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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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the head of the atul region, alexey dyumin , spoke with the relatives of the soldiers who were mobilized and are now performing tasks in the special military operation zone. the conversation took place in an informal atmosphere. handed over letters of honor to their homeland, these are awarded to military personnel who fulfill their military duty in an exemplary manner, with details, oleg mosalsky: the children , of course, know where dad is, they are very proud of him, support him, well, of course they miss him, we participate in various events, here me, for example, last year i was the manager library, i’m working now, i had a stocking campaign for little boys, when the children of belgorod came, also several people from our detachment went to work as counselors with these children, they... have different destinies and
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life paths, but they all have one thing in common: their sons , dad's husbands are where it's most needed right now. from the first days of the start of a special military operation, the tula residents stood in one formation and went to defend the interests of their homeland, their families became a reliable rear. we are also in the same situation almost every day when you fall asleep, wake up, and think about your family, about your loved ones, so gratitude for your courage, for your perseverance , for your understanding is important. so that families are not left unattended, we also carry out this kind of work, and of course, this means that this is what the region is aiming for, and throughout the entire period of the special military operation , the region provides enormous support to our fighters, governor alexey dyumin personally visited the training grounds several times when combat coordination was underway , admonished our unit before being sent to the front line, and of course, constantly takes a personal interest in the aspirations of our guys. we are taking this regiment for our support, these are your words.
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do not stand aside, adults organize actions, gather in associations that weave mask nets, make trench candles , collect humanitarian aid, children do not stand aside either, and, according to the servicemen themselves, it is the drawings and letters of young tuliks that instill confidence in them in victory, there are different ones, which means coptors of one modification of the second modification, this is very important. but that means that
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what our children do is what our children do school students, this is no less, plays and means their role, instills confidence , raises the spirit, the fortitude of our children, a letter of honor to their homeland is a message at the place of residence of the parents or at the place of the serviceman’s previous work, about his exemplary performance of military duty and about the incentives received, such a letter, significant gratitude to the family, district, region, for ... raising a worthy man, the commander of the military unit where the tulyaks serve, highly appreciated the fighting qualities of our guys. tula people, they are distinguished by, say, fighting spirit character, heroism and exploits. there are a lot of worthy guys. such meetings are very necessary, note the relatives of our fighters, because this is an opportunity not only to meet with the same wives and mothers, but to consolidate in our souls the belief that with such help and support, victory will definitely be ours. oleg mosalsky, nikita yurkov, dmitry bacharov, tula news. a military plane crashed into
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the sea near sevastopol, the pilot ejected, reports mikhail razvazhaev, governor of sevastopol. and he also reports that civilian objects in sevastopol after there were no casualties when the military plane crashed into the sea. more details about the life of the plane pilot who crashed into the sea near sevastopol, nothing is in danger, he was picked up by rescuers. well, for now, let's return to the investigation of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, the investigation detained another suspect in complicity in the terrorist attack, they plan to arrest him, and this is reported in the investigative committee, and we also have a comment from the investigative committee, and we can see now we see a picture of how one of the terrorists or his accomplices was brought to house in putilkovo, according to the information on the news agent tapes, muhammadi sabir fayzov was brought to the house, he was taken out of the paddy wagon and put in the medical room. the initial
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results of the investigation fully confirm the planned nature of the terrorists’ actions, careful preparation and financial support from the organizers of the crime. as a result of working with detained terrorists, studying the technical devices seized from them, analyzing information about financial transactions, evidence was obtained of their connection with ukrainian nationalists. the investigation has confirmed data on the admission.
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situation for 6,000 residents of zelenograd and the moscow region. our correspondent maria valieva has details. ceremonial passage of special equipment. traffic is open on kilometers 24 and 25 of the leningradskoe highway, cars are rushing along the new interchange. the first drivers appreciated the ride on the highway. generally super, the road is good.
