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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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the passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. any war is infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it does not count as something.
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the work is on rails. they sent me a video where young scumbags approached a woman, they didn’t like her skin color, they were shouting, russia is for russians, moscow is for muscovites, get out of here, and so on and so forth, who is this, how will we treat them, how will we treat those who?
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who said that there is no russian nationalism, these are the words of his priesthood, i he has always been called one of the leading political thinkers in russia, so man, that’s why i want this opinion to be explained, so these people who i’ll answer now, although the answer is obvious, now i’ll say, so, patriarch kirill said that there is no russian nationalism , you asked me... i say, no, there is
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russian nationalism, in this case, i understand what he means when he says this phrase, russian nationalism is, as it is everywhere, american nationalism by the way , there is, it is not so much ethnic as it is, well, this imperial one , let’s say, naturally, there are nationalists, radicals, the most radical super-radical ones, the examples who gave him are what russian skinheads used to call and so on, how... this should be treated as it should be decent to treat a person, i won’t even answer this question, because answering this question, i start playing your game, which is my game, but you suddenly said interestingly that it turns out that all nations are bad, one is very good, when i said it, well, that’s how it happened for you, no, we got that the russians don’t have this, but the rest, that is, all nations are equal after all, well, because you started.
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there was no such terrible page as pogroms , and we are now i, i gave the only example, these are the german pogroms during st. petersburg, in moscow, but they only happened - at the beginning of the first world war, which was called german, they were not the first they called it world, but german, i just mean that we are now bargaining in such an area of ​​history, so painful, now we will talk about what happened and how they slaughtered each other and how much blood was shed, and history is our common one, it just seems to me that we are now...
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moving very far from the topic of the russian people - a great people, a people who are our country-former, the russian language is a country-former, the russian people, who in absorbed himself. the most diverse nationalities , the most diverse ethnic roots, this is indisputable, no one can deny the greatness of the russian people, the greatness of the russian language, the greatness of russian culture, and no one should, but then we find ourselves thrown into terms unusual for the russian language, we begin playing with terms that came to us from the west, and here we begin to fall into these semantic traps, which are extremely dangerous, i don’t understand what you ’re talking about now.
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that you are testing me, because i’m not testing you at all, it’s not my function, i’m just suggesting, vitovich, well, excuse me, of course, but these are not monologues where a person comes, expresses his point of view, everyone has to stand up and say, bravo, that is, this implies some kind of discussion, because we are talking about the most important topic for our country, yes, you constantly misinterpret me , turn my words around and start accusing me of something, and i don’t turn it around, i ’m just asking, asking clarifying questions, moreover, on behalf of the people who are watching from the other side of the screen...
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the nationalists called, by the way, killed , his fans killed, how many cutlasses are in russia, what difference does it make, we now determine by quantity, that is, how much is a pile, that’s what the patriarch says, many consider migration a threat, but the threat
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lies not just in migration, in reluctance some migrants respect the culture of the country where they came to work; fraternal peoples live around us, with whom we have always strived. sounds from someone this is what you already said once, also, for example, the patriarch suggests, i want you to say this again, let no one scare us with russian nationalism, russian nationalism
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does not exist in nature, this everyone knows, but to talk about the importance and role of the russian people in preserving our multinational country, i think that this is an important topic that we have to do the same with you... we’re trying to talk in order to understand, but today our problem is very simple, here the russian army is fighting in our country and... in our russian army tajiks, chechens, ukrainians are fighting brilliantly, buryats, kalmyks , azerbaijanis, armenians are fighting heroically, all 190 peoples that vladimir vladimirovich putin speaks of , belarusians, our brothers, are all fighting, while the overwhelming majority of the population of our country are russians, professing russian culture, speaking russian, orthodox... it’s very important just not now to succumb to these attempts to tear us apart, those people who committed this terrible
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crime, they killed someone, when you look, here is the list of the dead, these are people of various nationalities, religions, and i look now, well, i came to the scene of the tragedy , there are flowers in a prominent place and...
