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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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in the belgorod region, almost three dozen houses were damaged, as well as medical facilities. how are the consequences eliminated and what is the situation today? the ministry of emergency situations clarified the data on those killed as a result of the terrorist attacks in sitikholi, there are 143 names on the list, it was published on the department’s website and what statements were made by the president of agalarov development on our air. minalarov. a new approach to the implementation of development projects, what has changed over the 4 years of operation of a unified management mechanism. in the belgorod region, they are eliminating the consequences of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces, they hit a residential area directly, casualties were avoided only because people heard the missile danger signal and managed to take refuge in safe places. according to the governor, dozens of houses, as well as kindergartens, schools and medical facilities were damaged by shrapnel. their windows were broken, their facades were damaged, and several cars were burned. employees. the gas service is currently
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restoring the damaged pipeline and carrying out repair work. the night before , our air defense system shot down 16 shells fired by ukrainian troops. 28 clandestine weapons factories identified in russian regions workshops, more than five hundred firearms were seized, the fsb reports on the work carried out in january and february together with colleagues from the ministry of internal affairs and the russian national guard. the operations were carried out immediately in forty-eight regions of the country and 134 people were detained. according to investigators, all of them were associated with the illegal manufacture and conversion of weapons and ammunition. in particular, almost 90 machine guns, 74 machine guns, as well as rifles, carbines, grenade launchers, 80 thousand rounds of various calibers and over 30 kg of explosives were seized. in the special operation zone, russia protects its own people living in its historical territories. vladimir putin stated this during a conversation with military pilots at the center for combat use and flight retraining.
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composition of the ministry of defense. the president went on his first regional trip since the elections. about events in the tver region, anastasia efemova. a new defense complex and functions that did not exist before, the capabilities of attack helicopters, which the president was informed about during the visit, a center for combat use and retraining of the ministry’s flight personnel defense during a special military operation , a large number of missiles are used. the head of state was shown samples. guided needle. range up to 6 km , anti-tank attack, supersonic, whirlwind , finally chryzontheme with an increased warhead, judging by video evidence, when it hits a tank, it simply tears off the turret, its warhead is so powerful, and the president also climbed into the cockpit of a training helicopter , the real vladimir putin, as he himself said, tried to govern, the quote is difficult, one very respected person said, that flying a helicopter is much more difficult than anything else.
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russia supposedly could attack poland, the czech republic and the baltic states, vladimir putin called it literally nonsense and nonsense, an attempt by western elites to deceive their own citizens. in the twenty-second year, the united states spent 811 billion dollars, and the russian federation - 72 billion.
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72 and 811, well, the difference is tangible, the difference is tangible, more than 10 times. the united states spends on defense spending, they account for approximately 40% of global defense spending, 39% of global spending is in the us and russia 3.5%. and here we are. keeping this ratio in mind, are we going to fight with nato, or what? well, this is just nonsense. besides, what are we doing now during a special war operation? we protect our people living in our historical territories. and the supply of f-16s promised to kiev will not change the situation on the battlefield, as the president emphasized. airplanes will be destroyed in the same way as tanks or armored vehicles. however, the airfields of third parties.
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they become a legitimate target for us, no matter where they are, and the f-16s are also carriers of nuclear weapons, and we will also have to take this into account when organizing. back in
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february, the head of state handed over to the command of the aerospace forces a list of icons saved by those not made by hands. it has special significance for the homeland. actually, in front of this image is dmitry. donskoy was on his knees on the eve of the battle of kulikovo. and the pilots thanked the president today and promised not to let him down. at the same time, vladimir putin called on never to forget that russia is a multinational and multi-religious country. when i listen to such urapatriots, including those who they say that russia is only for russians, you know, i got a feeling.