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that work constantly had to be coordinated with the railway company; it was carried out during breaks between train movements. slide lowering technological windows of the railway were carried out for the span structure; in total , 9,700 tons of assembled metal structures of the span structures were assembled. in addition, retaining walls and access roads to the overpass were erected. the new section of the road is almost twice as long as... the old one, its length is 521 m, and during the construction of this interchange there was no need to restrict traffic. the old overpass was built in the early 1960s, at the moment its condition is assessed as pre-accident, and its dimensions are not
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meet modern requirements for the operation of high-speed trains, which hinders the development of railway infrastructure. now everything will change. the old section will be closed, the road will gradually be dismantled, cars will move only along the new junction. a new modern overpass at the intersection of leningradka and mtsd-3, and it is made in such a way that we have a range for the high-speed highway moscow, st. petersburg, and there is also an interchange on the highway that goes to cheremetyevo, so we have improved traffic for residents. the moscow region, zelenograd, in total, is about 600,000 people, and of course, traffic to the leading airport in the capital of sheremetyevo has been improved. the number of lanes on the road has increased from six to eight; due to the optimization of traffic flows , access to large shopping centers,
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as well as mcd-3 stations and other important social infrastructure facilities has become much more convenient. maria valieva, mikhail devyatkin, dmitry tolstoukhov and anna povetyeva, news! head of government mikhail mishustin met today with the leadership of the united russia faction and noted a large amount of work that the deputies did, changing and supplementing the draft budget for the coming years. thanks to a united russia, the country's main financial document for the current two years has been supplemented with decisions that are important for people. the amendments exceeded 138 billion rubles. they covered the integrated development of rural areas and the fight against cardiovascular diseases, and, of course, a very important topic - education and science. we formed a new committee, a control committee, and this committee helped us build a different relationship with the accounting department.
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chamber, which reported to us just the other day. as a result, deputies of our faction began to regularly travel to the field. carrying out major overhauls of secondary schools and there, together with parents, teaching staff, active citizens, relying... on data from the accounts chamber and the treasury, they constantly monitored the progress of work, as a result, according to the accounts chamber, in the twenty-second year , 923 million rubles were saved. this year in the twenty-third ended 737 million rubles. now footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, good afternoon. hello, today, taking into account the priorities outlined in
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the message, we will discuss specific decisions that should form the basis of the updated national tourism and hospitality industry project, its implementation should begin at the beginning of next year. let me remind you that in the format of our project in the field of tourism, together with the constituent entities of the federation and business, we began to work back in 2020.
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to increase the number of annual trips around the country, and for this to expand the available offer on offer a variety of tourist services , as they say, for every taste, so that citizens can see the unique nature of russia, touch our great history and culture, relax at sea, ski, health resorts, in year-round amusement parks, and of course we...
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the country should double in size up to 5%. it is important here that almost all of our national projects will work to boost tourism to one degree or another, for example, the infrastructure for life project, within the framework of which landscaping will be carried out embankments, parks, squares, historical centers, by the way, i was there yesterday, you probably saw it in the bargain bin, my colleagues suggested it there too.
