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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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how exactly does the number help? you are incomparably original in your questions, and what is in general with production, raw materials, exports, what is our product like?
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hello, the correspondents of the program will talk about the main legal events of the day , the duty department and i, maxim movchan. security officials established a connection between the terrorists who staged the attack in the city hall and ukrainian nationalists. evidence was obtained after interrogations and examination of mobile phone information about financial transactions. investigators reported this to the chairman of the russian claim, alexander bastrykin, at an operational meeting. now the accused have begun to be taken to places where they were preparing for a terrible crime. words. at the fifth entrance on a spacious street in putilkovo near moscow, security forces take the terrorist magomedsabir fayzov out of the paddy wagon, the bandit is seated in a wheelchair and brought into the room, under heavy security he was taken by investigative actions to a rented apartment, where the bandits honed the plan for a bloody terrorist attack. they brought the terrorist and showed that he was in his apartment there did, how i prepared, all that, about 25-30 people were here, they closed here, here and... here passage would be impossible
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. in parallel with this, investigative actions took place in crocus city hall, at least two of them were brought there the arrested perpetrators of the terrorist attack, at the scene of the tragedy, the killers confessed and probably told the sequence of their actions, as well as who and what role was assigned, the bandits were interviewed by investigators in turn, this is done so that the criminals could not contact among themselves, around lunch, terrorist magomed sabir fayzov gave evidence to the host. where he lived while the crime was being prepared, the buildings were put into custody, during this time dozens of security forces were detached. walks around, and here you ask people in masks, with machine guns, my client is sitting with me, during the arrest, the killer of people in the crocus network hall was ranin, he was interrogated in the intensive care unit, he was brought to the selection of a preventive measure in a medical chair. only a few days have passed since then, but apparently the youngest of the perpetrators of the bloody terrorist attack turned out to be is in good health, recovering quickly and can already participate. in on-site investigative
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activities, while fayzov tells the security forces about the motives of the terrible crime, media representatives visited the bandit’s homeland and talked with his mother, the woman hides her face, it’s clear why, she said that she forgave her son, who, as part of a terrorist group, took the lives of at least 143 people, it’s hard to imagine, he asks to let the killer go home, he was not what they imagine him to be, he was afraid to even offend a bird, i... i can’t believe that he went for it. i urge that my son’s young age be taken into account and he be extradited to his homeland. perhaps he didn't realize what he was doing. because of this , our entire family, all our relatives and neighbors are now suffering. meanwhile, some relatives of another criminal, the leader of the terrorist group shamsidin fariduni, have already rushed to declare that they are abandoning him. this is fariduni's house, where he lived a few years ago. it is obvious that the bandit's family existed in... extreme poverty,
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apparently at some point he was recruited terrorist organization, immediately after his arrest, fariduni admitted to the villagers that he had listened to a certain preacher and was responsible for committing a bloody terrorist attack. it is obvious that the leader of the terrorist group was generously financed by his handlers. shamsiddin fariduni visited turkey, where he allegedly underwent appropriate training, and then rented an apartment 10 minutes from crocus for 60,000 rubles. in the three-ruble ruble, the bandits perfected their bloody plan, judging by the abundance of skeins of tape, here they fastened them together. are automatic horns before the attack, from here on the evening of march 22 in a white renault they moved to crocus cityhall. there is already official evidence that all four perpetrators of the terrorist attack were under the influence of prohibited substances that change the perception of reality, dull
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the sense of fear and the instinct of self-preservation. judging by this image from a traffic camera, when leaving crocus cityhall, the abiyans accelerated the old renault to a speed of over 140 km/h. they climbed up the smoke-filled stairs to the fourth floor to the server room, broke down the door, looked at the recordings from cctv cameras, installed the car in which the criminals escaped and immediately transmitted data to the operational headquarters, which made it possible to establish the route of their movement and detain. these records have now formed
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the basis of the criminal case file, the investigators still have a lot of work ahead, the main goal remains the same to track the connections of the terrorists and to find those who ordered the bloody crime. for now at the department. reports that they were able to establish the arrest of another suspect who participated in a scheme to finance a terrorist group. evidence of their connection with ukrainian nationalists has been obtained. the investigation has at its disposal confirmed data that the perpetrators of the terrorist attack received significant amounts of cryptocurrency funds from ukraine, which were used in preparing the crime. in the near future , the investigation intends to petition for the arrest of the detainee.