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as the head of state recalled, today russians of various nationalities defend the fatherland, carry out combat missions together, take on battles together, and sometimes their comrades shield themselves from death, certainly not thinking at that moment who is in front of him: a russian, an ovar, a tatar or a buryat, the president spoke to the widows of russian heroes,
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participants in a special military operation, those who gave their lives for the country, and knew for sure that patriotism does not and cannot have nationality, here the homeland can be... common, one for all. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account. and for purchasing any share you get another one as a gift. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. we finally arrived, how you grew up, and now to the point, this is for you, granddaughter, and keep this for you, where is it all from, you are retired, and you registered your pension with vtb, and there is the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account, up to 18% per annum, how skinny you
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on april 3, join on, come on again so, now bastard, there are more ideas, of course , let's count the payment, legal, without a qr code for a long time, the camera itself calculates everything, well, how did it happen, of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card, vtb, together everything will work out. 90 patients injured in the terrorist attack in svyatiholli have already been discharged from hospitals. as the head of the ministry of health, mikhail murashko, said today, of those who remain under treatment, three are in extremely serious condition. they received severe gunshot wounds and burns. another 19 people, including three children, are in serious condition. about we will find out what is happening now at the site of the tragedy. our correspondent varvara nevskaya, she works near the concert hall building today and is now in touch with us. varvara,
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greetings, the floor is yours. greetings once again, on the sixth day after the tragedy, people continue to come to the memorial, you can see behind me now it is quite crowded, not so long ago another memorial service was held, here it is served by the clergy of the odentsovo diocese, the temple, which is located in new riga,
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as they began its monstrous, inhuman attack, he also said that it is too early to talk about restoring the concert hall in the form in which it was, and in order to make a final decision, the opinion of both the authorities and society is necessary? no, we haven’t decided, and i think that we are not the only ones who have the right
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to make a decision, i think that we are guided by the opinion of the governor, by the opinion of the authorities. the staff member especially emphasized that a huge amount of misinformation was being spread on social networks that the fire extinguishing system allegedly did not work at all or worked not as required by the regulations, he also checked the information that the doors of the emergency exits were closed, as mina galarov said, people fleeing
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did not come across emergency exits, but on locked doors for staff, he also... explained that that the security that was brought in to accompany the concert events acted normally. the law does not allow us to have armed guards who will be crocus employees. accordingly, i, as a touring artist, travel to all the halls of the country, i don’t go anywhere i never see armed guards. this has never been the task, by convention, of building owners or operators. we don’t have armed guards on our territory; accordingly, we call them guards, they’re also controllers. at the moment, according to the ministry of health of the russian federation, 360 people are considered injured in this terrible tragedy. according to the minister
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of health mikhail murashko, the condition of eighteen victims of the terrorist attack, including three children. treatment in hospitals of federal institutions, hospitals in the moscow region and moscow. three of them remain in critical condition. these are patients with severe gunshot wounds, as well as with reported gunshot wounds and burns. the condition of eighteen victims, including three children, remains serious. 33 people are in moderate condition, another 20
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people are preparing to be discharged in the coming days, their condition has improved. more than twenty patients were taken to the krasnogorsk hospital immediately after the tragedy, it is located not far from here, and how doctors say that it was possible to save the lives of all these people, who also had large, severe burns and gunshot wounds, in large part precisely because all the special services, from carriages, ambulances, to doctors who took patients directly to...
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the burning, because of this, i kind of lost consciousness, here they cleaned me , let’s say, and removed all the toxins from the lungs, they cleaned the blood through ivs, in the list of the dead, which was posted on the website of the ministry of emergency situations yesterday at 8 pm, there are 143. v the department explains that this information will and can be adjusted depending on the data that the ministry receives from the judicial bureau.
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at the moscow cathedral mosque they prayed for those killed during the terrorist attacks at the crocus city hall, an iftar was held there, this is a special meal during the displaced month of ramadan for muslims, among the guests were representatives of the presidential administration , state duma deputies, heroes of russia, veterans who participated in a special military operation. today we have gathered in this blessed month for muslims, too. in the month of our fast orthodox brothers, in order to once again say thank you to all those who stand guard
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over our fatherland, to pray to the almighty for those who are not with us today, and of course, to bestow mercy and prosperity from our creator, the fighter of the almighty. russian performers of different generations recorded a collection of songs by muslim magamaev in memory of those killed during the terrorist attack in crocus. the concert hall there was named after the famous baritone. an album of twelve tracks appeared on all music streaming services today. russia. the title is "my voice is heard." magamaev's songs were performed by the group "lyube, polina gagarina, valeria, stas mikhailov, fanya dmitrienko."
