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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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in the tver region, vladimir putin visited the center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel of the ministry of defense, where he talked with military pilots and here is footage of this conversation. good evening, so, almost all participants in various military operations.
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how much training is here preparing the report k52 2 2 s2 months mi28 nm, m8 helicopter, 2 months, pre-training, but these are all my personnel, these are the permanent flight personnel, these are all the participants and those who worked in the special combat helicopter group, these are all the night lights and everyone has been awarded an award, how is retraining going, how is the service going, how...
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the main thing is that the guys, everyone works, fights fearlessly, but a huge, huge contribution to you in achieving common success, well, you know, you are always expected on earth, and from the effectiveness of your work depends on the retention of personnel and it’s obvious, it’s obvious why, thank you very much,
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it’s too early to say, well, twenty-fourth , according to our data, we spent 3.5% of the country’s gdp on defense spending, well, let’s not take our data , let's take the data from the stokolmsky institute of peace, international data, they have such a calculation, the united states spent 3.5% of bvp on defense, russia 4%, say
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32 and 811, well, the difference is noticeable, more than 10 times, the united states spends on defense they account for approximately 40% of global defense spending, 39% of global spending is the united states, and russia 3.5%. and so, with this ratio in mind, we are going to do it.
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fight for money, or what? well, this is just nonsense. besides, we, what are we doing now? part of a special military operation. we protect our people living on ours. historical territories, if after the collapse of the soviet union, as russia proposed, they would build completely new relations in the field of security in europe, there would be nothing like today, they would simply take into account our interests, what we are talking about in the field of security, what we talked about from year to year, in fact, from decade to decade, they were simply ignored... they directly approached our borders, were we moving towards the borders of those countries that were part of the nato bloc, we didn’t touch anyone, to us were we moving, did we cross the ocean to the borders of the southern united states, no, they
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are approaching us and have come close, and what are we doing, we are only protecting our people in our historical territories, so what is being said about... that that we are going to attack europe after ukraine, this is complete nonsense, intimidation, intimidation of our own population, solely in order to extort money from them, from our own people, especially against the backdrop of the fact that the economy is shrinking , the standard of living is falling, absolutely true, this obviously, this is obviously simple, everyone recognizes this, this is not some kind of propaganda, this is what happens in reality, they need to justify it. so they scare their population, perhaps of the russian threat, and they themselves spread their dictatorship to the whole world, this is nato that i’m talking about, it’s also the organization of the north atlantic bloc, the north atlantic, which they are now
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getting into, getting into the asian pacific region, to the middle east, to other regions of the world, and there they also climb into latin america... everything, well, under various pretexts, under various sauces, is still the same thing, they are promoting it over there, and dragging along their satellites, european ones, they apparently believe that this also corresponds, in some way corresponds to their national interests, they are afraid big strong russia, although it is in vain to do this, we do not have any aggressive intentions towards these states, and we would never have done anything in ukraine if they had not carried out a coup d’etat there, and then they would not have started...
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it is becoming legitimate for us target, wherever they are were not present, and the f-16s are also carriers of nuclear weapons, and we will also have to take this into account when organizing its
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work. we talked with the minister yesterday evening, we will make several more copies, from that icon, the same savior, which is located in the main temple of the armed forces and... we will also continue this good tradition of transferring these copies to combat units, but we we must never forget that we are a country. here in this spiritual sphere, we treat everyone with respect and represent everyone in
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in the future we will provide the opportunity to feel that they are defending their own homeland of others and no one has another homeland, but for us, thank god it turns out that way, so we need to be very careful about our interethnic and interfaith world, you know,
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very - an adult, seriously, no, don’t wave your arms and wag your tongue, but think, when you pronounce every word, every phrase, think that we have one big, united homeland.
