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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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priority method of providing heat. in your message, you said that on lake baikal it is important to strictly adhere to the principle of zero pollution, that is, the complete absence of dumping waste and untreated wastewater into the lake. i report that we have developed design documentation for the reconstruction of sewerage treatment facilities in the city of baikalsk. in total , we plan to gradually build 16 sewage treatment plants in the baikal natural territory and include them in federal projects for the preservation of unique ecosystems. lake baikal and improvement of water bodies. it is also important that baikalsk becomes one of the 2.0 stronghold settlements that you spoke about in your message. the second location is the baikalskaya sloboda project, which we have begun to implement together with the tourism corporation of the russian federation, on an area of ​​330 hectares a modern full-service resort with 3,500 rooms will be created, the creation of modern public spaces, an all-season water park, spa and thermal complexes. fishing and
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craft villages, a full service yacht marina, skiing, cross-country and cycling trails, eco-trails, beach area of ​​congress centers, this will attract tourists of different target groups, increase the annual tourist flow by 850 thousand people, the estimated volume of private investment is 32 billion rubles. the project will take 9 years to complete, with phased commissioning starting in 2027. vladimir vladimirovich, we thank you. you for the decision to create a working group on lake baikal issues, headed by presidential assistant igor evgenievich levitin. the working group has prepared a proposal, please include them in list of instructions following today's meeting. first: the rostec state corporation has expressed its readiness to develop the aviation hub of the city of irkutsk. this will contribute to strengthening cooperation on the ms-21 aircraft program and the formation of an aviation industry cluster. we propose to return the airport. the city of irkutsk with
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airfield infrastructure, federal property, subsequent property contributions to the rostev state corporation. secondly, for the development of cruise tourism on lake baikal , it is necessary to create a winter shelter in the port of baikal. parking for large vessels and reconstruct priority berthing facilities that will meet the most modern requirements. at the same time, it is necessary to carry out further reconstruction on two important transport arteries to lake baikal. the first is the irkutsk road. lestvyanka with an increase from two lanes to four lanes with a length of 8 km, the second is the federal highway r-258 from irkutsk to baikalsk, there are accident-prone, busy sections, i would like to pay close attention here too looked, and also provided for a possible bypass of three settlements near lake baikal, these are kultuk, slyudyanka and baikalsk. dear vladimir vladimovich, the implementation of the project will provide an opportunity in 2036 to show a precious pearl on...
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the five seas and baikal project directly in buryatia over the past 3 years, the increase in the number of tourist trips has increased by 2.3 times, tourists are now mainly accommodated in small hotels of a low category , but they are extremely insufficient, so we are faced with the task of creating an international resort level, on the eastern side of baikal, on buryatskaya, a magical baikal will be created in areas of the turka goryachensk special economic zone. accessibility of the resort is planned to be ensured by road, water and...
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for 54.8 billion rubles. work on all these projects has already begun; in fact, investments to date have amounted to 2.5 billion rubles. the first investor of greenflow baikal, 233 million rubles have been invested since the beginning of implementation. here on the slide is a real project that will be implemented, the project is being implemented with the support of the russian federation tourism corporation. cosmos hotel baikal is afk system, design is underway, 250 million have been invested as of today - all work is underway, the project
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will be implemented, the amar project, design is also already underway, the investor has identified the site, invested 332 million rubles. we will have an art object here... doshinam dak , you know it, the mammoth project, the height of the tusk there is almost 60 m, there is a museum and other space there, it turns out to be a very interesting object, i think it will become a recognizable selfie zone cooler than the tower in paris. baikal hermitage, cultural, business, shopping, so big center, design work is also already underway, investors are funding, traveler. sybil plans to develop the water center of the yacht marina with a lighthouse structure, an investor has also been identified and is also present in the hall today. youth baikal is a youth party center, and the investor is already financing the design work. the resorts of buryatia are
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a hospital center based on sources of thermal mineral water, a mud clinic and hospital centers are being created, 330 million rubles have been invested to date. work is being carried out in in full. besides. it will be necessary to develop our air traffic, the novoport company is developing a terminal at the olon airport, more than a billion rubles have already been invested, this year the terminal is being rented out at a total cost of 3 billion in extra-budgetary investment, in addition to this, baikal is still a water cruise tourism, vladimir vladimirovich, and uh the ships today that sail on lake baikal are from the sixties and seventies, and the presented project is complex in nature, taking into account the construction of hotel complexes, as well as the construction of ships creation
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... structure, once again, too, vladimirovich , i wanted to thank you for your instructions to create a working group for the development of lake baikal, under the leadership of levitin, together with the government of the russian federation, with the khurkut region, ivanovich and the republic of buryatia, we are working on the issue of creating here is a modern public infrastructure on the coast of the lake, and we ask you to support the creation of such infrastructure in terms of supporting infrastructure for our resort, in general for implementation on the side of buryatia until the twenty-eighth year , about 15 billion rubles are required in the amount of support, this is for electricity facilities, water supply, wastewater treatment, road, berth aviation infrastructure, while we are already doing part of the work at the expense of those same ones - the infrastructure of budgetary ilites, well, the support was for
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the electrical component, for energy. vladimir vladimirovich, now there is competition for first place, but it is clear that in absolute numbers we do not claim first place. we are ready to compete in terms of implementation time, our project is being implemented, the first stage is already the twenty-fifth year, we are the first to wait for tourists, but in general, the full implementation is already the twenty-eighth year, that is, we will have created everything by the twenty-eighth year, as a result of the project, we have 54 billion rubles of extra-budgetary investments in the eastern territory of lake baikal in buryatia, creation of a room stock of 4,600, a tourist and excursion flow of 1.9 million rubles, a million people of 400.
