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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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broadcasts a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law, and this victim turned out to be me. russian units are confidently pushing back the kiev militants, have improved the situation along the front line in the donetsk, south donetsk and avdeevsky directions, zelensky’s formation has lost about 700 more soldiers, mercenary officers, and been destroyed. including
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another american abrahams, already the fifth in a row, and 10 other armored vehicles. 12 self-propelled guns and howubs, mostly of american polish origin, were destroyed. air defense systems shot down 131 combat drones and 26 missiles of the hymers and vampire systems. about the situation on the front line leonid muravyov. the sky is sunny and not cloudy, but this is not a guarantee of good weather. the positions of the ukrainian military that have dug in. on the right bank of the dnieper today a hurricane will hit, this powerful multiple launch rocket system will rush into position, the fighter call sign is a tramp all his life behind the wheel, he drives quickly, but as carefully as possible. i worked on a bus for 13 years, transporting people, several kilometers off-road, a hurricane rolls into a field, counting went for a minute, military personnel of the dnepr group quickly brought the installation into a combat position. in such clear weather there are many enemy drones in the sky, but for command.
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from the cockpit, the launch of a rocket is almost unnoticeable, but outside there is a bright flash , a deafening roar, this is just a sighting, our reconnaissance drones fix the place of arrival and make a correction, now they will correct it, the next one will be fired again, here ...
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missiles with a caliber of 220 mm, which destroy everything area 4 hectares. here are our drones with a thermal imager recording a hit on the crossing apu. dozens of ukrainian military personnel were liquidated before the boats could be launched . our car is called a beauty, it helps us out a lot and never lets us down. the rszz crew successfully reached the shelter, here they will stay for several hours while enemy quadrocopters try to track them down. there is time to prepare for your next trip.
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now rocket artillerymen have their own tradition - to pet the dog for good luck, so that they will certainly return from a combat mission. leonid muravyov and andrey potapov, khersonskaya news region. the british financial times points to russia's successes at the front. notes that the kiev army lacks soldiers and ammunition. at the same time, washington is in no hurry to provide assistance. the european union is trying to do something, but it is not enough. in
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many ways, he himself is to blame for this situation, the command never built a defensive structure, so kiev has less and less chances, and the british magazine the economist already agrees that zelensky’s obstinacy may lead to the fact that the ukrainians will lose control over access to sea, this is still a good result. the polish military is also not optimistic about the kiev regime. the ukrainians are approaching defeat, and this is kiev’s own choice. zelensky’s cries, give, give, give, in my opinion, are unfounded, because we give them, and they purposefully squander it, waste the money. they don’t have enough soldiers, they have no idea how to defeat russia, they are preparing with their own hands. catastrophe that will befall ukrainians, and we should not be blamed for this, even if decisions to send weapons to the ukrainian army were made slowly, but this happened because the level of trust in kiev is very low, the ukrainians themselves and zelensky’s team are to blame for this.
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evidence obtained linking the terrorists who attacked crocus city hall with ukrainian nationalists. another suspect involved in financing extremists was also detained. will tell you more. in this footage, the first verification of testimony at the scene of nineteen-year-old terrorist mahammad sabir fayzov was brought to a hostel in the north capital cities. faiza is still in a wheelchair, surrounded by police officers. they took him inside and questioned him. i don't know. and this is what happened. during the investigative actions, the arrested person told everything in detail, showed the room where the terrorists lived, here it is. he had to tell where the weapons were stored, how they discussed preparing the attack, how they moved, and why they chose crocus. fayzov was taken to putilkovo to the second place of residence of the terrorists. at the same moment, in a technical alley in the central office of the investigative committee, the chairman of the department held a meeting, during which it became clear that the version about a possible ukrainian trace was confirmed. as a result of working with detained terrorists, studying
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the technical devices seized from them, and analyzing information about financial transactions, evidence was obtained of their connection with ukrainian nationalists. the investigation has at its disposal... confirmed data about the receipt by the perpetrator of the terrorist attack of significant amounts of cryptocurrency funds from ukraine, which were used in the preparation crimes. the initial results of the investigation fully confirm the planned nature of the terrorists’ actions, careful preparation and financial support from the organizers of the crime. another suspect who participated in financing terrorists was detained. investigative actions continue in the hall itself, where one of the terrorists is there. they were transported in the late afternoon. the removal of the rubble has already been completed, investigators are now working at the site of the terrorist attack using the latest forensic technologies, they are examining a vast area, exposed to fire. investigators are looking for new evidence and reconstructing the picture of what happened in the burned concert hall itself. new