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bad blood vessels. angion helps improve microcirculation, reducing the risk of blood clots and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. angion, keep the blood vessels normal. are you from here? i say, of course, from here. grandfather, do you prefer fishing or making crafts? receive a pension from pochtobank? of course, there is profit there. transfer your pension to pochtobank and receive 2.0 rubles. and a chance to win a car every month. and this is for you. receive your pension profitably, mail. the legend returns, the same one made from
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100% malt, baltika 3 non-alcoholic, do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from transferring to cash account, then open a business account on have you made a wish? discounts, how much did you ask for? up to 50%. fitness bracelet huawei band 8 for only 2700.99 we take loans, easy to apply for, we are in sofkonka, we take loans, and we are kind quickly, we are in sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, for emfreshness products we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and greens, freshness from the garden to the shelf at the speed of freshness only online magnet, we are going on vacation, and we are going, for the third year, so you will open the accumulative vtb. rate 16%, save up faster, together we will conquer the mountains
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of changes in legislation, a single tax account, new reporting, electronic document management, we know what to do, don’t miss the single 1s seminar on the third of april, join on it’s not easy to catch the feather of a firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank, the rate is up to 16.5%. it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me,
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who else taught who, vtb, together everything will work out, this... the ivanovs are an average russian family, they throw away 664 in a year plastic bottles, and if you sort the waste, this could make 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort your waste and give things a new life. these are things from the studio philip trofimov, a new generation of generative neural networks from yandex and today yandex gpt-3 will be available to the first user, this is a large language model improved and supplemented in general, but this time the improvement of the additions is focused to a significant extent on professional, or in other words
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commercial use of technologies, well, in terms of categories of users, that is, we are talking about those scenarios that do not imply. special experiments and do not imply that the user has, well, excess time to obtain the required result. for a business, unlike a simple user, it is not enough to upload a text , ask to perform some operation with it , and then iteratively arrive at what you need. and business wants to solve complex problems in which it has many conditions. i'll give you an example, i want to do customer support with using a generative network. she must answer more than just one request right now, she must always answer in a certain way - in a certain role, not answer some questions, use the information that you gave her, which may not even be completely relevant, and reassemble it correctly, this is a completely different level of need that needs to be solved. the developers claim that the accuracy
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of the model’s answers compared to the previous generation has increased by as much as 67%. in yandex gpt3 training , the emphasis was placed on business tasks, such as: classification of information , self-organization, formation of documents such as contracts or job descriptions, as well as answers to questions using information from large databases, the latter is especially relevant for corporations with their huge internal regulations, well, that is, the neural network quickly finds the answer to a question like how to correctly draw up tender documentation, while there is little publicly available data for training a neural network in this direction, this was perhaps one of the most difficult tasks. exactly to collect such queries that are really needed, really complex, and then also prepare good answers to these queries. here we were greatly helped by the clients themselves, who came with feedback, and we, in collaboration with them , essentially solved this problem, there were hundreds of clients, as well as me and the trainers who
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wrote the answer, how they wrote the requests. similar to those that businesses need, and, of course, answers, standard answers. well, a new version of the model is available, so far only through the api, a software interface for connecting from external it systems. ordinary users will have access to it in the usual chat mode, which will happen later, which is important, yandex, yandex says that due to optimization they have made the new model as much as 40% cheaper in content, for example, already today 100 are available to new users for... almost like teenage sex, that is , everyone talks about it, everyone thinks that others are doing it, they tried it, it turns out badly, in general, it’s exactly the same, less positive
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news, mark zuckerberg, head of the largest influential social network corporation, not only... authorized dubious methods of monitoring the actions of users on other social networks, but directly demanded this from his subordinates. all this became known thanks to documents published as part of the lawsuit against zuckerberg’s company. so, in internal correspondence, the creator of the largest social network literally wrote the following: since snapchat traffic is encrypted, we do not understand what is happening there, find me a way to get reliable analytics. as a result, for...
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they paid 20 dollars a month and a little specific humor, the secret program to combat competitors was called project ghostbusters, that is , ghost hunters, which clearly refers to the snapchat logo, and it’s worth noting that about the oddities around the anaava vpn service and its use by a large social network. alpha investments are for money, we give shares every day, open an investment account for the purchase of any.