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930 - this means accommodation in hotels, the creation of 85 new jobs, and i would also like to emphasize that this is all in the conditions... thank you for your support, for attention to baikal, we will do everything, thank you very much , samboevich, i would like to say this
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, of course, we understand what baikal is, the words of putin, our famous favorite writer, were given here, but even without this we understand perfectly well that ... i ask you from the very beginning to follow this path, please, kozhmyak, oleg
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nikolaevich, primorsky territory, and deeply respected vladimir vladimirovich, primorye today is a strong point of attraction for tourism, and over the past year the tourist flow has grown again and amounted to 3.5 million trips, considering the huge potential of the region in this industry, here it is. it is necessary to create a modern infrastructure, in this matter, of course , the construction of a year-round seaside resort in the khasansky district will help, this is the southernmost part of the coastal region , it is located at the latitude of crimea, the resort is located in the ollivut bay, one of the most picturesque on the tikiansky coast, it is very close sea ​​finless reserve surrounded by islands of the rimsky korsykov archipelago. that is, with the richest underwater world, so interesting for divers, that is where
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seals live, this year the southernmost island of the russian federation is located there, the island is a migratory bird from all over the world, the national one is nearby, oleg, excuse me, please, from all over the world,
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trains, but by sea from there 40 miles from vladivostok, that’s why ferry service is also of great importance in the future; the resort itself will also have a water park with heated outdoor pools, bath complexes, a medical center, a fish market, a thermal complex, an amusement park and others tourism and infrastructure, the total area of ​​the resort will be about 150 hectares.
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for drainage , the investor will take it all on himself, currently the project
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has been given the status of a large-scale one, the land transfer is being formalized, and investors have also agreed to buy out some plots there, now the registration is also underway, a master plan for the future resort is being developed, and urban planning documentation and a financial model . on april 9, the first one in this format starts, and is open to every architect, as well as to students. international competition for the best ideas and solutions for a year-round resort in this recreational zone, after which the construction of resort facilities and the development of engineering will begin. khasansky district, as a result , three projects will be looked at for which this trigger will be introduced: the first stage is 2024-27, about 750 rooms will be commissioned with a volume of 7.7 billion rubles. at the second stage - this is 26-2029, 11.7
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billion rubles and 1,460 rooms will be invested, the third... stage is already from 2028-2031, 1590 rooms, 10.5 billion rubles of private investment, that's until full launch of the resort, but the resort will welcome guests in the summer of 2028 after the launch of the first stage, we ask you to support the creation of a resort in the primorsky territory, the need for it is colossal, krasnovarchiva says about this that now it’s already... for all vacation spots in the primorsky territory , far easterners are coming to us, siberians are coming to us, nearby there is the people's republic of china, 60 km away, the two provinces of tzelin and hailongziang, where more than 50 million people live, so this need is quite justified, so people buy everything in six months, well, i invite you, vladimir vladimirovich
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, to watch the full presentation of this resort at our forum, the eastern economic forum. in the city of vladivostok in september. thank you. thank you very much, oleg nikolaevich. i have no doubt that people will go there and not only far easterners and siberians, the whole country will go. i don’t know about my colleagues, other participants in our meeting , our meeting, but when i am on some seas, on the seas, on the baltic, on the black sea, well, the elements, the shores are not visible, the power. but when you get to the ocean, i don't even i know what this is connected with, i feel some special energy, some kind of power, uh, and it makes a special impression, of course, uh, very attractive, and the nature is absolutely unique, of course, there is nothing like it - nowhere
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else, the far east - this, this is a special place on the planet... jokes about this, we also need to think about it, we need to think about safety in advance, if we were 20 years ago in the sea, where in the marine wild reserve, this house has been preserved, people still live there, that’s why you are these you know the place very well, it’s right nearby located, i don’t know, i was going to go diving there a few years ago with some
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underwater gear, my colleagues went there, but i really didn’t have enough time, but still. sharks were seen there on the islands , especially, there are sharks, but they are herring, they , they don’t bite, yes, i understand, yes, i understand, everyone says that so as not to scare away tourists, but i’m joking aside, you need to think about it in advance i will definitely do this, yes, no, seriously, absolutely, we need to ensure security measures, so, before providing over to dmitry nikolaevich, i would still like to ask a question: to the minister of finance, i looked, we have planned to allocate an additional 30 billion rubles as subsidies under the ecology program for tourism infrastructure. anton gernovich, well, just now my colleagues said that
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dagestan so modestly mentioned that they need an additional 3 miles. i wanted to say that your instructions, in the introductory layer, you spoke about additional resources of 403, 403 billion rubles, within a six-year period these...