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details about what happened at the entrance to crocus. when the terrorists were still on the street, visitors to the hall, hearing the shooting, began to build a shelter. they turned over tables and hid behind them. the barricades were erected by two friends. nikolaenko in black. the fumes covered other victims; he died along with his wife lilia. nikolayenko was shot in the back as he rushed to disarm terrorist. at the moment when the terrorist was reloading, he ran towards him, but unfortunately, the terrorist was not alone. mom managed to escape thanks to vugar and my father, who in this situation did everything possible to... save their spouses. it is known that the executioners carefully prepared the attack. they came to crocus three times on march 7; on march 10 and 14, the criminals constantly cruised the area around the concert venue. they say on march 21 they were seen at this gas station, a two- minute drive from crocus. according to operational
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data, yes, they stopped by. we also have these data, but they have not yet been confirmed. it was possible to identify reno in the first minutes after the terrorist attack thanks to two police officers, dmitry novikov and maxim mikhkov. arriving at the place, i saw that he was running out from here. people, i told people to run to a safe distance, indicated where the ambulance was located, we were instructed to look at the cctv cameras, together with the federal security service, we climbed the smoke-filled stairs to the fourth floor to the server room, broke down the door, looked at the recordings from cameras video surveillance, so they quickly identified the car in which the killers fled, and soon the former owners of the car, the father and sons of the islomovs, and businessman alisher kasimov were also detained. that he rented out an apartment to terrorists, tas’ source reported today that they all knew about the impending attack. islomov and his two sons, who sold renault cars to terrorists, as well as kasimov, who rented out an apartment to them, were aware of the intentions of mirzoev, rachabalizada, fariduni and fayzov to commit a terrorist attack, knew about its preparation,
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and contributed to them in this. it's not a matter of that they sold something. they also knew in the united states; the new york times literally confirmed the words of fsb director alexander bortnikov that the american intelligence services handed over information to russia. troubled relations between washington and moscow have prevented american officials from sharing any more information about the plot than necessary. fearing that russian authorities might learn their intelligence sources or methods. the publication is unclear whether american intelligence mixed up the time of the attack or whether the extremists postponed their plan after seeing increased security. kiev responded to the accusations from the leadership of the russian security bloc. the head of military intelligence, kirill budanov, who organized many terrorist attacks and, after the murder of daria dugina, promised to kill russians anywhere in the world, suddenly changed his position and said that he had always opposed it.
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news. in france, security services warned
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the head of the ministry of internal affairs that it is necessary to reconsider the plan for holding the opening ceremony of the summer olympic games. as europe one radio journalist william malenie reported, security officials claim that otherwise the athletes will be practically defenseless. intelligence fears large-scale terrorist attacks in paris. and this adds the tv channel france-24. after the attack on crocus city hall in moscow, the level of danger. the us foreign policy, signed in december, limits sovereignty, the foreign ministry stated, so
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to approve the document in parliament, a 2/3 vote of deputies will be required. according to the agreement, helsinki is obliged to provide the pentagon with access to 15 military bases, as well as allow the us to use military aircraft, ships and other vehicles on the territory of the country. moscow has repeatedly stated that helsinki's decision will lead to increased tension. tourism will help the development of regions, this was discussed at a meeting with the president. several new resorts will be in krasnodar, primorye, dagestan, st. petersburg, in the kaliningrad and zaporozhye regions, as well as on lake baikal. infrastructures will appear in all national parks. about prospects for vacation anastasia yafimova. move on, literally and figuratively, that's exactly how the president formulated a priority vector for tourism development. substantive,
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targeted measures for the development of the tourism industry should be included specifically in the relevant national project. the volume of its budget financing in 2025-30 will be at least 43 billion rubles. i draw attention to the government funds, funds. for the implementation of national projects should be provided not only in the budget for 2025, but also in the planning period for the twenty -sixth and twenty-seventh years, we talked about this and i also talked about this in my message said that in the field of tourism in other industries it is necessary to form a six-year long-term financial plan, this will become an important guideline for businesses that have been building their investment programs for a long time. the new national project will essentially be version two. zero of the program that was launched back in 2021, and as the president clarified, all
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support measures that have proven their effectiveness will be extended, for example, the program of preferential lending for large tourism projects has been expanded with an emphasis on the hotel itself demanded 3-4 star segment, in addition, the head of state proposed the formation of a separate federal project for the production of domestic products for the industry, the same cable cars, cabins, rotrucks, and attractions. in the ukrainian direction , we understand what is connected with this, what restrictions arise in connection with a number of illegitimate sanctions against russia, well , we see where the russian state needs to achieve success, we do it, we achieve it, it’s the same here need to do, need to do the same if something now
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it’s hard to buy, it’s clear that it’s impossible to buy everything, it’s clear that something has to be there.
