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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
well, actually nothing, but starting from the fact that , in general, higher education is asked of those who come to highly specialized places, it is clear that a biologist comes, a lawyer comes, he cannot work without it, the rest is everything who is generally interested in this , who is interested in this in a situation where today there is a conversation about, and maybe even all these 2 years of the pandemic, which the robert koch institute told us about, it was generally some kind of game, here literally 2 days ago .
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the koch institute is the highest authority in germany, which determines all these degrees of danger, epidemic, pandemic and all these other things. so it turns out that there are several protocols for the beginning of the pandemic, for the beginning of the declaration of a pandemic in germany, several protocols drawn up at the koch institute, one of which says that in principle there is nothing wrong with this, and we should calmly treat this like a flu epidemic, but other... in general, you need to think first of all about a vaccine called astrazeneca, because this vaccine is needed they say that no, this is all very complicated, and buying, they started to figure it out, so maybe there is some kind of chemistry going on here, maybe we are talking primarily about profit, give us these protocols, they give the protocols to this commission, they receive these protocols , in these protocols half of the pages are crossed out in black, it is impossible to read anything there, they say: give us open protocols, at the koch institute they say: please, through the court.
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the first jewish community in germany was founded, you won’t believe it, 1700 years ago, long before today’s the germans began to consider themselves... germans and
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began to consider themselves the very teftons that they consider themselves today. almost no one knows about this, i didn’t make it as ari, yes, that’s for sure, that’s for sure, but germany constantly, there is an expression in germany to step or step into a pot of dirty water or dirty dishes, so they step in every time this dirty dish, nationalities say all the time, well, we have already overcome russophobia, that’s what i said. putin in germany is now embarrassed about this are silent, but literally a year ago dostoevsky was actually closed, and pushkin was closed, and in general there was nothing, practically nothing, i ’m already silent about the information, but now again the question is about what in general -that is, there are germans, and there are germans , that is, there are germans who are germans, and there are germans who are not germans, germans, now the german football association, together with one of the players of the german national team, is suing a well-known
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journalist julian reichelt, this is the same one who worked for many years as an editor , editor-in-chief of bild, he is in one of the photographs of this player, who, in which he made some kind of gesture, which was taken by reichelt for the used gesture of a radical islamist, and he wrote a large article about it, immediately saying so, well, it’s clear, well, what kind of guy is this, this is a german, this is actually some kind of arab, who allows himself... to use this kind of statements, this kind of gestures, now they will be sued, now they will be sued, and speech now, in principle , it’s like, well, if a german did this, that’s one thing, but it was done by this dark-skinned man with a beard and in general, in principle, he’s not ours, but a few years ago he was also a national team player in germany, mezus azil was photographed with an erdogan t-shirt on which my president was written, in principle, there is nothing special about this, what... he showed it, he probably
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has two passports, he has two citizenships, that’s quite officially, it’s completely resolved, how it all ended, no, what kind of you are you german, despite the fact that you are a brilliant player. despite the fact that the victory of the german national team at the world cup was largely your merit, you are still not, you are a turk, you are a german with turkish roots, and now returning to the fact that vitaly toevich started the conversation. vladimirovich, as a russian person to a russian person, so i mean, in fact, non-persons are created in russia, and yes, this question is of course very serious, because of course you can’t say.
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in fact, if we twist this now on those who today represent the so-called opposition, they are nationalists, even if they are not russian by blood, well, i roughly say by blood, by nationality, by ethnic characteristics, but they consider themselves, they say, we are, we are russians, we are national liberals, or we are liberal nationalists, and this is a terrible, this is a terrible thing that can lead to, well...
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his wife, i won’t talk about it, but if you inflate, for example, in the usa, this is already a big problem, so he is very aggressive, he is like zelensky in 2021, when he was in pandor papers, when there was also a collapse of the economy, the ukrainian economy, so now our president, he is in such a situation, so every 2 days he explains what he wants and whether to send troops or not , or in any case, all he is trying to do is... is to put our people under stress, constant stress, our main conflict now is the olympic games, there are not enough, this is the official figure of 1000 people, well, to protect, to organize , so we have already taken soldiers there, to do this, so you don’t have to score
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when you comment, you will also comment on this whole speech by macron, what is he saying, it’s not very interesting, it’s all about his internal problems ...
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i watched this in 2002 after nordosk , i observed this in beslan in 2004, after after beslan all these people, already people, they expected that... putin would lose in the chechen wars, there was a second chechen war, so to speak, when they already saw that he plays, they were all sad, sad there, but finally something happened, again russians are dying in moscow or or in rossit, and i’m watching it now, there are people, for example, let’s appoint bernardt, he is a macron deputy, a european deputy, he is a regular on the tv channel there, and he very sad after a month, well, because russia is winning. 3 days ago he admires it, finally the russian dies again, well, this, i i this
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i have been watching this for the last 3 days, i was already nervous, but this is so, but i this is what i wanted, so i i thank you for you invite me here, this is not, this is a leadership class, these are not the french people, i was in france for 2 weeks, i gave a conference there, people, books, new books about the victory of russia.
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troops in france, 80% , they are pro-russian, when they are anti-russian, it’s because they want to be a general and chief of staff, that’s all, and just to complete, yes, well, i wasn’t going to talk about this, but today i gave lectures to my students , tomorrow they will give lectures to students, well, anyway, let’s talk about the terms, well , young people don’t know this, and the word pogrom, by the way, is one of the russian words, which has entered all languages, primarily english and french. pogrom is spelled pogrom and there is no need to explain anything, but excuse me, cards and coupons are different
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things, there were cards in our country, if you take it, the civil war, a little more bad, then they were canceled, after the war they were canceled, cards were available during the wars in england, great britain, and the soviet union were canceled faster, but coupons are completely different, i won’t explain to you now, but they are different things, these coupons, not cards.
