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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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dozens of diplomats visited the russian permanent mission to the un in new york, leaving entries in the book of condolences to honor the memory of those killed during the tragedy in the moscow region, widespread grief. emil mirsaev will also talk about what experts say and who, in their opinion, really needed this terrorist attack. condolences to the families of those killed during the terrible terrorist attack in croc city holly has been coming uninterruptedly for almost a week now, and from all over the world. more than fifty diplomatic missions accredited in in budapest they left entries in the book of condolences. diplomats from the cis and brix countries came to the russian embassy. and the president of the republic of megeldia arrived at the diplomatic mission of our country in cuba. skanely personally
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paid tribute to the dead victims, accompanied by the ambassador, he left an entry in a book of condolences, similar to the one in budapest. the ambassador of poland in moscow laid flowers at the spontaneous monument near the concert hall; on behalf of warsaw, he expressed deep regret and sadness over the tragedy, and also noted that his country condemns all forms of terrorism. the chancellor of neighboring germany, who also previously condemned the terrorist attack , said today that the german special services did not have information about the preparation of an attack in the moscow region. germany really was overseas, the united states knew that kiev was preparing a terrorist attack, but did not interfere with it, says former cia analyst larry johnson. the cia officers got wind of this conspiracy and what they were collecting.
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ukraine was not behind these attacks, the uk was not behind these attacks, the us was not behind these attacks, we warned russia in advance about the possibility of these attacks, we wanted to see if they could be prevented. such statements, at least strange, were again emphasized in the kremlin, since russian investigators continue to work and have not yet put forward official versions; the white house’s denial of the version of involvement is also alarming. in the first hours after the tragedy,
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everything suggests that the united states at least wants to divert public attention; apparently, it is preparing for a new secret operation against false flags, some experts are sure, according to the famous american economist jeffrey sachs, the united states has long forgotten what diplomacy is, instead trying to speak exclusively in the language of force. there is only the idea that everything should be the way the united states wants it, that’s all. everything turns out completely differently: washington is destroying one country after another, afghanistan, syria, ukraine, libya. the white house has no diplomacy, only covert operations or open war. this is the reason for the death of hundreds of thousands of ukrainians. if you don’t listen to common sense, hundreds of thousands more citizens will die, we are sure experts. it's time to negotiate. washington must radically reconsider the principles of its foreign policy, which is now based on interference in the affairs of sovereign states. emil mirsaev, news.
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yerevan is turning into a tool for implementing the dangerous plans of the west. official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova wrote about this on social networks. loud statements about the upcoming meeting between armenia, the eu and the united states are cause for concern, because the united states and the european union have not hidden for a long time that such events are aimed against russia, - the diplomat emphasized. by dragging armenia into its affairs, the west is trying to destroy the centuries-old ties between yerevan and moscow. and most importantly, to undermine the existing mechanisms of regional security in the region, but this is contrary to the interests of the armenian people, zakharova warned. in the amur region, at the pioneer mine, where 13 miners are trapped, exploration wells continue to be drilled; this is necessary to explore deeper levels. this was reported to the ministry of emergency situations. three wells have already been drilled, they confirmed the presence of water in the mine workings. the mine monitors the gas situation, ventilation, and water flow. psychologists. the ministry of emergency situations
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and representatives of the mine are working with families trapped under the rubble of miners, informing them about the work. in chukotka , police rescued a seventy-year-old local resident. he went fishing and disappeared for 5 months. after his wife raised the alarm, criminal investigation officers went out to search. the pensioner was found 150 km from his native village. the man was severely exhausted, it turned out that he ran out of food a month ago, all this time he he ate bark of trees and fish stocks, but did not dare to go home, as it was very cold. he also had no means of communication. now the fisherman is already at home; he did not require medical assistance.
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yes, a small but very cozy regional center. it attracts scientific tourists from all over the world because of its traditional white stone architecture. the thing is that one of the most ancient civilizations in the history of all mankind was born here. it all started with this small handful of grains of wheat. their ages are different estimated to be up to 8.00 years old. but the most surprising thing is that laboratory analysis showed that it was white wheat. and this means that this is the white bread here, in the oases, in the foothills.
