim pogroms organized by the russians, well, i’ll say this, i’m not ready to answer
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this question, to answer. was not noticed in history, that’s what i want to say, if it’s possible, if it ’s permissible, of course, it’s permissible, that’s what he said, that’s what the patriarch said, as then during the aggression of nat yugoslavia, so now a scenario has played out using religious and the interethnic factor, an attempt was made to pit two traditional religions: to divide people according to religious
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principle and also pit one against the other, of course we cannot allow anything like that in russia, worldview-wise. the unity of orthodox muslims is in many ways the stumbling block that, with the efforts of opponents, defeats the enemies who dream of destroying russia. our task, of course , is to preserve the unity of the russian world with all our might, let no one scare us with russian nationalism, russian nationalism does not exist in nature, everyone knows this, but to talk about the importance of the role of the russian people in preserving our multinational country, i think that this is an important topic that we must also address ourselves. i
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... it’s clear, you are the preferred patriarch , i’ve grown into this, forgive me, yes, vitalitovich, well, it happens, well, the patriarch, well, yes, no, well, i know, here - with his holiness, i also talked many times, when he was still a metropolitan, when he had already become a patriarch and i know his views very well, who accuses the russians of nationalism now, well, that is, this is somewhere, right? did you see this? patriarch kirill, why did he tell you about this now? no, wait, you ask it then testimony to the patriarch of moscow of all russia, why is he saying this? apparently there is a reason, i just understand what he is talking about and how, by the way, i don’t know whether there is russian nationalism or not, there is russian nationalism, of course, there is, of course, russian nationalism, yes, well, that’s another matter, how
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to interpret it, we won’t talk about it now, but i can continue, thank you, then. uh, well, i don’t know, maybe we can’t talk about this again, well, thank you, then read the nationalists of certain
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central asian nationalists, as they say now countries, and you will see that there are arguments that siberia is generally, well, everything is genghis khan, they all behave like genghis khan, this is their territory, temporarily occupied by russia, the volga region is their territory temporarily occupied russia, to understand, these specific people who committed the terrorist attack hardly thought about it, they are unlikely to be so indoctrinated, but these plans are being made quite seriously, the appropriate people are used, by the way , this is also being discussed, but i just don’t quite understand, people in uniform, what are they in interested? well, those who are in uniform without shoulder straps, who are now, here is today’s message , in st. petersburg, it seems, they arranged fictitious
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marriages or somewhere else, with migrants, in order to record who can do the most, this is without pogon, and those who or businessmen who, in another place, the russian language exam in the russian language, hired people who took it instead of migrants, but only people could do this. who delivers them? well, that’s all, this whole scheme exists because someone initially imports them, that ’s the main problem, that’s about it again they said no, because excuse me, but the main evil is right here, here is the main money, and the money is here, yes, everything is clear, about these two aspects, i didn’t say anything new either, but i’m just serious, seriously annoying - these warnings. addressed to the wrong people, about not inciting this very national hatred, least of all does this apply and should apply to russians, this is the first
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problem, the second i wanted to say, i don’t know if it’s possible regarding the death penalty, there was an active discussion you had yesterday, and in general, the general one is now underway, and i just wanted to list the five main arguments that... opponents of the death penalty come up with, mostly non-legal arguments, and give brief answers, the first one, you have all heard it, as a rule, the middle ones refer century that during the execution, hanging of criminals in the squares of medieval europe , most of the crashes were committed, but i don’t know who then conducted sociologically different surveys in this in the middle ages, but i just took this as a pure bluff.
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the next argument, and after it, these are generally unique arguments, people say, this is inhumane, lawyers, human rights activists,
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especially here, this is inhumane, life imprisonment, this is hard and so on, so this is not, they say, even harder than death execution, but if it is more severe than the death penalty, then you are already asking to abolish the death penalty, you are on your own... and others say that this is such a last serious argument, only a believer , you can’t understand non-believers, as a rule, i think unbelievers and without thinking, i even know only god can deprive a person of life, i agree with this, i understand this, but then it turns out you don’t believe in god, second, second, what difference does it make who i believe in, well, let’s ask everyone who is here who believes in whom?
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who did you refer to ? execution is an exceptional case there and they have a short list there, acts as a weapon god, but since god, ah...
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they need to be refuted 100 more times if someone needs to be convinced of something, but now is the time to think seriously about this institution, like many others, that we need to transform us, thank you, if you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account, then open a business account on alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account; for the purchase of any share , you get another one as a gift. not just profitable, alpha profitable. let's do it again. a now scoto. there is another idea. of course, let's pay the bills. yur, it’s been a long time without a qr code. the camera calculates everything itself. of course, we also
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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s alive, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you.
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“that means there is still hope , there is always hope, the call sign is a passenger, a militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion, any war is infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is as if it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out kamikazas” : when there is no accompaniment, you walk, roughly speaking, blindly, you don’t know what's ahead of you, outpost, outpost , angel, let's be brief, yes, i'm observing, the people who are here at the control points, they are working no less than the attack aircraft, local , as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, at this pace, they entered, work built,


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