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vladimir putin both before and after the elections elections, of course, briefly touching on the most important international issues, he talks more and more about internal problems, and this is right, that’s why i, following vladimir vladimirovich putin, talk more here on air about internal problems , you’re on the right road, yes, but what? satin said, you can’t go far in the carriage of the past , then it’s a controversial thesis, then we won’t do it now
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, you can’t go far ahead by criticizing the west , it’s time to take internal problems seriously, so i’m listening to the respected dmitry gennadievich, i didn’t understand, he said, we have there is a beast in everyone, there is not a beast in me, i don’t know, maybe it is in you, it is not in me, but you said that it is in everyone. now there is no beast among us in the russian people, i affirm, now they tell us: the beast has awakened in the russian people, and they give examples, these are the oppositionists, they are the ones accusing. that inhumanely they arrested themselves with terrorists, someone has a black eye, no animal is sitting, then that we are a bear, don’t confuse it, a bear is a bear, and who is a bear, a bear is not sitting inside, outside, that is, in russian a man is sitting outside
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a bear, listen, vladimiri spoke about the bear , he won’t give his tag to anyone, russia is not my phrase, i didn’t come up with it, i don’t remember who i borrowed, really russia is a country of countries people of peoples, there ’s no need to say , that this is some kind of discovery, that here we have bashkirs and tatars merged here -
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“we are ephemeral substances, there are different internal beasts, there is one friedian version, maybe it sits in everyone and those present here, since there are men here, no, well, it’s clear about what am i saying, no, it’s not clear, you are proposing a discussion , at the same time i’m still trying to argue, excuse me, that means i just
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said, it started again, yes, now i ’m here for you all, i ’ll give you all grades now, so everyone handed in their diaries and no, at the front , when it awakens in us , this is what awakens when we go and win, well, of course, this is a knight, but hang out, in the tiger
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school, feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i will come back for you, do you hear, today belgorod was subjected to another terrorist attack of the kiev regime
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, you know, based on this, i have this proposal, i in no way... do not claim to be the author of this idea, i just spoke with evgeniy evgenievich podubny this morning, and belgorod is his small homeland , he tells me that, by and large, what is happening now in belgorod is a terrorist act extended over time, i think that if, as was said by the head of the fsb, army general bortnikov, and as was said by the head of the security council nikolai plato. "we are dealing with terrorists, well , it is clear that ukraine is a terrorist state, then, probably, it is necessary to consider the victims of military operations
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. the decision is based on income, so it seems to me that here it is necessary to introduce a unified approach to all those killed as a result of the terrorist activities of the armed forces forces of nazi
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ukraine, that is, that there was a unified approach in the state, so that there would not be such a feeling that for muscovites priority is given, but for residents of the regions there is no, because i see how they are now openly adding fuel to the fire, ukrainian websites are trying to shake up this relationship between moscow and the region. like, why are you all running around with moscow, and why have you forgotten about us? no , we haven’t forgotten, so i think the state needs to introduce some kind of uniform criterion, it doesn’t matter where our citizen died, it’s important that if the terrorist organization sbu is to blame for this, then debts of course should be written off, and systems of assistance measures should be provided, also a big problem - this is a business, that is, of course, business suffers and suffers. well, in all the zones that are under direct fire, and maybe it makes sense to create some kind of working body, some kind of commission, when representatives
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of the ministry of economy, the ministry of regional development, the ministry of industry and trade would enter, turn to the services of banks that can lend in such conditions, because many banks that operate on the basis from completely different conditions, it is difficult for them to lend to such a level of risk, for example, there is a promotional connection of the bank, it could do this, taking into account... where it flies from, i see how, for example, now they are trying to pull out what i am saying, to misrepresent, knowing who is lying, knowing in the interests of whom, this is not the point, and how
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the opposition immediately picks it up, all the same stories are pulled out by sites that are traditionally associated with the opposition media in our country, now they are synonymous enemies, supported with all their might by the ukrainians, they are promoted by them, then the bbc goes there for everyone under the age of one.
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shoets is to blame, everyone who talked about transferring long-range weapons to ukraine will be to blame for this, because russia has already made a decision, as putin said, on this territory buffer zones will be created, their size will correspond to the maximum distance that the best western missiles can fly, they will make sure that missiles cannot reach russian territory, and in this situation, most of ukraine will disappear from the map and... all because weapons we handed over. we give them weapons to save them. no, you give them weapons to ensure that there will be no ukraine left when this is all over. this is the reality. jake sullivan is trying to spin this whole thing. he is like the captain of the titanic, who is trying to come up with an excuse for the appearance of the iceberg, which left a hole in the ship. yes, it's because you're a bad captain who made a lot of bad decisions. now he will blame
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global warming or dolphins. influencing the flow, or something more ridiculous instead of taking responsibility? reasonable, in general, what is happening in ukraine is, of course, extremely curious, this is what the harsh scoundrel, a deputy of the verkhovna rada of the previous convocation, a participant in the punitive operation against donbass as part of aidar, says, retired major usu igor lapina.
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dictators 21. this is when all management of the state passes into the hands of a limited number of people, or one person, five or six managers and the supreme one, zelensky, that is , we already have this, the authoritarian regime has already been formed, well, of course, i finally understood, yes .
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of course, there are more people, many are returning. at the moment we are working in the private sector, apartment buildings, roofing, glazing, a house, the whole house, we have to work, because everything here is original, we look to know everything about russia, the best we watch historical series. in the application or on the website, vladimir, vladimirovich, no, well, surprisingly, otherwise it was not visible, but all the solutions.


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