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you can see that the uniqueness of this culture, well, of course, all over the world in other places wheat, grains, wheat or bread are also found, but they are gray, perhaps black bread, but here it proves that white wheat, and this is already medieval anau fortress, the main attraction of the xv century seyid dzhemaleddin mosque, as a result after the terrible ashgabat earthquake of 1948, it was almost completely destroyed, restorers managed to restore part of the portal from the neighboring one... the burial place of the legendary ruler, today it is a place of pilgrimage. the main success was the restored mosaic, depicting two wriggling dragons against a background of apple tree branches. this image is truly unique, as it is completely atypical for the islamic decorative tradition. in the muslim world - this is the vanava
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mosque, this is the only architectural building, this kind of thing can be found nowhere, not even in central asia, not even in the middle east. such an image of dragons on a mosque is a very rare occurrence, such uniqueness of similar subjects is understandable, this land in ancient times was called the crossroads of seven roads, migration flows passed here , civilizations collided and communicated, china and rome, persia, india and europe , turkmen scientists say that at least 70 different states existed in this territory, successively. in 2024, anau is recognized as the cultural capital of the turkic world, guests
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from all over the world are coming here again, scientific symposiums and festivals are planned, and even more tourists are expected here. a new book, a work called culture from the depths of millennia, talks about the formation of an ancient civilization on turkmen soil. according to tradition , the city that has left a mark in the history of the turkic-speaking peoples is named every year as the cultural capital of the turkic-speaking world. kazakhstan’s astana, kyrgyz osh, our kazan have already been in this status, but the doors to this holiday are open absolutely for everyone. the history of onao itself is a continuous dialogue of cultures, spanning thousands of years. vascular disorders, blood clots, varicose veins, the cause of these
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health problems can be poor blood vessels. the drug angion helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots, relieve inflammation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angionm, keep the blood vessels normal, let’s do this again, and now cattle, there’s another idea, of course, let’s count the payment, legal, it’s been a long time since vtb’s online camera calculates everything itself. so how did it turn out? of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card, vtb, together everything will work out. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account and for purchasing any share you will receive another one as a gift. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. under silver foil. do you want to become a modern
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individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account? then open a business account on what's a good car for you? mileage, condition? comfort, and smells like new, for everyone there is a good car, find her on the author, hmm, she smiled, it means she recognized her, she smiled, it means she’s real, they recognize her, hmm, they love her, she remembers her, she truly appreciates her. psb is
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the bank for the present. rolfultra oil, created using innovative gtl and pao technologies, ensures maximum engine performance. rolf ultra - a new era of motor oils. hurray, they've arrived. finally, how you have grown. now let's get down to business. this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you, here you go, where did all this come from, you are retired, and you applied for your pension at vtb, and there the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum, how skinny you have become and it’s good, dad, i wish you to be like your grandfather, rich in retirement from vtb, together everything will work out, running means energizing others to run, and you are with namix, running continues where you are... alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and
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receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. magnet - the price is what you need. alyonka chocolate with up to 50% discount. we're going downstairs. and we're going. third year. so open a vtb savings account. the rate is 16%. save faster. how to understand how much the car will actually cost if you are planning such a large purchase. on aggregator websites or in dealer advertisements you can often see two prices: one with discounts and the other not. which one is real and is it still possible to bargain? we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. we'll talk about'. in the primary car market, that is, about those sales that go through official dealers. manufacturers
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who are present on the domestic market usually have a network of reliable sellers who sell machines, and a manufacturing company usually sets maximum resale prices for its products depending on the model and configuration. usually these are the prices that appear in advertising; these amounts include the dealer’s margin on budget models ; it is less than 10%, maximum in premium ones... it can reach up to 30%. this is the space in which you can realistically bargain. but, of course, you shouldn’t expect to get the maximum discount. the dealer needs to pay for transportation, storage, pre-sale preparation, and employee salaries. to to get the best price, you must first study the market, understand for yourself what kind of car, in what configuration and what color you are ready to buy, and how much you are willing to spend. then you need to start. visiting dealers, it’s best not to just look at the cars, but to show interest, take a test drive, discuss additional
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equipment and then ask them to print out a commercial offer for you, don’t settle for the first one you come across, first of all, i recommend calling five to ten dealers and finding out conditions, and what conditions each dealer suggests, after analyzing, to come to the childcare center in person. carry out negotiations with dealers. with a commercial offer in hand, it is easier to bargain with other dealers; it is better to take the offer from them as well. cars in stock usually require a down payment. 10-2000 rub. this amount must be returned to you if you refuse the deal. here it is important to distinguish between an advance payment, a deposit or a deposit under a purchase and sale agreement. if the dealer needs to drive your car from somewhere or incur any other expenses to get it to sell to you, they usually conclude a preliminary purchase and sale agreement, and if the deal falls through through your fault, the deposit cannot be returned.