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in culture, in philosophy, if you read it, start, we have enough of everything in our souls, the meaning of our life is to restrain the beast that is in each of us, and we must never forget that these are the the atrocities that the ukranazis commit , we call them ukranazis, but if you look... at who the terrorist,
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satanist regiment banned in russia consisted of, then there will be russian names, there will be russian names, this is the situation when this beast, probably, this can hardly be called russian nationalism, but i always remember pushkin’s words about the execution of the decembrists, and i could, and we would... i’ll still return to the president’s trip to torzhok. this is probably a coincidence,
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but for my family this is a very close city. my family comes from a small town. villages savinskie gorki, savino, torzhok district. from there, once upon a time, a long time ago, in the twenties, at the end of the twenties, my grandfather, mikhail nievstafe, went to leningrad. this is really the heart of russia , this is really the place where russia begins, and where, by the way, many nationalities lived, there is basically a dominant russian population, but for some reason they found the opportunity to live normally with everyone and it seems to me that this is very important so that the president would go there, he said there two things that are very important, one is very important... from the point of view of internal, internal development, the other from the point of view
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of external development, i’ll start with the internal, so he spoke about culture, and he very correctly defined where this culture is formed, it is formed at the level of schools, these small municipal museums, the restoration of one’s history, understanding, knowledge of one’s country, our country, our russia, with its unbroken history. after all, in fact, it is learned through these small museums, and if you don’t understand that what is torzhok, what is the path to gureki? vyshny volachok, these are all now sometimes half-forgotten places on this path from voryak to the greeks, why did pushkin eat pozharsky cutlets there? well, that means you don’t know russia, it’s these, these people with whom the president and supreme commander-in-chief sat, who create russian,
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russian culture, they are installers and performers. i think this is very important, the second thing, as is usually the case with vladim vladimovich, it sounded so casual, but it is very significant, he said that we do not have unfriendly countries, we have unfriendly elites, this is actually sometimes an appeal to those countries, and to those countries where there are people who support us.
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you know what, if they paid 25%, this is far from the highest rate. do you know what that would do? this would raise $40.400 billion over the next 10 years. imagine what we could do, we could substantially reduce the federal budget deficit, we could provide home care, we could consistently
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to do so much, including, finally, taking care of protecting ukraine from the local putin. well, a class approach, well, first of all, a wonderful class approach, but expect a different infrastructure from biden, his bridge fell, and not just a bridge, a key logistics artery, it’s just that it’s not just one of the bridges, it’s the bridge he drove on by train, although it was never actually there, he said that he traveled across this bridge, both by car and by train, it is a key bridge for transportation. oversized cargo, it was created for this purpose, so his brain has crashed, crashed , his infrastructure is collapsing, every day , or almost, no, every day he has a disaster on the railway, he said at least a word about it, he said, well, he said about the fight against poverty, for example, and he said about the collapse of the municipal economy in the largest
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cities, no, he says, we’ll protect ukraine, we won’t let putin win, he’s going to. and we understand that it was he who told everyone that, in general, the fate of the united states, this house and the power of the united states, deeply belongs to the elite group that privatized the white i don’t care, but in america there are people, billionaires, but they don’t like us, what about us?
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wants to return the situation to some kind of controllability, because in reality, in reality, i looked at it, but you know, this is a completely insane imposition of the version that she is to blame for the terrorist attack on crocus city in the moscow region specifically the isis organization banned in russia, well, this is some kind of madness.
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the west, which even allowed itself to be insulted, some, perhaps, to mock, allowed itself, some simply remained silent, so the chinese from the level of sidingping, condolences
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, condemnation of these terrorist attacks to the level of press secretary mit huachuni, who wrote our hearts with the russian people in russian, the reaction of ordinary chinese, the sco, the shanghai cooperation organization , the secretary general, that is, everything is practically as- then interact with russia, they considered it their duty to support russia, well, that is, usually, of course , some kind of, if large casualties occur, it is either some kind of disaster or terrorist attack, well, the principles of diplomacy imply that it is necessary to send a note of condolences, it’s not just like that, here it’s really a completely different level, i think it ’s probably even unprecedented, that is , the chinese really have this problem in common with us, terrorism and extremism as well. islamic, which means extremism and so on, that is, this is an unprecedented reaction from the point of view of diplomacy, from the point of view of the relationship between the two countries, and so on in everything, well, in
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culture including, that is, a very interesting situation has developed, we are now having years of culture there are exchanges between russia and china, i’ll never forget how 10 years ago , just traveling on a train as a student, they sat on benches near me, so there were these wooden benches, an ordinary twelve-hour sedentary train, which means the chinese were sitting there. they have technology, modern chinese technology, everyone studies at the academy of arts in st. petersburg, which means they are chinese, and so on, that is, such a wonderful situation has developed, but at the same time, there is...
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only one pushkin institute, in russia 23 confucius institute, well, at least let's get behind these 2 years 23 we will complete the pushkin institute so that the chinese can study, this lever will be created for those people who believe in russia, love russia, help, learn this language, this is a wonderful story, but this needs to be done, no one is doing this, by the way, it is now passing bua forum, economic part, sberbank is present, alfa is present, deputy prime minister alexey overchuk
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, and so on and so forth, they heard us. here's to orthodoxy, well, it's no wonder that in harbin and its orthodox church of st. sophia, it is depicted as the main symbol of winter next year's olympic games in february, with crosses, with everything, that is, they are not afraid, not just not rejected, they are not afraid of russian culture, they invite it to their territory.
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dostoevsky, he seemed to have foreseen that in the 20th century there would appear a layer of people who are called inogens and whom he described through the will of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreigner, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry, they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property there and.. . funds invested, do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they would commit an offense against the law, and that victim turned out to be me.
3:00 am
by the way, this temple is dedicated to arbina, a complete copy, this is a complete copy of the temple that exists in st. petersburg, dedicated to tsarevich nicholas there.


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