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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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let's look to the future, thank you everyone, it was very interesting. now footage from the government house. dear sergei mikhailovich, dear colleagues, the government continues.
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hold meetings with all parliamentary associations of the state duma; we have already communicated with the communist party of the russian federation and the liberal democratic party , including issues of increasing security in connection with the tragedy in crucus hall, which occurred last week, and a number of other socially significant topics. i am sure that your faction also intends to present a package of proposals, especially considering how attentive russia is to fairness.
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system, quite a few people are fighting off telephone scammers, there are, of course, victims who have lost their savings and found themselves in debt, the initiative to protect citizens from criminals in the banking sector, it is, of course, extremely in demand, i think it is right that the obligation of operators to transfer of funds, these can be credit organizations, payment systems, check suspicious transactions with such risks, suspend them. transactions between accounts
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individuals. a similar opportunity now exists in the current regulatory framework, including thanks to the decisions of the state duma committee on the financial market and its head anatoly gennadievich aksakov. a legal barrier has appeared for such crimes, but the relevant structures have also been given the necessary tools to help people in such situations. the faction has a traditionally strong position in the sphere of housing and communal services. this is also why the government supported the amendments developed by your deputies to housing code, referring to the norm that protects the rights of owners of premises in apartment buildings in order to prevent attempts to falsify the results of their voting, adjustments appeared as a result of requests from people who were faced with unfair actions of the management company or management of their housing and communal services, this is indeed a very popular measure, we know that you are busy doing this. within the framework
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of the state duma commission to ensure the housing rights of citizens, which galina petrovna khovanskaya heads, this work should definitely be continued. i would also like to note the constructive interaction with your faction in support of science. we talked about this a year ago at our meeting before the report, and i ask you to pay attention to one of the government resolutions, which was approved at the end of last year on behalf of the president, a decision was made to add science cities, about which sergei vladimirovich kaboshev. i just asked, i remember at the last meeting, in regional programs for the formation of the urban environment, what will allow the use of federal funding for the development of their territories and the creation of the necessary infrastructure there. of course, people who are engaged in research should live in comfortable conditions, the inclusion of such cities in the list of participants will help to begin work , including on the improvement of public and courtyard spaces, including in parks, public gardens, pedestrian areas, and renovating local areas . driveways
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were paved and well maintained. improve the lighting, there are many issues that residents face one way or another these cities, do everything to make science cities thank you very much, dear mikhailovich, dear members of the government, dear colleagues, first of all, dear mikhailovich, i want to thank you for your traditionally attentive and thoughtful attitude to our initiatives, to our proposals, we really appreciate, not only your personal attitude of all
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members of the government, because we always have a dialogue, there is always an understanding, and we are very committed, you and i have a lot of work ahead of us to solve the problems that the president of the russian federation has set for the next 6 years in his message to the federal assembly, and we are ready for such work. today my colleagues and i will make some proposals, most of them have already been formalized in the form of legislative initiatives and are in the portfolio of legislative initiatives of the state duma. you know that our faction unanimously supported the president’s decision to conduct a special military operation.
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in zaporozhye and kherson regions. we propose to launch this program on taxes with a well-known far eastern hectare or arctic hectare. as real mechanism aimed at forming an elite , which the president rightly spoke about in his federal address, we introduced a bill to the state duma that provides for the establishment of quotas for the admission of participants in a special:
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which we introduced, that all pensions in the russian federation are indexed at least once per year, working pensioners do not receive indexation. we passed on calculations, including to anton germanovich, if those 8 million people, pensioners, who are now working illegally, would return to the legal field, then taxes on them would cover the costs that are necessary to index this pension. i also think that we will still need to return to the pension reform itself, you know the position of our party, we believe that it is unfair, and we believe that we still need to think, maybe step by step, maybe for some certain categories of pensioners, but step by step
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seeks to cancel this decision, on demographic policy, we have introduced a legislative initiative, where we propose , depending on the birth rate, so we call fertility in those other subjects of the russian federation to increase the coefficient increasing maternity capital. it is clear that we are talking primarily about russian regions, where the birth rate is very low, unlike many national republics, and we believe that such a measure would be very timely. we also have a proposal for alimony, each of us receives. regularly a huge number of letters from poor women, as a rule, these are women who cannot get what they are entitled to, men run like hares all over the country, and women do not can find funds for his child, in this regard, we propose to first
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establish that the minimum amount of alimony should correspond to the subsistence level and propose to make the alimony fund a state fund, from which to pay... elements until the state finds this fugitive, and then he will repay in full, and even with interest; in addition, we are convinced that it is necessary to separately support families raising disabled children. in particular , double the tax deduction for a guardian, trustee, foster child parent who supports a disabled child from 6 to 12 thousand rubles. on housing: our long-standing idea about construction savings banks, as an alternative to mortgages, a bill has been repeatedly introduced into the state duma, but in addition to this, we have developed a bill providing for the introduction of a housing savings agreement into circulation and... we are grateful that we have received a positive conclusion from the government on this bill, i think
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that we need to work together here in the future so that this norm becomes a reality. you have already rightly mentioned special attention to the housing and communal services system; in this regard, in light of the problems that several regions in our country faced at the beginning of this year, we believe it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive audit. technical conditions of the utility network, ensuring the supply of electricity, water supply and sanitation in the residential sector, and assess the feasibility of returning previously privatized utility companies to state ownership. summer is coming, here we go again we are faced with scorching fires, we are convinced that a structure such as the ministry of emergency situations is the only one capable of effectively fighting forest fires. regions that exist. they have money, they can attract the ministry of emergency situations, but the regions do not have enough money, here, it seems to me, with