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buying on credit can often be profitable; the bank shares part of the interest with the dealer. income and therefore, when purchasing, the price tag itself may be reduced, the car dealer may actually offer you an additional discount when buying a car on credit, but why? because today there is a mutually beneficial customer turnover between car dealers and banks, that is, based on agency agreement, and which implies, accordingly, additional benefits for both the client and the dealers, because the bank is with...
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an insurance company, so if you plan to take out a loan, you can ask for a significant discount or favorable insurance conditions. the benefits of trade-in are not always obvious. in fact, most often the maximum benefit can be obtained by selling the car yourself, especially if it is not very old and in good technical condition. but if you think if the discount on a new car will be comparable
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to what you can get on the secondary market, then this option is worth taking advantage of. what do we gain and lose when we turn to tradedin, we lose the market value of the car, that is, traders buy cars slightly below the market, why is this done? because again, the managers who will subsequently sell this car should also earn money, the experts who inspect this car should also earn money, and the most official dealer on the site where they are located. this car will be sold, so how do managers act? managers value cars slightly below the market, but they offer you money here now, without any tricks, without any transfers, without any critical actions for themselves, yes, that they guarantee you that the car will be deregistered at the regulated time, that
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no one will drive this car under your guise, and that in the future, all the time they are responsible, they take this car themselves. so, let's repeat the main thing: price tags with maximum discounts from dealers are just advertising. it is almost impossible to fulfill all the conditions to bring the price down to the one specified in the ad, but you can bargain with the seller and purchase a car at a profit. for example, you may be given a discount if you take out a car loan, and then you can close it early. but trade in is only profitable if you are sure that you will not get more money by selling your old car yourself. want to know more? russian automobile market or how best to use government services related to cars, write to us on telegram, send your questions, we will send them to the experts, we’ll tell you everything in the next editions of our instructions, hurray, we’ve arrived,
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finally, how have you grown? and now to the point, this is for you, granddaughter , and this is for you, here you go, where did all this come from, you are retired, and you applied for a pension at vtb, and there the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum, how skinny you have become , and good, dad, i want to be like my grandfather, rich in retirement, vtb, together everything will work out, alfabank for business, register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. you can check a car before purchasing using scanning vision. and who doesn’t have it, through. auto service according to 25 criteria, it’s safer to buy with an auto service on avito auto, we are going on vacation, and we are going, for the third year, so
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open a vtb savings account, rate 16%, save up faster, fly with uzbekistan airways, enjoy comfort, excellent service and the best prices, discover picturesque corners of uzbekistan. uzbekistan airways, safety, stability. comfort is from here, i say, of course from here, grandpa, but you like fishing or tinkering more, receiving a pension at the post office bank, of course, because there are benefits there, transfer your pension to the post office bank and you will receive 2.0 rubles and a chance to win a car every month, and this is for you, receive your pension profitably from the post office bank, let’s do it this way, but now, there are other ideas, of course, let ’s pay for it. without a qr code, it’s a long time with ttb online, the camera itself calculates everything, well, how it turned out, of course, we also got 10% cashback , we got free vtb debit cards,
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vtb, together everything will work out, this has never happened before, russian cold, 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass, try it, a real ice cream russian cold, big, incredible taste , alpha investments - for money, we give shares every day, open an investment account for the purchase of any share, receive another one as a gift, not just profitable, alpha is profitable, if you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account, then open an account for business on this is from the philip trofimov studio. a new generation of generative neural networks from yandex. today the first user will be the available yandex gpt3.