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we continue to build our routes across the whole country, from st. petersburg to moscow and further
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to the east, of course, we need to develop this route in such a way that as many people as possible can use them to get to places of visit, to tourist attractive places along the route of transport , i mean in general the expansion of intra- and interregional... including air traffic, modernization of the support a network of highways, as i mentioned, inland waterways, the construction of new expressways, railways and highways. it is necessary to actively use advanced technologies to plan trips, travel around the country, so that it is more convenient and cheaper for our citizens, and the tourism business would have the opportunity to expand its activities, increase its efficiency; for this , tourism, as in all key industries,
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will have to be formed integral digital platform, it is designed to consolidate the entire information from... financing in 2025-30 will be at least 403 billion rubles, i draw the attention of the government, funds, funds for the implementation of the national project should be provided not only in the budget for 2025 , the planning period for the twenty-sixth-twenty- seventh years, we we talked about this with you, and i
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also said this in the message, in the field of tourism and in other industries it is necessary to form a six-year... long-term financial plan, this will become an important guideline for businesses that are building their investment programs, in this regard, in this regard, i note that domestic companies must continue to remain key partners of the state in the development of the tourism industry, all support measures that have already shown their effectiveness during the implementation of the current national project must be extended. so last year we significantly expanded the program of preferential lending for large tourism projects, placing special emphasis on hotels in the most popular 3-4 star segment, and also included in the program new directions, including the construction of year-round amusement parks, water parks and ski resorts. i know that the instrument
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of subsidizing interest rates on loans is, of course, in demand. already now, with its help, entrepreneurs are ready to implement new projects in the field of tourism worth almost 1 trillion rubles. with big money , the aspirations of domestic business certainly need to be provided with the necessary assistance and appropriate support measures provided. also, within the framework of a specialized national project, i propose to form a separate federal project for the production of domestic products for the tourism sector. what is this? we all understand well that cable cars , cabins, snow groomers for alpine skiing, for ski resorts, attractions for amusement parks, water parks and so on, here we need our own technologies and new production capacities, counting on the ministry of industry and trade to launch specific support mechanisms within the framework of existing department
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of the instrument, i repeat once again, the development of tourism should be a serious incentive.
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will develop, taking advantage of the opportunity, as part of the “know our people” competition, i would ask you to continue to pay special attention to the promotion of domestic brands, equipment, and other tourism products. next, we need to substantively focus our work in the field of tourism on expanding the potential of federal subjects with a still low level of socio-economic development. in general , as i said in the message to these regions, the government should pay special attention to creating... growth points here, supporting business activity, including when distributing a single subsidy for the implementation of tourism projects. in this regard, add. that from this year, with such funds, all our regions can co-finance the construction of campsites and car campsites, create museums, small amusement parks
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and visit centers of a non-capital nature, develop tourist routes , recreation areas, and by the way, i would ask the region to organize weekend trips for schoolchildren , students, for students of colleges, technical schools, universities. for families with children, the construction program so so-called fast-moving modular hotels, this program will be continued; in general, throughout the country , the active tourism infrastructure needs to be more widely developed , taking into account the significant contribution it makes to promoting the value of a healthy lifestyle , especially among the younger generation, of course, in this regard, i think. .. to build, revive on a new basis, more precisely, a unified system of student tourism clubs, organize sports competitions in this area, and also consider the possibilities of opening
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this direction in school sports clubs, in organizations for additional education of children. dear colleagues, i would like to dwell separately on the program for the development of the five seas resorts of lake baikal, which was also discussed in the federal message. meeting already in this decade, new modern hotel complexes should appear on the sea coast in the krasnodar and primorsky territories, in st. petersburg, in the crimea, in dagestan, in the kaliningrad and zaporozhye regions. part of this large project will also be the construction of resorts on lake baikal in irakut region and the republic of buryat. i repeat once again, the development of resorts. territories should be carried out while simultaneously increasing their transport accessibility, and also be accompanied by the development of other related infrastructure, including
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utilities and engineering. let me remind you that the message included decisions to provide the regions with additional resources for the purpose of infrastructure development. firstly, this is an additional volume of infrastructure budget loans of 250 billion annually, in addition, funds that returned to the federal budget from the repayment of such loans, as we agreed, should again be sent to the region, secondly, this is the write-off of 2/3 of the debt of the federal subjects on previously issued budget loans, subject to the use of these saved funds for infrastructure development and investment support, since the creation of large year-round maritime...
