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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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thank you very much, evgeniy vitalievich, please, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear comrades, zaporozhye region proposes for implementation an investment project to create a federal year-round seaside resort of primorsk. the project is the largest in the new regions of the russian federation and will become an impetus for development. economy of the zaporozhye region.
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the project is planned to be implemented on the bevelling spit of the primorsky district, and the spit extends into the sea of ​​azov for 30 km and has wide sandy beaches. the total length of the spit coast is more than 50 km. and the area of ​​the new resort will be about 6.00 hectares. as part of the project, it is planned to build a new tourist complex. these are sanatoriums, hotels, beaches, territories. projects propose, by the way, the construction of more than 100 hotels, on the basis of which 1,500 new rooms will be created, the tourist flow will be up to 2 million tourists per year, more than 20 thousand new jobs will be created, the total investment in the project is 351 billion rubles, the commissioning period - this is 2035, but a phased implementation of the project is possible with budget of 141 billion rubles. commissioning date
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is 2030. at the first stage of the project, the construction of 5,000 rooms is possible. at the resort , it is also planned to build a mud bath, a marina for yachts, natural parks, golf courses, family sports centers, bungalows to accommodate vacationers on a separate island, and improvement of the round estuary. to implement such a large-scale project, serious outside support is required. state - this is both preferential lending and the construction of a common infrastructure at the expense of the federal budget. it is necessary to build another 34 km, 34 km of power supply, water supply, sewerage, gas pipelines, as well as 25 km of highway. the estimated cost is 49 billion. direct investments of the state in the period from 25 to... 5 years, these are the amounts
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targeted. the russian federation tourism corporation is expected to participate in the implementation of the project. on the territory of the zaporozhye region there are a number of benefits and preferences for participants in the free economic zone. state support measures are used, which will allow create a functioning tourist complex with more, well, in a shorter time. currently, the government of zaporozhye region, together with the investor, has organized work to implement measures. provided for by the road map, accounting registration actions are also carried out in relation to land plots and real estate within the project boundaries. next year we plan to begin developing design documentation for the construction of facilities, we will begin approximately in the twenty-eighth year. dear vladimir vladimirovich, the project to create a year-round seaside resort of primorsk will be an impetus for a lot of development.
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economy of the zaporozhye region, entrepreneurs of the zaporozhye region are also ready to join the work to create a new resort. i ask you to support our project. thank you for your attention. yes, evgeniy viktorevich, of course, we will support , there is no doubt here, this is what i looked at, rostov-nadon is 320 km, platov airport, respectively, 340, berdyansky railway station 65 km, well, maratochkinovich, it is necessary with work with colleagues, yes, it is necessary to make it convenient for people to get there, it is necessary, we need to carefully look at the infrastructure, at... here different options are possible, here we need a marina, probably, and the road must be good, there must be a road there, something else is needed something to think about, i don’t see any marina here at all in terms of plan, in principle it would be interesting for people when
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yachting develops, uh, i just ask you to pay attention to this, it’s clear that now it’s in first place in all these regions there is a security issue, well, you probably saw yesterday i met with our guys , with helicopter pilots, so, well, when you meet with such warriors, it becomes obvious that we will solve all our problems, it is clear that without a final decision, set up the plan that we are talking about now, at first glance, it seems a bit complicated, but we will resolve these issues, security issues, and... the plans we are talking about now must be built with this perspective, we must already plan now what will be required, when these plans will be implemented in full, so i i ask you to definitely come back to this, from this point of view, well, look
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, it’s 340 km to the blood airport, but what happens next - you need to think about it, i’m not asking for any answers now, but the place is very beautiful. well, evgeniy vitalievich has already told me about this many times, when we had bilateral meetings with him, the last ones not so long ago, but nevertheless he spoke more than once, i completely agree with him, this may be one of such places, which will attract people, hundreds of thousands, and maybe millions of people will go here with pleasure, this is also a year-round resort, okay, thank you, yes, there is, please. please, uh, venelovich, yes, dear vladimir vladimirovich, let me begin by thanking you for your support of the tourism industry of the krasnodar territory and the development of the resort infrastructure of our region as a whole, within the framework of your instructions, the decisions
