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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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our fighters destroyed the ukrainian armed forces drone command post and hit it with the most powerful malka artillery mount, capable of hitting tens of kilometers. let's show footage of this operation. condolences to the loved ones
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of those killed during the krokusehole terrorist attacks and words of support for the people of russia come from all over the world, we will tell you how the world reacts to this tragedy. western media are discussing vladimir putin’s statements, which were made at a meeting with military pilots, what is snowing about here, what other unpleasant the weather is preparing surprises for us. the artillerymen of the troop center destroyed the command center by enemy drones. these shots were taken in the vdeevsky direction. here the crew distinguished themselves, the crew of the most powerful self-propelled artillery unit malka. it reaches the target at a distance of up to 50 km. but in this case the enemy was much closer. having received the coordinates of the targets.
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they are hit, the 203 caliber pierces the concrete, as the targets arrive, we shoot a lot, the targets are bunkers, bridges, so these are also targets we worked on.
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injured, 19 of them in serious condition. 76 people have already been discharged, more than 200 received outpatient care. let me remind you that the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk near moscow took place last friday, march 22. the criminals opened fire on people and then set the building on fire. 11 people were detained in the case, four of whom the investigation considers direct perpetrators. they are looking for customers. dozens of diplomats visited the russian postpres.
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left entries in the book of condolences. diplomats from the cis and brix countries came to the russian embassy. and the president of the republic arrived at the diplomatic mission of our country in cuba megeldia skaneel and personally paid tribute to the memory of the victims. accompanied by the ambassador , he left an entry in a book of condolences similar to the one in budapest. the ambassador of poland in moscow laid flowers at the spontaneous monument near the concert hall, on behalf of warsaw, he expressed deep regret and sadness in connection with the tragedy, and also noted that his country condemns everything. forms of terror. the chancellor of neighboring germany, who had also previously condemned the terrorist attack, said today that the german intelligence services did not have information about the preparation of an attack in moscow region, according to olaff scholz, the americans had clues. it is us government policy to warn other countries when they receive such information. they even publicly warned the russians, it is all the more unfortunate that this terrible terrorist attack still happened. germany's partners overseas actually had leads. the united states knew that kiev was preparing terrorist attacks.
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“stop it, the americans didn’t do this, but they knew, but the state department is trying to convince the world that the terrorists in crocus supposedly have nothing to do with ukraine, press secretary miller assures that the states did everything possible to prevent a tragedy. ukraine was not behind these attacks, the uk was not behind these attacks, the us was not behind these attacks. we warned russia in advance about the possibility of these attacks. we wanted to see if they could be prevented. such statements, at least strange, were again emphasized in
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the kremlin, since russian investigators continue to work and have not yet put forward official versions. also alarming is the white house’s denial of the version of ukraine’s involvement in the first hours after the tragedy. he says everything. one country after another. afghanistan, syria, ukraine, libya. the white house has no diplomacy, only covert operations or open war. this is the reason for the death of hundreds of thousands of ukrainians. if you don’t listen to common sense, hundreds of thousands more independent citizens will die, experts are sure. it's time
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to negotiate. washington must radically reconsider the principles of its foreign policy, which is now based on interference in the affairs of sovereign states. emil mirsaev, news. tula governor alexey dyumin talked with the relatives of the soldiers who were mobilized and are now performing tasks in the zone of the special military operation. the conversation took place in an informal atmosphere, the families were given letters of appreciation to their homeland, these are awarded to military personnel who perform their military duty in an exemplary manner. such meetings have already become traditional in the region. a huge word of gratitude to all residents of the region. for the choice of your sons, for the choice of husbands, i understand, that means your sleepless nights, your experiences, which means, and i want to say that you are on a par with those people,
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which with our residents who are in the combat zone, you are also almost every day in... the same environment when you fall asleep, wake up, it means about your family, about your loved ones, so a huge word of gratitude for your courage, for perseverance for understanding. and now economic news. alexander, in the first 2 months of the year, natural gas production in russia increased by more than 11%, as reported by russtat. and tell us about what volume you received. tatyana 110 billion cubic meters, for now i'll start with another topic. the project financing framework in russia is becoming increasingly flexible. moreover, according to the wprf, by the end of the year , the volume of support for the economy by development institutions together with commercial banks may significantly exceed the figure that was previously included in the strategy and will be in the region of 21.5 22 trillion rubles
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instead of 17. the main task of the wprf or, in general, the implementation of large projects of the russian federation is that the vprf allows. fixing the rate, borrow so -called long-term money. full version watch vprf programs as a project management tool on our channel today at 14:00 moscow time. natural gas production in russia increased by more than 11% in january-february. these data are provided by rosstat in comparison with the same period last year. as a result, in 2 months we received 110 billion cubic meters. at the same time , liquefied natural gas will increase.