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a certain amount of additional funding, of course, the ministry of emergency situations would, of course, cope with this. in terms of education, of course, all these - the tragedy that occurred in krokul, it is necessary to return once again to ensuring the safety of all educational institutions. these wonderful grandmothers, grandfathers, actors, that’s all, not about that. we. we are confident that professionals from the russian national guard should be on such duty, this will require funding, we are ready , when adjusting the budget for this year, to seek additional funds so that cultural objects of all educational institutions are properly funded and protected, we also propose to separately support participants of a special military operation who plan after... return - go to schools, go to teach, including initial military training,
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make additional payments in the amount of 5,000 rubles. for such participants, and i must say that this initiative was supported by the minister of education, sergei sergeyovich kravsov. in order to form a single educational space on the territory of the commonwealth of independent states, we propose to hold the eurasian olympiad for schoolchildren in russian. in which talented schoolchildren from all countries will be able to take part in the cis and offer for the winners of this eurasian olympiads for schoolchildren - grant the right to enter specialized universities on a budgetary basis without entrance examinations. this initiative was conceptually supported by presidential assistant andrei furchenko, as well as foreign minister sergei viktorovich lavrov. regarding migration policy, we are confident that it is necessary. change the structure, and at a meeting with the president i said that the migration service should
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be separated from the ministry of internal affairs and directly reassigned to the president, we believe that this would be correct, and we are against the patent system for migrants, which allows them to quickly obtain citizenship of the russian federation, we see how this happens when they don’t speak russian, and yet, supposedly they passed the exam and received citizenship, but... there is information on the portal of regulatory legal acts that the ministry of finance has begun developing a bill that will allow migrant workers to work under a patent in several regions at once. we believe this is a very dangerous trend, because it will lead to an even more unregulated flow of migrants into our country. and it turns out that this is a bill in favor of business, and not in favor of the state. and - our faction is convinced that ultimately we need to introduce a visa regime with the countries of central asia. and i would like
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to touch on one more topic: we are talking about preserving historical memory and justice. in this regard, we will introduce a package of bills, two of them, on recognizing the year of the great war against the multinational people of the russian federation as genocide by the nazis and at the same time the second one.
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no complaints, no questions about regarding interaction, regarding obtaining advice regarding the participation of government members in various kinds of our events, and i have no doubt that the government’s report within the state duma will be successful, because you work professionally and well, our faction will certainly support the government’s report in the state duma , thank you, these were shots from the government house. mikhail mishustin, on the eve of the government report in the state duma , met with the leadership of the “a just russia for truth” faction. the president south africa expressed deep condolences and a sense of solidarity in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus city holly in a telephone conversation with vladimir putin. according to the kremlin press service,
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the leaders also discussed a number of issues in the trade, economic, energy and humanitarian fields, as well as interaction within the framework. brix is ​​in a new expanded composition, and the president of south africa told putin about the continuation of work on the african peace initiative for ukraine. vladimir putin, in turn , outlined fundamental assessments of the situation, noting that russia has always been is open to a serious and substantive conversation on a political and diplomatic resolution of the conflict. sergei shaigu today presented a gold star medal to the commander of the center group of troops, general colonel andrei mordvichev. it was he who led the operation to liberate avdeevka. the minister of defense is also... of course you deserve it, so words of gratitude not only from me, but naturally from all those whom you are protecting today, protecting at all borders, he does it with dignity, confidently, and therefore the supreme
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the commander-in-chief of the country appreciated. 77 victims of the terrorist attack at crocus sitikholi remain in moscow and the moscow region for treatment. this is updated data from the moscow region ministry of health. three patients - those who received severe gunshot wounds and burns - remain in extremely serious condition. this was previously reported by the head of the ministry of health, mikhail mourashko. we will learn about what is happening at the scene of the tragedy from our correspondent varvara nevskaya. she is working today near the concert hall building, and is now in direct contact with the studio. hello varvara! what known by this moment? yuri, i greet you, it’s the sixth day after the terrorist attack, people continue to come to the spontaneous memorial that arose here the very next morning after the terrible tragedy, people come to express their grief, bring flowers, candles, lamps , soft toys, leave a huge
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number of cities in a note, regions on these notes, which in general do not contain any complex... words, there are simply people expressing their emotions, feelings, regret, grief over this monstrous tragedy that occurred on march 22 in the crocus concert hall city hall, and russia equally mourns the dead and honors its heroes, more and more is becoming known about who and how helped eliminate this terrible fire, lead people out of the concert complex engulfed in fire, today... official representative of the ministry of internal affairs irina volk reported on his telegram channel about the role played by krasnogorsk police officers. according to her, it was thanks to their work that the car in which the suspects were escaping was identified in time. yes, chief of police krasnogorsk, colonel maxim mikhkov and
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his deputy, lieutenant colonel dmitry novikov , arrived at the scene and immediately hurried to the server room before it... was destroyed by fire, they broke down the door to the room and, together with employees of the federal security service of russia, were able to watch the video materials that ultimately helped identify the same ill-fated renault logan. on march 22, 2024 , i received a message from the duty officer that there was a fire in the kroku city hall building, a concert hall, and sounds were heard shots. arriving at the scene, i saw people running out from here, i told people to run to a safe distance, indicated where the ambulance was, met the chief of police at the scene of the incident, and told us from the chief.
