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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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we have to be very careful here, i think, now all the necessary measures are being taken, but the fact that we have passed this next test, an attempt to drive an interethnic wedge between our peoples, this is already obvious, people understood this, well, we will honestly come first, and then i’m like once again, i’ll return to the topic you’re talking about, isis, not isis, you’ve stood it, well, the process is going on, yes, i said that to repeat myself, we’ve stood it for today, now the process of comprehension is underway, it’s still not over and... emotions are going through the roof and emotions are very high, and some extremely illiterate commentators they are trying to add fuel to the fire, and it is no coincidence that vladimir vladimirovich just spoke now and here we need to really think, especially there are commentators, and there are people who did not succumb to this, so now they can go with clubs and start this people, but the commentators are right, today the president drew attention to this; if you look, trouble always begins with a minority, well, yes.
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that exist in society must be treated systematically, but from certain positions, these are some positions that were precisely defined by the president, now there is advertising, we are on vacation we are going, and we are going, for the third year, so open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster, for business.
2:32 am
register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account. then open a business account on
2:33 am
your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s alive, no one knows anything. alexander mikhailov. in short, we have to go there, this is war, kolya, war. vitaly kishchenko. you you understand that i don’t have a ration or a weapon for you, get ready to blow on moscow, we need to write down the missing ones. no, that won’t work, i came for him, i have to find him. nadezhda markina, you look very much like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, then there were them, and then, then i don’t know, anton shakin, that means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger.
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the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. any war is infantry. until the infantryman sets foot on the territory, it is not considered conquered. we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out with komikazas. when there is no accompaniment, you are walking, roughly speaking, blindly. you don't know what's ahead of you. outpost, outpost yangel, let's be brief, yes, i observe, the people who are here at the control points, they are making no less effort than the attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, such a pace has entered, the work has been built, the work is on reality.
2:35 am
it's funny kirby blames russia, he says absolute disgusting, abomination, in general, today , how did it happen today that the nightingale was talking with jeffrey in the morning, and he says that he is very... upsetting that there is no more diplomatic decency in the world, that the way biden behaves, well that this is completely indecent, and kirby is trying to cosplay biden, but when a little man with dyed hair, he looks like a rear admiral from a crap bullet, and there, well, they were caught many times in
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lies, in particular about the tragedies that happened to the civilian population in afghanistan, when they were withdrawing troops when they are now trying something be rude and say that there are russian officials there . as a result of working with detained terrorists, studying technical devices seized from them, analyzing information about financial transactions, evidence was obtained
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of their connection with ukrainian nationalists. the investigation has at its disposal confirmed data that the perpetrator of the terrorist attack received significant amounts of crypto funds. currencies from ukraine that were used in preparing the crime. another suspect has been identified and detained. he was involved in the scheme terrorist financing. the investigation will petition the court to impose a preventive measure against him in the form of detention. the official chairman of the investigative committee of russia is svetlana petrenko. at the same time, kirvy and other americans say: “we have given comprehensive information, as the new york times writes.” nothing of the kind, they were afraid to reveal their sources, but not a russian official at all, but objectively, i think dmitry will confirm, a very respected expert, jeffrey sachs, with colossal international experience, which is not without irony he told me that now victoria
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will be his colleague, they will work at the same university, he said, well, it’s probably better, well, at least that’s it, the main thing is that it’s not in the state department, these are his thoughts on the matter. yes, we know many facts, we know that the us knew about this attack in advance, we don’t know how, we didn’t know why, where, but this raises a very huge number of serious questions, and the fact that the us government has not clarified these questions , just simply shows the whole horror of the situation, if the attack was planned, it will eventually happened. on march 7th we remember that this was an attack on a shopping center in moscow, everyone was told that they should not go to the shopping center in moscow, why, as they knew, and the us does not explain anything to anyone, yes, we know moreover, we know that those terrorists went
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towards ukraine, and this does raise a real question. we know more than this that nuland was just talking about these terrible surprises. she could become my colleague at columbia university, are n't you lucky? perhaps we are the lucky ones that she is finally leaving washington and going to university, you know, these terrible surprises that she noted, these are a few days before the attack, raises very serious, extremely serious questions, we also know that...