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an export hub, the largest in america for transport transshipment, important not only for the automobile segment, but also for agricultural machinery. ukraine's national debt has grown by one and a half in 2 years times and reached almost 150 billion dollars. the finance committee of the verkhovna rada reported this with reference to the country's ministry of finance. 70% of borrowings are external. the first months of this year, the growth of debt was restrained, but already in march ukraine attracted loans for about 9.
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urgently return duties for them, first of all , this applies to eggs, chickens, sugar, all types of cereals and honey, so that the decision comes into force, it is up to the european parliament and the council of the eu must approve it on june 5, then it will be valid until next summer. at the end of the release, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are: dollar 92.59, euro 100 rubles. 27 kopecks and that's all i have for now. large-scale projects. modern technologies, new horizons, russia
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of the present and future, touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. all. what russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country. come to the forum russia exhibition. the spring flood affected a number of regions of the country. so in the orenburg region seven bridges were flooded, and several sections of highways were closed due to overflows. in orenburg itself
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, meltwater and falling rain turned the roads into torrential torrents, and more than sixty houses have already been flooded. a difficult situation in the village of berdy, people were partially evacuated, temporary accommodation centers were set up. big water has come to the volga region, so in bashkiria nine municipalities have already been flooded. sappers of the central military district undermine ice on rivers. to prevent severe flooding. the first heavy rains and melting snow flooded talyatya. overall samara region, strong floods are expected this spring in 70 settlements. and today the region was also hit by wet snow. and it doesn’t give up its position, winter is in the amur region. there is a cyclone there, which left 10 villages in the svobodninsky district without electricity. emergency crews are working on the spot. the ministry of labor proposed to limit. the period for concluding contracts with migrants is up to 2 years; if the contract is terminated, the foreign
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specialist will be required to leave the country within 30 days. taras kucharenko will continue the topic. go to another job on your own if desired, migrants will not be able to if they arrived under the so-called orksbor, that is, when the company purposefully recruited specialists, spent money on their relocation, bought tickets, paid for a medical examination, and, if necessary, language courses. this. the mechanism is aimed at assigning migrants to a specific employer, so that mutual responsibility of the employer arises; accordingly , the migrant cannot freely act at his own discretion in the russian labor market. today the top vacancies for migrants are courier, many companies are willing to pay up to 100,000 rubles per month, so foreigners en masse. people began to leave construction sites where wages were lower, there was a shortage of janitors on the streets, a new
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initiative from the ministry of labor should help companies stop the outflow of personnel. if he violates the labor conditions of the employment contract, it means that the employer bears the costs, but this employee must die in the russian federation, as is previously assumed, and accordingly, apparently, the following... if we are talking about migrants there from such countries like uzbekistan and tajikistan, they simply come, receive a patent, then get a job, quotas do not apply to them, quotas apply only to foreigners from non- cis countries. about 2,300,000 migrants received labor patents last year, a work permit slightly less than 100,000, that is
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, most foreigners are not covered by the initiative, but the employer does not bear the cost of their training. in our country, migrants fill those vacancies that are not in demand among russians, low qualifications, hard physical labor, irregular working conditions, and correspondingly low wages. today russia lacks about 5 million workers, this estimate was made by the institute of economics of the russian academy of sciences based on the results of last year. migrants were supposed to reduce the deficit, but fewer and fewer of them are coming to the country. we are already feeling the consequences of the absence of migrants in our economy, at least. the fact that wages began to rise in the face of competition for personnel, but this, by the way, hits our wallets with you, yes, because it accelerates inflation, on the other hand, so to speak, there are serious threats to, for example, agriculture, since traditionally it was migrants who were involved in harvesting, yes, if they are not there, then there is simply