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departments, at the beginning of our work, of course, i would like to give the floor to maxim generovich reshetnikov, head of the ministry of foreign affairs, so that he would convey baton to everyone involved in our meeting today, please, maxim gennadovich, the floor is yours, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, we are actively solving the task of increasing the tourist flow that you set. last year, residents of the country made 78 million tourist trips, domestic, i mean tourist trips, this is 21% more than in 2020, our investment
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activity is growing, business has invested more than 800 billion rubles in the industry. last year, this is a third more than a year earlier, 12,500 were introduced new rooms, growth over the year was 10%. the number of classified numbers increased by 18%. this means that the business is being dynamically legalized. the growth of the number of rooms is directly related to support measures. thanks to your decision to allocate an additional 11 billion rubles, which you announced last year at the st. petersburg forum, to subsidize modular hotels, we were able to double the scale of the program. and taking into account the twenty-second year , 18,000 numbers were supported in 6 regions, 4,500 were introduced. the business carries out the remaining projects to completion of the year. just in the summer, this is a priority task for us, support for the hotel business is growing through other national projects, including the national project for small and medium-sized businesses, last year we had
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entrepreneurs... minimum criteria, and increasing the limit on attendance at ski resorts and water parks, that is, an increase in this area of ​​the program from 10 to 23 million people per year will help us create additional points of attraction, these are cable cars and lifts at nine ski resorts, at nine ski resorts in karachay cherkessia in kamchatka, in the perm territory, krasnodar and altai territories, chelyabinsk
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region in yamal, as well as 10 water parks in moscow, moscow region, leningrad, vladimir, chelyabinsk, ulyanovsk, tambov regions, krasnodar and perm territories, and also in the republic of tatarstan. and three year-round amusement parks: in moscow, in the leningrad region in the altai republic. why do i call it that, because the banks submitted applications, investors prepared all the documents, the regions are waiting for the results to be summed up, so your decision today is very important to us, because we really are worth a trillion. rubles we will support ready-made investments, i emphasize this, these are not applications, this is something that has already passed the credit selection of banks, that is, these are real land plots, real ready-made projects, so this is extremely important for us, and this is what will allow us to saturate in the coming years our supply market, moreover, these points of attraction are also local in nature, they can be reached from neighboring regions without any long flights, just there with friends, with family, get in the car and drive, supporting such
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projects together: with a single subsidy that you mentioned, and which is aimed at small locations, will allow us to develop tourism throughout the country , in each region. at the same time, of course, new major points of attraction are also extremely relevant for us: tourist magnets on a national scale. this problem will be solved by the five seas lake baikal project, which was launched on your initiative. these are large-scale projects integrated development of territories on sea coasts in nine regions. countries, they imply the creation of a modern environment and comfortable conditions for recreation, which is called for any budget: hotels, restaurants, swimming pools, children's sports centers, park areas and of course beaches. all this will have to be provided with transport and engineering infrastructure; in some cases, issues that have been accumulating for years will have to be resolved, but first of all we are talking about water supply and sewerage, left-handed sewerage, which means around on these coasts, of course. such
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projects require the concentration of resources; in general , a large amount of funds has been announced for infrastructure. as part of the national project, more than 100 billion rubles are planned for these purposes until the thirtieth year; these are the funds that are being allocated on your instructions. also, if necessary, we are ready to allocate part of the proceeds from increasing duties on wine from unfriendly countries to support seaside resorts. we have an agreement with anton germanovich that we will receive half of the growth from this source we are directing... support for tourism for additional financing of the national project. however, the resource requirements are great. we proceed from the fact that large infrastructure, roads and railways, airports, energy facilities, will be built through the development programs of sectoral ministries and departments, and the corresponding facilities will need to be gradually included in these programs. and to create communal infrastructure, the regions will have to actively use those tools that you mentioned
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restructuring of debts to we will also provide benefits and preferences for business. resorts in the kaliningrad, irkutsk regions, buryat, dagestan will become part of special economic zones. in the primorsky territory , benefits will be provided to the priority development areas and the free port of vladivostok. in zaporozhye and crimea, free economic zones in these territories that exist there. the regions now have a lot of organizational work ahead of them. all subjects are at different stages, so resorts in the irkutsk region in buryat are developing on the basis existing special economic zones, there is urban planning, and there are residents, engineering infrastructure, but the bulk of the resorts will have to be created from scratch, here dagestan has advanced the furthest, the theme of the resort within the boundaries of a special economic...


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