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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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three people in extremely serious condition have already discharged 90 patients injured in the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole from the hospital. how is the treatment carried out and what happens at the scene of the tragedy? about the operation of fire extinguishing systems, the organization of security, assistance to victims and the future of the crocus city hall building. dnemin agalarov answered these and other questions in an interview with our channel. information block prosecutor general's office. together with the ministry of digital development of the rkn, they are working on a bill that would expand the possibilities for blocking illegal content. what exactly is it about? speech? we will not only tell you more about this a little later on our broadcast, but now to another topic: the vbrf state corporation continues to work on projects that are important for the population; they are related to the development of the urban environment, infrastructure, industry, small businesses, exports and innovations. thanks to them, the quality of life has improved from the age of twenty.
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good afternoon, dear guests, my name is marina gromova. in 2020, the government changed its approach to implementing projects that are significant for the country’s economy and the lives of citizens. a new one was created. whether to scale them up, transferring experience from we will talk about what kind of projects these are, from region to region, and most importantly, we will look at the changes through the eyes of people, residents of our cities, in our studio there is a deputy chairman of the government, the head of the government apparatus. dmitry yurievich
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grigorenko and chairman of webrf igor ivanovich shvalov. webrf - national development organization. its main goal is to improve the quality of life of russian families. to achieve this, the corporation actively invests in urban development. for the last few year s the web has transformed into an effective tool for the president and government with unique experience in project management and financing. construction of schools, campuses, development of transport infrastructure and electricity. transport, road construction, modernization of thermal power plants , water supply systems, all this and much more are key areas of web investment in the urban economy. the role of the web is to take on the initial risks of implementing long, difficult, expensive, but important for people and projects. the changes have already affected over 27 million families in russia. systematic work on development projects will allow you to achieve great results. yuryevich, almost 4 years have passed
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since the launch of the transformation of the development organization, what results have already been achieved and what is the contribution to the web in achieving national goals? indeed, on behalf of the president of the russian federation, 4 years ago, certain work was carried out that transformed the work of all development institutions; in fact, the main goal of this transformation was the following: firstly, on the basis of... rrrf really a unified mechanism for managing these development institutions has been created, that is, our rbrf corporation has become a kind of crossroads through which the government supervises the work of development institutions, the main task was to combine the goals that development institutions face in different areas in order to prevent the corporation from competing with each other , and in general, get some kind of accumulative effect, when the work and... results of each of the corporations
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would complement each other, not competing with each other, but adding, on the contrary, in efficiency. five main areas were identified: infrastructure and urban environment, industry, small business, export, technology and innovation. the second important point was that at the vprf site we defined not only goals for each development institute, but also calculated an image of the result...
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these goals were aimed at improving the lives of our citizens, third, all indicators, all areas of activity of development institutions, including, of course, vlookup.
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3-4 years in a portfolio of just under five thousand projects, to be more precise, this is 450 projects amounting to about 12 trillion rubles. well, that is, this is a huge amount of money, and the share of the wprf , the participation of the direct wprf of these 12 trillion, is about 7 trillion rubles, and we must understand that without the wprf these projects would hardly have taken place, we must understand that only from these projects a little less 5000 jobs. created, that is, well, i don’t consider it any further, the accumulative effect, contractors, subcontractors and so on, well, that is, this is such a fairly large sector of the economy, but in general the volume of web assets today is about 2.5% of russia’s gdp, we don’t think that this is a lot, igorovich and
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i discussed this, well, that is, our internal kpi is about 5% of gdp, this is what actually happens in developed countries , well, actually. as for the tools, we must understand that the main task of the vprf or in general the implementation of large projects of the russian federation is that the vbrf allows, by fixing the rate, to borrow so-called long-term money; any large serious project is always quite long a period of time, both at the stage of development , investment, creation of some kind of facility or production, and then well... from the point of view of returning this money, that is, as a rule, we are talking about a period of more than 10 years, and of course , in conditions when different things are happening in the world, when the refinancing rate, the key rate of the central bank changes, then of course we need
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some conditions to guarantee that the conditions in the project, namely the conditions associated with lending, will be constant, here vbrf allows you to borrow for 10 , 20, 30 years a fixed rate, if the rate fluctuates, in the russian federation, well, accordingly, with the participation of the state, it compensates for this difference, the borrower receives a guarantee for long-term money with fixed conditions. the second important condition is that vbrf is a state company with all the voyaging consequences, when vbprf gives some kind of guarantee for credit money or for a project, this...