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no one to replace them, therefore, russia is looking for ways to attract more workers from the new countries of india and srilanka. north korea and the proposal of the ministry of labor will make this process easier. it is planned that control over the organizational set will be given to the operator, which will be specially created for these purposes. it will actually act as a personnel center. taras kucharenko, lead. in ukraine, yesterday's schoolchildren will be sent to basic military training. evgenia petrukhina looked into why and what awaits them after. disposable soldiers with zero motivation are exactly those whom the ukrainian military commissars are forcibly pushing into the trenches today, but even these can end, and apparently that’s why the verkhovna rada, apparently, is going to add them to the ukrainian meat grinder fresh blood, just yesterday's schoolchildren, a new norm is brewing in the bill on strengthening mobilization, a certain
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nord razumkov gives interviews and says that from the age of 18 young boys will be sent to basic military training, there they will receive a military registration specialty and the doors to the front are open, please, artilleryman, tankman, he will receive a military registration specialty, will be registered with the military, and this will lead to the fact that tsk will be able to mobilize him at the age of 19, which is why the deputies are so eager to drag him to the front eighteen nineteen-year-olds, they are afraid that their turn will come, these guys are 10 years old... they were already in nazi ukraine in 2014, they were 8 years old, they were actually pumped full of nazi ideology, they rinsed their brains there, but not everyone can rinse their brains, ukrainians are hiding from school workers and military registration and enlistment office employees in attics, and this life hack is used even by those
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who are not supposed to be taken to the front, but this is ukraine, so those with prosthetics also climbed into the attics. losses in the ukrainian armed forces monstrous, elementary, indeed, they , as all military experts note , literally learn from the corpses of their soldiers, so as a result in ukraine, the population very clearly understands that the appearance that mobilization is a one-way ticket. a year in prison, the court imposed such a term on a resident of the volyn region for alleged evasion. mobilization, this despite the fact that the tsk forcibly handed a summons to a disabled man, the man does not have a collarbone, but according to the new legislation, he is said to be of limited fitness, but cannot raise his hand, and okay, that’s it guys are fleeing from ukraine in all possible ways, these, for example, tried to slip into moldova in a laundry box in a truck driver’s cab, but in the odessa region,
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so to speak, they fell on the border guards, now they can wake up already in okop, those who run from mobilization . they can just shoot in the back in the legs, judging by these videos, but wait, these atrocities of the ukrainian barrier detachments are already spreading to the civilian population of ukraine, we have seen more than once, when the armed formations of ukraine shoot their fighters who surrender, we saw a lot of ukrainian armed forces killed in the back with bullet holes in their heads, so this is the practice. today it is switching to civilians, especially men who want to leave ukraine. in the ivanofrankivsk region, almost 40,000 people are being sought, these are those who... evaded mobilization, so the local military commissar even warns that one should not be surprised when forceful mobilization occurs. 40,000 for the small
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ivano-frankivsk region is a big number, they are looking for someone who is, that is, they are looking for under the lantern, and those who are taking cover mean, well, if you’re unlucky, they run into a patrol and crawl out of their attic, then, of course, there’s trouble. here's the showdown with the shopping center in poltava, what a torment. why transcarpathia, where local residents even tried to block the roads because they are unhappy with the fact that summonses are being handed to everyone, especially in western ukraine they don’t want to fight, by the way, this is a good indicator, because for the majority of residents of western ukraine, eastern ukraine, where the fighting is going on now, this is generally foreign territory, they could to live peacefully without all this, there without dnepropetrovsk, kharkov and so on, they don’t understand why they need to fight, this is the most serious problem. i think it will get worse for ukraine, but those who escaped are filming videos on the plane, saying bye bye ukraine, hello portugal, so the tcc is hunting for those who can’t pay,
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the rada, of course, has taken care of its own, is going to book 70% of law enforcement officers and 30% of local government officials, let yesterday’s nineteen-year-old schoolchildren prepare for the trenches, but deputies are not welcome with automatic for superiority in knee-deep mud. and now sports news. alexandra , there will be a change of head coach at the hockey cska. tell us more. tatyana, sergei fedorov’s place will be taken by ilya vorobyov, who is known primarily for his work with the magnitogorsk metallurgist. big changes in hockey cska. ilya vorobyov will become the new head coach of the team. this was officially announced the day before. this happened after a meeting of the csk supervisory board. it summed up the performance of the army club in the season and accepted. decision not to renew the contract with sergei fedorov. the three-year agreement with the still-current head coach will end on april 30. this season, cska took only sixth
