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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24 , 1999 at 19:45 local time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century. what the west did was completely unacceptable; they directly started a war, essentially in the center of europe. these are the same cores from united uranus that were.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country-menza column, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than what exactly digital helps, you incomparably original in its questions, but what about production, raw materials and exports in general? what is our product?
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hello, the correspondents of the program will talk about the main legal events of the day, the duty department and i, maxim movchan. in dagestan , fsb soldiers detained more. islam-batsiev was
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among the criminals who carried out attacks on moscow paratroopers in the orgun gorge. by decision of the batsy court, he has already been arrested and will soon be charged with armed rebellion, banditry , and an attempt on the life of a serviceman. let me remind you that an armed group led by shamili basayev and amir khattab attacked soldiers of the 76th pskov airborne division in a mountainous forest area near the village of uluskey district. the investigative committee of russia continues to investigate the criminal case of an armed attack on servicemen of the pskov division of airborne forces. due to the particular gravity of the crimes committed, the court chose a preventive measure in the form of detention for batsyev. the investigation establishes the role and specific actions committed by batseev during the attack.
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during the investigation of the inhumane attack , more and more information appears about the perpetrators, and the chronology is being restored every minute. there are now 143 people on the list of dead. material by alexander mostovoy. investigators and criminologists do not stop working at the site of the terrible terrorist attack in krasnogorsk. the chronology of the event is restored in detail. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin , again came to the scene of the tragedy today and personally supervised the work of the investigation team. he. heard reports on the latest results of the investigation, the issue of ensuring anti-terrorism and fire safety in the city hall building is being studied. information seized from the militants’ phones and other digital media is now being analyzed to establish their connection with their curators via the internet. to date
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, the investigative committee has received 143 reports of missing people after the terrorist attack, 84 bodies have been identified , including the bodies of five children. were sent to pre-trial detention on sunday, and are now continuing to arrest the alleged accomplices, including the islomov family, father israil and his two sons amenchon and delovar. for a long time they lived in the tver region, twenty-five-year-old delovar worked as a taxi driver and, judging by his social networks, was engaged in the resale of cars. it was the businessman who sold the killers a renault car for 250 thousand rubles. this is a purchase and sale agreement. the purchase was obviously sponsored by the curators. renault is covering up on this. after the terrorist attack, the criminals also beat two children, brother ilya and sister ira. the boy was taken to intensive care, the girl was injured and in shock. white renault, accelerating, he hit my whole family. the children suffered, i suffered. accordingly,
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my youngest child ilya received the most severe bruises. he has a traumatic brain injury, a broken collarbone, a rib, and a bruised lung. another one. the person involved in the criminal case of the terrorist attack is a chef from cheykhana near moscow, alisher kasimov. investigators believe that he provided housing for the terrorists, rented out a three-room apartment in krasnogorsk, when the probable accomplice of the terrorists was taken out of the basmanov court building in moscow, from his mother there was hysteria. this apartment in the new building was essentially a terrorist base, the rooms had a minimum of things and furniture, there wasn’t even a bed, it was as if the housing was being used as a place. the killers slept in the room on mattresses , covered with blankets, kasimov himself lived with his family in a neighboring house, he was detained a few hours after the terrorist attack in croca city, kasimov’s wife is still in shock and admitted to journalists that she did not delve into her husband’s affairs, and how much did they rent this apartment? i don’t know, well
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, i was in the terrorists’ apartment for two months, a month there are many rolls of duct tape, it is possible that the killers prepared weapons for the crime here, several weeks before the terrorist attack... the criminals’ car was parked in the yard. after the arrest of the four perpetrators of the terrorist attack, fortova was sent to sesole. 205 cells are designed for 300 prisoners. those accused of terrorism are kept in premises with 24-hour video surveillance. unlike other prisoners, their letters are not checked by the ordinary censor of the pre-trial detention center, but by the investigators leading their case. this is one of the strictest isolation centers, historically there detained suspects in such a terrible crime as terrorism. indeed, very harsh conditions and the prisoner is not allowed anything extra there, and what’s more, and if in other detention centers they accept a number of items as donations, including personal hygiene, then in the fortov camp there are strict restrictions, because there is a special contingent because it is expected that acquaintances
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or friends there might hand over some prohibited things, investigators are now working with the terrorists and their accomplices, interrogations are underway, security forces are identifying and other participants in this criminal chain , andrei romanov and khalimat kuchmezova, are led by the duty unit. customs gave the go-ahead in the basmanny court and chose a preventive measure for the deputy head of the federal customs service of russia. elena yagodkina is suspected of large-scale corruption ; allegedly, even before her promotion, she was involved in calculating customs duties and did not disdain to reduce the amount of fees for those elected without... report by marie bucato , tired and apparently not getting enough sleep under escort to the meeting room of the basmanny district court of the capital followed by elena yagodkina, one of the key figures in russian customs. the deputy head of the federal customs service of russia was not afraid of the close attention
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of journalists, instead of wearing a ceremonial turtleneck suit. select vladimirovna yagodkin as the accused and take preventive measures. meanwhile , a line of media representatives stretched down the stairs, into the courts, and even onto the street, eager to hear. details of yagodkina's arrest. dozens of journalists had been waiting for elena yagodkina’s appearance in court since the morning, and the high-ranking customs officer learned about the detention the day before. straightaway after.