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very simple, it should have everything, style, dynamics and first class comfort on any road and for my whole family. cheerery tigo 8 pro max. dream bigger. cherry. hooray, we've arrived. finally, how you have grown. now let's get down to business. this is for you, granddaughter. hold on, where did all this come from, you are retired, and you applied for a pension at vtb, and there the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum, how skinny you have become and good
8:53 am
, dad, i want to be like my grandfather, rich in petb, together everything will work out, dad, you’ll be home soon, soon, i won’t be late now, there are many vacancies on avito, you’ll find not just a job, but your place, do you want to become modern? and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account, then open an account for business on, under the silver foil there is a delicious chocolate layer, inside there is a beautiful, perfect, plumbeer, airy, natural, happy mick in the heat of july is carried by a silver boule. we are going on vacation, and we are going for the third year. vtb savings account, rate 16%, save up faster, i came to work at a tasty place for a good salary, for stability, reliability,
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i found much more, come for a decent salary, stay for love, go to the point with work, buddy, hello, as promised, today... we're preparing flock, hey-hey, no oil first day, oh, i need to transfer money home , by the way, it’s better to transfer it online from vtb, b, it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, they say that life is like a journey, go there with the jett tour crossover, your new companion on the path of discovery and vivid impressions, bold design, functional interior and comfort technologies. choose your jet tour, special conditions for purchase in march, and we are with gifts, where did all this come from, you are retired,
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vtb pensioner rate for pensioners on funded vtb account is up to 18% a year , everything will work out, the volga region is drowning after several days of torrential rain, precipitation has stopped, but there will still be a lot of water on the streets , for a different reason, when bad weather is replaced by abnormal heat, and is it true that the first +17 in moscow soon? current weather analytics on channel russia 24, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist at the phobos center, hello, after heavy rains , abnormal heat will come to the east russian plain. images from the volga region, two days in the region. the southern cyclone has become active, at the epicenter ninasti turned out to be neighboring cities, samara and taglyatti, here in 48 hours more than
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a month's precipitation fell, in samara alone... four dozen streets went under water, cars sank on the roads, received water hammer, and this driver became a star of social networks, he , so as not to wet his clothes, he undressed and pushed his car out of the unexpectedly formed lake, other regions also suffered, like this, for example, ulyanovsk was flooded, the main thing is not to gain speed so as not to catch the water hammer, we are swimming, we are swimming. these people are unlucky, there is precipitation here passed in one day, but were even more intense than in samara, 40 mm in 24 hours, well, as if this was not enough, a strong wind still rose in the city, according to the local airport, the gusts remained at the level of 16-20 m/s all day. at home , the scaffolding crashed down onto the fence, almost on
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your head. of course, floods are not only a consequence of precipitation. during the winter, a lot of snow fell on the volga and continues to fall. this video was also filmed on wednesday and also in the ulyanovsk region, while some areas are drowning, others are being swept away. so, under the influence of rains the snowdrifts began to melt even faster; accordingly, river levels rose sharply; in some areas it was even necessary to begin evacuating the population, for example. flooded two snt in the suburbs of orenburg. already today, precipitation in the east of european russia will weaken. firstly, the cyclone itself is losing strength, and secondly, it is being pushed out to the urals in siberia by an intensifying anticyclone. during the day , snowfalls will persist only in the urals, and at the same time a new warming phase will begin. the invasion of the whirlwind led to colder temperatures on the banks of the volga, causing the snow to melt differently.
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active as it could be, and today the temperature here will remain slightly positive (0.5), but other areas of the russian plain are warming up much better, here, primarily due to the influx of very warm air from the southeast of europe, thermometer readings are almost ahead of the calendar for a month, in the following days these air masses will spread to the east, today in samara +3, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. already +5-7, on sunday-monday the thermometers will show +10-12°. the city still retains quite an impressive snow cover, over 30 cm and sharp warming will lead to melt water gushing outside with renewed vigor. as for central russia, there was almost no precipitation here, but spring processes are still actively developing.
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migratory birds, for example, have returned to moscow. finches, rooks , and large rivers began to open up in the region, ice began to form on the river in the kolomna area, in the coming days spring will intensify the onslaught, today tomorrow in the capital + 9:10, on the weekend +12:15, and the new week will begin with may +17, that's all for me, goodbye! western media discuss vladimir's statements putin, which were voiced at a meeting with military pilots, what tasks did the president identify as the most important? the sky over
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blagoveshchensk turned yellow, and a sandstorm covered the amur region. what is the situation in the city and when will the sky become clear again? the ministry of emergency situations has clarified the data on those killed as a result of the sitikholi terrorist attacks. there are 143 names on the list. it is published on the department's website. a new approach to the implementation of development projects. what has changed over the 4 years of operation of the unified management mechanism. this morning the sky over blagoveshchensk and neighboring communities turned yellow in spots, and a sandstorm covered the mursk region, it reached russian territory, passing through mongolia and china, houses, roads, cars and trees were covered with a layer of dust, my colleague alexey cherbakov is joining the air from blagoveshchensk, alexey, greetings, how the storm
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affected the situation in the city, they say.


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