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of the russian government, using, of course, the capabilities of the national tourism project and the hospitality industry, resorts of our region are already actively developing, so i want to say that i... took the latest data, that is, in the structure of the gross regional product we have a share of the health resort complex of almost 8%, by the end of the year, i think we will reach nine, next year it will definitely be 10%, and maybe, god willing , more, last year, last year, a record number of tourists vacationed at the resorts of the krasnodar territory, 18,600,000 people, of course, we support the idea of ​​​​creating a resort of a new an, this an important project for our... region and of course it will allow increasing that flow by 1,300,000 people per year and, of course, will create for vacationers a new modern quality of services and of course the comfort of relaxation with entertainment, presentations were seen there of various water attractions, parks, and other various activities, but of course, at the same
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time according to the plans, the project will provide a powerful additional economic effect for our region and will create 18,000 new jobs. to attract 459 billion here at a preliminary rate of rubles , the investment will ultimately ensure the flow of the federal caviar budget annually is about 30 billion rubles, of course this is an economic effect for our region, of course it is large, but dear vladimirovich, at the same time , the implementation of this project requires the solution of a number of important issues related to the supporting infrastructure that you said. in my speech and allow me, here i will still outline these issues, because - it will be decided independently, but you know, as they say in business, we need to agree on the shore, now we must understand, although we do not business, that is, how all this will be solved, primarily in terms of handling solid household waste with a high tourist flow,
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here it is necessary to build a new complex, including sorting, recycling of waste, and of course its disposal, construction is also required. bank protection, wastewater treatment facilities, energy infrastructure, this is all huge, huge money. also , today there is not enough free capacity, electricity, heat and water supply. and drainage, i’ll also allow myself a separate the question is the transport accessibility of the resort, as i already said, we had a record flow of tourists to the region last year, 18,600,000 people, last year onapa also received a record number of tourists, here are 4,100,000 people, 4 million 100,000 people rested in last year in anapa, something of anapa exists , to be honest, now on the territory of the resort, without taking into account the project, a new napa, will be on the territory of the resort... napa, the existing napa, without taking into account the project, a new napa, 28 investment projects are being implemented for an amount of about 170 billion rubles. this
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will give an additional 15,000 hotel rooms to the onapa resort, the existing anapa, will increase the tourist flow to anapa by 1,300,000 people per year, these are existing investment projects, when they are implemented, taking into account the new napa project, 29 sectional projects will now be implemented and there will be ...another plus about 30,000 new rooms have been created, which is of course wonderful, here the flow to anapa by 2031, based on the implementation of this project, will increase to 6,700,000 people, almost to 7 million people, only anapa will receive, and how consequence for the implementation of the new anapa project it is necessary, of course, in addition to the construction of the above infrastructure facilities, the construction of a new access road bypassing existing settlements, because of course this is... a flow, already a flow, so i believe that a new bypass road should
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start from the federal novorossiysk slopes, this is a new route, which was built on your instructions, it is in demand more than ever, today the resort of novaya anapa will be 18 km long, and this preliminary calculation, the most modest, about 55 billion rubles, but this is a road to bypass populated areas. dear vladimirovich, the project is planned to be implemented on an area of ​​946 hectares. 946, while the construction of hotels, sanatoriums and existing infrastructure is planned on an area of ​​about 500 hectares, that is, 500 hectares is specifically the construction of hotels, well , structures, various facilities, including leisure facilities, this is a huge territory, it is important to understand now who will carry out the construction at what cost? infrastructure facilities and the construction of hotels, so that it does not happen that if a decision is made... the above infrastructure facilities will be built at public expense, this is a huge amount of money,
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of course, and with your support, of course, it will be, but the most important thing is that it will not god forbid, in the end, instead of a resort, we did not get residential areas, because i emphasize again, 500 gars should be hotels and you need to understand who will, i emphasize again, build them and where it is clear from, investors will still take the money, quicker everything is out of pocket, they will take it from banks, we need an understanding, at least, that 500 hectares will be built up with... i emphasize, hotels, only hotels. dear vladimirovich, based on all of the above , i ask you to instruct the interested authorities, together with the state tourism corporation of the russian federation, to determine the time frame for creating the necessary supporting infrastructure , sources of funding, for parallel design and construction of infrastructure facilities with the design and construction of hotels in the new napa resort, so that we parallel, since it is critically important that the construction of the resort proceeds in parallel with the solutions to the problems voiced.
