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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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economybanks, a difficult project to structure, because it was a syndicated loan together with gazprombank and vbdv, and its distinctive feature is that we are building not only a terminal complex, everything i said about, teleports, spacious premises, actually there we did a unique thing for, which is relevant for the north, we disembark and board passengers from the bus inside the terminal, well, because at -40 you can get on and off the bus, they are all - we can place airplanes under the jet bridges with taking into account the technical features , but quite complicated, this was also implemented there, but there, in addition to the terminal, we completely reconstructed the airfield, that is, the airport as a whole received a new birth , we reconstructed the runway, we reconstructed the platform, we made a new terminal, and today, using this technology , we already see that, on behalf of the chairman of the government, this will be implemented in all other regions,
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now we have the opportunity to scale all this to other projects, why web? for us, as investors in infrastructure , long-term money is very important, because all airports are natural monopolies, of course, we are regulated, the payback period is very long, it is 15 years, so for us it is very important in these 15 years to have a predictable partner, who actually is the web, it is very important that the web is in itself... it also combines
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the opportunity to receive preferential financing instruments from the government of the russian federation, this is from the webb funds, and today we are all objects in the far east we are doing the arctic with this instrument, because today it is impossible to get money at such a percentage in other commercial banks , of course, but what is important for us, why is it important socially, because we translate the cost of financing directly into the tariff. this is very important from the point of view of the cost of a ticket, this is very important from the point of view of the aviation mobility of the population, therefore the tools that the internet today gives us the opportunity to finance preferentially, in fact , half of our tariff is the cost of financing, everything opportunities to reduce it, they are directly translated into the cost of the ticket, directly translated, in fact, into the wallet of passengers. thank you very much, and we are moving on to the next project, we are talking about energizing the system.
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if there was no water on the planet, then the lights would not grow, and there would be no drink, which was about the implementation of the project.
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management of water supply infrastructure, wastewater treatment plants of the entire city of lipetsk, in one constitutional agreement, previously three different legal entities were involved in managing these networks, but a distinctive feature of our constitutional agreement is also the fact that for the implementation of the project , three different development institutions were involved, these are certainly the vprf, domrf and the
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territorial development fund - in fact, three different networks, three different development institutions, all united by one air conditioning, it was this fact that we combined with... concentrated on one concessionaire that allowed us to start effectively. all participants in the process, this is the city, the subject, the concessionaire, and development institutions, we moving in one unified road map according to the principle of project management of the government of the russian federation, it was not easy, but of course, within the time frame and parameters that we had to launch this constitutional agreement, we managed to do it.
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the time when some life principles, life guidelines are born, and of course , children spend in schools, this is the stage of formation, just such bare classrooms with desks, chairs and a board, this is no longer enough for education to be high-quality, relevant, we need equipped, clean
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capacious schools, and what is very important is that these schools are close to home, because traveling is always, it is always unpleasant to transport children, everyone knows this, and let’s please watch a video about the construction of schools. in russia.
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private partnership, and pre-schools are the key operator of this part of the national education project, in which a public-private partnership is implemented on the model of a factory or assembly line. we are currently implementing 67 concessions, this is a portfolio of 69 new schools in twenty-three constituent entities of the russian federation. this is the most largest air conditioner in the country in the area of ​​presence. this is probably the largest portfolio in social infrastructure overall. because such funds for social infrastructure from extra-budgetary sources have not previously been attracted, this is an unprecedented project in principle, and it is aimed at ensuring that children in nearby areas can come to their school, no further than 15 minutes on foot
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, in the largest cities mainly because it is there that the so-called demographic need is formed, in literally 2 and a half years of the program’s existence... and we over the next year and a half, we expect another 50,000 schoolchildren who will be delighted with the new infrastructure. these objects and this competence, it, as my colleagues have already said, is the competence of managing extra-budgetary financing of public-private partnerships, it can be used further, and we are developing our portfolio in social infrastructure, looking at and implementing projects in the direction of student campuses, that is, higher education, we are looking closely: interested in partnerships in secondary vocational education education, since
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the need to create a social infrastructure on the territory of our country is simply amazing, human capital will not appear on its own, it is important to develop it, and in order for it to develop, we need a place where it will be possible for it to exist, but we need schools, we need colleges, we need universities, we need modern modern educational infrastructure, and if we are talking about scaling, the projects are typical, after all , before, schools were built like this...