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place in the western conference in the regular season and was eliminated in the playoffs in the first round. we lost the series to lokomotiv. the new head coach of cska, ilya vorobyov, is known primarily for his work with the magnitogorsk metallurgist, with whom he twice won the gagarin cup. once as an assistant, once as a head coach. with magnit kalya vorobyov twice. against cska in gagarin cup final. the specialist also worked in the russian national team, including as head coach. the official statement says that the invaluable experience of ilya vorobyov will allow cska to continue the glorious winning traditions of the army club. in the national hockey league, tampa bay forward nikita kucherov scored his 42nd goal of the season last night and thus scored 124 points in the goal-plus-pass system. kucherov scored into an empty net at the end of the victory. that the player attacking the goal was the first to hit the puck, but it turned out to be unusual. tampa players they threw the puck out of their zone across the entire ice, but the referees did not whistle the icing, so
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the teams. nikita kucherov still needs to score a match against boston. a goal, even if it was just four empty points according to the goal plus pass system, to repeat his own record from five years ago. then he scored 128 points. this is a season performance record for russian players in the nhl. tampay has 10 days left until the end of the regular season. world number four daniil medvedev is one step closer to defending his title at the prestigious series tournament masters in miami. early this morning, daniil medvedev reached the semi-finals of the tournament. in one fourth, the russian beat the representative of chile, nicolas jari, in two sets. 6:2-76. in the semi-finals, medvedev will play against italian janik ciner. it will be a remake of the australian open final from two months ago. then the italian won. the match will take place on saturday night. daniil medvedev is already claiming his third appearance in the finals in the last four tournaments in which he takes part. i’ll also add that
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daniil medvedev’s career has an interesting peculiarity. a russian has never won the same tournament twice. medvedev was unable to defend a single title. and there have already been 20 of them in daniil’s career. the current masters in miami is another attempt. last year medvedev won this tournament too. also, the sixteenth racket of the world, ekaterina alexandrova, reached the semifinals of the women's masters bracket in miami. that night, the russian woman won a strong-willed victory over the fifth world ranking american jessica pigula. 36 64 64. the opponents spent almost 2 hours on the court. for alexandrova, this is already the second victory at the tournament over a representative of the top five in the world ranking. on tuesday, the russian woman beat the first racket of the world, poland's igus venter. alexandrova reached the floor for only the second time in her career. the long-awaited victory of the minsk club occurred in the vtb united basketball league. basketball players from the capital of belarus
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won their first victory of the season. the hall will host two friendly matches against the serbian national team. both games will be held in st. petersburg on april 13 and 15, and will be played at the home site of the st. petersburg crystal. these same rivals also met on april 13 and 15 in serbia, last twenty-three . then in the first game there was a 0:0 draw, rare for futsal. and in the second match the serbs won 2:1. let me also remind you that last week the russian national football team played against the serbian national team. team
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vale. won 4:0. that 's all about sports for now, see you next hour. wars end, for peace to be lasting, we need people with strong character, ready not only to stand up for their homeland, but also to crawl, jump, and run, and most importantly - to win for it, there is such a job, to be a defender.
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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion , that’s how he lives, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you, get ready to go to moscow, we're registering your brother as missing, no, that won't do, i came for him, i have to find him, markin's hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko. tell him he doesn't have brother, killed, alexey shevchenkov , they went there for reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then , i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militiaman, passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion . any
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war is infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out kamikas, when there is no escort, you are walking, roughly speaking, blindly, you do not know what is ahead of you, an outpost , stop me, let's be short, yeah i observe the people who are here at the control points. they apply more than attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, we entered at such a pace, the work is built, the work is on the rails.
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in the tver region, vladimir putin visited the center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel of the ministry of defense, where he talked with military pilots and here is footage of this conversation.


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