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but the road is still in limbo, what is suspended there, what has not been agreed upon? vladimirovich, we are systematically dealing with this issue; due to the rise in costs of certain problems, there have been shifts in deadlines, but, as you said, we are dividing all the congresses into work in a five-year plan, we have them, now we are clarifying a number of technical tasks, this is very important for the crimeans, and for
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the residents of sevastopol, and for all the others - russians who go there on vacation, wherever you won’t look... when complete security is ensured . of course, all this will become possible then, in the region, but the president has no doubt that this will be the case. vladimir recalled that the day before he spoke with pilots in the tver region.
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must be built with this perspective; we must already plan now what will be required when these plans are implemented in full. and today the president was shown a video dedicated to the five seas project of lake baikal. we are talking about ten new all-season resorts, of which three are just the deepest lake on the planet, two each on the black sea coast and the baltic and one each on the caspian, azov and the sea of ​​japan. the project, of course, is grandiose, as the president summarized, it was shown beautifully, it must be done now. to improve biden's catastrophically low ratings, former presidents obama and clinton joined his election campaign. among other things , they will try to help raise funds, but it will be very difficult to do this,
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the head of our american bureau, valentin bogdanov, found out. the latest find.
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i am absolutely sure that this is a sign of concern, i think obama’s popularity in many ways exceeds the popularity of the entire democratic party, so his appearance is usually considered as one of their own...
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there are never too many old friends, bill clinton was also brought up, today everyone will gather together in the new york radio hall. three presidents have teamed up to try to stop donald trump.
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samm benquen's parents, frieda, immediately tried to escape from the journalists. the irony is that both are lawyers, professors at stanford university, and against them too
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a lawsuit has been filed with accusations. their son’s clients claim that the parents knew full well that the cryptocurrency exchange was originally created as a financial pyramid. moreover, just before the bankruptcy, tsem gave them a bonus of 10 million dollars and a villa in the bahamas for 16 million. no need to withdraw, please show respect. the judge sentenced benkman fried himself to 25 years in prison with confiscation of $11 billion. the thirty-two-year-old financier, of course, does not have that kind of money. he knew that he was committing a crime and only regretted the unsuccessful betting that they won't be able to catch him, but he's not going to admit guilt. in november , a jury found bankman freed guilty of stealing billions of dollars from clients' accounts while defrauding lenders. and investors, as well as in money laundering. the investigation established that the founder of the crypto exchange spent other people’s money on elite entertainment, and also generously donated to democratic politicians. in 2022
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, in the year of... the organizer of one of the largest scams in us history does not admit guilt, claims that he simply had poor control over his finances and was very gullible, apparently, he was confident that influential democrats would help him avoid responsibility. in front of the jury he behaved quite impudently, and only when he realized that he would definitely be imprisoned did he try to placate the court. customers suffered, i don’t want to downplay that at all. i also think that these words on my part were not enough during the process,
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now i'm co'.
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generously distributed bribes, as a result , about 11 billion dollars disappeared. lawyers say there is very little chance of reducing the sentence, but benk manfried can count on probation early release after serving 12 years. anton dadykin, lead. due to the squally wind , there was partially no light and traffic on the central streets was blocked, dozens of trees were knocked down and roofs were torn off, but the wind speed reached 28 m/sec. the following footage was taken by eyewitnesses. the capitals were in a state of emergency; among other things, 40 houses, 11 schools and eight kindergartens were damaged. two people were injured. now the situation has improved, the storm has moved
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