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kaluga region in the city of ovnensk, associated with the city’s first nuclear power plant power plants, that is, each city, each school has the right to have its own entity, based on standard projects that save money from the federal and regional budgets. thank you very much. alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. and we are with gifts. where does all this come from? are you retired? and on vtb pensions, the rate for pensioners on vtb savings accounts is up to 18% a year, and everything will work out. hm. smiled, it means they recognized, smiled, it means they are real
2:43 pm
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2:44 pm
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first shift, everyone got used to it , it’s convenient, it’s convenient, it’s familiar to everyone and to parents too, i must still say that the government set us the task of building 150 schools, and we discussed this project a lot with the ministry of education, the ministry of education , sorry about dmitrievich, and it was an experiment, because of course, formally it sounds like a concession is actually the purchase of an object in installments; the budget is paid for this object. russian federation budget of a constituent entity of the russian federation. and we just decided to try how to create it according to this model, because usually schools are built at the expense of direct budget expenditures. eh, we didn’t fund 150 schools. this is due to rising construction costs. but we see great prospects for this model. and we believe that we will continue to work with the government and the chambers
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of the federal assembly, the state duma and the federal assembly. it's different there relationships are built. concessions, but when you can borrow to build an object so that the service can be provided today, pay off in 20 years, this is satisfaction, satisfying the request of families today, this is so important, although many criticize us for the fact that this is money on loan, money on loan - this is true, but it’s like an apartment with a mortgage, you buy an apartment today, develop your family today, and a child goes to school today and receives a first-class education. so 150 dmitrievich we can’t report to us yet, but in within the allocated budget funds, all schools have been launched, we actually 4 years ago, when we discussed this project, when we switched to a certain ki for development institutions, it was such an internal kpi, and we really thought for a long time how many schools we could attract
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, because the project is really new, the idea was precisely at the expense of, well, conditional... conditional 100 rubles, to directly build not 100 schools for a ruble each, but to build conditionally 300 schools, and on credit, and there for 20-30 years giving, but these are modern schools here , now with the opportunity to study, and we really have installed such an internal one, but i think that we will tighten it up, complete it, it’s a matter of time, the second important point i wanted to note is that, well, i don’t know who there are little children there, here i am, i thank you. of course, they are very smart about the school, because on the one hand, this is of course a standard factory for the construction of schools, for the design of schools, that is, this really seriously speeds up the processes, we have there from idea to key there less than 2 years, this is really, well, that is, so you understand, from the open field to cutting the ribbon and the first call, all because they have seriously accelerated from
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the regulatory framework to all procedures in general. colleagues, but we have the following project: heat and electricity are also one of the priority projects, light, comfortable temperature in houses and apartments have a key impact on the quality of life, and webrf finances the renewal of the production assets of the thermal power plant, this is important not only for efficient, to improve efficiency, but and for stable work, yes, so that there are no interruptions, so that there is always light and electricity at home, and today we will talk about the project using the example of smolensk tetska.