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with an understanding of the current legislation, all these nuances, of course, all these competencies were created on the site of the all-union russian federation, to date day, this is some kind of large state project office, for large state projects, everything related to the movement of documents to the resolution of some uh, including administrative issues, of course, through the vprf it happens much faster and uh much easier, so everything this together allows us to implement complex, expensive projects. dmitry yuryevich, i have a clarifying question: they talk a lot about kpis and indicators, but this is an important component on the path to results, but how to avoid this racing for numbers, for indicators, in order to focus on the quality of the project? well, everything that concerns financial indicators is, in
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any case, numbers, and of course, we can build happiness, but in any case it must be measurable, otherwise we may lose goal-setting and in general. the feeling that we are doing right or wrong, so, of course, on the one hand, we are hostages of numbers, these numbers were, will be, on the other hand, here the question is in quality planning and... quality selection of those projects that are being implemented , and as a rule, web expertise, on the one hand, is heavy in terms of requirements, on the other hand, this severity is precisely provided for or is present due to the fact that we select very scrupulously, or the requirements for the quality of projects from urban environment to some industrial facilities, this should not only be an effect in the form of direct taxes or some other...
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this means that we are still within the framework of the russia exhibition, we are not ashamed to demonstrate everything that we are together with 2007, how the development bank was given for our country, for the quality of life of families, but especially i still wanted to talk about the 4 years that we have been working together with dmitry yuryevich under the leadership of our chairman of the board, why, because we are behind this , then all the sanctions restrictions. macroeconomic difficulties and the web was never on the sidelines, we were on the sidelines,
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we initially worked all together as one , looked at the basic law that had been in force since 2007, when it was transformed into bankraz, and we looked at basic tools, looked at how the web should be managed corporately , special committees were created, special supervisory bodies were created, the most important of which, probably, is the investment committee, and the committee and the audit committee, we regularly consider the most complex issues our financial condition, our financial stability and the largest investment projects before they are approved by the supervisory board. by the way, we, when the latest version together with dmitry the law was written, we determined that the web is engaged in social entrepreneurship. social entrepreneurship in the world is considered as a complex toolkit, but... we have defined for the purposes of development projects what it is, and it seems to me that it is absolutely clear,
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we are a corporation, a state corporation, managed by corporate governance, our goals are entrepreneurial activity , but the law determines that the web does not make a profit, or at least does not seek to make a profit profits, on the other hand, in our internal discussions we always emphasize that in our joint projects, how much profit will sberbank, gazprombank, vtb and so on receive, this is... partly the participation of both the government and the internet in these projects, because these projects are becoming more stable and longer, we spent a lot of effort, and it was not wasted effort, at that time the government was working out a new look at national development goals, how to work according to the project method, we were integrated into all national projects with their own tools, where this is done by the web or by those organizations that... are connected with us, but we were completely woven into this matter, and we had to respond, as
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for this or that project, to participate with our loans or the project factory financing or guarantees in order to launch projects, then by the end of the twentieth year the government came to a decision to coordinate the web of several development organizations, in total there are 12 of them on the list, we received this mandate and responsibly. before the government in december 2020 we began to prepare an updated development strategy, which we defended precisely at the coordination center of the government, so to our clients, to our government chairman, we can just say today that we had to finish with all development organizations and, together with commercial banks, supporting the economy by 17 trillion rubles by the end twenty -four, while dmitrievich, it looks like we...
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then, when sanctions pressure began to develop, the supervisory board immediately decided to provide special guarantors for over a trillion rubles, and this program was so promoted through the napsovet that commercial banks did not even have as many borrowers and such a volume of borrowings as the web provided guarantees, while the project
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finance factory acquired greater flexibility, and we are now setting it up all the time even in the current conditions before making a decision. which we are preparing, for example, for the april supervisory board, we and the government are working on changes to the rules for the factory so that it becomes more adapted to the existing macro-economic challenges and to this situation, in addition to the project financing factory, we support, of course , through our guarantee mechanism, this is what is in demand all over the world, all development banks support loans issued by commercial banks through their guarantees, i must say that the bank of russia... considers a guarantee issued by the internet more reliable than a guarantee from the ministry of finance, this is such a specific, perhaps methodological problem, but in general it is so, for the purposes of borrowing on the market, our guarantee is recognized as first-class, we have never failed to fulfill our obligations under these guarantees, not commercial banks, both the government
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and the central bank of russia know this, but for the project finance factory i must say that especially.. .in the current conditions, when the key rate is quite high, before, when clients did not even apply to this mechanism, they could come and ask a commercial bank to create a syndicate, in some conditions we are like a project office participated in the creation of this syndicate, now, with such a high key rate, these appeals are directly received by the president, and the chairman of the government, and dmitry yuryevich, and i, and the minister of economy in order to launch as many projects as possible, to start at this point these projects
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have been studied in schools for 24 years, citizens are already traveling in trams and electric buses, that is , all that is alive will develop, i hope that our mechanisms will be improved during the twenty-fourth year, and maybe we will really be able to work together to ensure that our portfolio strives to ensure that this 5% of gdp is no less, and there are many projects, as we see, much more than we can discuss today, and therefore we will discuss the five most... according to rosstat , almost half of russians use transport, this is tens of millions
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of people, these are trips to work, to study, to see loved ones, it is difficult to even overestimate how important it is for transport to be convenient. and comfortable, largely depends on this planning a route, calculating time, even buying an apartment, a person first of all looks at transport accessibility, the place where he buys an apartment.