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a barely noticeable smile on his face, an amazing composure befitting the accusation that was brought against him. investigators are sure that reznikov killed his beloved, and then her seven-year-old daughter. what prompted you to commit a crime? lyubov nazaryeva came from donbass to the dmitovsky district of the moscow region in 2016, and then she met her new boyfriend , alexander reznikov. according to investigators , the lovers were vacationing together in one of the krasnogorsk snt. we talked, and there was a little girl nearby, lyubov’s daughter. the romantic evening was disrupted by the wife. decided to give her husband a surprise, unexpectedly came to visit from ukraine, but in the end the surprise awaited her, a skirmish ensued and alexander decided that the best way to prove fidelity to his wife was to rid her of her rival, he allegedly shot his new acquaintance in the head with a traumatic pistol, then without hesitation
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he strangled the girl as a witness; from crucian carp in the moscow region,
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a sentence of up to life imprisonment, it remains a mystery where the alleged accomplice of the killer is, according to one source, she could have escaped justice on territory of ukraine, but according to rumors they could have killed her so that she would not give. from the incriminating testimony, in general, this remains to be sorted out by the investigation. vladimir bazov, dmitry frolov, lead the duty department. and to live and serve in the krasnoyarsk territory, a new administrative and residential complex was built for district police officers. the head of the regional headquarters of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, alexander richitsky, was personally present at the opening ceremony. today, on the territory of the krasnoyarsk territory, there are three such complexes, where the local police are authorized. it has the opportunity to both perform your official tasks and enjoy your free personal
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time. comfortable and equipped with the latest technology , the complex will allow residents of the village of strelka to quickly receive help from employees of the ministry of internal affairs. they won’t tolerate it, they won’t fall in love; every year hundreds of women and children in our country become victims of domestic violence. how can i help them? don't miss the premiere this weekend on russia-24 tv channel. the new investigation of eduard petrov hits, which means it doesn’t like him. loud scandals between loving people happen regularly. at first he beat me, and then i beat him once and found out that i was better at it. in fact, i killed my husband and killed it as a pity. even celebrities find themselves in the role of victims. it all starts with some incredible love, he hit me so that my head flew into this corner. the sweet life has turned into vada. i open my eyes.
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from the now former policeman , details of the fast and furious attack in khimkinsk became known. the law enforcement officer rammed several cars at once and gave chase, but to break away from his i couldn’t really explain myself to my colleagues either. about the reasons for the research sultan dzeganov. the podrezova microdistrict in khimki podmoskovnye here on mira street, between residential buildings and a construction site, there is this section of road with quite busy traffic, but the speed of the traffic flow is low. to arrange a massive accident here, you need to really try, but there was a weird
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driver who couldn’t pass, not even with other road users, he started ramming parked cars. here is a video witness, a hyonda with a dented side part is standing in the parking lot, two meters from the sedan a nissan is accelerating. the front part of the japanese suv is also broken, according to our sources, the man behind the wheel is none other than vyacheslav shubochkin, an employee of the khimki department of the ministry of internal affairs at that time. here is a supposed photo of him, he is either drunk or simply lost his mind, it is simply impossible to find any other explanation for his inappropriate actions, and given the nature of the damage to the korean foreign car, repairs for its owner will cost a pretty penny. a lot of investment can be bought for this money, then without looking he backs up, hits a second car, driving from side to side, he crashes into a third vehicle in a neighboring parking lot,
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then hits the back of an oncoming bmw and simply leaves the scene of the accident. no, everything is fine, here he is, the cops took him. it is curious that this is not the first time shubochkin has allowed such behavior. he pulled out onto the side of the road, the pedestrian didn’t care, he almost ran over the pedestrian. these summer shots were taken with a taxi driver's dash cam. even then, in the manner characteristic of a reckless driver, he commits dangerous maneuvers, almost hitting pedestrians. with grief in half, he still manages to get to mkat, but the multi-lane highway has become the finish line. traffic police officers rush in pursuit of the inappropriate driver. in the area of ​​the junction with dmitrovskoye highway, traffic police are blocking the path of the violator. here the reckless driver rushes into some kind of explanation, but the dialogue does not go away. the arrest is underway.
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japan report by our correspondent, sergei mengazhev. top managers of a japanese pharmaceutical company make a public apology, bowing their heads in a routine bow
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for the fact that their products have already caused the death of at least four people and hospitalization. over hundreds of buyers in the last 9 months. tablets with red yeast rice extract under the brand name kobayashi seyaku, according to the description, help lower cholesterol, but in fact lead to kidney failure and intestinal dysfunction, and the company admitted responsibility for the fact that this type of dietary supplement is dangerous to health only after 2 months after citizens began to receive complaints about the quality product. i began to... experience constant drowsiness, weakness throughout my body, while there was no normal sleep, and then i developed problems with my kidneys. red yeast rice is a product of fermentation, the corresponding shade is formed as a result of the cultivation of a special type of mold. in japan it is produced on an industrial scale and sold in powder form. in the dietary supplement departments of japanese pharmacies,
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all preparations that include red yeast rice have been withdrawn everywhere, but the problem is that the use of this raw material is not limited. baked goods and food colorings, so until the true cause of death is identified, all of these products have the potential to pose a danger to life. over the past years, these products from kobayashi have been purchased on an ongoing basis by nearly 200 companies of various profiles. here, the owner of a small bakery in shiga prefecture demonstrates.