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she refused to admit her guilt, but the court sided with the prosecution and sent yagodkina to pre-trial detention until may 26. the federal customs service has so far refrained from commenting ; on the agency’s website, information is posted that elena yagodkina has been working in the customs authorities for almost 27 years ; she was appointed to the position of deputy head of the service in september 2019. yagodkina, one of three women in the history of russian security forces, who rose to the rank of general regiment.
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11:30 the moment of the terrible accident was captured by a surveillance camera, you can see the bus flying crashes into several cars at high speed, two of which are immediately engulfed in fire. meanwhile, the multi-ton vehicle continues to move, flies out onto the sidewalk and, without slowing down, rushes towards the stop where dozens of people and another bus full of passengers are located. at the last moment, his driver notices the danger and manages to warn the others. people leave the salon in panic. the collision with oncoming vehicles was resolved. in the amount of seven units, after which he drove into oncoming traffic and moved in
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side of the stop, thanks to the railing, well, thanks, apparently, that is, they restrained the reward, held back the bus, slowed it down, and it already collided with a standing bus. the bus was moving from the red square of kursk towards the central market, the vehicle was relatively new, manufactured in 2011, but according to the driver, the brakes of the car failed while driving. the uaz cargo truck was completely burned out; according to eyewitnesses, its driver is now in serious condition in the hospital. as a result the massive accident injured 10 people, including two children. now the main task is to establish the cause of the road accident; an investigation into this incident will be carried out, and an appropriate examination will be carried out. currently, all necessary measures are being taken in the case to restore all the circumstances. investigative committee. opened a criminal case regarding the provision of services that did not meet safety requirements. alena pochnena,
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vladimir bazov, roman fedorkov, news duty department. an inadequate brawler from fryazin near moscow, who the day before attacked visitors to a computer club with a knife in his hands, was arrested by court decision. investigators charged him with attempted murder. let me remind you that an aggressive man burst into the establishment, armed with a kitchen knife. apparently, in the recordings from the surveillance camera, the attacker did not stand on ceremony with gamers and staff. he indiscriminately attacked... people managed to wound two people before he went on the run, the young people miraculously remained alive, an adult man and a minor, within a matter of hours, the culprit of the attack was already detained by operatives and taken in for questioning. scheduled accidents the ulyanovsk court sent to jail a gang of swindlers who profited from car insurers, swindlers, including even active police officers at that time, staged a fictitious accident and received millions for car repairs, and they faced the so-called accident. cheap and broken spare parts, more details galina khutgureeva. the zavolzhsky courtroom in
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ulyanovsk is full of six defendants only one can boast of personal space, and that dubious pleasure is in a cage, the rest are humble silhouettes in masks, with black hoods on their faces, meekly agreeing with the court’s verdict. the court's verdict is clear and understandable. salikov, do you understand the court verdict? i understand. standing as if in repentance, the six even seem harmless, but all participants are criminal. communities have created a criminal business based on car setups, this is operational footage of the arrest, during searches they found a large amount of money in the car interior one of the scammers, probably those same forged documents about false... accidents. they purchased foreign cars in deserted places and caused accidents with them. false documents were then sent to the insurance company to the state traffic inspectorate. the ambitious young people started their impact business in 2019. the simple enterprise was organized by twenty-two-year-old maxim chemedronov. here he is in the footage, also behind bars. over the course of 3 years, they staged 33 accidents and
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bankrupted car insurers for 11 million rubles. the scammers developed the business. according to all corporate canons, two were engaged searching for dummy drivers, he had his own auto expert and even a kind of recruitment manager, timur boginin was looking for suitable employees of the ministry of internal affairs so that for a conditional 10,000 rubles. documented a non-existent accident. the then-current road patrol inspectors, valery shubin and dmitry tsarev, decided to take on criminal part-time work. the latter agreed to cooperate with the investigation. accordingly, a number of mitigating circumstances will be applied to him. and when the court imposes punishment. the remaining five defendants are guilty theirs was not recognized in full. the leader of the car swindlers, maxim chemedronov, also concluded a pre-trial agreement at one time, when the smell of frying began without hesitation, he surrendered the entire chain of accomplices, for which in august 2023 he received less than he risked: 8 years in a maximum
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security colony. among the remaining six defendants, he would have received the most severe punishment - 17 years in prison. the increase in the number of crimes solved using the city's video surveillance system significantly increases the efficiency of solving crimes. 4,325 persons have been identified and are being sought.