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this is a large language model, improved and supplemented in general, but this time the improvement of the additions is focused to a significant extent on the professional, or in other words, commercial use of the technology, well, in terms of user categories. that is , we are talking about those scenarios that do not involve special experiments and do not assume that the user has, well, excess time to receive. for a business, unlike a simple user, it is not enough to upload a text, ask to perform some operation with it, and then iteratively arrive at what you need. a business wants to solve complex problems in which it has many conditions, i’ll give an example, i want to make customer support using a generative network, it must answer more than just one request right now, it must always respond in a certain way in... certain roles, which -do not answer questions, use the information you gave her, which may not even be completely relevant, and to reassemble it correctly is a completely different
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level of need that needs to be solved. the developers claim that the accuracy of the model’s answers has increased by as much as 67% compared to the previous generation. in yandex gpt3 training , the emphasis was placed specifically on business tasks, such as classification of information, self-organization, generation of documents such as contracts or job descriptions, as well as answering questions using. information from large databases, the latter is especially relevant for corporations with their huge internal regulations, that is , neural network quickly find the answer to a question like how to correctly draw up tender documentation, while there is little publicly available data for training a neural network in this direction, it was, perhaps one of the most difficult tasks is to collect such requests that are really needed and really complex, and then also... to prepare good answers to these requests, here we were greatly helped by the clients themselves who came with feedback, and we, in collaboration with them
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, essentially solved this problem, these were hundreds of clients, as well as trainers who, as they wrote the answer, as they wrote requests similar to those needed by the business, and of course answers, standard answers, and a new version of the model is available. only through an api program interface for connecting from external it systems, ordinary users will have access to it in the usual chat mode, which will happen later, which is important, yandex, in yandex they say that they did it through optimization the new model is as much as 40% cheaper in content , for example, already today new users have access to 100 requests per hour for free, and probably also in hopes of increasing the number of those who wanted to try, but did not dare, and to be honest, the use of generative ones is approximately like under... sex, that is , everyone talks about it, everyone thinks that others are doing it, they tried it, it turns out badly, in general, it’s exactly the same, less positive
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news. the head of the largest influential social networking corporation, not just authorized dubious methods of monitoring the actions of users on other social networks, but directly demanded this from his subordinates. all this became known thanks to documents published as part of the lawsuit against zuckerberg’s company, and in internal correspondence, the creator of the largest social network literally wrote the following: since snapchat traffic is encrypted, we do not understand what is happening there, find me a way to get reliable analytics. as a result, to observe how they behave users in snapchat and analyzing why this service is growing so quickly, developed a whole secret program, at the center of which was the free vpn service onava, previously purchased by zuckerberg, plus traffic decryption tools and even a reward system for users who installed anava to american teenagers, and snapchat - this is a teenage messenger, they paid
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$20 a month and a little. specific humor, the secret program to combat competitors was called project ghostbusters, that is, ghost hunters, which is clearly refers to the snapchat logo, well , it’s worth noting that our program talked a lot about the oddities around the anaava vpn service and its use by a large social network with a dubious reputation, including 6 years ago, when in fact all this was happening, already in vpn after the hype it was closed then, but surprising details have only now become clear. the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24, 1999 at 19:45 local time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century. what i did the west is completely unacceptable. they started the war directly, essentially in the center of europe. these are the same cores from united uranium that were dropped on yugoslavia during the bombing. i saw everything with my own eyes. and
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at this moment for the same. living city, peacekeepers, as they called themselves, sending missiles, hegemons, hegemons, tried to perpetuate their dominance. the war in europe did not start in 2014 or in 2022, no, for them there was one thing, that everything was allowed to them, and that they could do everything. having learned that the child has autism, where not autism, you may be scared, what a horror , what is this, bewildered, it seems normal, give your assessment, no upbringing, show, show sympathy, it’s probably not easy for her, you can give advice, i know one prayer, another advice, don’t go to a healer tried,
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after all, new shelling in the belgorod region is restoring residential buildings and publishing medical institutions after another strike from the ukrainian armed forces. how severe are the consequences and what is the situation at this time? russia protects its people living on its historical
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territories. during the conversation with military pilots, what other statements were made and what did the president say about the likelihood of a direct conflict with nato? three people are in critical condition; 90 patients injured in the terrorist attack in the tikhole building have already been discharged from the hospital. how is the treatment carried out and what happens at the scene of the tragedy? about the operation of fire extinguishing systems, the organization of security, assistance to victims and the future of the building. answered these and other questions in an interview with our channel. information block prosecutor general's office together with the ministry of digital development and roskomnadzor are working on a bill expanding the possibilities of blocking illegal content. what is it about. about the
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empowerment bill. on blocking illegal content was discussed today at a meeting of the parliamentary commission to investigate criminal acts against


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