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for example, meat pies or a rice side dish with vegetables. while admitting responsibility in general, the company was still unable to answer the question what substance in their products is harmful. all those who died used these dietary supplements for a long time, having begun reducing cholesterol in this way in april 2021; one of the patients died on march 23 of this year. primary symptoms, swelling throughout the body, this in turn puts a strain on... the heart, as a result of long-term exposure , heart failure develops, all this is aggravated by kidney problems and leads to breathing problems, which in the end can most likely cause of death. the scandal has already spread beyond the borders of japan, and one can definitely say that at least a serious blow to the image of japanese goods. in russia , products with red yeast enzymes do not
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have a certificate of conformity, so their sales are illegal. nevertheless, in russian online stores. rospotrebnadzor reports that these products are not registered as dietary supplements in russia, and their sale is a violation of the requirements of acts that constitute the law of the eurasian economic union. in japan, the solution to the problem is brought to the government level, which today officially notified the world health organization that...
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looks around the countries and disappears into the building, as follows from the case materials, he is accused of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale, taking into account the charge brought against the director of capital investments of the state corporation rusatom, gennady sakharov faces imprisonment from 8 to 15 years. a former reality show star was sentenced to a sentence for a blogger-auditor in chelyabinsk. the tv hero believed in his popularity, hired solid security, and imagined himself arbiter of justice. he organized inspections of establishments, caused scandals, one of which ... ended with shots fired. details from ekaterina lekhomanova. in the central district court of chelyabinsk , scandalous blogger alfred javadov is preparing to hear the verdict. his mother is in the courtroom. cries, but the accused continues to keep his image in front of journalists, and it seems that he does not realize how serious everything is, this is not the end yet, either we are the winners, or the game is not over yet,
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javadov first built his career on television, was a scandalous participant in less scandalous reality show, but could not maintain the ratings, he left the project, but the habit of living in the format of ostentatious hysteria remained. alfred javadov worked hard on the image and launched a personal project, albeit on the internet. a menacing pseudonym, a black mercedes, a half-length gold watch , an entourage that obviously imitates law enforcement officers; by the way, the blogger calls them his own security service. for those who have not yet understood, we will come for everyone who allowed themselves too much or allowed themselves to cheat prostitution or such devilish moments. in this composition, javad fonge alfred moscow organized regular checks in the city's establishments, showing off. our work, as many know, is very dangerous and extravagant, phenomenal, unusual. monitoring is carried out
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by me personally, we make test purchases, check, monitor, for example, in this video, a blogger was looking for an overdue item in a supermarket. and here at the local strip club there are moral principles. in our country we will not engage in such satanic activities. views and likes, the blogger could have thrown his hair into a plate or shouted that people in the establishment were being fed poison, but at some point he finally lost the boundary between reality and the show; the video showed how javadov fired a gas pistol in the face of the owner of the establishment, his hands take it away, put your hands away, i told you, put your hands away, it turned out that before that he had allegedly demanded money from the management of the cafe, in the first moment, as it were, he immediately said something like 5,000 dollars, this is the situation. became the reason for inspections, and subsequently the detention of the auditor with black beard. by the way, his security service disappeared somewhere at the same moment.
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criminal cases were initiated against the suspect under articles 213 and 112 of the criminal code of the russian federation. while javadov was making money from scandalous video reviews, conscientious entrepreneurs were counting serious losses. businesses suffer from these bloggers. well, any ordinary person sees, listen, what horrors. will happen in this beauty salon or in this restaurant, of course, he will not go there, and even repost it, and if there are a lot of subscribers, the video can become viral, spread all over the internet, and in general the business can be closed. according to the law , for such self-taught auditors there are many restrictions; in their rights they are no different from ordinary visitors, if a person comes to you, says what i am with the audit, and if he performs, for example, some kind of journalistic work of his own ... and the task, then he must have a written task, in addition to the licensed status, so to speak, of a journalist, well and of course, if it’s just a blogger, then he
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doesn’t have the right to just come into the kitchen. however, javadov is charged only with hooliganism and causing moderate harm to health after he shot at the owner of the establishment. the blogger does not agree with the verdict. according to the script of his own reality show, it was a self-defense scene. the state prosecutor demanded that the blogger be sentenced to... 8 years in prison, but the court chose a milder punishment. as a result, javadov received 5 years in prison. in addition, he will have to pay moral compensation to the victim. but there is there is a high probability that this is not the end of the story, because other entrepreneurs who have lost client profits after the blogger’s scandalous videos may also go to court. ekaterina lekhamanova, dmitry forolov, news. duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in the telegram channel. conduct the duty department and an honest detective, subscribe, also watch our investigation and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our episode is completed,
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