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suspect in the murder of an eleven-year-old girl, still dealt with her, hid the body , hit the began, security forces, rescuers and volunteers were looking for the schoolgirl, the body was found only 2 months later, and then they found the probable criminal, word to ekaterina likhomanova. for several months this man managed to hide from the investigation. now he is the main suspect in the case of the brutal murder of an eight-year-old defenseless girl; it seems that the entire pskov region was following this chilling story. on suspicion of committing a crime, it is provided paragraph in part two of article 105 of the russian federation on the fact of committing murder. the tragedy happened in the small,
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quiet village of polonaya, in the porkhovsky district, on january 1, 2024. the schoolgirl went out for a walk... did not return to the search, then employees of the investigative committee, police rescuers, search team volunteers, lisa alert, all concerned residents of the area, joined the search, checking abandoned buildings and outbuildings. no eyewitnesses were found, although the girl was dressed brightly, in pink shoes, in a white hat with a pom-pom and an orange down jacket, which was later found in a washout of a local river, divers worked and come here. cases when children fell through the ice, but underwater searches also did not give results , then a version of murder appeared, after 2 months it was confirmed, the child’s body was found in a hole not far from the village temple, they took blood, took dna, it was so alarming and difficult. it is known that the girl was raised by her grandfather while her mother went to the city to work,
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she was kind and sympathetic, that’s what they said in the village. she often visited her neighbors look after the kids. at first , the locals decided that a maniac had wandered into the village and were shocked when they learned that the murder could have been committed by one of the family’s acquaintances. he turned out to be a twenty -four-year-old local resident who, according to a preliminary version, on january 1, 2019, while intoxicated, met a girl he had previously known in the village of polonoe, porkhov district, where he killed her and took measures to conceal the traces of the crime. according to investigators, after the massacre, a dna sample of the criminal, who found on the body of a child, so even if... the probable killer subsequently retracts his confession, the final word will be with the experts, and the court will soon decide the issue of his arrest. ekaterina lekhomanova, anton fedotov, our colleagues in the regions complement the information picture of the day; legal news can be seen in local editions of the program conducted by the duty department throughout the country. what's interesting in orenburg?
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let's ask vyacheslav kampe. hello maxim, see you this thursday in the program hosted by the orenburg duty department. and that's what we'll talk about in our issue. large drug laboratory disguised as a country house. the operatives detained the trenburgers, who established the situation. on an industrial scale, the grass was sold in dozens of regions of the country. the child transferred more than a million rubles to the criminals. in orenburg, scammers are trying out a new deception scheme on how to protect yourself and warn your child. he got behind the wheel drunk and killed two people. the alcohol lover will spend the next 12 years in a general regime correctional colony. about these and other news in the final issue programs vesti duty unit orenburg. maksim. thank you, it was vyacheslav. campa from orenburg, we return to federal news. a convoy with additional services, two security officials were immediately detained on suspicion of unusual assistance to authoritative businessman
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oleg medvedev. according to several publications , the influential prisoner, during his trips from the pre-trial detention center cell to moskursu and back, managed to get hold of a mobile phone neatly hidden in a pack of cigarettes. the lieutenant and ensign. their task was to escort oleg medvedev. let me remind you that investigators consider the businessman extremely dangerous. not a single theater stage can replicate this kind of surroundings when meeting a capital star at a gray gate with barbed wire. without
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flowers and a grateful audience, however, the capital's actor, nikita kologrivy, emerges from the novosibirsk special detention center. under the traditional camera flashes, the actor was unusually silent. the usually luscious , glory-hunting, bob-haired one has not received the attention of numerous journalists. prodko smiled and hurried to hide in a tinted suv. nikita, a couple of questions, a couple of questions. what a contrast, a week ago, the star brawler on the contrary was very relaxed. here are shots of his colorful spree. while relaxing in one of the novosibirsk bars , kologriv first conducts peaceful conversations on the lap of an employee. this wasn’t enough for the celebrity; he grabs the siberian woman by the neck. having received a rebuff, they bite the girl on the leg, then throwing away the remnants of embarrassment.
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will worsen my emotional state, which is so difficult now. at the meeting, the actor willingly gave interviews, was very polite and kind. the novosibirsk voyage of the movie star’s biography has already been written down in red ink. within 7 days, kologrivov lost the desire to give interviews. he has not yet shared the details of life within government walls with anyone. the dark suv, its wheels squealing, left a trail on the road. questions from journalists hanging in the air. ksenia klimina, galina hungureeva, news, novosibirs duty department. the entire operational news feed of legal news in the telegram channels vesti dezhurnaya
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part and honest detective. subscribe. also our investigation and daily releases on the watch platform. go to the broadcast tab, turn on an honest detective story. and our release is now complete. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you on the russia 24 tv channel . we are used to watching videos online. that's it, we install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website, any war is infantry, until the foot of the infantryman steps on the territory, it’s like would not be considered conquered. we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out with comics, when there is no escort, you are walking, roughly speaking, blindly, you don’t know
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what’s ahead of you. outpost, outpost yange , let's be brief, yes, i observe, the people who are here at the control points, they are making no less effort than the attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture , we entered at such a pace, the work is built, the work is on the rails.
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compensation is being issued, we have already received 180,000, well, of course there are more people, many are returning, at the moment we are working on the private sector, apartment buildings, roofing, glazing, the house, the whole house, we have to work, because everything here is original, we look to know everything about russia, the best is historical. tv series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website.
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in the zone of a special military operation, russia protects its people who...


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