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the state of the ussr in afghanistan, which should have just mastered the situation when drawing the ussr into afghanistan, this is a strategy. we know that the united states is in control of jihadists in the balkans and in the caucasus region, and this also leads to a huge number of very serious questions, if the united states knew, if the united states had information, there is a history of such relations, if they did not finance jihadists in syria, we know that there was an order from obama towards the cia in 2012. therefore, a huge number of serious questions arise here, how is this happening, why is it happening, we are in a state
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of war, we need to find answers to these questions so that we can defuse the situation, and not allow further escalation, which could lead to a full-scale disaster, it's not just a strategy, a tragedy, it's not just a crime, even considering what we know, but we don’t know all the details, this is a provocation on the part of the united states.
2:42 am
well, yes, genocidal maniacs inside the state department, this is the same as in hitler’s house they considered goebbels a wonderful guy.
2:43 am
okay, let's continue. she left, and i think one of the reasons she left was because she directly threatened vladimir putin and the russians. this is all recorded. and she directly states that putin will receive, quote, surprises. let's start with this as a starting point. and then it happened warning march 7. i don't know if you saw diamond john hirby declare from the white house. oh, you know, we didn't have any threat information when we issued the warning on march 7th. what? he just put out a warning saying, “hey, don’t show up at the concerts in moscow, things might get bad.” yes, we don't know why we published this. yes, they just did it that way. considering that i have been a patient for many years, i can say that usually, when...
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they will do this mercilessly, absolutely without all kinds, as they say, in a cannibalistic way, this consciousness should generally come, as they say, into the mass consciousness, because many of the problems that we face, we face precisely with the absence of this feeling of one’s own
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involvement and at least elementary understanding that our safety is already personal to each of us, and you? this is an official who lets migrants through, takes a bribe there, but he shouldn’t take a bribe, he should understand that tomorrow it’s like that, i’m not against migrants, i think there are hundreds of thousands migrants generally make a huge contribution to the construction of the country, in this sense , vladimir vladimirovich is absolutely right when he draws attention to this issue, but we all know how often it happens, how these people ended up in russia, eh?
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this exists, and i am saying that until people understand that this concerns his personal fate, his children, this will continue, responsibility, it must, we must understand that we are faced with a merciless enemy, absolutely merciless, it will be like this , as in crocus city, without any ceremony, with me from the very beginning there was no doubt, i’m not a politician, not a political scientist, a professional, i had no doubt where, as they say, legs grow, it’s just the whole style, not here it is, here it is, it’s ukrainian, although the performers are not ukrainians, but the style is ukrainian.
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very important, firstly, they, in my opinion, clearly expected that they would all be beaten, we must pay tribute to our special services and, by the way, as far as i understand, police officers, ordinary traffic police officers, yes, who did not drive the car at all, but they already took it, well, i mean, they kind of played a key role in general, it turns out that when they, well , found the car, yes, they found the car by the wheels, there it turned over, well, as in the information.
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russia is a natural rear. both resource and military, in this sense, take away russia, and indeed china can be crushed, quite quickly, so it seems to me that this, well, this cynicism, it amazes, but it also amazes another thing, how skillfully it is, how skillfully it is built in information, i see, it’s like this even in our newspapers, even our press, yes, it’s sort of accepted a priori, well yes, for the united states this is a threat, it seems... this is some kind of correct argument, that this is a serious reason, because china is a threat for the united states, why? what, what did china do,
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do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to your personal account? then open a business account on alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. we are going on vacation, and we are going for the third year, so open vtb savings account, rate 16%, save up faster, let's see before anyone else where vasnetsova is, let go of simuda, vosnetsova, i'm in real life right now, you know, i'm not very comfortable, someone was killed again, what's the matter with you, no sleep, no there is no rest, let's sign up and watch.
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fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear who were called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. friday is inagent's birthday. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for , they are enemies. but they are pathetic, we concentrated and evil, they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, if you have any property in germany, yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they would commit an offense against the law, and i was the victim.
3:00 am
but outwardly it seems like we are following all the rules there, but here we write to the agent, we write this, this is all this, there is a lot of this, this is silent, this...


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