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because it is a million behind the krasnodar territory, but - what i would like to draw your attention to now is that in general you support the idea itself of creating this cluster, of course we support it, such a resort is a decoration not only for the region, but and agreed, agreed, which means, so, the governor supports this idea in itself, we discussed it several times... i had with these papers, with these proposals, and other colleagues
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have come up more than once, the topic is interesting, it seems to me , important, but if it develops in the way it is proposed, this project develops, then, of course, russia as a whole will only benefit from this, but it seems to me , the krasnodar region too, there are issues that the leaders of the region have drawn attention to, then i ask the government, dmitry nikaevich, to bring you together with the governor. work, then come to me, please, come to the chairman, come to me, we’ll look together and we will look for a solution to all these issues, for...
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thank you for additional reports, i look forward to hearing from you, sergey arimovich, please. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, and after your visit to our republic in june last year, we are much closer to understanding what our resort will be like, we presented it to you in derbent, and today we offer you to familiarize yourself with our updated plans for the creation of a seaside resort in the republic of dagestan, it is called the caspian coastal. cluster, among the big advantages of the project to create a caspian cluster, of course its geographical location, within a couple of hours of flight from khachkala there are not only million-plus cities in the south of russia, but also turkey, azerbaijan, iran, iraq, turkmenistan and more, which potentially has more than 170 million tourists. the development of the resort involves
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not only development within the territory. but also the development of external infrastructure, while construction and reconstruction of sections of the federal highway r-217 caucasus are already underway in the republic, and by the end of the twenty-sixth year it is planned to transfer this federal a four-lane road with separation of oncoming traffic flows. the second stage of reconstruction of makhachkala airport has begun, which involves the reconstruction of federal property.
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in addition, the reconstruction of the whiteazh station, the north caucasian railway, near the makhachkala airport, the road for shuttles from the airport, the construction of a highway on the makhachkala bypass section and the renewal of the rolling stock of the railway infrastructure for a comfortable transfer of future guests, the future resort. have not left
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without attention, roads are not ignored, the future resort will be provided with access roads.
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sea, this potential is practically not realized today. there are no large modern complexes on the coast, however , the republic has the maximum concentration of all types of tourism, historical, cultural, sports, gastronomic, ethnographic, etc. in the future, the caspian resort will be able to significantly relieve congestion on the black sea coast, as well as become a replacement for more expensive foreign destinations, which today our tourists still use it. the combination of climatic and natural conditions makes the caspian coast a place where you can come with the whole family all year round, already... today, together with the caucasus of the russian federation , a plan for planning the resort territory has been developed and approved, it will be a landscaped coastline, about 6.5 km long,
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with modern hotels, parks, amusement parks, for the whole family, the length of the coastline will be comparable to the emeritinskaya embankment in sochi, let me not dwell in detail on the parameters of the resort, they... indicated on the slide, it is important that this will be a balanced mechanism, where everyone performs their function, the state creates conditions, investors create points of attraction, one of the stages in the development of the cluster will be the all-russian children's center dagestan, which, vladimirovich, it is possible that could be a place of attraction, including for the states of the caspian basin, it... we expect to deploy it on an area of ​​about 100 hectares, which will also have its own sandy beach, comfortable sleeping quarters, a picturesque area equipped
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areas for various sports and leisure activities, pedestrian and bicycle paths , all this will ensure high quality organization of children's recreation, together with the ministry of education we have determined the concept and phases of construction of a children's center, the project involves organizing recreation on...