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now about the weather in several regions of siberia in the european part of russia today the flood situation has sharply worsened. at the same time , echoes reached the amur region. we’ll talk about everything in more detail with meteorologist ekaterina grigorova. ekaterina, greetings, to what extent what is happening corresponds to the calendar. the weather is again ahead of the climatic schedule and even for a sandstorm in the amur region it is too early. atmospheric processes that bring sand dust from the gobi desert to us on the amur usually form in late spring. somewhere on mars, such comments on today's footage from the amur region are left on social networks. the sky turned orange-yellow due to the high concentration of sand. here is data on the direction of wind speed in mongolia and china, gusts reach 25-30 m/s, in
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the amur region 12-16 m/s. the wind is southern, southwestern, and it is with it that particles of dust and sand enter the amur region. this development weather events associated with a cyclone that formed over mongolia is now moving east and northeast. for now, the amur region is under the influence of the warm sector. where the prevailing winds are from the south , that is, an unfavorable wind for us, but as the cyclone moves east, the region will be in the rear part of the vortex, the wind will change direction to the north and north-west, snow will fall, which will clear the air of sand and dust. improved visibility should be expected by friday evening, today in blagoveshchensk south wind continues with gusts up to 16 m/s, cloudy, possible precipitation, maximum temperature +5, the wind will change tomorrow. to the west, southwest, it will get a little colder, the gusts will weaken to 9 m/s, there will be light snow, well, by saturday the predominant wind direction will be northwestern, its speed
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will increase again to 14 m/s, the snow will intensify, the air will finally clear of sand and dust. in the altai territory , snow is rapidly melting against the backdrop of a thaw, and meltwater creates problems in populated areas. in the regional center mikhailovskoye a state of emergency was introduced, the water stood still the night before. already on three streets, and overnight the lake overflowed its banks and water poured onto the highway. the next video is from the regional center of novoorsk, orenburg region, where the bolshoi kumak river overflowed its banks, and earlier a state of emergency was introduced in the belyaevsky district, where the village of zhanatalap, on the left bank of the ural river, began to go under water, some residents were evacuated. also , two roads were blocked due to flooding; in total, 16 bridges and 17 sections have already been closed in the region by this time routes there are similar problems now in the west of the european part of russia in the smolensk region , five sections of roads and 13 household plots remain flooded, but in the region the flood is already subsiding. in moscow. region
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in the kolomna area, due to high water levels in the moscow river, two pontoon bridges are closed to traffic. they were soon separated; earlier, due to a spill, water spilled onto the roadway . the day before there was thick ice drift in this area. warming came to the south of siberia along with a cyclone, which the day before flooded the volga region with rain. basic reserves moisture, the whirlwind left on the western slopes of the urals and brought only moderate precipitation and warmth to siberia. a powerful stream of warm atlantic air rushed to the west. russian plain, heat advection is facilitated by two factors: an anticyclone, thanks to which in the daytime the earth warms up more and more under the rays of the strong spring sun, and a powerful atlantic cyclone, the center of which is now still over the british isles, and the entire european continent is in its warm sector. in orenburg, since the beginning of the week, at positive temperatures, 16 cm of snow has already melted, in in the coming days, spring processes will slow down; today the maximum
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temperature is 0 +2. tomorrow the thermometers will not be able to overcome the zero mark at all, but at the end of the working week the warmth will return and the snow will continue to melt on sunday in the city +9, but in moscow it is sunny, there may be some cloudiness during the day, the air will warm up to 9:11°, which corresponds to the april norm . tomorrow the capital will feel the distant influence of the atlantic cyclone, it will become cloudy, there will be light rain during the day 8-11°, on sunday the air will be sunny again it will be... and these are already the figures for may. yes, ekaterina, thank you, ekaterina grigorova spoke about the weather in russian regions. your brother is there in the donbass, aurora bakalion. so he’s alive, no one will know anything. alexander mikhailov. in short, we have to go.
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yes, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i don’t have a ration or a weapon for you, get ready to blow your ass, we’re listing your brother as a missing person, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i owe him find, hope markin, he looks very much like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have brother, they killed alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went. reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then , then, i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion, any war is infantry, until the foot of the infantryman steps on to
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the territory, it does not seem to be considered a conquest. it's on the rails.
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dozens of diplomats visited the russian embassy at the un in new york and left entries in the book of condolences to honor the memory of those killed during the tragedy in moscow region. emil mirsaev will talk about the comprehensive grief, as well as what experts say and who, in their opinion, really needed this terrorist attack. condolences to the families of those killed during. the terrible terrorist attack in crocus holly has been coming uninterruptedly for almost a week now, and from all over the world. more than fifty depsies accredited in budapest left entries in the book of condolences. diplomats from the cis countries and...


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