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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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subpoena, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and that victim turned out to be me. by the way, this temple is dedicated to arbina, a complete copy, this is a complete copy of the temple that exists in st. petersburg, dedicated to tsarvich nicholas there. a long story
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, well, that is, maximum connections, by the way, there is the alexander nevsky temple in wuhan, also a museum, the chinese use it with their own money, the city municipality maintains it, the church of the virgin mary in shanghai, why do the chinese maintain it, well, we need to take it into our own hands , it's like again they say, open and so on , act accordingly so that this autonomous orthodox church appears in china, because the chinese have a keen interest, i also remember that it was christmas, the smolny cathedral, a lot of chinese come to the smolny cathedral in st. petersburg. they visit , but there is simply no literature to get acquainted with orthodoxy, that is, this is a powerful lever, that is, we need to set some specific digital indicators for these 2 years of culture, and this should not just be the development of some events, we need global initiatives to culture, so that after these 2 years, after 5 years , some real project will be realized and so on, that is, without this supergoal, accordingly, well, it’s probably somehow pointless to just deal with protocol events and turn diplomacy into working out about... .protocol events
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need to really achieve some goals, i really hope that 24-25 will lead to the fact that we will actually have 20 pushkin institutes, more projects and so on, well, let god hear us, i’m still mentally returning to conversation with vitalimtovich, well, i’m a jew , the existence of my people is possible only thanks to the russian people, the russian people saved us jews, and not only... during the great patriotic war, the term pogrom generally infuriates me, because when the west stuck the term pogrom stigmatized the russian empire, well, they say, this does not correspond to historical reality, because the expulsion of the pogrom of the jews who were in europe, horrific, goes back centuries, not enough, if you look at the german culture, it is generally based on one of the messages of luther, which is saturated.
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west, we talked for a long time about how for centuries they did not accept our east slavic russian civilization, and somehow... forgot that they destroyed sympathy for us, for our tragedy, for our misfortune, this is not made up phrase, it was precisely the elites, the people, who certainly sympathized during the war, collected money, helped during the famine, the twenties, but the conscious elites consistently eradicated this, so now, when when you talk about this in the west, they are surprised, for them, for them, the image of russia has been formed as some kind of not very understandable, such a half-evil. was, now they are increasingly trying to say that this is evil, for many the mysterious russian soul is not a positive term, it is a definition that one can expect something bad, including this was achieved through an entire ideological industry of denial of our tragedy in years
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of the great patriotic war, take soviet prisoners of war, why they were destroyed, they say in the west, that is soviet prisoners of war...
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these are wild scenes, but everyone knows the concentration camps of the rebels, in majdanok, in treblinka, dachau, buchenwald, who knows the jasenavac camp, which became a symbol of the serbian tragedy, where thousands, tens of thousands of serbs were exterminated on a national basis. who knows about the tragedy of the serbian orthodox church on the territory of croatia, bosnia and herzegovina, kosovo, which was destroyed by priests, bishops, hundreds, serbian villages were completely slaughtered, without understanding this it is impossible. realize the policy that conducted by aleksandar vucic, it is generally impossible to understand the serbs, every family keeps the memory of this, in every family, karadzic, mladic, vucic have relatives connected or affected by this misfortune, it is impossible to understand, this misunderstanding gives rise to
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a lack of sympathy, they sympathize only when something happens on their territory, you think only in relation to us, and take the genocide in rwanda? year ninety-four, i think, 100 days, 100 days, in front of the whole world, a wild massacre took place, people died different numbers, hundreds of thousands of people, they even killed belgian peacekeepers, brutally killed them, but nevertheless, clinton, the heyday of us hegemony, everything is fine, wonderful, the golden era has come in the nineties, which they say are killing hundreds of thousands of people in africa, the un and the usa , no one has this.
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they say in ukraine the biggest war is the biggest war with the number of casualties after the second world war, well, maybe one of the difficult ones is always in the congo, the democratic republic of the congo, which was a consequence. functioning of the pro-western regime of mabutu, and then this massacre that was carried out in rwanda, this is a consequence, some colossal things happened there, terrible, millions of people died, who knows about this, who cares at all, these are others, these are not europeans, these are not from their civilization, this is where the end of history did not come according to fukuyama, it wasn’t just that he declared the end of history, he said that there is such a line, somewhere the end of history will come, and somewhere there will be these uncivilized countries, in in general, if we go from their concept, and exactly the same...
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they consider not russians, but by and large not belarusians, not ukrainians, which is very important
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, they are deceiving themselves, ukrainians, when they say ukrainians and europeans, they do not consider ukrainians, that’s why they fight with them until the last ukrainian, neither serbs nor other balkan peoples are part of themselves, even accepting the european union, they are doing this simply to fix the geopolitical situation, they are laughing, well, who doesn’t know this, the governments of these countries know this, that someone in skopje doesn’t know that when they are pulled into nato, this is genuine their essence is this
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the duality in propaganda, which in politics among these litas that vladimir putin spoke about, gives rise to these monsters, so they absolutely easily rely on terror, they easily proclaim cancel culture, they easily choose who to sympathize with and who not to sympathize with , this selectivity, pseudo-elitist, it lies in the essence of that civilization, not civilization, i would say, in the essence of that phenomenon that confronts us, beautifully, i would like to return to the question of the situation in ukraine, where, well, in the west, in my opinion, everyone has already recognized this, the west is losing the war, and this is not a matter of the ratio of, let’s say, hard power, but for the west it was a complete surprise how quickly the russian military-industrial complex was rebuilt, so and, but and, but...