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it is expected to use all possible measures of state support, preferential lending for the construction of hotels, tax breaks, other preferences, which will make it possible to more actively attract residents, already today, 17 companies, serious companies... with the support of our senator suleiman abusavich kirimov is investing in the implementation of almost a third of the entire volume of our project. the following slides
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show in more detail the elaboration of the infrastructure provided by the special economic zone , the costs of its construction. and this is the very base that investors are counting on. most recently, maxim gennadievich reshetnikov visited. in our republic, and some of the investors and residents, we have already received and discussed with them issues including supporting supporting infrastructure , the caucasus of the russian federation together with the region will create an engineering transport infrastructure, improve public space, build on-site networks of more than about 4.5 km of underground high -pressure gas pipeline, about 12... power supply networks, pumping stations, reservoirs for clean water , wastewater disposal, transformer substations, 23 km of water supply of on-site networks
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within site roads. the republic needs to construct three access roads to the cluster territory and roads along the resort with an approximate length of more than 35 km with an integrated construction cost of about 3.2 billion rubles. for all projects, we have concluded government contracts for the development of design and estimate documentation with a funding volume of more than 40 million rubles with a completion date vladimirovich already this year at the end of the twenty-fourth year. and i ask you to consider the possibility of financing the construction of these roads through subsidies from the federal budget in the amount of 3 billion 200 million rubles. dear vladimirovich kaspor. it is developing progressively, last year we focused on the planning project to work with residents, and have now started designing
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engineering and engineering. dentists are almost starting to design their objects. in the twenty-fifth year, the construction of utility networks of the first facilities will begin. in the twenty -sixth year we plan to improve the territory, by the twenty-seventh year we plan to launch the resort, by the thirtieth year we will complete the construction of the introduction of resident facilities and launch the resort at full capacity, including all-russian children's center. and as we reported to you in the city.
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united arab emirates on their participation in the project in the kaviken region. the report is finished, thank you for your attention. okay, thank you very much, thank you, it’s really on the caspian sea.
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and secretly of nature, not for production needs, but so that we can drink water from it, its main and priceless wealth, admire its sovereign beauty and breathe protected air, these words can be said to be the philosophy of our tourist project magic baikal, we included in it two regional locations, the first is the city of baikalsk, the second is the new location of baikalskaya sloboda, near the village of toltsy, a unique place. you, vladimir vladimirovich, visited it, you probably remember the banks of the angara, the magnificent nature of our architectural and ethnographic museum toltsy, today the museum also continues to develop, the total area of ​​the resort area of ​​the magic baikal project in the region will be 1200 hectares, the amount of budget investments is 25 billion, private investments 54 billion rubles, 5,400 comfortable rooms will be created,
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the tourist flow will increase by... people, 6,000 new jobs will open. i will briefly report the main characteristics of each tourist location. so, baikalz: 23 residents have already been registered in the special economic zone gates of baikal, the planned volume of private investment is more than 22 billion rubles. by 2030, we will create a tourist infrastructure corresponding to a 3-5 star class. five facilities have already been built at... the sobolinaya mountain ski resort of the vprf state corporation , the infrastructure of the eco-shop campus has been created and is being developed. thanks to according to your instructions, vladimir vladimirovich, rusatom is working in baikalsk to eliminate hazardous waste from the bppm. the program for the socio-economic development of baikalsk until 2040 was approved. we consider electric heating in the city as a priority method of providing heat. in your message, you said that it is important to strictly
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adhere to baikal. the principle of zero pollution, that is, the complete absence of discharge of waste and untreated wastewater into the lake, i report that we have developed design documentation for reconstruction sewerage treatment facilities in the city of baikalsk, in total in the baikal natural territory we plan to gradually build 16 sewerage treatment facilities to include them in federal projects, preserving the unique ecosystem of lake baikal and improving the health of water bodies. it is also important that baikalsk becomes one of the 2.0 reference points. settlements that you spoke about in your message. the second location is the baikayskaya sloboda project, which we have begun to implement together with the tourism corporation of the russian federation; a modern a full-service resort with 3,500 rooms with the creation of modern public spaces, an all-season water park, spa and thermal complexes, a fishing and craft village, a complete yacht marina.


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