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i like it, everything is convenient, good, comfortable. igor vladimirovich ishchenko, general director of the nizhny novgorod region development corporation, will talk about the implementation of the program in nizhny novgorod. igor vladimirovich, places familiar to me. just a few, a couple of weeks ago, i was in orsma and saw a plant for the production of electric buses and trams. how did this plant as a whole begin, where did it begin? a new electro began. for nizhny novgorod, nizhny novgorod region , good afternoon everyone, for us, of course, it was such a challenge, why bother, the project is very comprehensive, complex, voluminous, and what the web gives us, but this is not according to...
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the executive body of this company , we see this project as... such a very complex, voluminous one, it costs more than 51 billion rubles. so to speak, in value terms, the project is up to the twenty-sixth year inclusive, we understand that we have colossal work ahead of us, this does not scare us, we are in general we are moving quite rhythmically according to the schedule agreed upon by all colleagues, we have 150, almost 150 km of tracks, respectively , the contact network, we have 170 - that means 60 units of rolling stock... two units of electric buses, we have 15 traction substations, we have three depod, that is a solution that , as a whole, changes the entire entire standard
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, i’m not even afraid of that word, which means that i must say that people very quickly get used to the new, i’m talking about trams now, we ’re already 50% there, and we strive to bring this localization to 70%, we see there is every reason for this, now people believed, the enterprise took place, people... did not stop, so to speak, did not stop their lives. thanks a lot. the first bombs
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fell on yugoslavia on march 24 , 1999 at 19:45 local time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century. what the west did was completely unacceptable; they directly started a war, essentially in the center of europe. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations,
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russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, but what about in general?
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according to the aggregate calculations of the vprf index , new infrastructure. tram , electric bus, it will reduce the duration of a standard trip for citizens, that is, from home to work by 20%, this is more than 16 minutes, these are very sensitive changes, very good indicators, thank you very much, we are moving on to the next project, the first thing a person sees when he arrives in the city, this is a train station or an airport, in many ways, an airport generally determines the first impression of a city or region, but for a country... like russia, airport infrastructure has one of the key meanings, especially now, when we see the growth of domestic tourism, the second project we are talking about let's talk - this is
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the modernization and construction of the airport.
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but the effect of the construction of a new airport for the region, for the city, is it much larger? good afternoon, you know, i would like to answer this question with a few examples, i would start with the project that we are finishing up with the web this year, this is our favorite construction project.
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constrains capacity and does not allow for full implementation, in that the airport for many serves as a kind of marker of the beginning of development and a new impetus for the development of this region, because we heard from many that as soon as you start building a terminal, we will start building hotels, so today, when we are already at the finish line, we see that a huge number of projects that are comparable in budget to us, they have moved from design, they moved into the real phase, and here the question is not only that we... as investors believed in the development of the potential of kamchatka, but that the web believed that there would be tourism potential in kamchatka, and we see that in addition to the terminal , a new modern safe infrastructure , in the future we will receive a huge number of hotel rooms, new complexes, the development of domestic tourism, international tourism, we see that kamchatka today is the region that attracts the attention of tourists from china, in general it is the complex provides an opportunity to develop.
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region, the second example that i could give is that we jointly did a project in saratov, in which , in addition to building a completely new modern airport complex, we moved it out of the city center, we 300 hectares were freed up in the city, we gave the city the opportunity to develop, we gave the airport the opportunity to develop, and today this place in the city is being built up, new parks are appearing there, new residential buildings are appearing, and this will give the city the opportunity to live for the next 50 or 100 years. more one project that the effects are probably showing is the new orengoy. this is a project, how is it unique? this is the first regional concession that we implemented together with neshecon bank. a complex structuring project, because it was a syndicated loan together with gazprombank and vbdv. its distinctive feature is
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that we build not only. the terminal complex is everything i said about, jet bridges, spacious premises, in fact there we did a unique thing for which is relevant for the north, we have disembarkation and boarding of passengers from the bus is done inside the terminal, well , what at -40 gets on and off the bus, and not all are airplanes, we can install them under the jet bridges, taking into account the technical features, but it’s quite complicated, this is also implemented there, but there including, in addition to the terminal, we... and completely reconstructed the airfield, that is, the airport as a whole received a new birth, we reconstructed the runway, we reconstructed peron, we made a new terminal, and today , using this technology, we can already see that, on behalf of the chairman of the government, this will be implemented in all other regions,


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