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answers to important questions related to how security measures were organized, how the fire extinguishing system worked, were answered by the son of the ceo of crocus group, emin agalarov, he in particular spoke about the fact that the owners of the concert complex have a final decision regarding it there is no recovery at the moment, and this needs to be resolved by understanding the position. authorities and society about this? no, we haven’t decided, and i think that we are not the only ones who have the right to make decisions, i think that we
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are guided by the opinion of the governor, the opinion of the authorities, perhaps the opinion of mr. president and the general opinion of the people of our country, what should be there, the hall with the memorial has been restored or the memorial or the hall should be in another place, i think i cannot answer this question. on your own, but this quite prematurely, i am for creation, i am for restoration, also imina galarov said that the smoke removal system in the concert hall worked properly, but he especially emphasized that a huge amount of information was distributed on social networks and is still being disseminated to this day . that the fire extinguishing systems allegedly did not work at all or the emergency exits. were blocked, this is how he explains, in fact, the reason for the closed doors is not that the exits were closed, but that people were in a panic, trying to leave the concert hall,
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tried to open doors for personnel that were not emergency exits, he also said that the security worked as usual and that according to the current legislation on security there should not have been any weapons, which is why they were unable to resist the terrorists when ... everyone burst into the concert hall building. let me remind you that as a result of this terrible tragedy, 360 people were injured, as mikhail murashka, minister of health of the russian federation, said today. three victims of the terrorist attack remain in extremely serious condition, these patients have severe gunshot wounds and burns. the condition of eighteen victims of the terrorist attack, including three children. 74 people
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continue to receive treatment in hospitals of federal institutions, hospitals in the moscow region and moscow. three of them remain in critical condition. these are patients with severe gunshot wounds, as well as combined gunshot wounds and burns.
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but thanks to, let’s say, the competent, precise work of all services, i emphasize not just ours, but in general all services that are at the stage they helped evacuate everywhere and worked efficiently, today we feel some sense of pride that we are releasing sergei vyacheslavovich, he was poisoned by combustion products, because of this, i seemed to lose consciousness, here i was cleared, let ’s say, removed. all the toxins from the lungs, they cleaned the blood, through ivs, on
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the list of names, the department of emergency situations already has 143 names. according to the investigative committee, 84 bodies of the dead were identified, including five children aged 9 to 16 years. and to establish the identity of those remaining who died in this terrible terrorist attack uses the method of genetic molecular examination, that is, they use dna for personality adoption, for identification.
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and kursk regions. the popularity of the resource is also growing in the krasnodar region, moscow and the moscow region, st. petersburg and the leningrad region. information from the radar is immediately sent to the operational services, after which the russian military gets to work. mobile radar offer, any citizen can report free aircraft, missiles and other cases to the competent authorities. thanks to the radar application, the competent authorities have been able to destroy dozens of flying ipvs over the entire period of work. over our cities, at the moment the application has already been downloaded by 450,000 citizens, an update was recently released that added a section to the civil defense application, where any citizen can read the memo and information on how to behave in certain situations during shelling.
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city, we were waiting for russia, they fired at us heavily, it’s scary, i’ll say right away, the engine jumped out, this is a dog that survived the war, she is a combat veteran, we had nowhere to run, we are from the city from our own... at the moment we are working in the private sector, apartment buildings, roofing, glazing, a house, the whole house, we need work because everything here is native. we watch to
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know everything about russia. the best historical series. we look, we look, in the application or on the website. now economic news, briefly. foreign companies lost more than $107 billion due to leaving the russian market. in this amount takes into account lost income and written-off assets, the agency writes. over the past 2 years, about a thousand companies have left our country, while hundreds of others have remained and are not going to leave, the agency notes. in germany, a criminal case was opened due to illegal searches.


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