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in russia there is instability, both economic and social and, as a consequence, political, it suddenly turns out that all these techniques that worked perfectly 30 years ago, so to speak, turn out to be completely ineffective, this, in my opinion, is the most serious problem that the united west now faces. i won’t even repeat here , the point is not so much that he is clearly now losing the arms race, including conventional ones on the ukrainian front, but rather that the west is now beginning to lose the war of ideas, and this, in my opinion, is a much more serious threat, why is there
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an underproduction of some fpv drones or some artillery ones? shells or or short supply of f-16 fighter bombers to ukraine, this is all secondary, primary something else, in the eyes of not only the russians, but in in general, all this global non-west, the west is gradually losing its former attractiveness. well, in fact, 30 years ago the west presented the washington consensus to the whole world. this is freedom, this is democracy, this is economic prosperity. well. who, who, who in their right mind and sober memory would object to this , everyone agreed, especially ordinary soviet people, who were tired of standing in lines all their lives for a piece of food on ration cards or chasing some kind of shortage, here they were offered so we didn’t stand for cards, all our lives we didn’t stand with cards for a piece of bread, no, i didn’t say that for a piece
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of bread, for food, we paid kars, but, well, i mean, cards appeared under gorbachev. yes, it was in moscow that they appeared under gorbachev, in the provinces they appeared and they were there before, everywhere, there were no cards in uzbekistan, in torshka, in torshka in torshka everyone went to a restaurant, ate pozharsky coffee, in the city of gorky, between by the way, the workers there were given meat only on very big proletarian holidays, this was still dear leonida and licha, returning the ration system like this.
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that this is given in sensations, but not for everyone , yes, well, to paraphrase the concept of matter , yes, sensations given to us, and uh, at the same time, at the same time, i remember this well, how our western partners talked about what is worth only to russians , and other, so to speak, peoples of the former soviet union to make the right choice in favor of freedom, democracy, global integration, and so on and so forth.
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in order to achieve the military defeat of their country, the dismemberment of the russian federation so that these remnants , so to speak, of russia would then have to pay reparations throughout life, so to speak, for a lost war, and at the same time, what has always amazed me is that our representatives of these western elites are sincerely offended why haven’t the russians yet created this internal turmoil, why haven’t they burned down their own house, shame on them, well... here i would like to say that if 30 years ago this washington consensus for many was very attractive, now the west is offering something different, it is offering a green transition, that is, in essence , economic and social decline, decline in living standards under environmental slogans,
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plus lgbt plus an agenda, well, in europe this may be normal in the usa. .. even relatively recently, the consequence of this is a serious weakening of the west’s position not only in the sphere of hard power, but in the sphere. soft power, soft power. joseph nice once gave a good definition of the concept of soft power, what is it? this is the ability to persuade and attract. and relatively recently, so
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to speak, the west was very good at persuading and attracting people. well, let's remember this at least hollywood, for example, all these hollywood blockbusters, which, so to speak, each of which caused a whole, so to speak, outburst of emotions, star wars, there is the terminator, lin of the rings, and so on and so forth, for the last hollywood hasn’t created anything like this for a year, and this is no coincidence, because there is an lgbt plus agenda, so not everyone is ready to look at the black snow white or the dwarves, who are all up to one transgender person, so to speak, this is also, in my opinion, such a marker of the fact that in the sphere of the seven dwarves, everyone has a unique gender identity, this would be cool, by the way .
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fairly large enterprises are transferring their capacities abroad, and small medium-sized ones are simply going bankrupt, those who cannot save themselves must file for bankruptcy, but if you have stopped producing, then you are far from bankrupt, you need to remember this
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, areas of life, well let's say something is delivered there, try ordering something at germany, so that they bring you some pies there in 15 minutes, well, next week, you will probably receive these pies, but they will already be cold, hard and tasteless, try to make an appointment with a doctor, i know very well, in my family, one member of my family is a doctor, and i know very well how it all works there; making an appointment with a normal doctor in germany today takes months. and if you want to get to a highly specialized doctor, for example, such as a cardiologist, who, whose everything is clogged, has everything is completely booked, he has his own practice , you will call there, they will answer the phone and ask, but you have already been to us, if you have not been to us, no, then excuse me, look for another doctor, well, if you have a bad heart, call an ambulance, then a fireman will arrive, in moscow they come, in berlin a firetruck arrives , if they know that there
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is something wrong with the heart, then more will come... indeed, more doctors will arrive separately, they will take you to the hospital, at best, if you if you're lucky, they'll see you within an hour or two, but unless, of course, you're dying completely, then let everything be carried out normally , otherwise you can sit there for 4-5 hours, after that they will show you to someone, they will send you to some ward where you will lie, it is unknown whether they will treat you or not, a situation that completely shows this laxity of today's german economy. the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24, 1999 at 19:45 local time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century. what the west did was completely unacceptable, right at the beginning of the war, according to essentially in the center of europe. these are the very cores from united uranus that
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were brought down. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations , we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production and raw materials in general? and export? what is
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our product? what kind of higher education are we talking about, if higher education as such in germany has generally turned into nothing, well, actually into
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nothing, but... the former minister of health of germany, he spoke very impartially about russia and began to say, we should teach them, we should tell them something, let me tell you now, this is the same yen shpan who then purchased these doses and masks, which were then thrown away for millions, now it turns out there is now a closed meeting, which is most likely a meeting of a commission, which will most likely go to court.


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