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maybe there is something i would like to draw your attention to, also in our plans and presentations it is said that 1 ruble of budget money should generate 5 rubles of private money, private
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money, i would also like to draw attention to this, so that it does not happen that money - that means budget money is allocated from the federal budget, but we seem to forget about extra-budgetary money, this needs to be clearly controlled, so that every ruble means... went to the non-budget, went to the non-budget, especially since i really also wanted two give the numbers that the tourism industry has become very investment-intensive and profitable, last year the profit, the profit of the tourism industry was almost 280 billion rubles. this is approximately 2.3 times more than in the nineteenth year, that is, we see that the industry is growing.
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everything is beautiful, all that remains to be done , as for how we will do it, thanks to anton germanovich, you see, he supported it, it also doesn’t happen often, since the twenty-second year, on your instructions, the government has been systematically carrying out preparatory work with the regions, investors, for this project, this is the largest tourism project in the modern history of russia, and we really need it to fulfill the tasks you set to the federal assembly in order to increase it by the thirtieth year.
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vacation according to surveys in the center, every second russian is planning a vacation with children and family this summer, our season is short, according to asya’s research, 77% of our citizens enjoy traveling around our country, we see a growing huge interest in the development of domestic tourism, therefore task states to create conditions for the successful implementation of this project and provide support measures, provide an appropriate... structure, how do we plan to organize this work? recently, at the strategic session of chairman mikhail vladimirov mishustin, here in the coordination center, he discussed with
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the vice-premiers and ministers a new concept of the country’s spatial development strategy, and there they discussed the issues of connectivity of territories and tourist magnets, within the framework of this concept we will form the centers of gravity around which the construction will be prioritized. infrastructure, create jobs where people can come all year round. vladimirovich, in your brochure, i saw you looked at the last spread, where summary indicators were presented for all five, for all projects, five sea lake baikal, so in order to effectively manage them, we ask you to support the creation of tourism within the framework of the updated national project, the hospitality industry, another separate federal project. with specific responsible persons, with control points so that we can administer, keep reports, control the timing of the creation of these resorts, so that our citizens
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have somewhere to come sooner and... of course, the development of such large-scale projects without state support is impossible, this is a global practice, when the state invests in the supporting infrastructure, there is energy , logistics, and investors create hotels, water parks, restaurants and the preliminary total need for federal budget funds until the thirtieth year to create this supporting infrastructure, anton germenovich said, this is about 300 billion rubles, of which 103. have already been pre-reserved until the thirtieth year within the framework of the national tourism project, this has been agreed with the ministry of finance, here are the remaining funds, which the minister also said, they will be at the expense of existing programs and plans for, for example, the reconstruction and construction of roads, airports, wastewater treatment plants, solid waste disposal, the only thing we ask is that they be tinted with the five seas brand, so that there is such
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a targeted use for... these projects, in in connection with this, systematic work is now being carried out to synchronize costs for projects taking into account existing programs, for example, the reconstruction of airports, which vitaly gennadievich is engaged in, it takes into account the development of regional airports, in those places where the expansion of significant infrastructure for future tourist flow or road construction, marash khirzyanovich, taking into account the five-year plan for road... activities, we discussed this approach with colleagues, and maxim stanislavich also supported, in this regard, i i ask for your instructions when extending national projects, adjusting other plans and programs, taking into account the creation of new resorts, to provide for such an orchestration of appropriate financing measures, and vladimirevich, of course, such complex projects cannot be implemented without local support, and as - you heard, now all
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nine heads of constituent entities ardently support the implementation of projects, in your message to the federal assembly you instructed to write off 2/3 of past infrastructure budget loans, i ask for your instructions regions should reserve part of the funds that are released for the implementation of projects, taking into account the restructuring of these loans and provide for other regional instruments, such as preferential connections. to engineering infrastructure, land without tenders, regional tax breaks and much more, also for the regions one of the available sources of funds for creating infrastructure, for these projects is infrastructure budget loans, you also said about this, every year 250 billion, funds from them from their repayment, and which they should definitely return to these regions, as well as other regional funds that
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the subjects should prioritize. for the implementation of their projects. vladimirevich, i also ask for your instructions to the government to synchronize all existing regional federal support measures, and, if necessary , develop additional ones, thus creating such an infrastructure menu for all measures to support and stimulate business. and now with regard to attracting private investment, which anton germenovich also said that for every ruble there should be five, that is, 300 billion budget money will lead to rubles of money from investors, this is really a lot of money, i remember well your meeting before the start of large-scale construction of olympic facilities, when investors made commitments, and you then told them that you can now refuse, because later it won’t work out, so here now in this hall in the coordination center we have gathered investors who are making responsible
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commitments. and of course we must provide them with conditions, since 1.5 trillion investment - this is of course investors' money , huge amounts of money, and of course they want there to be some guarantees on our part, in fact, of course we see that this project is interesting for investors, since the payback period, you see in the presentations, they now, taking into account all the established mechanisms, they have become less than 10 years, and this has become extremely attractive, since the rate of internal return...


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