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ksenia natolyevna sukhotina, general director of rosatom infrastructure solutions, will talk about the implementation of the project in smolensk. ksenia anatolyevna, what was the starting point for modernization, for the start of modernization of smolenskaya tets, at what stage of work are you now? good afternoon, and the starting point is the feeling of an urgent need to modernize the thermal station, which provides heat and hot water to the city of smolensk, a regional center, and it was very important for us that we implement it. this project, thank you very much to the web, why? lately , the cost of money has been very high, and we could
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have faced the risk of a sharp increase in the cost of equipment, a shift in deadlines, but thanks to the support, and we have fully provided ourselves with equipment, we are implementing this project on time, which means that we are reliably, uninterruptedly providing residents of the regional center, yes... this is very important, because it is the comfort of our residents, but because smolensk is the smolensk region with heat and hot water, and an ancient russian city that i want to develop further, and i want to say that what is important here is not only that we are changing equipment, this is very cool , we are increasing our own efficiency and reliability, this is wonderful, we have included in this project the possibility of growth, so we are connecting new consumers, the city will... grow and develop, which is what i also wanted to say, thank you very much, because thanks to this project we have there are two of us in smolensk station, the second is even more ancient
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, is now actually used there as a boiler room, because we are modernizing this station, because we will provide heat for a long time and reliably generate electricity, we can completely decommission that older part, and this means that we didn’t... locked it with a key and stopped incurring costs, we are already talking with partners and developers today about how we can use this site, we will develop hotels and a comfortable and tourist area on this site wednesday to make smallensk in general even more attractive, this is how the modernization of tes equipment, this is how it stimulates the development of the city, and this is very cool, thank you very much, well, our task is to reliably, efficiently provide the residents of smolensk, already this year the first turbine will begin to generate electricity , the second will be launched next year, in general we are
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on time, on time, and most importantly with the initially stated estimate, thanks to the support of a financial institution, which at the moment generally makes it possible complete this project, complete it successfully , thank you very much, may the light be warm in our homes without... interruptions, which is very important, yes, no, this may not be imagined, it’s just that everything we do, dmitrievich, especially against the background those difficulties that we experienced during the winter of 23-24, of course, today it takes on a different meaning, it is not only constant warmth, but it is also without emergency, what we are investing in is accident-free operation, which is very important in our climatic conditions. the projects that we discussed today, they are one way or another otherwise, without exaggeration, they concern every resident of the country, schools, transport, heat, light, water, you can talk about this for a very long time, talk about the importance of these things in life, but it seems to me that it is simply obvious, this is what surrounds us, then , that is next to us
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almost every day, and living examples speak of this much more convincingly, because we see how it was, and we see what has become, well, in conclusion, of course, i would like to talk about plans, igor ivanovich, that we waiting for the plans of the bprf? plans, plans, of course, will stem from the decree the president that we all together expect, and after the inauguration, we expect so much, we think that these plans will come true, the president will issue a decree on updated national development goals, and of course, then the government will formally adopt its road maps or whatever dmitrievich will call it, but in fact, these development goals will be set out in government documents, and we partly take part in this work; the government is constantly, even now , developing new approaches on how to launch its new projects in the new political cycle
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for six years or longer, and we are working together now to ensure that as soon as the government plans are formally adopted, that is, first the presidential decree, the government plans, we are working to update our strategy, we believe that in june we will be able to update the strategy . we are preparing, we are working with members of the government, most recently i had the opportunity to report on approaches to strategy to the president of the russian federation, the chairman of the government of the russian federation, we are in constant contact with dmitrievich, we are we are working on it, if everything works out according to our deadlines, according to our schedule, june is the approval of a new strategy, and the main thing is that our strategy must be built into this global goal, we must become not only the fourth economy in the world ... the president said the message , but we must, as we looked at today in the projects, so that through lending for specific projects, be it our guarantee, a project financing factory or other tools,
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so that... life in our cities becomes better and so that people feel worthy, not only in moscow, in st. petersburg and in other major economies, our task is to make a decent life, a modern, decent life, available to as many of our people as possible. igor ivanovich, thank you very much, dmitry yuryevich, a question for you, the role of the web rf, does it come down purely to financing projects or is it broader? how do you assess how synchronously executive authorities , development organizations, and, of course , regional teams have learned to work? well, here we are over the past few years due to the fact that certain circumstances developed, it seems to me very seriously, we trained ourselves in the management model, both within the all-russian federation and
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in general. government in terms of decision-making and speed of decision-making and the model for their implementation, so i will answer that on the one hand, the vprf is indeed an instrument, an instrument of the government of the russian federation, and we seriously count on this instrument, and this instrument is working, it works, and today we saw certain projects, certain financial figures were announced. but to me it seems that here it is important not to forget or remember that these are not pictures, these are not slides, this is everything that has been done, and done over the past few years, from airports to thermal power plants, and this is all that, well, painstakingly, daily, one way or another , this is what the colleagues of the russian federation were doing, and i wrote out some numbers for myself on purpose,
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just so... 9 million people in ten cities of the country have access to modern comfortable urban electric transport and so on and so on, that is, in this regard, this work it may be relatively unnoticeable, but it has a serious result , this also applies to infrastructure in the form of airports, ports and so on, this applies to electricity, gas, water, this is all painstaking systematic work that is needed...
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thank you very much you, thank you very much to our guests, we look confidently into the future,
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thank you everyone, it was. now footage from the government house. dear sergei mikhailovich, dear colleagues, the government continues.


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